Read Savage Urges Page 28

  “Who’s hot for a pedophile—go judge me for not ranking you highly.” Makenna grabbed a tray from one of the tables and whipped it at Selene. It caught her head, making it snap to the side.

  “He never touched those boys.” With a growl, Selene copied her by snatching another tray and hurling it.

  Makenna raised her hand to block the tray. It smacked the tip of her little finger, making the nail snap back for a single second. Motherfucker. “Sure he did. He’s a twisted fuck, just like his mother.” The latter word made Selene’s lip curl back. So she didn’t like Deanne either. “Let me guess . . . she tries to keep you away from Remy.”

  “Because she knows he’s my mate.”

  “Your mate?” echoed Makenna, shocked.

  “My true mate. When he finally accepts that, when he’s ready, we’ll claim each other.”

  No wonder Selene was in complete denial about Remy. If Makenna weren’t half feral, she might have felt sorry for her, might have pitied her for discovering that her mate’s childhood had so warped his mind that he could never be the perfect match he otherwise would have been. But right then, Makenna only saw a bitch who’d killed her friend.

  Selene once again tried to reach Remy. Makenna blocked her path and slashed at Selene’s face, catching her bottom lip. That had to fucking sting. And now she’d be able to taste her own blood. Makenna’s wolf liked knowing that. “I’m surprised you haven’t gotten rid of Deanne.” Makenna would have destroyed anyone who harmed Ryan that way.

  “It would hurt Remy.” Selene ran a finger over her bleeding lip. “He loves her. He says she never hurt him.”

  “Because he can’t accept he’s a victim.”

  Selene shook her head. “If he says she didn’t hurt him, I believe him. Now let’s get this over with so I can end you, just like Remy will end your mate.” She leaped at Makenna.

  Ryan used his arm to swipe away the blood obscuring his vision. The slashes on his forehead were deep and throbbed. It was no surprise that Remy, as an Alpha, was a worthy opponent. He was strong. Confident. Well versed in various forms of combat. Careful not to telegraph his movements. And his punch was like a jackhammer.

  All of which was very inconvenient.

  He was also a guy who liked to go for the face and chest. Ryan’s jaw throbbed from the hard blows it had taken. His ear burned from when Remy had tried to bite it off. And his T-shirt was wet with blood and sweat.

  Still, Ryan had been training since he was a child. He knew how to block pain, knew every weak spot on a human body, and knew how to defend just as well as attack. Remy, however, wasn’t so good at defense—Ryan had pounced on that weakness. Which was why Remy was in no better shape than him.

  “I don’t know many enforcers who’d take on an Alpha.” Remy licked his split lip. “I guess you’re a little pissed that I sold Makenna’s identity to the extremists.”

  Ryan really wasn’t sure why the guy kept talking. He actually didn’t mind that Remy was doing his best to taunt him. Talking meant he found it hard to keep his breathing steady. Besides, Ryan knew better than to let emotions, worries, or pain distract him. So he’d kept his anger in check. Didn’t let himself dwell on how this bastard had stolen the innocence of children, or on how he was made from the same cloth of the males who had hurt Zac.

  The only thing concerning Ryan, the only thing capable of distracting him, was that he could feel his mate was half feral. Sure, it would give her an edge. It could also make her ignore her smarts. Lead her to make mistakes. Mistakes meant losing. Losing meant death. That wasn’t acceptable to Ryan.

  “She should have stayed out of this,” Remy went on. “That was all she had to do. You should have stayed out of it too. Did you know that while you’re here fighting me, young Zac’s old Alpha is leading an army of wolves to your territory?” His smirk fell when Ryan lashed out, carving deep grooves in his chest. “You do know. How?”

  Ryan’s only response was to aim a punch at his opponent’s nose. Remy jerked back, avoiding the blow. Then he came at Ryan with claws and fists again. His wolf was raring to surface and tear Remy apart. He wanted to destroy this male who had put his mate in danger and led Zac’s old pack right to him. The scent of blood mixed with the corruption and cruelty that wafted from Remy only increased his wolf’s thirst for vengeance.

  A hard kick from Remy caught Ryan’s thigh. He grunted as Remy’s heel raked over what was sure to be a fucking colorful bruise. Makenna would be pissed. Pumped up on adrenalin, Ryan only felt a quarter of the pain. He retaliated by snapping out his leg, booting Remy’s side. Something cracked and the breath whooshed out of Remy.

