Read Sapiosexual Page 4

  Chapter Five

  Nick was a little disappointed to find out Chelbie hadn’t planned on coming back for the evening session, but he refused to push things. Mallory had made it utterly clear that if he acted clingy, or pushy, or like he wanted to rush things, that Chelbie wouldn’t even give him a first date, much less a second.

  When he’d talked about not coming back later, Chelbie looked at him. “You should. You know what? Go out to dinner with the gang tonight.” She smiled. “Let them grill you for me.”

  He suspected she was only half-kidding. “Will they want me there?”

  “Sure. You know Tony and Mike already. And Mallory will, I’m sure, give me a complete report in triplicate tomorrow.”

  Mallory walked up. “A report about what?”

  “I took the liberty of inviting Nick to dinner tonight with the gang.”

  Mallory frowned. “I don’t understand.”

  “Dinner? Or the inviting,” Chelbie said.

  “You’re coming, too, right?” Mallory asked her.

  “No. I already told you, I can’t tonight.”

  Mallory grabbed Chelbie’s arm and pulled her aside for a quick chat. When they returned, Mallory looked frustrated while Chelbie looked victorious.

  “It’s not that I don’t want to come to dinner with you,” Chelbie said, “but my parents are out of town this weekend. And, honestly, I’d planned to spend some desperately needed alone time recharging tonight. Mallory here is pissed off that I’m giving up a chance for her to give me a little bit of pushy friend payback in the dating department, but I’ve assured her that you and I will get together for coffee or something in the next few days.”

  Mallory indeed looked peeved.

  Nick had the perfect answer. “Hey, my brother is playing Monday night at a coffeeshop over on 41. Puerto Mellow. Ever heard of it?”

  “Actually, I have,” Chelbie said, looking pleased. She turned to Mallory. “There. Happy?”

  “What time?” Mallory groused.

  Chelbie rolled her eyes at her friend, but she turned and winked at him. “What time works for you?”

  “He starts playing around 7:30 on Mondays, so how about seven?”

  “Perfect.” She poked Mallory in the arm. “And we already exchanged numbers and e-mails. Happy?”

  “No. You’re being deliberately stubborn.”

  “You mean I’m depriving you of a little sadistic pleasure, bestie. You’ll have to excuse her, she’s a fledgling sadist and doesn’t realize it.”

  He laughed. “No worries. Sounds like I’ll fit right in with everyone.”

  * * * *

  Chelbie thought about changing her mind and returning to the club for the evening play session, but decided not to.

  She really did need some alone time.

  And as much as she liked Nick, and had gotten along with him all afternoon, there was a vast gulf between initial attraction and a relationship.

  If she changed her mind now, it would look like she was too eager.

  It would also mean she’d have to watch Mallory be smug all night.

  She loved her bestie, but in this case, her gut told her to wait. Monday would come soon enough, and then she could meet the brother, too.

  Her other fear, the last thing she wanted to do was get all hung up on Nick just to find out his brother was a ginormous tool.

  No bueno.

  Chelbie opened and closed the freezer and fridge at least ten times each and still couldn’t figure out what she wanted to eat.

  She was standing there for try number eleven when she heard a commercial on the TV for a pizza chain.


  She wanted pizza, but not that brand. There was a local chain in Sarasota.

  Mmm. Pizza.

  Now that the idea had hit her, she couldn’t get it out of her mind. She walked back to her room to find her purse and see how much money she had.

  Score! She had sixty bucks. She didn’t like putting stuff on a credit card over the phone if she didn’t have to, even though her parents would do it.

  She was a little more cautious than them. Less trusting.

  I’m getting pizza!

  She ran back to the kitchen and dug the menu out of the cabinet. “Ooooh, garlic knots!”

  Imma gonna eat me some food!

  Ooh, I could text Nick. They probably haven’t eaten yet.

  Then she nixed that thought.


  She really liked him, but as she’d learned firsthand from watching other peoples’ relationships implode, it was better if she took her time. If he was someone worth getting to know better, then taking her time would be the best way.

