Read Savor, Warm Delicacy Series, Book 1 Page 11

Chapter 11

  “You can do this,” I told myself. I took a long, deep breath as I calmed the last of my nerves and focused on the decision I had to make. Nicolae was proud to have chosen me as his heir; and his new vampire princess.

  It took some searching, but I was able to locate a pair of bra and panties that could be worn with my gown and not leave any visible panty lines. I definitely didn’t want to be known as the princess who wore grandma panties to her coronation ball.

  The gown slipped on perfectly and was even more gorgeous than it looked the night before. The shimmering, emerald-hued fabric against my pale skin and dark eyes seemed to perfectly complement each other. I gazed at myself in the mirror, still with my hair wrapped up in a towel and smiled, my new fangs barely surprising me. I was the most beautiful (I thought) I had ever been and I felt my body responding to my self-confidence as I stood straighter and taller. I had my chin raised upward instead of its usually downcast position.

  A rapid knock on the door startled me and I knew by its quick urgency that it had to be a vampire, since no human could knock that fast. I sped to the door, while lifting up my dress and managed a much more stable stop than I had previously. I grinned at myself as I unlatched the door, only to be nearly trampled by Robin who fluttered in, wearing her elaborate gown. However, her expression did not reflect what I had anticipated. Her face was filled with an anxious nervousness and the ribbon of uneasy emotion flapped around her.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked as I shut the door behind her. I retreated back to my closet to finish getting ready.

  “The palace is becoming quite a mad house,” Robin said frantically in an loud exhale as she peeked her head out of a bedroom window and then back in.

  “Too many hot, young vampire boys for you to handle?” I teased. I didn’t want any stale bad feelings from the night before to potentially ruin what could be the greatest night of my life. I needed the old Robin back and beside me.

  “Not quite…” Robin answered. The unfinished sentence lingered in the air as she poked her head out another window.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked again, growing more concerned. I tossed the towel that I was attempting to blot my hair dry with and headed toward the window that Robin peered from.

  As I drew closer, she quickly shut the blinds and looked at me, “The turnout was just more than expected.”

  “Well that’s a good thing. Seriously, you were almost starting to freak me out. I need you tonight.” I turned my face and stuck out my lip to look as much like a sad puppy as I could, but Robin just looked at me like I was going crazy. “I’m guessing you’ve never had a dog?”

  “No… was that what that was supposed to be?”

  “Geez, Robin, and you say I’m bad for not knowing anything about vampires. You were a human not too long ago, ya know; that was an easy one.”

  She smiled, waved me off and headed into the bathroom. I could hear her opening the makeup drawer and all the contents rattling from the motion. I sighed inwardly at my fidgety friend and poked my head out the window.

  The sight I saw was pretty much what I envisioned. The exterior of the palace was illuminated as limousines pulled up, one-by-one toward the palace. I could tell it was going to be a long process when my eyes scanned the long row of vehicles, each of their occupants exiting languidly.

  I craned my head a little further and saw a camera crew taping the vampires as they got out, obviously broadcasting the monumental event for the entire region to watch. My heart thumped as I thought of my mom watching me walk into the ballroom, to be formally announced by Nicolae as the Vampire Princess and heir over of region.

  Then I thought of Liz and wondered if she would be watching, and would she be upset or happy for me? Would she or my old mom even recognize me now? Tonight, I would say goodbye to former Claire forever. After tonight, I would forever be Claire Noire, Vampire Royal Princess.

  “What the heck are you doing? They will see you?” Robin yanked me away from the window as she grasped my shoulder with a death grip. As I flew backward a few steps, I could feel a fire of rage, which surprisingly grew, and anger I had never known. Upon seeing Robin’s face, however, I quickly relaxed. Still feeling a little surprised by my body’s spontaneous reaction, I decided she must have caught me off guard and I reacted by instinctive reflex.

  “Who will see me?” I said, my tone a little annoyed as I headed back to the bathroom with Robin. I began to blow-dry my wild, auburn hair.

  “You didn’t see them?” she asked me as she looked up at me from under a mascara brush.

  “All the vampire dignitaries? I couldn’t really see them unless you mean the endless line of limos and fancy sports cars.”

