Read Sapiosexual Page 8

While a little uncomfortable at first, it didn’t take Rich long to get on board with the plan. Now that he realized what was going on, and Nick brought him up to speed between rounds of Chelbie pleading for them to stop—without safewording—he was getting into it.

  Yet again, when she begged for them to stop, Rich raised the Hitachi while Nick grabbed her chin. “That’s not the safeword, missy,” Nick said. “You want us to stop, you safeword.”

  She stared at him, then shook her head.

  “Are you safewording?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “Keep going, Rich,” Nick said.

  Rich pressed the Hitachi to her swollen clit again. They’d slid the waistband of her panties down so he could actually see what he was doing. Her clit, swollen and puffy, was an unmistakable target. When the humming vibrator made contact again, she moaned, her back arching as she squirmed in their laps.

  Yeah, waiting for a handjob was well worth this. This was…

  Hell, even if they didn’t get to ever have sex with her, he’d settle for this. He’d never seen a woman look so hot, so free, so lost in pleasure like this.

  Finally, after nearly half an hour of forced orgasm play, Chelbie started begging for mercy. Nick motioned for him to turn the Hitachi off. “Is that a safeword?” Nick asked her.

  Tears streamed down her face. “Red,” she whispered.

  He immediately unclipped her wrists and pulled her up into a sitting position in his lap as she burst into tears.

  Rich and Nick exchanged a worried look. She immediately held up a hand. “I’m okay,” she said, gasping through her sobs. “This is good. This is okay.”

  Nervously, the men waited her out until she finally settled down with a series of hitching breaths that suddenly transformed into laughter.

  The brothers shared another confused glance as gales of laughter poured out of her, rendering her unable to speak once again.

  Finally, she trailed off into snorting and giggles. “Oh, boy.” She pointed at one of the other towels on the coffee table. Rich grabbed it and passed it to her.

  She blew her nose, wiped her eyes, and took a couple of long, deep breaths.

  Then she stared at them. “I thought you guys said you had no experience with this?”

  “We don’t,” they said in unison, which set her off on another giggle fit. At least Rich was now starting to relax. Obviously, whatever the crying had been, she couldn’t be upset at them if she was now laughing.

  She leaned in and kissed him, long, deep, lingering. When she pulled away, she stared into his eyes and he knew, dammit, he was well on the path to falling for her.

  “You smell sooo good,” she said. “What is that?”

  “Pizza sauce and garlic,” he said.

  She grinned. “Fuck yeah. I like it.”

  He’d totally forgotten about getting a shower. “One of the unintended side effects of working there.”

  She laid a hand along his cheek and leaned in again to kiss him. “Sorry you couldn’t go to the club with us tonight. I missed you.”

  “I missed you, too,” he said.

  And he had. He’d tried not to think about what they’d be doing there. Tried not to be jealous. He didn’t want to be jealous. Not of Nick.

  But he’d definitely been envious.

  She kissed Nick. “Now, if you guys will let me go get cleaned up, I’ll be right back.” She carefully stood, her thighs pressed together. “I owe you two really good handjobs.”

  * * * *

  As she waddled her way into the hall bathroom, Chelbie hoped she didn’t face-plant from her wobbly knees.

  Holy. Fucking. Hell.

  That had been the singularly hottest moment of her goddamned life.

  And they weren’t even naked!

  When Nick had told her she wouldn’t be allowed to come until Rich got there, she’d nearly come right there.

  She winced a little as she got the two dildos out. Her dress she shed, and her totally sodden panties. Fortunately, she had a spare pair in her bag.

  After peeling the condom off the one dildo and washing them both with soap, she used the bathroom, then found a clean washcloth and sponged herself off. Once she was presentable again, she emerged, carrying her clothes in one hand, the clean dildos in the other.

  The men still sat on the couch, where she’d left them.

  Smiling, she put her stuff down, grabbed two condom pouches, and then knelt on the floor in front of them. “You guys can get naked, if you want to.”

  They did. She eagerly watched them strip. Their bodies were identical, too, except that Nick’s body hair was blond, while Rich’s was brown.

  Their circumcised cocks were about nine inches, and comfortably thick. And they were both hard, rigid, and ready.

  She had them sit again. She ripped open one of the pouches and held the condom up. “Who’s first?”

  The men looked at each other. Rich pointed at Nick. She slowly rolled the condom down Nick’s shaft, making eye contact with him, loving the way his breathing changed faster, shallow, his cock twitching under her fingers.

  Then she rolled the other one onto Rich. Similar reaction, with just enough difference to make it interesting.

  After squirting some lube into her hands and rubbing them together both to warm it and coat both hands, she reached out and fisted their cocks. Pausing with her fingers wrapped around the heads, she looked first to Nick, then Rich.

  “This,” she said, “is how a good girl always finishes an evening. By taking care of her Sirs.”

  With achingly slow strokes at first, both men closed their eyes and leaned back, their sounds and movements making her feel powerful, sexy.

  This was haawwt.

  She took her time, not in a hurry, teasing them, knowing from the way their cocks felt rigid that they would both explode too fast if she rushed.

