Read Savage Chains: Scarred Page 8

  “Vampires, you mean.”

  “We’re all males. Human or vampire, we think with our dicks.”

  She chuckled but after a moment, she frowned slightly. “Will everything else do? I saw about ten sets of false eyelashes but I couldn’t bring myself to use them.”

  He loved her appearance right now with just a little makeup, the same way she’d looked at the club, fresh, earthy, very feminine. “You look fine. In fact, I think you look wonderful.”

  A short leash, also covered in red sequins, dangled from her hand. She held it up. “I suppose I have to wear this.”

  He crossed to her and took the leash. “It’s probably the most important thing you will wear tonight. In its way, it’ll protect you, because it will keep us connected.”

  He unbuckled the collar, from which several thin loops of silver chains hung. Pushing her hair over her shoulder, he reached up behind her neck and secured it without making it too tight.

  When he was done, she planted her hands on his arms, which surprised him.

  “Reyes, I’d like to thank you.”

  “What for?”

  She took a deep breath. “I’ve had time to think, to process, and I realize now what you’ve done, that you really did risk so much to save my life. I also think it’s incredibly selfless of you to be working on behalf of all these enslaved men and women.”

  He cleared his throat and pulled away. “I think it’s generous of you to say that, but you may be cursing me by the end of this evening. You’re going to see some shit tonight, and it can’t be helped. You might even be required to perform, if you get my drift. Are you sure you’re up for that?”

  “I’ve already told you I am. I’ll do whatever’s needed.”

  “Okay, then.”

  She surprised him all over again. His threats and sexual violation had accomplished nothing, but asking for her help had brought him more success than he would have believed possible.

  He clamped the other end of the leash around his right wrist. “Before we go, is there anything you’d like to know?”

  “Actually, there is, and I think it has something to do with your world. While I was at the parking lot of the Ocean Club, I got the feeling that no one actually saw my abduction even though there were plenty of people coming and going. How was that possible?”

  “Many of us have an ability to create what we call a disguise. I’m sure the men who abducted you did exactly that. Nothing that happened to you would have been visible to anyone but them. And if they had sufficient power, which they probably did, it would’ve been invisible even to other vampires.”

  She nodded slowly. “Well, that would explain it. I had a bad feeling about those men, but I was sure I was safe. The next minute they grabbed me, put a cloth over my mouth that smelled medicinal, and now I’m here.”

  “Angelica, there was nothing you could have done. My only regret is that if I’d understood you were marked to be taken that night, I would have walked you to your car myself. As it was, I took off shortly after I thought you’d left, after I believed you were safe. And frankly, I blame myself or maybe that red dress you were wearing. You looked amazing.”

  Her lips parted as she met his gaze. For a moment he felt the way he had back in the foyer of the club: He wished he could take her home. And now, ironically, she was in his home.

  He looked away because as always, he was drawn to her, but not a damn thing could come of getting close to the woman right now. She was human, not fit for his world, and in the morning he’d take her home.

  “One last thing. There’s something I want to try with you before we go. It could make it easier on both of us during the party. You’re a strong woman, which tells me there’s a chance we could do this.”

  “Do what?”


  Her eyes went wide. “Seriously?”

  With a smile, he sent the words straight into her mind. Why not?

  She blinked, gasping slightly. “Did you just say, ‘Why not?’” She put a hand to her forehead. “Oh, my God, I heard you.”

  He nodded and his lips curved. Damn, the woman had chops, more than she knew. Now you give it a try.


  He chuckled. Just like that. You’re a natural.

  Then, right now, I’m speaking to you, inside your head?

  Yes, you are. Now tell me something about yourself, something I may not know.

  I like to drink tequila when I’m alone in my apartment.

  Aloud, he asked, “Why the hell do you like drinking tequila alone?”

  “Because I do.” She glanced past him. And I’ll bet you drink whiskey while you’re alone.

  Yeah, I do.

  She shook her head. “Wow. This really is a different world.”

  “But this is good news. We’ll be able to communicate with each other throughout the evening. I can warn you when I have to put on a show and command you to do something. And you can let me know if any of the other guests try to manhandle you while I’m not looking.”

  “Well, that does sound like an advantage.” Then suddenly she was in his head. So I’ll be able to communicate with you at any time.

  That’s exactly right.

  This is amazing. Will anyone else be able to listen in?

  Not even a little, so don’t worry.

  He drew close and held out his arm. “As for how we’re getting there, I’ll be using altered flight. Now put your arm around my neck and step onto my foot.”

  “Oh, Reyes, no, I’ll puke all over everything.”

  He chuckled and for just a moment he almost felt like a regular guy taking a woman on a date…except of course that she was dressed like a stripper. “I promise that it’ll be very different this time. I’ll go really slow, unlike when I took you out of the auction house. You might feel a little dizzy when we arrive, but that should be all.”

  She drew in a deep breath and settled herself on his shoe with great care, apparently making sure she didn’t puncture his expensive leather footwear with her stilettos.

  Holding her tight against his side, he told her to close her eyes. “Let me know when you’re ready. Again, I’ll take it slow.”