  And if he was bullshitting her today about wanting to take his time, it would soon become apparent.

  She also didn’t like the idea of a guy she’d just met at a BDSM club knowing her home address right off the bat. Especially when she was home alone.

  Anyone in a rush to get into something long-term wasn’t someone she wanted to be in a relationship with.

  She also didn’t want to be that person doing the rushing, either. Monday would be soon enough.

  She grabbed her phone and made the call, her mouth already salivating over the thought of pizza and garlic knots.

  And I won’t have to share.

  * * * *

  Rich got to speak to his brother all of five minutes while Nick stopped by home to change clothes before heading out again. He eagerly told Rich about all the things he’d seen, what he was going out again for, and where…

  And the girl he’d met, who would be meeting them at the coffeeshop on Monday evening.


  “Did you tell her I’m a broke loser while you were busy talking us up? That I come home every night smelling like I lost a war with a clove of garlic and a tub of marinara sauce?”

  Nick glared at him. “Stop it. She’s nice.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure she’ll love the hell out of me.”

  “Christ, you said you’d keep an open mind!”

  “Okay, fine.” Rich reached for his keys and phone. “Have fun with that. I’m going to work.” Despite his best efforts not to slam the door behind him, he still did.

  Rich tried not to think about his brother going out to dinner and then back to the BDSM club tonight. He didn’t begrudge Nick his free time.

  Not his fault I’m a fuckup.

  He couldn’t remember the last time he took free time for himself. If he wasn’t working or studying, he was sleeping. Hell, the only reading he did lately that wasn’t school-related was when he sat on the toilet in the morning.

  And even then sometimes it was a textbook in his lap.

  He no sooner walked into work when the boss handed him an order. “Perfect timing. Here’s one for you.”

  “Can I clock in first?”

  “Go. Fast.”

  After he clocked in, he grabbed the ticket. Caramelized onions, black olives, and mushrooms with spinach white sauce, and two dozen garlic knots. The address was only a few minutes away, fortunately. It wasn’t even quite dark yet when he pulled into the driveway and parked. His car now smelled like garlic knots and caramelized onions.


  The young woman who answered the door had short, bright-red hair. Red-red, not orange-red. Red like a fire truck.

  She lit up like he was Santa and gave him a ten-dollar tip, too. “Hot damn,” she said, practically drooling as she watched him slide the order out of the pizza bag.

  He laughed. “Having a party?”

  “Nope. Going to indulge my carb craving alone tonight.” She made grabby-hand motions at him. “Gimme gimme gimme!”

  He laughed. It wasn’t obnoxious, but adorable. “Promise I won’t draw back a bloody stump?”

  “I make no such promises. Have you had these damn garlic knots? They’re addictive!”

  “Yeah. Unfortunately, I eat them on a regular basis.” He handed it over.

  “Lucky duck! I
wish I had your job.”

  “No, you really don’t. Have a nice night, ma’am.” She was cute and tipped well. He’d have to note this address in case it ever came up again and try to be the one to grab the order. He had a little seniority. Sometimes, if there was more than one driver available, dibs were allowed.

  * * * *

  Chelbie hoped she hadn’t drooled all over the guy. He was cute, looked vaguely familiar.

  Maybe he’s delivered to us before.

  He’d looked a little sad when she’d made the comment about working there. He probably hadn’t thought it was as great an idea as she did.

  The delicious aroma overcame her. She rushed the food over to the coffee table and set it down, ripping the Styrofoam carton open that held the garlic knots.


  As she slowly chewed, savoring the delectable dough, she closed her eyes. They used chunks of garlic in their butter sauce, and some parmesan cheese, too.


  And as she sat there, another thought crossed her mind.

  That she found herself so attracted to a guy—okay, a guy bearing her food, but still—after having spent the afternoon with Nick was even more of a reason for her to take things slow with the man and his mystery brother.