  “Not them, Claire, the protestors. There are dozens of them picketing outside the palace. They are chanting, “The charmed cannot choose” over and over again.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “When the news about tonight’s events was announced, not everyone was happy about it. The High Council offered a statement that a human girl was chosen to join the royal family and she accepted. It was also announced that her union with our family creates a deeper bond with our peoples, both human and vampire. You’ve seen the activists protesting outside the blood banks, claiming that humans are equivalent to cattle, and survive only to meet the royal family’s insatiable appetite.”

  A small growl rumbled through Robin as she held the bracelet I let her borrow around her wrist. I watched her steadily balance the clasp on her wrist, pulling the latch up to lock it. I fixated on the thin pale skin and the small faint veins that lay beneath it as I considered what Robin was saying.

  “I can’t say that I am surprised, but it feels very different to be on the receiving end of it, as opposed to just seeing it on the television.”

  “Sadly, you are going to have to get used to it. The times are a-changing, as they say.” She twirled around in her gown and glanced at me as I struggled with my hair. “Let me help you. If you keep tugging it like that, you’re liable to end up with one of those old-school, beehive hairdos.”

  “Thanks,” I said as I released my violent hold on the hairbrush I was trying to rip through the knotted mess of hair on my head. Robin burst into hysterical laughter when she found it hopelessly stuck in my hair, wrapped up like a fork tangled in spaghetti. It was good to hear her laugh again. “Don’t worry about those protestors. There will always be someone that won’t be happy, but hopefully tonight, when they see that I am happy, perhaps it will change a few minds.”

  I looked at her and smiled encouragingly as she smiled back, quickly trying to tame my hair. Before I knew it, she had it in an elegant updo with a few long ringlets cascading down my back and around my face. With my jewelry in place and makeup applied, I couldn’t help, but let my jaw drop. I almost looked like one of the vampire queens of the past, whom I’d had seen in a tapestry hanging in the palace. I touched my face as I stared at my reflection. I could barely believe it was really me.

  “Wow Claire, you look beautiful. Tonight is going to be amazing and Dmitry is going drool all over his nice tux!” Robin beamed and I could see that her old spark was completely back. It filled me with renewed courage and joy.

  “Thanks. So, when are we going to get this shindig started?” I asked as we made our way into my sitting room. The curtains had been tied back and the moonlight floated into the room softly, brightening it with its soft, white beams. I could feel my body being drawn outwardly, whether toward the goddess of the night, or to my mysterious shadow man, whom I secretly longed for.

  “Shouldn’t be too long now, they will come and get you when it’s time, but I should probably get going. I want to see you as you walk down the stairs. It’s going to be so magical.” Robin smiled and gazed at me for a moment as ribbons of happiness tickled me.

  A twinge of sadness hit me though as I saw her heading for the door, leaving me alone to wait in my room for the biggest night of my life to happen sudde
nly felt overwhelming. “Do you really have to go? Can’t you stay and wait with me?” I know I sounded like a whining child, but I knew what would happen if I was left alone. I would travel into my thoughts where all sorts of crazy imaginings could happen, potentially making me more nervous and I didn’t want to jinx myself.

  “If you would like for me to stay with you, Princess, I will stay,” Robin said with a small curtsey. Her face didn’t try to hide the pride and happiness she felt.

  “You’ve never called me that before. What’s with the formality?”

  “Well… you are the princess now, and well, I am just honored that you want me here with you,” she said as she attempted to sit down gracefully on the small sofa, her large skirt nearly covering the entirety of it. I couldn’t help but smirk at her as I too, attempted to sit smoothly without causing unsightly wrinkles to be creased into the silk fabric of my emerald dress.

  “Are you going to ask Dmitry to dance? Or are you going to wait and see if he asks you?” Robin asked eagerly.

  “I am a princess now, so of course, I will wait for him to ask me,” I said jokingly, in possibly the worst aristocratic impersonation ever.

  “Ooh, good move, Princess! Make him work for it,” she winked at me and we both giggled until we were abruptly halted at my room’s entrance.

  Mara, Robin’s mom, looked grand as she came in with a calm expression. She wore a long, red velvet dress and her hair was styled in a bun. It was an old, but classic, style and I thought to myself how statuesque she appeared. Robin popped up from her seat at the sight of her mother and flitted over like a hummingbird, twirling around in her dress so that Mara could get a good look.