  He felt her take a deep breath “I’m ready.”

  From his peripheral vision he could see that her eyes were closed. He opened his power and entered altered flight, heading straight through both the bedroom and the cave walls. Just as he’d promised, he flew at a crawl, the picture of Engles’s mansion burned in his mind, a true homing beacon, typical of his world.

  He slowed on approach, and felt the resonance of others arriving at the same time. He gauged where he needed to be without colliding with anyone or anything else and landed near a large fountain that rose thirty feet in the air. Engles liked to display his wealth.

  Angelica blinked and released him. “You’re right, just a little dizzy.”

  She glanced up at the well-lit structure that had water cascading from a central bowl. “Wow,” she murmured. Her gaze skated around the massive, vaulted cavern and her eyes widened further. “I hate to admit it, but this is beautiful. The sculpted rock walls are exquisite. I take it that stonework is a highly prized art form in your culture.”

  “It is.”

  “And I didn’t expect to see so many women in gowns, though I can see that there are an equal number of slaves present.” He felt her shudder. “So many of them are bruised.”

  “That’s usually how you can tell if the slave is human. Vampires self-heal.”

  She turned to look at him, but surprised him by shifting to telepathy. Reyes, should I have a few bruises? Would that have made you look better—you know, to keep up appearances?

  He was incredulous as he stared at her. Sorry, but I draw the line at beating the shit out of you.

  She smiled faintly. Just as well. I probably wouldn’t have gone for it anyway.

  His lips curved. No, I don’t think you would have. But there’s something else you should know. He glanced arou
nd. You’re the star of this party.

  Great. Every girl’s dream, to be the main attraction at a sex-slave blowout. No pun intended.

  Chapter Five

  Angelica took a moment to calm down. She was nervous as hell and trying hard not to show it.

  Sticking with telepathy, she asked, So how do we do this? Do you want me next to you? Although I’m not seeing any of the other slaves doing that.

  Walk just a little behind me and keep your head slightly lowered. He took a couple of steps forward and glanced back at her. Good. You look submissive. Just remember that I won’t be able to see what’s going on behind me, so if anyone touches you, tell me telepathically. And for God’s sake, don’t address anyone directly. Let me do that. I’ll protect you tonight.

  Got it.

  “Oh, shit.”

  “What?” She looked around.

  “Engles is at the head of the stairs, waiting for us. It’s time.”

  So that’s the monster? I remember him from the auction. His face had a ruddy color at the time. I guess he was pretty worked up.

  And furious.

  She let him get half a foot ahead before she fell into step at an angle behind him. He tugged on the leash and she tugged back.

  With her head down, she continued to glance at what had to be a huge mansion tucked into some corner of the cavern system.

  The area where they’d landed sported a waterfall, a small lake lit by torchlight, and dozens of potted trees and shrubs, creating a sort of outdoor garden. The trees twinkled with small blue and white lights.

  All this led up, through a series of wide stone steps, to the house itself. The front facade appeared to be fifty yards across and at least four stories high. Mansion, indeed.

  She was struck again by how beautifully gowned the women were. Most of them wore not just necklaces, but intricate chains.

  A lot of chains around here.

  Yes, some of them are blood-chains.

  Okay, that’s new. What’s a blood-chain?

  The single blood-chain creates a tight bond—the couple can’t be more than a few yards away at any given time. I’ve never done it myself, but if I was a controlling sadist as some of these men are, I’d chain you.

  If we were chained, I wouldn’t be able to run away, would I?

  Not even a little.

  She noticed one woman who wore a gold double-chain, linked together with loops. A large diamond pendant pulled the chain toward her cleavage. You said single-chain. Are there double-chains as well?

  Yes. These are deep bonding chains, usually indicating a married status.

  Ah, married slavers. How charming.

  There are a lot of women equally into the lifestyle. You’d be surprised.

  After that redheaded she-devil who hurt me, I guess I’m not.

  He didn’t respond, but at the mention of the woman, she felt he’d tensed up again. Reyes’s owner had been a woman. The subject no doubt hit some buttons.

  As she drew closer to the entrance, she saw that massive white marble pillars supported the front structure, leaving it completely open to the air. She began to understand something important: she hadn’t fallen just into a world of vampires and sex slavery, but into an entire civilization as well. A profoundly skilled architect, accompanied by master builders, had created this extraordinary house.

  And this is Engles’s home?

  Yes, it is.

  I’m guessing Starlin earnings built this house.

  You guessed right.

  And he’s really not the one running things?

  He’s a front man. Don’t ask me how I know, but I know. Call it an instinct. He’s smart enough and manages things quite well, but he’s not an empire builder. He’s too much of showman. Building and sustaining an empire requires finesse and, to a degree, secrecy.

  Angelica thought it a great irony that so much beauty had been built on the deaths of tens of thousands of slaves. He has excellent taste, I’ll give him that. But I wouldn’t mind seeing him tortured for a decade, then his head chopped off, for all that he’s done.

  Have you been reading my mind?