  The Alpha’s eyes flashed wolf. “Son of a bitch.” Remy tore off his jeans and shifted forms. He was fast.

  So was Ryan.

  The wolves crashed into each other in a fury of teeth and claws. The dark wolf had hungered for this. Longed to confront and battle this male who would have seen his mate dead. He was merciless. Vicious. Stabbed his claws deep into his opponent’s sides.

  The gray wolf snarled and tore a strip out of the dark wolf’s flank. Blood soaked his fur, filled his nose. But the dark wolf didn’t back off. He fought harder.

  He sank his teeth down into the gray wolf’s shoulder and shook him. His fangs tore through skin and muscle. Scraped bone. Made satisfaction flood the dark wolf. He didn’t want to defeat his opponent. Didn’t want him to submit. He wanted him dead. Wanted more of the gray’s wolf blood on his tongue.

  Chests heaving, the wolves fiercely fought again. Growling. Snarling. Clawing. Biting. Body slamming. The Alpha was strong like his human side. Ruthless and without honor. So it didn’t take the dark wolf by surprise when dominant, oppressive vibes slammed into him. Vibes that tried to force him to submit.

  The dark wolf shook his head in an effort to shake off the weight pressing down on him. He would not submit. He would not lose. But the pressure was heavy and thick, it—

  Wolves burst into the room, growling and snarling. The dark wolf recognized their scents, knew some were his pack mates. The sight distracted the gray wolf, made his vibes ease away. The dark wolf took advantage and barreled into him. He wrestled the Alpha onto his back, pinned him there and—


  A hard force slammed into the dark wolf, knocking him off the Alpha. The dark wolf slid along the floor and hit the wall with a thud. The man within the animal pushed hard for supremacy, and the wolf didn’t have the strength to resist.

  Ryan got to his feet, ready to fight off the crazed female baring down on him. He didn’t have to. A growled, “Not a fucking chance, bitch!” was followed by Selene crashing to the ground as a weight hit her back and took her down. Makenna.

  “This time,” snarled Makenna, fisting the female’s hair and yanking up her head, “you won’t get up.” She sliced the female’s throat open, just as Selene had done to Colton.

  “Selene!” The agonized cry came from Remy, who was back in his human form. He crawled to the female, slipping in her blood.

  Moving to Ryan, Makenna stared at Remy. “You knew she was your mate, didn’t you?”

  “She should have been given someone better than me,” he replied, only then seeming to realize the battle was over and his wolves were dead. Some of the residents that Dawn and Madisyn were tending to looked badly hurt, but Ryan couldn’t tell if any were dead.

  Makenna snorted. “I won’t argue there.”

  Upper lip curled back, Remy leaped up. Like a flash, Ryan, Dante and Jaime were blocking his path and Ryan had a hand wrapped around the Alpha’s throat.

  Remy managed a pale imitation of a laugh. “You’re protecting her? Really? Then you mustn’t know about her past. You must have no idea what she did to be banished from her pack and forced to run for her life. I do.”

  It was a total bluff, Makenna knew. Clearly he had no idea that Ryan had already discovered the truth about her pack. Ryan would know that Remy was talking bullshit, but would the others? Would they give a fe
male who was once a loner the benefit of the doubt?

  Remy spat out blood. “Do you want to hear it?”

  “No,” said Dante just as Ryan thrust his claws into Remy’s chest.

  “She’s a Phoenix wolf,” added Jaime. “One of us. That’s all we need to know.”

  And, for the first time, Makenna understood what Ryan was trying to tell her. She wasn’t alone anymore. Didn’t have to be so emotionally reliant. Didn’t have to hold back. She was part of a pack. This pack. And being part of the Phoenix Pack meant something very special.

  The breath left her lungs as pain lanced her head and chest. Then it was gone, and she could feel Ryan everywhere. In her. Around her. She felt his heartbeat, felt his surprise, relief, and satisfaction. Their mating bond, despite being new, wasn’t by any means weak. It was strong. Complete. Probably because it had been ready to form for so long.

  Releasing the dying wolf, Ryan turned to his mate. He’d been right. Or, more specifically, Jaime had been right. The bond had been jammed by an external issue. Now it had not only snapped into place, it was—

  “Not my boy! Not my boy!”

