Read Savage Urges Page 22

  Minutes later, Jaime, Dante, Zac, and the loners exited through the side door of the building and headed to the Chevy. While Dawn and Makenna briefed the remaining residents on Remy’s actions, Ryan, Dominic, and Trick did a thorough patrol of the shelter’s territory. Satisfied that no strangers were lingering around the border, they headed back to the building.

  Dawn was waiting near the children’s playground, rubbing her hands together anxiously. “Did you find anything?” Ryan shook his head, and she let out a sigh of relief. “We told the residents what happened. They’re understandably worried, but none of them wish to leave. In fact, many of them expressed their intentions to defend the shelter if any trouble came. Ryan, you’ll find Makenna in the basement, taking note of the supplies.”

  Giving Dawn a nod, he walked inside the building and tracked his mate to the basement, where he found her checking off boxes on a clipboard.

  She flashed him a smile. “Hey. Any signs of intruders?”

  “No.” He closed the distance between them. “We’re alone now.”

  She glanced around. “That’s true.”

  “It means you can stop pretending you’re okay.”

  Makenna thought about brushing off the comment, but that would only insult him. He didn’t deserve that. “I’m just pissed at myself.”

  “At yourself?”

  She hugged the clipboard to her chest. “I thought these people were protected, Ryan. I thought the wards would keep out any danger. But Remy still found a way to invade the place. I should have considered that, but I didn’t. Dawn is so devastated, feeling like she let the residents down, when it’s my fault.”

  Ryan curled a stray lock of hair around her ear. “Are you done being irrational?” That wild glint in her eyes sparked.

  “Excuse me?”

  He took the clipboard and slid it onto a nearby shelf, not liking that little barrier between them. “You are not responsible for another person’s actions. There’s such a thing as cause and effect. Remy’s the cause, and these are the effects. You do not enter that equation.”

  His matter-of-fact tone probably should have rubbed her the wrong way, but Makenna found it soothing. When something was on her mind, she’d find herself obsessing over it until she drove herself crazy. Ryan’s practical, no-nonsense manner had a way of calming the chaos in her head.

  He cupped her face with both hands. “The blame belongs solely to him. You put everything you are into this shelter. No one here would ever blame you for what’s happening.” He slid his hand around to her nape and pulled her to him. With a sigh, she rested her forehead on his chest. He rubbed her back until she relaxed against him. “I hate the stress he’s causing you. And I hate that I can’t do anything to help.” Makenna’s happiness was most important to him, and it tormented him every second of every day that he couldn’t eliminate this threat. It was his practical nature that held him back. As Makenna said, they needed to play this smart.

  “How can you think you’ve done nothing to help? Seriously, Ryan, if it wasn’t for you and your pack, we’d be on Shit Street right now.”

  He kissed her. “No, you wouldn’t. You’d have found a way to protect the people here.” And he fucking adored that about her. He kissed her again, savoring the taste of his mate. Needing it. Loving it. And wondering yet again why the fuck their bond was out of his reach.


  That evening, as Ryan drove with Makenna through the gates of his territory, he asked, “What are the stories of the loners we’re hiding?” He gave Gabe, who was in the security shack, a curt nod as they passed him. “We can’t adequately protect them if we don’t know what or who might come for them.”

  Makenna agreed, but she couldn’t break their confidence. “Riley shared her story with me, trusting I wouldn’t repeat it. I can’t violate her trust like that. But I can tell you about Savannah and Dexter. As you might have sensed, Savannah is a snake shifter. A viper. She was abandoned as a baby, left outside a church. Social Services mistook her for a human. When she started displaying strange behavior—hissing, biting, and climbing just about everything—her human adoptive parents took her to be tested. When it transpired that she was a shifter, they didn’t want her anymore. Social Services passed her on to Dawn.”

  His wolf snarled at the idea of a child being deserted not just once but twice. “Why do you think she needs to be hidden?”

  “I did some research on viper nests, trying to track her origins. Vipers are rare, so it wasn’t hard. Did you hear about the nest from Arizona that was wiped out by a cougar pride that swore it would see every last viper within the nest dead?”