  Wasn’t like she had guys falling out of her asshole, but she wasn’t going to rush. Her parents were proof people could have lifelong relationships. She’d fooled around. If she wanted orgasms, there were at least five different Tops she could pick off the top of her head who’d be happy to play with her at the club and give them to her. Or she could give them to herself, although ones given by someone else were more fun.

  What she wanted was a relationship. Someone she could enjoy out of bed as much as in it.

  With someone smart, handsome, funny, quirky, and willing to let her be who she was while giving her what she needed.

  Glass slipper, much? Or would that be a glass jock strap?

  Whether Nick and his brother would be those men remained to be seen.

  She stuffed the remainder of the knot into her mouth and slowly chewed. Hell, she could have made a meal just on these.

  So, sooo good.

  Chapter Six

  Rich had already prepared his setup so he’d be ready to start when it was time and yet have time to talk with Chelbie—if she showed up.

  Nick looked over at the front door every time he heard the bell jingle when a new customer walked in. The place held about fifty at the tables, and they were already half-full. Mondays were popular because the owner, Tom, gave extra discounts on Mondays for AARP and other groups. It helped bring in a different clientele than he might see on the weekends.

  “Dude, calm down,” Rich said. He couldn’t remember seeing his normally steady brother so worked up over a girl before.

  “You don’t understand.”

  “Yeah, I do. You’re freaking out.”

  “Wait till you meet her.”

  “How do you even know she wants a matching set of guys?”

  “Because she joked about it.”

  “That’s looong way from actually doing it, or both of us.”

  “She’s kinky. Several of her friends are poly. It’s not a foreign concept to her. I was honest with her about it and she didn’t freak out.”

  “Doesn’t mean she wants it in real life.”

  A few minutes later, a cute girl walked in. Short, bright-red hair in a pixie cut, and brown eyes. Nick stood and waved. Totally unnecessary, Rich thought.

  She also looked familiar…

  She smiled and walked over to join them.

  Rich had to admit, she was a cutie. He stood as she approached. Then, it hit him. “Saturday night. Caramelized onions, black olives, and mushrooms with spinach white sauce, and two dozen garlic knots. And I nearly drew back a bloody stump when I handed them over.”

  The girl laughed. “Right. Oh my god, you’re his brother? No wonder you looked familiar. How freaky!”

  Nick looked from her to Rich and back again. “What? What’d I miss?”

  “I delivered a pie to her Saturday night.”

  “And the best garlic knots in Sarasota,” Chelbie added.

  “Two dozen of them. And I barely left with all ten fingers intact.” He wiggled a hand of intact digits at her.

  She giggled. “I’m sorry. I love those damn knots.”

  “Ah.” Nick proudly made the introductions. “Chelbie Larson, this is my brother, Rich.”

  “Hi,” Rich said. He noticed when she shook hands, she had a firm grip, not a wishy-washy woman’s handshake. “Nice to meet you. Again.”

  “Same here.” They settled at the table, Chelbie between them. “I’m looking forward to hearing you play,” she said. “Your brother really talked you up Saturday.”

  “Yeah, well, he’s biased. I’m okay. I get by. I’m no Beck.”

  She brightened. “Are you shitting me? I farking love Beck.”

  * * * *

  Okay, so that was yet another freaky coinkydink. A pleasantly freaky one, admittedly. Two in the space of a minute or two.

  Maybe they’re signs.

  Good ones, she hoped. She believed in signs. Mallory had reported to Chelbie that Tony and Mike had both signed off on Nick in terms of what they knew about him. Although they added the caveat that he could be a total dick in his private life and they wouldn’t know. But at work, he seemed okay. He was gainfully employed, at least.

  As she talked with Rich, she felt Nick mentally bouncing like a happy kid on her other side.

  She was no dummy.

  And these guys were handsome.

  A twofer. Yay, me!

  No, she hadn’t been with two guys at once before, but so what? Even if something long-term didn’t develop with them, she could check an item off her sexual bucket list.