  The screech had everyone spinning to face a gun-waving Deanne. A shot fired, and something slammed into Ryan. It was like there was an explosion in the left side of his stomach. The impact made him grunt and catch his breath. Putting a hand to his stomach, he looked down. Distantly aware that Roni had disarmed and gutted Deanne, Ryan pulled away his hand. And frowned. There was no blood. No wound.

  Beside him, his mate fell to her knees. His frown deepened. “Kenna?” She blinked up at him, her expression one of utter shock. Then he saw the red blooming across her T-shirt. Panic raced through him and his wolf. “Shit.” He dropped to his knees and cupped her face. “Kenna, it’s okay.”

  She nodded. But she didn’t feel okay. She hurt. God, it was like she was burning from the inside out. Every instinct she had told her this was very, very bad. Shock gave way to panic, and she clung to Ryan’s arms—as if he could anchor her. Her wolf went fucking ape shit.

  “Lay her down, put pressure on the wound,” Dante told him, all business.

  Ryan gently eased her onto her back and pressed his hand over the fucking hole in her stomach. She winced. “Shit, I’m sorry.” He shoved strength down their bond, listening as Dante called their Alpha female. “Taryn’s a healer,” Ryan told Makenna, unsure if she already knew. “She’ll fix you.”

  “The bullet went straight through, so that’s good,” said Jaime, but there was worry in her voice. She didn’t need to worry. His mate would be fine.

  Ryan looked into eyes swirling with the pain, fear echoing through him. “It’s okay. You’re going to be fine. Say it.”

  Makenna swallowed. “I’m going to be fine.” She wasn’t certain she believed that. Her stomach burned and throbbed. She could feel warm blood on her skin and pooling beneath her. She’d already lost some in her duel with Selene. As fingers linked with hers, she looked to see Madisyn and Dawn kneeling close by. “Hey.”

  “Don’t you die,” Madisyn hissed, eyes wet and fierce.

  “She’s not going to die,” snapped Ryan.

  “That’s right,” agreed Dawn, voice breaking. “Makenna’s strong.”

  Ryan kissed her gently, brushing a thumb over her cheekbone. Her eyes fluttered closed. He tapped her cheek. “No, Kenna. Look at me.”

  Makenna forced her eyes open. “I’m tired,” she whispered. Crazy tired. She was pretty sure the only thing keeping her conscious was the iron strength Ryan was feeding her. She clung to that strength. She didn’t want to die, didn’t want to leave him or miss the life they could have together. But it was just so hard to stay awake, no matter how hard she fought the urge to sleep. Everything seemed to be fading. Darkening. Like she was falling. No . . . sinking.

  “It’s okay,” said Ryan, his pulse beating frantically. “The wound’s not that bad.”

  Her mouth kicked up into a small smile. “Liar.”

  He was a liar. No matter how much pressure he put on the wound, her blood kept seeping through his fingers. She was seeping through his fingers. “Kenna.” The solid, vibrant bond between them flickered slightly. And he knew what that meant. “No,” he bit out. “No, no, no, no.” She couldn’t die. He wouldn’t fucking allow it. He glared at Dante. “Where the fuck is Taryn?”

  “On her way,” Jaime choked out, eyes shiny. She wasn’t the only one crying. Many were gathered around, most of whom were residents.

  Ryan dropped his forehead to Makenna’s. “Did you hear that? She’s coming.” Makenna gave the tiniest nod. And closed her eyes. “No. Eyes open. Look at me. Good girl.” She coughed, and he saw blood in her mouth. His chest tightened. “No.” This was not fucking happening. It just wasn’t. “Taryn’s coming. Just hold on a little longer.”

  Makenna forced a smile. They both knew Taryn could never make it in time. “Don’t die with me.”

  Rage flared through him and his wolf. “Don’t you dare fucking give up! You live!”

  She coughed again, tasting more blood. “Zac needs you.”

  “And I fucking need you. If you want me to live, you have to stay alive. You fight, okay. Fight.”

  She tried to, she did, but she was so tired and . . . “Cold.” So damn cold. Her wolf lay down with a whine.

  Ryan forced more strength down the fading bond. It made no difference. Her heartbeat kept slowing, their connection kept weakening, and the blood just kept pumping out of her. “Kenna, fight.”

  “It doesn’t hurt anymore,” she murmured.

