Read Savage Urges Page 25

  Makenna clicked “Stop” on her cell phone, enjoying the shock on Remy’s face. “That’s right,” she told the council members. “The cougars would never have appeared if Remy hadn’t hacked Dawn’s computer, read her files, and then tipped the pride off about a four-year-old child they wanted to kill.” She licked her front teeth. “See, the real reason that Dawn won’t give into Remy’s demands is that she refuses to allow a pedophile constant access to children.” Parker sucked in a breath. Makenna snorted. “Come on, we’ve all heard the rumors.”

  “Rumors,” echoed Emilio. “Rumors created to blacken Remy’s name and undermine his power—nothing more. And your recording means nothing. Remy does not state that he contacted the cougars. Nor does he state that he did in fact blackmail anyone, just that he finds it an efficient method.”

  Makenna nodded once. “True, so I think you’ll be better hearing this from someone else.” Knowing Emilio would be of no help at all, she looked at Parker. “There should be two people waiting outside that door. You really want to hear what they have to say.”

  After a moment, Parker nodded and instructed a wolf manning the door to open it. He frowned as two males entered the room. “Who are you?”

  The taller of the two, looking slick and smart in a designer suit, said, “Ravi Lamar. I’m a lone shifter and I’ve been sponsoring the shelter for many years. Not so long ago, I was approached by a wolf who wanted to pass on a message from his Alpha.”

  Harrison asked, “What was that message?”

  “That if I didn’t withdraw my funding from the shelter, he would expose me to my clients as a shifter. I ignored the threat. My loyalty is very much to the shelter. I was once a resident there. If it wasn’t for Dawn, I wouldn’t have the education, skills, or money to be the successful businessman that I am today.”

  Emilio’s gaze narrowed. “Did this wolf name his Alpha?”


  Emilio grinned. “Then why would you think his Alpha is Remy?”

  “Because the wolf who approached me is sitting at his side.”

  That made Emilio’s grin vanish in a rush.

  Parker eyed the male behind Ravi. “What about you? Are you another witness?”

  The blond reluctantly stepped forward. “My name is Grayson. I was a member of Remy’s pack until three days ago.”

  Parker leaned forward, bracing his elbows on the panel. “What happened three days ago?”

  Grayson balls his hands into fists. “I ran away.”


  “As I was passing his cabin, I looked into the window and caught him . . .” His eyes briefly flicked to Remy, and he swallowed hard.

  Harrison pressed, “You caught him, what?”

  Grayson took a deep breath. “I saw him touching a child . . . inappropriately.”

  “Define inappropriately,” said Parker. “I need to understand the gravity of what you saw.”

  Grayson thrust a hand through his hair and recited an account that made Makenna’s stomach churn and her fists clench in fury. He then added, “Before I could do anything, Deanne burst into the room.”

  Harrison’s brows pinched together. “Deanne?”

  At the same time that Grayson explained, “Remy’s mother,” the woman jumped to her feet and shouted, “That’s a lie!”

  Landyn gave her a hard look. “You will sit down.” It wasn’t until Remy hissed something at her that she actually did.

  Parker looked at Grayson. “Carry on.”

  Grayson swallowed. “She screamed at the kid to get out. At first, I thought she was helping him. But then she turned to Remy and started crying and shouting, saying she refused to share him with anyone—including the pups; she said she’d kill them all just like she’d killed the others. She was jealous and raging, and she hit him over the head with a lamp.”

  “Lies!” shouted Deanne. “It’s all lies!”

  “One more outburst and you will leave this room,” Landyn warned her. He turned back to Grayson. “Continue.”

  “I don’t know what happened after that; I ran. I wanted to take the pups with me, but I couldn’t get inside Remy’s cabin without being seen. I knew that I had to go for help.” Grayson’s face scrunched up. “They’re both sick in the head, and neither of them should be anywhere near kids.”

  Deanne leaped to her feet, but Remy tugged her back down and hissed, “Quiet.”

  There was a short, pensive silence that was broken by Harrison. “This is a matter that needs to be thoroughly investigated—a case separate from the matter of the shelter.” Parker and Landyn nodded their agreement. “In light of what has been said today, I’m satisfied that Remy attempted to sabotage the shelter in an attempt to help him gain what he wanted.”