  And twins, too. Okay, so not identical, but who cared? Where Nick was blond, Rich had brown hair. They both had blue eyes, and their faces looked enough alike that if you shaved them bald, they’d probably pass for identical twins. Nick’s blond hair was business short and neatly styled. Rich’s brown hair was slightly longer, a little on the shaggy side, but it looked good on him.

  A smart guy, and an artistic guy.

  It was perfect.

  If nothing else, the longer she sat and spoke with them, the more she knew she wanted to keep talking with them. But then Rich glanced at his phone and had to excuse himself. “I start playing in five, sorry. Are you staying? Maybe we can talk during my break and after?”

  “Oh, absolutely. Looking forward to it.”

  Beside her, Nick seemed ready to bounce out of his seat. “Told you we were different.”

  She patted him on the thigh and left her hand there. “Different’s good.” She thought about how to phrase her next statement and decided the best way to say it was just to say it. “Like we talked about Saturday, I want to take things slow. You know, see what happens. Okay?”

  He eagerly nodded. “I agree.”

  “Good.” Where Rich was mellow, Nick seemed a little more tightly wound. Not a bad thing, and she gave him the benefit of the doubt, allowing it could be nerves. He hadn’t acted like this Saturday when they’d talked.

  If she had to bet on it, she guessed he was nervous, hoping Chelbie liked Rich. Or maybe hoping Rich liked her. Or both.

  Or…neither. It was a coffeeshop, for cripes’ sake.

  “How much of that stuff have you had?” she asked, nodding toward his cup.

  He looked down at it. “This is my…oh. Third.” He smiled, bashful. “Guess I won’t be going to sleep anytime soon tonight.”

  “Slow down there, bunky. You shouldn’t drink like that. Let the trained professionals handle that much of the bean this late in the evening.”

  He laughed. “Roger roger.”

  * * * *

  Chelbie was about ready to strangle Mallory. Her friend was practically texting her nonstop asking about what was going on. She didn’t wan
t to be staring at her phone the whole time she was trying to talk to Nick and listen to Rich play.

  Finally, Chelbie had it. She texted Mallory.

  I CAN’T HEAR YOU…TUNNEL…clkjslfafslsjflfjds

  Then she shut her phone off.

  Mallory would likely blow up her text and voice mail in the interim.

  That was all right. It’d be worth the momentary peace and quiet to focus on the two cuties.

  Rich checked his guitar, an electric acoustic hooked to an amp, to make sure it was in tune. When he was ready, he turned on the amp, his speakers, and the stand mic set up in front of a stool. It looked like he had an iPad on a stand as well right next to him, and wires that appeared to be hooked up to the speakers.

  “Thanks for coming tonight, everyone. I’m Rich Hurst, and I’ll be playing for you tonight.” His voice sounded smooth, steady, like a rich, sweet, caramel latte. “I don’t do a lot of requests, because I might not know the song, but I play here a couple of times a week. I’ve got business cards here on the stage. Feel free to pick one or a few up and look me up. If you tell me what you want to hear and when you’re coming to one of my sessions, I’ll try to be ready.”

  With that, he started strumming. His first number was a haunting instrumental that left Chelbie mesmerized.

  Nick leaned in and whispered, “That’s his own composition. Isn’t he great?”

  “He’s fucking awesome. Does he have an album on iTunes?”

  “Not yet. I’m trying to get him to put one together. He’s got a YouTube channel.” Nick dug a business card out of his wallet and handed it to her, which she glanced at before slipping it into her purse.

  It gave her a warm, fuzzy feeling that Rich’s brother carried business cards around for him. Some of her friend’s siblings were real dicks to each other. It was nice to see some brotherly warmth and compassion.

  “Can I get you something to drink?” Nick asked, keeping his voice low. “They’ve got coffee, tea, chai—”

  “I’ll take a chai, please.” She glanced at the menu boards behind the counter. “Vanilla, please, with honey.” She returned her attention to Rich. His eyes were closed, his head slowly bobbing in time with his music, fingers moving gracefully across the strings.