Read Saving His Words Page 1


  Saving his words

  By Joy Bassetti Kruger

  Copyright © July2014 by Joy Bassetti Kruger


  By Joy Bassetti Kruger

  His book sold out in minutes, which was the last thing he had wanted.

  The reason for his distress was that he’d wanted a photo of himself surrounded by several piles of his book. The book had only recently appeared in print and as all the virtual copies he’d sold online didn’t seem real enough to him, he had badly wanted a photo to prove that he had sold real books.

  Now the tangible evidence was gone and this made him feel that the story he’d loved for so long and spent so much time with, -was gone as well. He even felt that the characters he’d learned to love over the past two years while he’d written a book, had disappeared into complete nothingness and that all the effort he’d put into developing the story and the characters had been a waste of time.

  As he sat there in a miserable heap contemplating this sad state of affairs, a young woman came over to talk to him. It took him a moment before he realized that she was asking him for a copy of his book, so after looking up at her, he said with a sigh, “I’m afraid the books have all gone already miss, which is something that I hadn’t anticipated at all.”

  “Oh dear, and I so wanted a signed copy. But surely with them selling so well you’ll have more printed. So I’d like to put my name down on the list, as I don’t miss out again,” she said with a grin.

  He looked at her quizzically and said, “But why would you even want to buy a copy?”

  Staring at him and moving her head from side to side, she said, “Because I loved the e-book version of the story, especially Johnny, the main character.”

  He realized then that a queue had formed behind the woman and he almost panicked, because now he’d have to tell each of them what he’d already told her, - that the books were all sold. He could already feel the fear rising to the very surface of his being, for he was a writer and not a talker and he could only fully express himself in his writing, while spoken words failed him miserably.

  “Look,” the woman suddenly said, “more and more people are arriving to buy your book, so you’d better do something. Or at least tell them that they’ll have to hang on for the re-print, or something.”

  Realizing she was right, but feeling at a loss for words, he said in desperation, “Please, will you tell them that I’m sorry, -I can’t do it myself as I’m afraid to speak in public, especially to people that I don’t know.”

  “But why? I mean you wrote all those words, so you surely must be able to find the right words to say now, to make them understand that there is a problem,” she said sharply.

  Panic was rising up into his throat now, so he whispered, “Please miss, I need you to tell them for me.”

  She looked at him strangely, but then suddenly a smile broke over her face and she said, “Okay I’ll do it, but only if I can put my name at the top of the list I am now going to compile, okay?”

  He nodded and handed her a notepad and a pen and watched as she carefully wrote down the book’s title and also his name and then wrote her name just below his. He then listened carefully to her words as she spoke to the crowd and soon realized that she was a natural speaker and organizer. For she immediately had the attention of all the folk in the queue that now cooperated with her, when she told them they needed to be patient for a while longer.

  “Okay, now please come forward one at a time and give me your name and contact details. You see the book was so popular, that we are completely sold out. So you’ll have to wait for the re-prints to arrive. But I promise we’ll get your books to you as soon as possible,” she said confidently.

  Everyone began to talk at once and ask her too many questions at the same time, but she still remained calm and answered them all, before saying, “Now please be patient and come to the table one by one, as I need to take your details down correctly. Okay mister, you’re first,” she said to the man at the head of the queue.

  The author was amazed at how confidently she went about the job of collecting all the names and addresses. He also marvelled at how she’d taken over without mocking him or calling him a sissy for not wanting to confront his readers. She seemed to understand his problem of being unable to express himself verbally and she didn’t ask him any embarrassing questions.

  As he watched her, he began to feel such love for her that he was almost overwhelmed by it. She was the first person who’d ever understood his fear of speaking in public, while others had always mocked him.

  He was still so deep in thought, that he did not immediately hear her speaking to him, until she touched his shoulder and said, “I think we’re all done here Mister Jonathan Bryant, so here’s the list of names of all the people who would like a copy of your book.”