  “Remy Deacon, your application is dismissed,” declared Parker. “With regards to these allegations, an investigation will begin straightaway. I believe in being innocent until proven guilty. Even so, the pups of your pack will be relocated until the case is resolved.”

  Deanne gasped, but Ryan thought she didn’t look very upset. The crazy bitch was probably pleased the children would be out of her way.

  “My wolves will escort you back to your territory and take the pups to safety,” added Parker. “This meeting is over.” Each of the council members rose and left the room, and Makenna made her way to Dawn. The feline wrapped her in a hug, happy and relieved.

  Remy very slowly rose to his feet, like a snake uncoiling. He glared at Dawn. “I warned you. You’ll regret this. All of you.” His eyes went to Ryan. “Especially you.”

  Ryan didn’t have to ask what he meant. But if he really thought the York Pack would get anywhere near Zac, he was a dumb son of a bitch.

  “You lied to me,” Deanne growled at Makenna. “My son never touched you.”

  Makenna flashed her a taunting smile. “Didn’t he?”

  A crease formed between Deanne’s brows. The woman was so paranoid where Remy was concerned that she had no confidence in her own convictions. “Remy, it’s not true, is it?” He didn’t answer, just headed for the exit. She trailed after him, repeating her question.

  Dante waited until Remy and his wolves left before speaking. “I half expected him to attack.”

  Ryan gave a quick shake of the head. “He still thinks he has the upper hand. If he knew that we’re fully aware the York Pack are his guests, he would have reacted very differently.”

  Grayson moved to Dante. “You’ll kill Remy, right? The sick fuck needs to die.”

  “He’ll die,” Dante vowed before calling Trey and telling him the result of the hearing. Hanging up, he said, “The extremists left.”

  Makenna wanted to be relieved by that, but there was no saying the humans wouldn’t return. Still, she’d count today as a win. She linked her arm through Ryan’s. “I’m fucking ecstatic that the pups will be taken from Remy.”

  “Me too,” said Jaime. “You know, I wasn’t all that superstitious until I met you. Did you see Emilio’s face when it started to rain? Priceless.” Nodding, Madisyn chuckled.

  Makenna looked up at Ryan. “Are you a believer yet?” He grunted. “Fine, be irrational.”

  Ryan just didn’t understand her. “How can you call me irrational when you picked your clothes this morning based on what your horoscope told you?” Who did that?

  “Well, if you remember correctly, it told me to prepare for wet weather. Turns out it was necessary. Although . . . I suppose it’s worth considering that if Emilio hadn’t killed that spider, it might not have rained. In that sense, maybe it wasn’t fated to rain. Unless, of course, the spider’s destiny was to die at Emilio’s—”

  “Stop, stop,” Ryan told her. He just couldn’t take anymore. “Let’s just go.”

  “Always so grouchy.”



  Normally, Makenna found a bath with Ryan to be the epitome of relaxation. Hot water, bubbles, large hands sliding over her skin—total heaven. She loved feeling
those hands massaging shampoo into her hair and soaping her down. Loved returning the favor. Tonight, though, the tension wouldn’t leave her mind or body. Not that she’d expected differently, given what loomed ahead.

  She had spent the entire afternoon in Trey’s office with most of the Phoenix wolves, discussing Remy’s plans to invade their territory in two days’ time. It wouldn’t be easy to defend the territory. Remy’s pack was large and would be accompanied by the York Pack. Also, it was probable that he would top up his numbers by calling on his alliances.

  A preemptive strike wasn’t possible because Remy’s territory was so vast. All they could do was be prepared for the attack. They would have been seriously outnumbered, but, thankfully, several of Trey’s alliances—including the Mercury Pack, Dante’s brother’s pack, and Taryn’s old pack—had agreed to join them. In addition, Myles’s Alpha had contacted Trey, having heard of Remy’s plans via Rosa, and offered to support them. The numbers were now pretty even.

  Still, no one was feeling reassured. The other couples had retreated to their rooms, wanting some private time together. Makenna refused to even consider that she could lose Ryan in the fight. It wasn’t a possibility. Nope. No way. Nu-uh.

