Read Sapiosexual Page 14

“Okay,” Chelbie said. “Let me get this straight. You were swingers. Things went bad. You almost broke up but didn’t.”

  “Maybe she didn’t explain it the best way—”

  “I got attacked by a batcrap crazy woman who had delusions of being a soulmate to a guy who didn’t even know her last name, and you think it’s even remotely the same thing?”

  “When people do things without thinking them through—”

  “I’m kinky!” She threw her hands up, ignoring the way pain flared in her left shoulder when she did. “Okay? Here’s the full truth. I’m kinky, I’ve been kinky for as long as I could remember, even before I knew there was a name for what I was. I’ve been going to a BDSM club. I know swingers, Mom, Dad. Okay? I have friends who are swingers. I’m not, but whatever. Your kink is not my kink.

  “But all my life, I felt different. I felt weird. I felt like an oddball. I didn’t fit in. I think that’s why Mallory and I got along so well together, because we had each other. I looked at you two and thought you know, I would love to have what my parents have, but I have a feeling I’m never going to find something that good.”

  She turned and pointed to where the men were still standing in the foyer. “For the first time—and yes, I get that I’m young—I feel like I’ve found the right path. The Holy Grail. The perfect answer. I don’t feel weird anymore.” She stared at her parents. “And when I met them, I thought I’d finally found where I fit in, someone who’d love me and all my weirdness.”

  “We love you,” her mom said.

  “I know. But I never thought I’d find someone to love me the way you two love each other.”

  “We’re not perfect,” her dad said. “Far from it. But we wanted to tell you that even though we’re worried for you, we know we can’t control you. If they’re who you really want…okay. Just promise us that if something goes wrong, you’ll come home. You won’t try to tough it out because you’re too proud to admit something went bad.”

  “We won’t say we told you so,” her mom said. “We promise.”

  “You won’t have to,” Chelbie said. “They’re the real deal.”

  “Chelbie,” Nick said from the doorway. “Let them talk.”

  “Yeah,” Rich said. “You’re kind of not hearing them.”

  “We’re sorry we blew up at the hospital,” her mom said. “It caught us by surprise.”

  “We’d like a chance to start over,” her dad said.

  Chelbie eyed them suspiciously. She hurt all over. She also didn’t want to take any more pain pills.

  “Please?” her mom asked.

  “We’re a package deal,” Chelbie said. “Like it or not. Yes, I promise, on the chance things don’t work out between us, I’ll admit it. But things will work out just fine. You have to trust me.”

  Her dad walked over and opened his arms to her. She finally went to him, hugging him. Her mom stood and joined them.

  “If you haven’t eaten yet, I was going to make dinner,” her mom said. “All three of you can stay if you’d like.”

  Chelbie looked at her guys. “Well?”

  Rich and Nick nodded. “Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Larson,” Rich said. “We’d like that very much.”

  “You can call us Bill and Susan,” her mom said.

  * * * *

  When they finally left a little before eleven, after dinner, more talking, and picking up some of Chelbie’s things, the three of them had agreed to come over again for dinner the next evening since Rich would have the night off.

  On the way back to their apartment, Chelbie closed her eyes and rested her head against the seat. She’d finally broken down and taken one of her pain pills, and it was hitting her hard.

  “You all right?” Nick asked.

  “Just in pain.”

  “Sorry, sweetheart,” Rich said. “We should have called it sooner. But since they were being so nice—”

  “It’s okay,” she said.

  “I can’t believe the damage Alexis did,” Nick said. “Honey, you realize you’re lucky she didn’t bash your skull in, right?”

  “Yeah, yeah.”

  “No,” Rich said. “Don’t blow it off. That was impressive. Now I know what the cops were saying, why they couldn’t believe it at first when you told them what you nailed her with.”

  Chelbie smiled. “The Silencer. Works every time. Just gotta know how to use it.”

