As you know, my team has been diligently seeking to modify our recently developed Sunburst generator to isolate and enhance specific energy signatures in an effort to find one capable of eradicating the deadly tasun virus that is ravaging our world. Years ago, when we first discovered the Kasor energy field that surrounds our planet, no one realized its potential in this regard. Our approach at Sunburst Technologies—when we designed the first of the universal conversion modules—was to leave the field undisturbed.
That passive approach worked well. The modules simply converted that which existed within the ether into electrical energy. We designed the units to power anything from the minuscule to the mammoth, without any disruption to the field; the results exceeded our wildest expectations. In addition, the best part is that the field renews itself, so the supply is endless. Who would have thought only twenty years ago we would discover a limitless energy source that rivals the sun, and that module technology would advance so rapidly to utilize it!
However, as I informed you last month, the exciting discoveries did not end there. Recent research has revealed the Kasor field consists of infinite combinations of individual energy signatures. It seems there are layers and sub-layers to the field we never imagined existed. We developed the Sunburst generator to simulate all those signatures, but in particular one we feel has the capacity to kill off the tasun virus. We intend to program the generator to replicate that signature and enhance it. We then hope to test its efficacy in eradicating the virus by way of a controlled experiment in a suitable location. We feel the wave generated should not cause any undue interference within the Kasor field.
We plan to test the prototype two days from now at the new Grellwood amusement park. The park is only half completed, but the owners have delayed further construction due to the virus scare, so we managed to persuade them to let us conduct our tests within its enclosure. This remarkable fortress has walls formed from that incredible, indestructible material recently developed by Sestran Industries, permabide. They claim it will withstand all natural erosion and deterioration for over seven thousand years. Just think! These massive walls will still be standing, pristine and polished, long after you and I are nothing but bones. They say Sestran also installed a self-cleaning process that will periodically remove debris that accumulates on the upper walkway and the escalator stairwells. They coated the surfaces with a chemical substance that works at a nano level to renew itself as it naturally dissolves any organic or mineral buildup while leaving the permabide surface untouched. They claim the chemical coating will not outlast the wall, but has a considerable life span.
Of course, I am proud of the fact that the electronics of this facility is a product of our Sunburst technology. We designed the base module to the specific requirements of the park’s owners. We manufactured a single module to allow for separate cells within that module to power separate units of the park. We told them tapping individual cells in this manner would shorten the life span of the module as a whole, with the potential for some power cells to weaken prematurely, but they felt our overall guarantee was so strong that they would accept that possibility. I am confident this module could potentially power this facility for five thousand years, the same length of time we estimate the modules that currently power our streetlights should last. As you know, we guarantee all our modules are that durable, from the tiny ones powering the smallest devices to this large one buried far beneath Grellwood. Of course, we offer a disclaimer if the units encounter prolonged exposure to the elements, as their shells are not—at least not yet—constructed of permabide.
Oh, and I can’t forget to mention a nice little touch we added to the lights installed below ground. Each individual bulb includes a tiny module that will separately power the light when activated by human touch. Normally, a cell that’s part of the large central module would control all the lights of a facility. However, this is a safety feature in case of a massive failure in the park’s master module, or in that cell that controls lighting. If people become trapped below Grellwood due to a power failure, and have no portable light source with them, they can just detach any bulb from its holder and it will serve just as well.
Our test will commence in a couple of days, and I hope to relay the positive results to you by the end of the week. The fortress walls are the first and only in the entire world constructed using permabide, and that convinced us it is the one safe location to test the prototype. In the unlikely event something should go wrong, we feel these walls can contain any stray energy outburst. I look forward to relaying our results to you by weeks end.