  He looked up at her and smiled and said, “But how did you manage to do that? How did you manage to take over and get them to listen to you? People never listen to me, ever.”

  “I think you’ve underestimated the power of your words, as people do listen to you. If they didn’t, why would so many of them want a copy of your book,” she said kindly.

  “Do you really think so?” he asked incredulously.

  “Yes, I do. Your problem is not with words but with confidence. I used to be like that too, until I read your e-book version of the book you wrote about always speaking the truth and not being afraid to do so. It’s brilliantly written and it inspired me with confidence. So perhaps you should read it as a reader and not the author, and then it will do the same for you,” she said.

  He felt too stunned to speak at first, but then he said, “Thank you miss. I needed to hear someone say those words, as I wasn’t certain if I’d got the message over clearly in the book.”

  “Oh, come on, why do you think we all bought the book? She asked.

  “I wasn’t sure, but now I’m beginning to get the picture, -thanks to you. Would you allow me to thank you by taking you to lunch?” He said as his confidence increased.

  “Yes, of course. But you also need to give me a job as your secretary or book person. I need a job and I think you need me to be there for you,” she told him.

  It wasn’t long before Janet officially became Johnathan’s book person, secretary, literary agent and wife. So while he concentrated on writing a sequel to his first book, as well as a novel, she sold another five hundred copies of the original book that she had promoted so well for him on the day they had first met.

  He had overcome his lack of speaking words in public by now, which was surprising, not least of all because she was so talkative and always did most of his talking for him. His confidence had also gone from strength to strength, so he no longer needed her. But he never told her this, as he loved her just being in his life and managing to take over so well from where ever he left off. Also, he knew that if ever his words should fail him again, he wanted her to be there by his side.

  Later, with his second book now available as an e-book as well as a book and his novel also a big success, he felt more secure in his writing, especially since the love of his life had uploaded them for him. She managed such technical details so easily and with the minimum of fuss, whereas he was at a loss on his laptop with anything slightly complicated and only felt secure in his abilities while writing, - in just Word.

  Within days of his novel being uploaded, one hundred and seventy copies were sold on line and by the end of the first week the number had tripled. And now that she’d taught him how to go to the virtual site where the e-book was on sale and how to enlarge the attractive cover to admire it, he no longer felt the need to hold the physical evidence of a book in hi
s hands.

  In other words, she had given him both the confidence to speak in public and to visualize what was happening in the virtual world with his books. She had taught him well, but last night she had told him he was on his own from now onwards, as she had written her own book and needed the time to work on it, without any interruptions.

  Next morning when he sat down to write, he looked over to where she was sitting bent over her laptop, but she was so intent on what she was doing, that she didn’t look up as she usually did. This immediately made him feel despondent and pretty soon he convinced himself he had writer’s block and that he’d never write another book.

  Then just as he was bemoaning this fact, an email from her popped up. All it said was, -Come on Johnny, you can do it! And with these few words of encouragement he immediately began to write his next novel.

  The ideas flowed and the words he needed to express what he wanted to say came easily, so soon he was writing chapter three and well on his way once more. With so many ideas now floating around inside his head he thought it might explode. So he worked quickly and sat at his desk for long hours to get all of his words written on the page before this could happen.

  Then feeling satisfied with what he had done so far, he walked through to the kitchen to make Janet a cup of tea and a cheese and tomato sandwich, -caring for her in the same way that she had previously cared for him, when he had needed the time to get on with his writing.

  While he waited for the water to boil, he decided that this was what friendship was all about. That caring for someone and anticipating their needs was part of the silent deal or pact that you entered into, whenever you made a new friend. For after all, this was what had really happened between him and Janet all those years ago. And now it was his turn to care for her, he thought, as he walked outside to pick a red rose to put in the small bud vase he had already placed on the tea tray. For he knew the rose would remind her that he truly loved her and appreciated what she had done for him.

  The End