  Chapter Twenty-one

  It took a couple of weeks for Chelbie’s parents to finally relax around the three of them. And when Chelbie officially moved out of their house and in with the men three weeks after the attack, her parents even helped with the move.

  Mal and Kel understood why she was backing out on moving into their apartment and completely supported her decision.

  Her parents made Chelbie promise to try to come to dinner at least once a week with them. She countered the offer with them either coming to their place sometimes, or meeting them at Puerto Mellow on nights Rich was playing.

  They agreed.

  Three weeks after living with the men, and they’d really grown into their roles. Now, they confidently dominated Chelbie in play and in bed, rarely taking that dynamic outside of the bedroom unless Chelbie hinted she wanted a subby day.

  Then she usually had to spend it naked, cuffed and collared, and ready to be bent over the couch for a quick bare-handed spanking before one of them fucked her mouth and the other fucked her pussy.

  On their one-month anniversary of living together, Rich had the night off and they took her out to eat at a nice restaurant on Siesta Key.

  After dinner, there on the beach, they both dropped to one knee and offered her a collar, a solid, round piece of hinged metal rod sealed with a special hex key. To it was attached a small, silver heart-shaped tag with both their initials engraved in it.

  “We want you to have this,” Rich said. “In six months, if you still want it, we’ll have a ceremony in front of everyone.”

  “We love you,” Nick said. “And I know we’re not the perfect Dominants yet, but we’re willing to stumble along as long as you promise to be patient with us and keep loving us.”

  She tearfully nodded, crying happy tears as they carefully fastened it around her neck. Anyone who didn’t know what it was would simply think it was a pretty piece of jewelry.

  To her, it was better than a wedding ring.

  “You guys are perfect,” she said, her arms around both of them. “You’re perfect for me, and I love you just the way you are.”

  * * * *

  Six months into her relationship with Nick and Rich, Chelbie knew she was exactly where she wanted to be, and that neither man was going anywhere. Chelbie had thought about inviting her parents to the collaring ceremony, then decided against it.

  Neither of her parents had asked her about her collar, even though she’d caught both of them eyeing it after the men gave it to her.

  Eventually, Chelbie and the men would discuss concrete future plans, like maybe her marrying one of them for legal reasons, but for now she was happy with their current arrangement. They’d settled on one year from the beach collaring as their “discussion date.” Then they’d figure out what the best course of action would be, including talking to an estate attorney recommended by Seth and Leah and Kel and Mal.

  But in Chelbie’s heart, she became the permanent property of her two guys that night on the beach when they stared up at her with hope and more than a little bit of fear in their eyes. They weren’t sure she would accept the collar, something they only admitted later.

  To her, that was a good thing. They weren’t complacent know-it-alls who would run roughshod over her.

  And she was happy to be owned by them.

  When the apartment’s lease was coming due for renewal, they talked with the complex manager and snagged a larger apartment, still first floor, in a different building. This one had a third bedroom and a larger master bedroom. Now they had a dedicated playroom, and Rich had a dedicated room he cou
ld use to make his music and videos. In the evenings, Nick could use the desk in there. With the three of them combining their pay, they had no problem paying the increased rent.

  Chelbie insisted on paying her fair share of the rent and utilities, meaning even with the increase, their per-person share went down so Rich had to chip in even less than before.

  Which Chelbie knew would help him out paying for his classes.

  And with her encouragement, and her help revamping both his website and YouTube channel page, his web hits had quadrupled.

  With the increased hits, his monthly ad revenue had increased, too. And he was working on an album to release on iTunes. Chelbie had created an album cover for him, and it and his YouTube videos were being shared all over social media among local student groups Chelbie and Mallory had friends in.

  Chelbie had also featured some of his music on book trailers her author clients had paid her to create. Extra bonus. They got free music, and Rich received additional free exposure.

  She loved seeing Rich’s self-esteem and confidence grow.