  Male anatomy being different, she felt a little sorry she couldn’t reciprocate in this department, extend their pleasure the way they’d extended hers.

  After about twenty minutes, both men had grabbed her hands and were now in control. Grinning, she went along for the ride, having fun watching them as first Rich, then Nick exploded within seconds of each other, filling the condoms before falling still on the couch.

  They let out nearly identical sighs of relief and pleasure.

  She giggled. “And that, gentlemen, is how you have sexy fun without sex.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Monday, Chelbie went over to the men’s apartment late in the afternoon.

  By the time she was finished showing Rich the same things Nick had done to her, she was horny as hell, and so was Rich.

  This time, he didn’t bother filling her with the dildos. He laid her out on the living room floor, had her roll a condom on him, and he used the vibrator on her, forcing her to come until she made him come with her hands.

  Which, surprisingly enough, he found it easy to hold back when he focused on making her come, much to Chelbie’s interest later when they discussed it.

  They were just finishing up when Nick arrived home and Rich had to get ready to go play at the coffeeshop.

  By the time Rich was ready to leave, he walked over to the couch, where Chelbie was now naked across Nick’s lap with the two dildos stuffed inside her pussy and ass while Nick used the Hitachi on her.

  “You were too easy on her,” Nick teased.

  Rich grinned. “I was just warming her up for you.” Rich leaned in and kissed her, lingering, wishing he could stay and play and loving that he’d had alone time with her. “Have fun.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  When she heard the front door close, Nick waggled his eyebrows at her. “Now, where were we?” he asked as he switched the Hitachi on again.

  * * * *

  “I wish Rich could have come tonight.” Chelbie fought the urge to pout as she rode with Nick in his car to Mallory and Kel’s house Wednesday night.

  “One thing about him, he’ll never pass
up the opportunity to work,” Nick said. “I can’t fault him for it.”

  “I know. I don’t blame him.” The coffeeshop had called Rich and asked if he could fill in at the last minute for the person scheduled to play tonight, who’d had a family emergency.

  Of course, he’d said yes. It’d mean a chance to make more money.

  She’d even kissed him and shooed him out the door.

  “I hope your friends don’t think less of him for that,” Nick said.

  “Nooo. Mallory’s been broke before. She’ll understand. Hell, he’ll earn brownie points from her for it. Her and Kel, both. Rich is a responsible adult. They’ll like that.”

  * * * *

  Rich was almost to the coffeeshop when he realized he’d forgotten to get gas.


  And he was on fumes.

  He was also running a couple of minutes late, which wasn’t a big deal, unless he took the time to stop now.

  Okay, need to get gas on the way home.

  Alexis opened the front door for him when she saw him coming loaded down with his gear, greeting him with a bright smile. “There you are! Tom told me you were filling in.”

  He was juggling his laptop bag, amp, and guitar case. “Yeah, here I am. Sorry I’m running late. Hey, please help me remember I need to get gas when I leave here or I won’t make it home.” He headed toward the stage.

  “Oh, sure thing! I love the new video you posted. Great song! Will you be playing it tonight?”

  “Um, maybe. I don’t know.” He set his stuff down and started getting ready. That song he’d written for Chelbie, for the way she made him feel. “Kind of depends on the crowd. It’s sort of a high energy song.”

  “That’s why I loved it. It was so good. I shared the video on Facebook and Twitter for you.”

  “Thanks.” He wished she’d go back to the counter because she was messing with his routine, and he was flustered enough as it was by running late.

  He ran out to his car for his guitar stand and the other two speakers. Thank god for iPads. He didn’t need to carry a bulky, expensive keyboard around with him. He could run everything through the tablet with a fraction of the equipment.

  There was already a five-dollar bill in the tip jar when he returned.

  Okay, this night is getting off to a better start than I thought it would.

  * * * *

  “I’m sorry Rich couldn’t make it tonight,” Mallory said when they arrived. “That stinks. I was looking forward to meeting him.”

  “Imagine this one, with shaggy brown hair,” Chelbie said, holding out her hands and indicating Nick. “That’s Rich.”

  “I’d like to go hear him play some night. Chelbie sent me the links to his stuff. He’s really good.”

  “Maybe next Monday, then,” Nick said. “I’m sure he’d love to have you guys there.”

  “We just need to avoid the bitchista,” Chelbie snarked.

  “What?” Nick asked.

  “You know, that one girl. Long brown hair, looked at me with 9mm glares designed to kill?”

  “Really? Hadn’t noticed her.”

  “I did. I don’t know what I did to piss her off, but apparently she hates the hell out of me.”

  Mallory grinned. “We should introduce her to Tilly.”

  Nick laughed. “You guys keep throwing her name out like she’s some scary person. She seemed very nice when I met her.”

  Mallory, Chelbie, and Kel looked at each other before bursting out into gales of hysterical laughter.

  “What?” Nick asked, confused.

  When the three of them finally recovered, Chelbie said, “Go ahead, Mal. Tell him about how she handled your uncle.”

  By the time Mallory finished retelling the tense standoff, Nick understood what they meant about Tilly. “Okay. So she’s like your secret weapon.”