  “Yes. The Alpha wanted revenge when his son died after being poisoned by a female viper.”

  “We think Savannah was part of that nest. The ruling pair reportedly had a baby daughter that was nowhere to be found when the nest and pride went to war. The cougars searched for her. Our best guess is that her parents abandoned her to protect her.”

  “The Alpha wanted to kill their daughter as a tit for tat,” Ryan concluded.

  She nodded, a grim twist to her mouth. “Hopefully Remy doesn’t make the connection between Savannah and the war. She may not be from that nest, but the cougars would still come to find out for themselves. I wasn’t going to take any chances.”

  “What about Dexter?”

  “He was also brought to Dawn by Social Services. We have no idea what pride he’s from. He’d been living wild on the streets. He was found by human kids who tormented and prodded him with sticks. A passing stranger recorded the incident with his cell phone . . . so I watched as Dexter’s claws sliced out and he attacked the kids to defend himself.”

  “He was able to partially shift?” It was rare that their inner animals surfaced to any degree before puberty.

  “Yep. The footage was uploaded to YouTube. The anti-shifter extremists pounced on the whole thing, claiming Dexter is a freak that even his pride doesn’t want. They said Dexter needed to be ‘put down’ like a rabid dog. We’ve been hiding him from them.”

  His wolf flexed his claws, wanting to lash out. “The kids have had a tough time.”

  “They have.”

  Entering the parking lot, Ryan whipped into his usual parking space. “I want to ask you something.” He just hadn’t been sure how to bring it up. Makenna looked at him, expectant. “Do you want to contact your uncle?” Okay, he probably should have eased her into the subject a little better.

  Caught off guard by the question, Makenna sucked in a breath. “I haven’t given it any thought. There’s a lot going on right now. I need to concentrate on the shelter. I’ll worry about my uncle at a later point.” For some reason, that made Ryan scowl. “What?”

  “You don’t always have to put others before yourself.” It was pissing him off more and more.

  That put her on the defensive. “I don’t always do it.”

  He grunted.

  “No, I don’t.”

  He grunted again.

  “I don’t. Look, my uncle isn’t exactly going anywhere. There’s no rush to deal with that. But the shelter . . . that’s a ‘here and now’ problem.” She sighed, admitting, “And maybe I don’t want to deal with my past just yet. Maybe I want some time to let it all sink in. Maybe.”

  Ryan cupped her nape and drew her close. “That doesn’t make you weak.”

  “I never said it did.”

  “You were thinking it.”

  Yes, she was. “You wouldn’t put something aside temporarily. You’d deal with it straightaway and then move on.”

  “Because I don’t feel even half of the emotions that you do. I’m numb to a lot of things.”

  She gave him a pointed look. “There’s nothing at all wrong with you. Being reserved and logical doesn’t make you—”

  “Emotionally detached? That’s exactly what I am.” He’d accepted that.

  She framed his face with her hands. “You are a good person, Ryan Conner. You take care of your
pack, you have strong family values despite your childhood, and you’re someone people respect and know they can rely on. You can’t be emotionally detached; you care about people.”

  “In my own way. But I don’t care about people the same way you do.” Maybe that was why he was so protective of the people in his life—he was compensating for the things he couldn’t give them. Maybe not. He didn’t see that it really mattered either way. “Except when it comes to you.” There were so many emotions tangled up in what he felt for Makenna—some familiar, some not. “It’s different with you.”

  “It’s the same for me, you know. Just because I have a bigger . . . emotional repertoire than you, doesn’t mean I feel strong emotions for everyone.” Makenna paused, nervous at revealing so much but knowing he deserved to hear it—maybe even needed to hear it. “You once said I step into other people’s lives but don’t allow them to step into mine. You were right. I don’t give much of myself to people. You have all of me.”

  Warmth built in Ryan’s chest and seemed to flood every part of him. This female . . . she could get to him in a way that no one else ever could. She wasn’t just under his skin; she was inside him. She was part of him. The best part. “I’m keeping it all.” She deserved more than those possessive words, deserved to hear what he felt, and it pissed him off that he couldn’t articulate himself.