  He nuzzled her neck. “Stop thinking so hard.”

  She would. Nothing good could come of dwelling on the battle ahead. Her worries would only intrude on their time together. “Sorry.” She forced her limbs to loosen as she leaned back against him. “Let’s talk about something to get my mind off the fight.”

  That was the perfect opening for Ryan to reveal what was on his mind. “I know why the mating bond hasn’t snapped into place.”

  “You do?” Makenna still wasn’t convinced there was one, but she didn’t want to argue.

  “It’s an external issue.”

  “What does that mean?”

  Under the water, he splayed a hand on her stomach. “Deep inside, you worry this pack will betray you the way your childhood pack did.”

  Makenna frowned. “No, your pack is good.”

  “You’ve just proven my point.”


  “You called it my pack.” She still didn’t see it as hers. It aggravated his wolf.

  Squirming, she said, “I’m still adjusting to being part of one, that’s all.”

  “Adjusting, or holding back because you fear getting comfortable here in case they turn on you?”

  “I don’t fear they’ll betray me. I just don’t really feel part of the pack yet. I can’t explain why.”

  “I can. Your fear of being let down again is causing you to hold back.” He licked at his claiming mark. “When it’s gone, it’ll clear the path for the bond.”

  “You know, I have to give you credit where it’s due. At no point whatsoever have you ever doubted that we’re true mates. Nothing I’ve said has made any difference. There’s no bond, and yet you’re still unwavering in your belief. It’s admirable.”

  He linked their fingers, speaking into her ear. “Do you ever feel something pulling at you? A pressure on your head and chest? I do.” He was pretty sure it was the bond.

  Sometimes she thought she did. But admitting that aloud was hard; it could just be setting herself up for disappointment.

  “It’s there, Kenna. Waiting.” He kissed her temple. “The pack sees you as one of us. None of them would ever betray you. They’d try to kill anyone who ever hurt you.”


  “I’d get there first.” That made her smile. “At least be honest about one thing: you hold yourself back from the pack, don’t you?”

  Makenna took a moment to think about it. “I’ve lost most of the things that were important to me. It’s hard to fully trust it won’t happen again.”

  He got that. He got why, on one level, she was preparing herself for the disappointment of losing more. He couldn’t blame her. But it was essential to him that she accepted her place in the pack. There were certain to be some casualties during the battle. He needed to know that if anything happened to him, she’d be okay; she wouldn’t be alone, wouldn’t be lost under the grief of losing another person. Right now, he very much doubted that she’d stay in the pack without him. “Promise me one thing.”

  She wasn’t sure why, but the hairs on her neck rose. “What?”

  “Promise me that if something happens to me—”

  “It won’t.”


  “No. This a pointless conversation because you are not going to die.” And she was done talking about it.

  “I need to know that you won’t be alone.”

  “I won’t, because you’ll be there.” Pulling out the plug, she got to her feet and stepped out onto the mat. Wrapping a fluffy towel around her, she went into the bedroom. Yes, she was fleeing from the conversation. She refused to even discuss that he might—

  Cutting off the thought, she grabbed her brush and began dragging it through her wet hair. Her wolf hunkered down, thoroughly annoyed with her mate for even suggesting the unacceptable. Makenna felt Ryan’s energy beating against her skin before his warm, solid chest pressed to her back. She gave him a sidelong glance. “Are you done talking about morbid shit?”

  Ryan took her brush and placed it on the bedside cabinet. “We could instead talk about how it would be better if you stayed inside the caves during the battle.”

  “You’re not cutting me out of the fight.” They’d already discussed that. She would not sit here, twiddling her thumbs, while he was in danger.

  He curled his arms around her. “We need people to stay inside and protect the others.”

  “People have already been assigned to do that.”

  “The pups will feel better if you stay with them.”

  She snorted. “That’s not going to work, Ryan. Look, I understand you don’t want me risking myself. I’m not crazy about you doing it. But I wouldn’t ask you to stay out of the battle. It’s not who you are.”

  He growled, exasperated by how fair she was being. It made it hard to argue his point. “You’re not trained in combat.”

  “No, but I can still fight. My wolf can fight.”