  “Not so secret,” Chelbie said. “She’ll flat-out tell you you’re dead meat if you cross her. That’s why we love her. She’s like this well-trained police dog who only attacks when ordered.”

  “I’ll remember that.”

  “You’d do well to,” Kel said. “Even I’m a little wary of getting on Tilly’s bad side, and she considers me adopted family.”

  * * * *

  When Rich finished his gig, he remembered he needed gas before he went home. Alexis seemed a little clingy tonight, so he tried not to make eye contact with her while he got his gear ready to load into his car.

  “Do you need any help with that?” she eagerly asked.

  “No, thanks. I’ve got it.”

  She was friendly enough, but he’d never been interested in her. He tried not to interact with her much online, either. Although he didn’t want to overtly piss her off. She did a lot of word-of-mouth promotion for him, his Facebook notifications full of tags she’d left on various music pages for him.

  Walking a fine line with her might not be possible any longer. He didn’t want to lead her on now that he and Nick were with Chelbie and things were going well there.

  It looked like his luck had finally changed for the better, at least in one aspect of his life.

  After loading his gear, he started his car, letting it run for a minute while he checked his e-mail on his phone. He was just finishing that when he looked and saw the low fuel light on his dash wasn’t lit.

  “What the hell?” It showed he had nearly a quarter of a tank, which wasn’t possible.

  Just about that time, the engine started making noise, running really rough, before it died.

  “What the…fuck?” The indicator lights on the dashboard came on, including the maintenance and service needed lights.

  He tried to crank it. It turned over, fired, ran rough for about two seconds, then died again.

  “Shit!” He pounded the steering wheel. This was the last thing he needed right now, and he was anything but a mechanic.

  After ten minutes of trying to start it, he was about to call Nick when a knock on his window startled him.

  Alexis stood there.

  He rolled it down.

  “Everything okay?”

  “Car just died.”

  “Oh, I can take you home!”

  He was already pulling up Nick’s number. “No, it’s okay. I’m calling my brother.”

  “But it’s all right. I don’t mind taking you home.”

  “Thanks for the offer, but I’ve got it handled.” He turned away from her, watching from the corner of his eye as she stood there, apparently waiting for him to look her way again.

  When Nick answered, Rich felt horrible he had to call him. “Sorry. Can you come get me? My car just took a shit.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know. It started acting weird and died, and now it won’t start again. It ran fine over here.”

  “We’ll be right there. You have that AAA card?”

  He’d forgotten about that. “Yeah.” One concession, he’d let Nick pay for the family plan and put him on it. One less thing he had to pay for. “I’ll call them.”

  “Have them tow it to that guy I used a few months ago for my brakes. I’ll text you the info when we hang up.”

  “Okay, thanks.”

  Yes, Alexis was still standing there when he hung up.

  “I really don’t mind driving you,” she cheerily offered.

  “It’s okay. I have to call AAA and wait for them, and my brother and girlfriend are coming to pick me up.”

  Her face fell. “Girlfriend? I didn’t know you had a girlfriend.”

  Now was the time to get this out there and hopefully back her hopes off without hurting her feelings. He didn’t look up at her again. “Yeah.”

  “You didn’t mention it on Facebook.”

  He didn’t mention anything on Facebook of a personal nature. He only went on there to post when he had new videos on YouTube, gig updates, and to post in the group of friends from high school, where they kept in touch.

  “I don’t talk about my person
al life on Facebook,” he said. “Privacy.”

  She took a step back. When he looked, now her expression appeared dark, odd. “How come you haven’t brought her here before?”

  “I have. She’s been here a few times,” he fibbed. “In fact, she was here just last week. Monday and Tuesday.”

  Alexis turned and headed for her car without another word.


  That was a closely dodged bullet.

  * * * *

  Over an hour later, they were caravanning back to the apartment and his car was on the back of a flatbed wrecker, heading toward the repair shop to be dropped off. Chelbie had the good idea to stop and pick up her VW from their apartment before going to the coffeeshop, figuring there might not be enough room in Nick’s car for all three of them and Rich’s gear.

  She was right.

  Once they got his gear unloaded into the apartment and after a round of hugs, the men kissed Chelbie good night. Rich was supposed to play there again tomorrow night, so Nick would get home early enough to swap out the car so Rich could use it.

  Friday and Saturday, however, were problematic. He’d have to take Nick to work Friday, because Nick wouldn’t be home in time for Rich to get to the pizza shop. So Chelbie would pick Nick up from work.

  Hopefully by then he’d have word from the garage about what was wrong with his car.

  And how much it’d cost to fix it.

  * * * *

  Thursday evening, Chelbie and Nick came by to catch part of his first set. During his break he sat with them to talk, making sure to hold Chelbie’s hand so Alexis saw it.

  The girl had hardly even looked at him today, and his e-mail was strangely lacking any Facebook tag notifications from her.


  Then Chelbie slumped down in her seat. “What the fuck?” she muttered.


  She nodded toward a guy who’d walked in and was now speaking to Alexis. “TRO guy. Again! This can’t be a coincidence.”

  The men were careful not to be obvious about it, but they watched as the guy got a coffee from Alexis, looked like he didn’t even pay for it, and left.