  Sensing his internal struggle on some strange . . . almost metaphysical level, Makenna put a finger to his mouth. “I don’t need words. Everything you do shows me you care. Now come on, let’s go inside.”

  Ascending the cliff steps, they went into the mountain and strode through the tunnels. As they neared the kitchen, they found Tao and Riley having some kind of standoff. Several other wolves were gathered around, who all seemed amused.

  “You’re being dramatic.” Riley sighed. It was very like the raven to blow off people’s anger—she didn’t let much get to her. Makenna liked that about her.

  Tao’s spine locked. “Dramatic?” He pointed at Savannah, who was standing behind Riley with Dexter and Kye. “She bit someone.”

  “She’s not poisonous; she’s only four.”

  Noticing Makenna, Savannah coiled and sprung in the air. Makenna caught her easily, smiling at the melted chocolate on the little girl’s face and T-shirt. “Hey, cutie, how are you?”

  Her little face scrunched up. “I don’t like it here.”

  “Why not?”

  “I’m not allowed to bite the mean old lady.”

  Makenna did her best to contain her smile. “Why would you want to bite her?”

  “She said something mean to my Riley.” Savannah was very protective of the raven.

  “Sweetie, the old lady says something mean to pretty much everyone.”

  “Then why can’t I bite her?”

  Hearing Jaime and Taryn laugh, Makenna asked, “Is Greta okay?”

  “She’s fine.” Taryn waved away her concern. “She’s milking it, of course, for attention, said she could feel the poison working its way through her body and needed to go lie down.”

  Jaime snorted. “Savannah’s little teeth didn’t even break the skin—though it wouldn’t matter if they had, since she’s not poisonous. Tao’s just worried that she’ll bite Kye, and, well, he’s tetchy when he worries.”

  Savannah shook her head, frowning at Jaime. “I don’t bite my friends. I like Kye.” She turned back to Makenna. “He lets me play with his toys.”

  Makenna smiled. “Yeah? That’s nice of him.”

  Riley smirked at Tao. “You heard Savannah; you have nothing to worry about. As for Gretchen—”

  “Greta,” growled Tao.

  “Whatever. I can’t say the same for her.”

  Grace stepped forward. “Now that that’s settled, how about I show Riley where she and the children will be staying? Looking at the mess they’ve made of themselves, I’m sure the little ones would like a bath.” She turned to Makenna and Ryan. “Have you eaten?” At Ryan’s nod, she said, “Good.”

  Tao scooped Kye up off the floor when he went to follow Grace and the new guests down the corridor. “Not you, pup.”

  Zac walked over to Ryan, grinning. “Dude, I thought you had no tact. Tao is way worse.”

  Ryan grunted. While Tao didn’t have a diplomatic bone in his body, he was a pretty sociable guy. But only with his pack—he didn’t trust or have much time for outsiders.

  Tao shook his head. “I can’t believe we have a raven here.”

  Taryn took Kye from him. “Why? What’s the big deal?”

  “Do you not know anything about raven shifters?” asked Tao. “They’re a lot like their animal counterparts. Cunning. Tricksters. Cheaters. Thieves. They’re the ultimate masters of deceit.”

  Taryn’s brows flew up. “Really? Intriguing.”

  Trey rolled his eyes at his mate. “You’re just saying that because you love birds.”

  “Why does she need somewhere to hide anyway?” Tao said, his tone challenging. “I mean, can’t she just fly away?”

  Zac slapped Tao on the back. “Dude, don’t worry; Riley is cool. Crazy but cool.”

  The Head Enforcer’s expression said, “We’ll see.”

  Taryn turned to Makenna. “Those kids are so cute. How the hell did they become loners?”

  “Let’s go sit down while we hear their stories,” said Trey. So the pack followed him to the living area, where Makenna sat on Ryan’s lap as she shared what she knew about both children.

  Tao, slouched in an armchair, asked, “What about the raven?”

  “That’s her story to share or not to share,” Makenna told him. Tao grumbled something under his breath.