  He didn’t doubt that. Her wolf was wild even when she played. Still . . . “You’ve never been in a battle before.”

  “There’s a first time for everything.”

  “If I’m worrying about you, I won’t be able to focus.”

  “You’ll be able to focus if you don’t pointlessly worry.”

  Ryan nipped her throat. “Stubborn.”

  “Yes. Now can we drop this? You’re missing the bigger picture: I’m naked, you’re naked, and there are much more interesting things to do when naked.”

  She did have a point. And honestly, talking about the battle was the last way he wanted to spend the night. “Turn around, Kenna.” Once she was facing him, he fingered one of her wet locks. “Drop the towel.”

  Well. It would seem that the battle talk was indeed over. Makenna let the towel puddle at her feet. Her skin burned under the intensity and heat of his gaze as it drank her in. His rarely expressive eyes glittered with possessiveness and a predatory hunger that made her mouth dry up. She bit her lower lip, but his thumb tugged it free.

  “Only I get to bite this mouth. It belongs to me.” Tangling a hand in her hair, Ryan angled her head how he wanted it and lowered his mouth to hers. Her lips parted, and he swept his tongue inside. He tasted her. Feasted on her. Demanded everything she had . . . because it was his to take.

  He snatched her head back, exposing her neck and making her spine arch. She ground against him as he licked and sucked at her claiming bite. Her little throaty moans made his cock jerk. He closed his hand possessively around her breast, squeezing and plumping. How the fuck did she get her skin this soft?

  Needing to touch him, Makenna tugged off his towel and then fisted his cock—it was hot and hard and pulsed in her hand. He grunted into her neck as she pumped him, keeping her grip firm just the way he liked it. But she needed more th
an just to touch him.

  Ryan watched as she dropped to her knees—something she hadn’t done since that time when she’d tried to take control and he’d refused to allow it. There was no calculation in her gaze this time. “Are you trying to take control again, Kenna?” He didn’t think so, but he had to be sure.

  “No. I want to taste you.”

  “Then do it.” Without any preamble, she took him into her mouth. No teasing licks. No nibbling or stroking. She just deep-throated him. And it was fucking amazing. Ryan had never much liked having the whole thing drawn out. He didn’t have the patience for it. His mate obviously sensed that about him.

  “Suck harder, Kenna. That’s it.” The sight of her gorgeous mouth wrapped around his cock, the scent of her need, and the feel of her sucking him deep over and over . . . fuck. Wrapping her hair around both fists, he took over. He needed this. Needed to fuck her mouth and come down her throat—another way to mark her as his. Soon enough, his balls tightened and he felt the telling tingle in his spine. “Swallow it.” He thrust hard and came with a growl—and she swallowed it all. Masculine satisfaction settled deep in his gut. She was getting a reward for that.

  He jerked his chin at the bed. “On your back, legs spread.” For once, there was no defiance in her as she obeyed him. “Good girl.” Ryan took a moment to just look at her, taking in her flushed face, gorgeous breasts, pebbled nipples, delicate curves, navel piercing, and her glistening pussy.

  Kneeling on the bed between her thighs, he met her eyes; they were glazed over with the vicious need that he could feel coursing through her. That need was feeding his, making it hard to stay in control. “You’re the most perfect fucking thing I’ve ever seen.”

  The gruffly spoken compliment made her smile. “So you can say pretty words.”

  “Not pretty words, just a fact.” Slipping his hands under her ass, Ryan tilted her hips and swiped his tongue through her folds. Her taste, so familiar and addictive, thrummed through his system. He didn’t tease her. He devoured her: licking, lapping, nipping, suckling her clit, and stabbing his tongue inside her.

  “Ryan, I want you in me.” She felt so empty. Ached to feel him thrusting deep. Instead, he drove one finger inside her. Again. Again. And again. He added another finger, curving them just right. But then his tongue replaced them, and one of those fingers circled the rim of her ass. She sucked in a breath as he worked it inside her. The dual assault on her senses didn’t help. It only made her ache more. “Ryan.” He ignored the demand in her voice. She shoved at his head to dislodge him. He growled against her flesh and thrust a second finger into her ass. Then she was coming. The orgasm took her by surprise, hitting her hard.