Read Sapien Strife Page 2


  The alarm went off at nine in the morning, something Terry was never used to. He saw Jon, tapping his foot at the doorway. It was obvious Jon was upset about something, yet he was so calm talking.“Your parents called last night. They said they would be in the neighborhood around four. Care to explain why you were hiding your parents from me?”

  Terry had no choice, but to tell Jon the truth.“You see Jon, my parents don't exactly know about me being a sapiensexual and my dad doesn't like humans a lot either.”

  Jon's anger melted away and was replaced with guilt. Being the teacher he is, he knew how hard it was for someone to be open up about being a sapiensexual. He hugged Terry, hoping to apologize. A kiss on his forehead let Jon know he was forgiven.“Come on Jon, let's get the place ready.”

  With that, the two set out to clean the apartment for Terry's parents. Jon would power lift the furniture and Jon would clean under it. Jon caught Terry peeking a few times when he had to bend all the way over. He simply chuckled. Even when they're cleaning, Terry was still trying to check him out.

  After what seemed like hours, the house was ready, the two were showered, and the day wasn't even planned. Terry looked at Jon, who was wiping the table over. Terry watched as Jon rubbed himself over the table, unknowingly turning Terry on. By the time Jon finished, he turned around to see Terry panting for some reason.“Are you okay Terry?You look like you ran a marathon.”

  Terry swallowed hard. If he gave in to his urges right now, the smell of sex would be everywhere. So, he shook it off.“It's nothing Jon, just excited and nervous.”

  As Terry was speaking, a long-awaited knock was at the door. Terry took a deep breath, and opened the door with a beaming smile.“Mom!Dad!Come on in!” Jon smiled as a giraffe larger than Terry actually ducked through the doorway. He was a giant!The father must have been at least nine feet tall The mother was much shorter. She looked only six feet tall. Jon's face was silent with shock as he watched Terry's mother and father walk up to him.

  The mothers voice was soft and sweet.“Hello. I’m Joanne. You must be Jon” Jon smiled and shook her hand.

  The father on the other hand, sounded just as gruff and rude as he was on the phone.“You're human?” Jon bit his tongue as he went on about how having a human roommate was a waste.

  Jon wasn't upset at this. In fact, he knew just what to say.“Sir, I own this apartment, have a masters degree in human anthro relations, and I've been working hard to be where I am now. If anything's a waste, it's you talking down to me.”

  Terry's jaw dropped in a mix of horror and shock as he saw his boyfriend stare down his giant of a father. Luckily, Joanne knew what to say.“So Terry, what do you have planned?”

  Terry was never happier to hear his mom to speak.“Well mom, I planned to take dad to help me get dinner. I'm going to make fish for dinner tonight.” Terry didn't really have a plan, he just wanted to get his dad away from Jon before he tried to crush him. The two left, leaving Jon and Joanne to socialize.

  It's not that Jon didn't want to talk, it's just he was worried what might come up. He was personally worried that Joanne might ask questions about the living arrangements. So, he was silent. Joanne however, was still suspicious. Then, she said the most outright biggest surprise to Jon.“I know about Terry. I've known for a long time.”

  Jon was frozen, so Joanne continued.“Ever since his junior year in high school, I knew he was a sapiensexual. He didn't notice me watch him kiss his science partner.” At this point, the two sat down so they would feel more comfortable.“I decided to wait for him to tell me when he felt ready. It's been five years. I know you've barely spoken since we met, but I can already see why Terry loves you.”

  Jon smiled.“Thank you. Terry decided today was the day to come out to you both. I guess Terry wanted to tell his father on his own. I hope everything's okay.”

  Just then, the door burst open, Terry's father shouting louder than Jon ever heard.“You're disowned!I will not allow someone carry the Smith name and be dating something as disgusting as a human!”

  When Terry got through the door, he was just as mad.“I don't care what you say!I love him and there's nothing that can change that!” In all his life, Terry has never felt this kind of anger towards his father. A burn like he was showered with boiling water.

  As their shouting grew and grew, Jon and Joanne became more and more scared of them. Whenever the shouting would get louder, the two would slowly retreat away from them more. Only when the two turned to not look at each other, did they see their terrified spouses. They each stopped yelling and went to comfort their significant other. Terry and his father looked at each other, their loved ones crying in their arms.

  Terry took Jon to the bedroom, while his father stayed with Joanne out on the couch. Terry laid Jon out on the bed proceeded to cheer him up. He knew Jon would be cheered up if he made him laugh. As Terry looked at Jon, he knew that wouldn't work. This was the first time Jon saw Terry argue hatefully. If he didn't fix this now, things between them would never be the same.

  He kissed Jon on the cheek and slowly rubbed his arm.“I can't stand to see you sad. Please tell me how I can make the happiness come back to you.” Terry's never been this poetic before.

  Jon rolled over and looked up at Terry. “Your arms look so soft, so inviting, so safe. I remember I was scared of you when we first met. I knew the temper came with the size. After watching you shout at your own father, I realized we planned this night all wrong.”

  Terry scooped Jon up and nuzzled him, causing the once sad human to giggle. He kissed Jon on he head. He was happy again. Terry then set him down and grabbed his hand, which Jon then proceeded to hug it.“Come on Jon, let's give this night a happy ending.”

  The two walked out to see Terry's parents, calmly sitting there, waiting. Terry's father spoke first.“Jon, Son, today didn't go exactly as anyone wanted, and I apologize for that.” He stood up and walked over to Jon.“I never should have been so quick to judge you. You make my son happy. That should be enough for me as a father.” He turned to Terry.“I want to apologize to you the most. Raising you the way I did, made you hide a part of yourself from your family. No one should have to do that. I shouldn't hate humans because my father did. Not if my own wife becomes terrified of me every time I yell.”

  At first, Jon and Terry stood there, silent. Neither of them expected him to have a change of heart so fast. Jon was the first to manage a response.“Thank you. I'm not going to try to relate to you because I know I won't. I can however, help you understand what sapiensexuals have to go through. Come with me to work tomorrow at noon before you leave.”

  After working out the details and a short goodnight, Jon and Terry retreated to their bedroom, while the parents left for their hotel down the street. The two slipped under the covers, too tired from the day to even take off their clothes. Terry however, still had enough energy to talk.

  “Are you sure you can handle my dad tomorrow?I can go with you since I have tomorrow off.” Terry was worried his dad would get angry at Jon, with him not around.

  Jon rolled over to look into the eyes of his giraffe.“It's okay. I'm confident that if I show your father what kind of life we have to live just to teach those like us, he might understand how you feel.I have to try.”

  Terry smiled at his goodhearted human as they fell asleep, an exciting day awaiting one of them tomorrow.