  The morning of their formal collaring ceremony, she happily awoke in bed between them, listening to the sounds of their light snores.

  This felt good. It felt right.

  She felt like she belonged here, with them.

  Neither man wanted to keep a foot on her neck in terms of controlling her. Well, in bed—or in the dungeon—they were completely in charge, which she was good with.

  Outside the bedroom, they considered her a cherished, well-loved partner.

  But she’d wanted to be collared by them in front of everyone. It didn’t mean squat legally, but it meant the world to her, and them.

  It meant the three of them had a commitment. A promise. One solid enough to repeat in front of everyone they considered friends and adopted family.

  And that was good enough for her.

  Loren, Tilly, and Mallory had wanted to go nuts with the ceremony.

  Chelbie didn’t want that. Neither did Rich or Nick. They wanted quick, short, sweet, and fast.

  It wasn’t lost on Chelbie that it was more because of Rich and Nick wanting it short and sweet than her wanting it that way that it would get all three of them their wish.

  Gilo even kept his ad-libs to a minimum, with Tilly’s blessings, while Loren basically ran through a kinky version of a vanilla wedding ceremony with them.

  Five minutes later, with the three of them exchanging simple, matching gold bands, they were being congratulated by all their friends before the playspace was declared open for the evening session.

  Tilly walked up to get her hugs. “I call dibs on throwing a kick-ass wedding or handfasting ceremony for you, if you go that route.”

  “And then you can,” Chelbie said. “Not until after I graduate, at least. But this was more a recommitment, not a first-time collaring.”

  Tilly poked each man in the shoulder. “You’re family now. That means if you fuck up, you’re especially fucked.”

  Rich grinned. “Don’t worry. We’re not letting her go anywhere.”

  “And we plan on keeping her very happy,” Nick added.

  “Good.” Tilly hugged her again, whispering in her ear as she did. “I think you did good, honey. I’m proud of you.”

  Chelbie felt herself tearing up. She didn’t just consider Tilly a friend, but a mentor. To hear that from her meant the world to her.


  Tilly waggled a finger at her, smiling. “Just don’t fuck it up.”

  That got Chelbie laughing. “I promise. No fucking up of the perfection.”

  “Atta girl.”

  * * * *

  They of course had to save the super-sexy time for when they returned home that night, although the men had reddened her ass on a bench and got her nice and horny without giving her any relief.

  Deliberately, Chelbie knew.

  Not that she was complaining.

  Hell, no, she wouldn’t complain about the two of them.

  Once they returned home, Chelbie eagerly tried to grope the men while they stripped her all the way to the bedroom before the three of them fell into bed. Nick finally had to grab her hands and pin them over her head.

  “Okay, Rich,” he said. “You get undressed, and then hold her. Only way we’ll get naked at this rate.”

  She squirmed against his grip, but only a little.

  Just enough to feel the resistance, the way he held her down. She didn’t actually want to be released.

  But being pinned down was hella good fun.

  Once they were both naked, Rich scooted up the bed, pulling her with him before flipping her over. “I think you know what to do now, baby, don’t you?”

  Rich grabbed her hair in one hand, her leather play collar with the other, and guided her to his stiff cock.

  After smiling up at him, she swallowed him to the root, while wiggling her hips and ass at Nick.

  “Oh, maaaan,” Nick groaned. “You know I can’t resist you when you do that.” He smacked her ass. “Do it some more.”

  She giggled around Rich’s cock as she went down on him, moaning at times when Nick alternated bare-handed swats to her ass with fingering her clit and pussy.

  When Nick nudged her knees wider apart, she knew what was coming. He knelt behind her and fed his cock into her pussy, grabbing her by the hips before slamming into her, hard and deep.

  It shoved her farther down onto Rich’s cock and made her explode in an intense orgasm that had her loudly crying out around his meat.

  They’d discovered by accident the exact angle to do that. Didn’t happen all the time, and she had to be really horny and ready to go when they did it, but it had pleasantly shocked her and them both when it happened the first time.