  “That’s good.” No, it wasn’t good. He knew it; she knew it. His wolf was pacing, anxious, afraid, and wanting to kill.

  “And I’m not scared anymore. Isn’t that weird?” She should be terrified. She was dying, and she knew it. But she felt peaceful. “I love you.” She should have told him that before. “Super shit timing, haven’t I?” She heard Dawn and Madisyn sniffling, wanted to tell them to take care of Ryan. But she was sinking again, and everything seemed so far away.

  Her eyes closed again, and Ryan’s heart slammed against his ribs. “Kenna, look at me.” She didn’t. He shook her. “Open your eyes.” Her sluggish heartbeat stuttered and their bond began to wink out. “No.”

  Hands yanked at him. “Get the fuck off me!” They didn’t. They pulled at him, ignoring his efforts to fight them off, and dragged him away. He couldn’t get back to her, couldn’t fight them; he’d pumped most of his strength into Makenna and wasn’t able to—

  “Easy, Ryan! Just give her some room! If you want your mate to live, give her some room!”

  He stilled, only then noticing Ally squatting beside his mate. The Seer could heal, he remembered. Derren and Dante released him, and his knees nearly buckled.

  “Don’t let her die,” Madisyn hissed at Ally.

  Hands on Makenna’s stomach, Ally looked at him. “You’re going to have to help me, Ryan; she’s hanging on by a thin thread.”

  Ryan went back to his mate and held her hand, trying to push what little strength he had left into her, whether it knocked him unconscious or not. But the bond was too weak to take it.

  Ally’s eyes stayed closed as she did . . . whatever the hell she did. Unlike when Taryn healed, the wound didn’t glow. He couldn’t tell what the fuck was happening. It was only when Makenna’s heartbeat steadied that hope trickled through him. He tightened his grip on her hand as her pulse quickened and their bond strengthened.

  Pale as a ghost, Ally sat back. “She lost a lot of blood, so she’ll be unconscious for a little while, but she’s gonna be okay.” Then the Seer slumped . . . right into Derren’s waiting arms.

  Ryan scooped up Makenna and cradled her tight against him. God, he was fucking shaking. It actually hurt to breathe. His lungs burned and his throat felt clogged up. It didn’t matter that he could feel that she was alive; fear still had him in a tight grip, and it wasn’t letting go anytime soon.

  Breathing her in, he kissed her forehead an
d tucked her face into the crook of his neck. His wolf was still pacing, unable to relax in the belief that she was okay. Madisyn and Dawn, faces red and puffy, were still at her other side. Ryan knew they probably wanted to hold her, but he couldn’t let go. Hearing her heart beat steady and strong was really the only thing keeping him and his wolf stable at that moment.

  “Ally had a vision that Makenna would be shot,” said Derren. “I’m glad we got here in time.”

  They almost hadn’t, but Ryan wouldn’t let himself dwell on that. He gave Derren a nod of thanks, unable to speak while a knot of emotion was lodged in his throat. Ryan owed Ally more than he could ever repay.

  Jaime’s eyes widened. “Shit, the battle on our territory!”

  Dante dug out his cell phone. “In case the others are still fighting, I’ll call Grace and ask what’s happening.” He then faded from the crowd to make the call.

  “When we left, it was starting to settle down and things were going in our favor,” said Marcus. “Most of the wolves actually retreated pretty quickly. They’d expected an easy defeat. The sight of us with so much backup threw them. And they started to panic when they realized there were trip wires and land mines on the territory.”

  Jaime inhaled deeply. “Any casualties on our side?”

  “Trick nearly had his throat ripped out. Dominic came very close to dying while defending Eli.” Eli was Nick’s brother and Head Enforcer. “They’re okay, though. Taryn healed them.”

  Dante returned to Jaime’s side. “It was Rhett who answered. Grace was busy tending wounds. The battle’s over. And Zac’s old Alpha is being held captive in the hut.” Dante looked at Ryan. “Everyone figured that kill was yours.”

  Still not trusting himself to speak, Ryan inclined his head.

  Jaime let out a long breath. “Let’s see who needs help here and then go home.”


  Makenna woke to the feeling of warm lips on her stomach. Her eyelids were heavy, but she forced them open. Lying on top of her, Ryan had pushed up the long T-shirt she was wearing and was kissing where her gunshot wound should have been. But there was no wound, no bandage, not a spot of blood on her body. She frowned. She had been shot, right?