  She heard a faint whimpering sound and glanced to her right. She recognized one of the women from the auction, a tall blond Russian. She had bruises on her arms and legs. She’d been worked over but good, and her new owner had his fangs buried deep in her throat sucking hard—too hard by the looks of it. The slave stared up at the cavern ceiling, tears streaming down her cheeks.

  As Angelica walked up the steps, however, she noticed that when some of the guests, especially the men, looked at her, they frowned, then glanced at Reyes.

  I think we should have figured out a way to give me those bruises. You’re losing your street cred because I’m still intact.

  He glanced at a group of men and nodded to them. I don’t give a fuck what any of them think. I only have to impress Engles—and mend fences with him, if I can. The rest can go to hell.

  His words reminded her again just how different Reyes was from the rest of these cretins. She had to work at holding her head down and sustaining her long-suffering expression, because right now she felt nothing but admiration for him.

  Do I look submissive enough?

  He glanced back at her once more. You’re doing great.

  And so are you, master.


  Reyes liked Angelica in his head and he was proud of her for bearing up well, but he’d expected nothing less. He knew her history, because he’d had her investigated, that she was the sole support of her infirm mother and had sacrificed a lot to take care of her. She hadn’t had an easy life.

  She was a woman of great strength, another reason why he hated that she’d gotten caught in the Starlin trap. And one more reason why he needed to bring this organization down.

  As he led her up the broad stone steps to the entrance, Engles stepped out onto the expansive porch. He had his usual Dubonnet in hand, a leer in his eye, and a smile Reyes wanted to wipe from the bastard’s mouth.

  “You haven’t chained her yet?” Engles narrowed his eyes as he took another sip. His gaze drifted the full length of Angelica. “She’s not even bruised.”

  Reyes took a step closer to her. “Unlike you, I intend to take my time.”

  Engles shifted his gaze to stare hard at Reyes. “I’ve always had my doubts about you, pretty boy. And I think you may have just proved my opinion again tonight. And by the way, anyone’s membership can be revoked at my sole discretion.”

  Reyes had known men like Engles his entire life. They taunted and bullied at every opportunity, no matter the situation or the person. But he knew something else as well: if he showed the smallest sign of fear, Engles would go after him. Nor could he appease him. Engles would see that as a sign of weakness.

  A real rock and a hard place, so he opted for a different tack.

  He held Engles’s gaze for a long moment, then wheeled on Angelica, hoping like hell she would follow his lead without flinching. He caught the back of her neck with his hand and telepathed, Drop like I’m hurting you. Whimper, groan, cry, anything you can do.

  Aloud, he said, “On your knees, slave.”

  She immediately obeyed and gave a decent performance, crying out as she crumpled at his feet.

  While keeping one hand on Angelica’s head, he met Engles’s surprised stare. “The thing is, I’ve already laid out a plan for this slave. And if I don’t hold back, she’ll be dead before I’ve even started. I may not have the same punching style as the rest of your bidders, but I like my meat seasoned over a period of time, then chewed slowly in my mouth for about as long. I take no pleasure from a quick slice-and-drain. I want the woman’s pain to serve me for months.” He lowered his voice. “More important, I want to get her to a second auction at the six-month mark. I intend to set a new record and recoup my investment.”

  Engles’s eyes widened as his gaze fell to Angelica. He actually seemed impressed as he licked his lips. If Reyes had been at all serious
, Engles would no doubt have been the first in line to bid for Angelica at her six-month transition.

  Engles tugged at his chin. “All right, then. I look forward to what the future holds.”

  “As do I.” He pulled on the leash and Angelica slowly rose to her feet, wiping away tears. He gave her a shove, setting her in motion as together they moved into the foyer.

  You okay? Oh, God, had he hurt her?

  How’d I do?

  So you are okay.

  He swore he heard her snort inside his head. Did the bastard buy it?

  Yeah, he bought it.

  He glanced at her, meeting her gaze for a fleeting moment. You’re doing great.

  An odd blush covered her cheeks. He wished like hell circumstances had been different, because he really liked this woman.

  But this thought stopped him up short. What circumstances? Angelica was human, and—except for the extremely rare mating between the species, involving love, marriage, and offspring—vampires didn’t date humans.

  Beyond that, his background made him about the worst sort of man she should ever get tangled up with.

  Moving Angelica into the house proper, he heard her swift intake of breath and watched her eyes skate to the tall ceiling. Massive crystal chandeliers illuminated the space, more for effect than necessity. Vampires could easily see in the dark.

  Too bad this was all built on slave blood because it’s a beautiful home.

  Yes it is and you’re right, Angelica. This dwelling is a travesty.

  As he led her to the top of a large descending staircase, applause began to build through the gathered partygoers below.

  Is this because of the auction?

  Of course. Again, you’re the star.

  I think I’m going to be sick.

  Just keep your eyes lowered and stay one step behind me.

  No problem.

  Reyes knew how to square his shoulders and give a show. His captor, Sweet Dove, had trained him well in a number of different ways, and one of them was the importance of holding an attitude. Most of the women watched him, lusting, as did some of the men.

  All around the audience, the slaves were apparent in their usual revealing garb, like Angelica’s, sporting sheer fabrics, chains, and leather. Lots of sequins. A few feathers.