  So now they tried it as much as possible.

  She felt herself sinking back into subspace as Nick started a slow, deep grinding rhythm with his strokes that felt sooo damn good.

  “Such a good girl,” Rich cooed. “Taking our cocks at both ends. Going to fill you up top and bottom tonight.” Sometimes it was top and bottom, sometimes it was pussy and ass, sometimes all three in one night if they could get it up enough times.

  But now that they’d settled into a comfortable routine, they didn’t fuck like bunnies the way they had in the beginning.

  Well, not every night.

  Nick slowed his strokes and reached around her to her clit. “Need a little help there, baby?”


  “I’m close,” Rich said. “If you want to get her over again and then ride, let’s do it.”

  Hell, that was almost enough to drive her over the edge again as it was. Close, so damn close…

  Nick raked the fingers of his other hand down her back, digging in just enough to make her shiver in the good way. “I think she’s being stubborn tonight. Maybe we’ll have to tie her up and not let her come—”

  And that did it, pushing her over the top and into the sweet abyss once more.

  “Oh, fuck I love the way you moan around my cock, baby,” Rich groaned, now thrusting his hips and actively fucking her mouth while Nick sped up, fucking her pussy.

  It didn’t take long, the two men drawing one last small orgasm out of her from the fucking before Rich exploded a load of cum in her mouth and Nick filled her pussy. When Rich finally released her and let her fall onto her side, Nick rolled with her, his cock still inside her.

  Rich smiled as he leaned in, kissing her. “So damn good, baby. And you’re all ours.”

  She smiled before an unexpected yawn escaped her, making the men laugh.

  “Sorry,” she said. “Tired.”

  Nick kissed her on the shoulder. “That’s okay. I think we’ve had enough fun for one evening.”

  Rich settled next to her. “Yeah. I don’t honestly know if I could get it up again tonight. Worked too many hours this week, I think. I’d have to call in the stunt cocks.”

  “I don’t think I could handle the stunt coc
ks tonight,” she joked. “I think I prefer having the real thing and calling it a night.”

  “Love you.” Nick pressed another kiss against her flesh.

  She looked over her shoulder to get a kiss on the lips from him. “Love you, too.”

  “What about me?” But Rich wore a smile.

  “Love you, too, Sir.” She kissed him.

  Cupping her cheek with his hand, he brushed his thumb across her chin. “Love you so damn much, you have no idea.”

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Chelbie rolled over in bed without opening her eyes. “Oh, my god. You son of a bitch. Now I’m hungry.”

  Rich leaned in to kiss her, a deliciously aromatic cloud of pizza and garlic wafting around him. “You wanna suck my pepperoni, baby?” he teased.

  “Only if I can eat your garlic knots.” She opened her eyes. Nick lightly snored on her other side. They’d gone to bed around midnight after watching a movie and having played around a little.

  Now it was past two early Saturday morning, and she was both horny and hungry for garlic knots.

  “Ow, baby.”

  “You better have brought me some.” She sat up and swung her legs over the edge of the bed.

  “The container’s on the counter. You’re welcome,” he called after her as she let out a happy squeal and bolted, naked except for her collar and cuffs, for the kitchen.

  As she ripped open the large Styrofoam container, the delicious scent of garlic hit her. “Nom!” She grabbed one and shoved the still-warm dough into her mouth, making contented noises as she slowly chewed.

  “Glad to see you, too, babe,” Rich teased from the kitchen doorway.

  She turned to look. He’d pulled off his shirt, but still wore his shorts.

  “I can’t help it,” she mumbled around her mouthful. “I love these damn things.”

  He walked over and pulled her close, his arms around her waist. “Got to keep my little knot whore happy.”

  She grinned. “You do, Sir,” she said.

  “Do I smell garlic knots?” Nick sleepily called from the bedroom.