  “Kye’s so happy to be around kids near his age.” Taryn smiled. “The only other pup we have in our pack is Lilah, and she’s too little for him to really play with. I think it makes him feel kind of lonely at times, even though he sees Willow a lot. Having other kids around will be good for him.”

  “Yeah, if they don’t hurt him,” said Tao. “Savannah might not be poisonous, but she’ll still bite at the slightest provocation—it’s instinct. And if Dexter can partially shift, he could really hurt Kye.”

  Makenna might have been annoyed by Tao’s attitude if she couldn’t see the anxiety in his expression. He was extremely protective of Kye, which was only natural considering he was the pup’s bodyguard.

  “And I’m not convinced it’s wise having a raven here,” he added.

  “It’s wise if we want the little ones under control,” said Taryn. “Riley’s the only authority they recognize.”

  Ryan didn’t contribute as Taryn and the Head Enforcer continued to discuss the issue. It wasn’t that Tao had any real prejudice against snakes, partially shifting children, or ravens. Tao’s reflex reaction to strangers was to reject them. Once he got used to them, his attitude would change and he would be one of their biggest protectors.

  Ryan rubbed his jaw against Makenna’s temple. “You’re quiet. What’s going on in that head of yours?” If she was stressing about anything, he could—

  “Does it bother anyone else that the Easter Bunny carries eggs?” asked Makenna, causing the room to fall quiet. “I mean, rabbits don’t lay eggs.”

  He closed his eyes. Honestly, what was he supposed to do with a pointless question like that? He expected his pack to gawk at her. He was wrong to do so.

  Jaime paused in stroking her cat. “That’s a good point.” The others nodded, and Rhett announced he would Google it.



  Two days. Makenna experienced two blessed days of peace. A peace that ended as she and Ryan pulled up outside the shelter, only to find Remy waiting with some of his wolves. Just the sight of him was enough to cause a deep, dark rage to unfurl in her stomach and make her wolf leap to her feet with a snarl.

  Hearing a low growl build in Ryan’s chest, she put a hand on his arm. “Whatever happens, whatever he says, stay calm. The council meeting is tomorrow. We?
??ve been smart up until now. Let’s not fuck it up by losing our shit at the last hurdle.”

  Ryan grunted. “I could say the same to you.” Her calm exterior wasn’t fooling him for a second. Not just because he knew her well but because he could feel her fury like it was his own. It practically sizzled in his veins. There was only one explanation for that. “The mating bond is operating on some level.” It was still psychically out of his reach, but it was somehow working.

  “Or imprinting has started.”

  That made more sense, since a mating bond couldn’t fully function unless it had snapped into place. And yet, Ryan’s instincts told him this was more than imprinting. His wolf agreed.

  She exhaled heavily. “Come on, let’s get this over with.” They both hopped out of the Chevy, and Ryan then moved to stand beside Makenna as he lifted a questioning brow at Trick. The enforcer was guarding the door with Dominic.

  “He just arrived,” Trick told them, arms folded.

  “And he doesn’t seem inclined to tell us why he’s here,” said Dominic, glaring at Remy.

  Ignoring them, Remy pushed away from his vehicle and came toward Makenna and Ryan, exuding superiority and arrogance. “Makenna,” he drawled with none of his usual charm. His gaze flicked briefly to the distinctive bite on her throat. “I heard you wore a claiming mark.” Most likely from his spies. “I was doubtful about it. I hadn’t actually believed someone would claim a loner.”

  Remy’s enforcers snickered. It would seem that Remy had decided to drop all pretense of being a nice guy.

  His eyes shifted to Ryan. “I see you’re wearing a mark too. I’m curious, are you true mates or have you imprinted?”

  “Why are you here?” asked Makenna, voice bland.

  “I thought I’d give Dawn one final chance to join my pack before the council meeting tomorrow.”

  Makenna snorted. “If you wanted to speak to Dawn, you wouldn’t have been waiting by your car. You’re here to see us. Why?”

  Remy returned his focus to Ryan. “I appreciate that you’re protective of your mate and, by extension, the shelter. It’s only natural.” His expression hardened as he added, “But Makenna’s mate or not, you need to stay out of this, Conner. This matter does not concern you or your pack. Are we clear?”