  “You look lovely, child,” Mara’s face smiled with warmth and she kissed Robin on her forehead, but her eyes were fastened on me, “as do you, Princess. That dress was an excellent choice. You will make quite an impression tonight. Are you ready?”

  I blushed slightly at her compliment and took a deep breath, “I think so… I mean, yes, I am ready.”

  Mara moved so gracefully toward me, it was if she were floating. She clasped my hand between both of hers and she looked me deep into my eyes, “Just tell your emotions to relax. Tonight is a celebration for you, enjoy it.” She smiled at me then, revealing her perfect fangs, which I no longer found menacing in any way. In fact, I was starting to think I preferred vampire smiles to human smiles; there was just something so dangerously beautiful about them that I couldn’t help but love.

  “Okay, let’s get going. The king will be making the announcement soon and we need to be certain that we are all in our places. Follow me,” Mara said. She sounded very much like she did the night of my transformation, with her voice taking on a mechanical tone.

  I followed behind Mara as she speedily glided through the hallways. Although, I did my best to keep up, I was cautious not to go too fast and risk tearing my dress. Robin kept pace with me, holding up her dress in overfilled handfuls as we marched steadily through the hallways to the second level entrance of the ballroom.

  Mara led us to a small staging room that connected to the grand staircase, which led into the crowd of vampires that awaited me. “This is it. Robin and I must leave you here and join the crowd while the king makes his announcement. When he does, that will be your cue to make your entrance. Do your best to evoke confidence and pride. There are many old vampires who have been eagerly awaiting your arrival and they will be able to sense any hesitation. We don’t want to give them the wrong impression.”

  “Yes, Mara, I understand,” I smiled in reassurance. My confidence was building with the ebullience I felt for this night and my resolve overruled any residual fear. I can do this; I know I can.

  “You are going to do just fine, Claire. I will be there in the front row,” Robin said as she smiled and embraced me fiercely. The she took her mom’s hand and rushed out of the room.

  As the door shut behind them, I walked toward it and could clearly hear the crowd’s voices from the ballroom being carried up to me. The tones and inflections were excited and jubilant, creating even more eagerness for me to make my debut. They had all come to see me, the new Vampire Royal Princess. The title still blew my mind, but now in a good way.

  The sudden boom of Nicolae’s voice over the crowd nearly startled me as he commanded them to silence. I drew closer to the door and placed my head against it to listen to his announcement.

  “The queen and I want to thank you all for joining us tonight on this most joyous occasion. It is both with honor and great excitement that I include all of you in the celebration of our newest family member. We have chosen a daughter among our people. Her display of exceptional strength, wisdom and purity have rendered her the perfect heir. It is true that just days ago, she was a human,” he said as a wave of murmuring erupted from the crowd. Nicolae continued with no notice, “but this did not hinder her from recognizing her sense of duty to her people and her king and queen. She accepted our proposal with great respect and confidence. We have no doubt that she can triumph over any adversity and manage all of the responsibilities we have bestowed upon her.”

  Applause vibrated through the crowd then, like waves crashing on a shore, I could feel my lips widening into a smile as a single tear trickled down my cheek. The love and pride in Nicolae’s voice as he referred to me while addressing the vampire dignitaries was overwhelming. I was glad to make him happy, and it gave me a sense of purpose that I never knew before. As the clapping died down, I heard Nicolae continue, his tone now more enthusiastic and animated, clearly pleased by the crowd’s reception.

  “With great pride, may I now formally present to you, my daughter, Claire Noire, Vampire Princess.”

  The vampires exploded into applause and cheers. A small twinge of nervousness whispered to me, but I ignored it. I took a deep breath and opened the door. The sight of the ballroom was breathtaking, and I had to force my eyes away lest they distract me as I made my way toward the staircase.

  The crowd hushed while I walked to the stairs. I paused to survey the magnitude of the crowd as well as the significance of the evening. There were hundreds of vampires packed into the enormous ballroom, all of their dark eyes watching me expectantly. I returned their gazes, doing my best to exude unwavering confidence. I took another deep breath and lifted my dress in one hand as I began to descend the staircase. My eyes traveled over the crowd, scanning their faces as I made my slow entrance.

  Halfway down, the king and queen stood waiting for me on a small landing. Their faces were filled with unmasked pride as their dark eyes praised me. I gave a small smile, not revealing my fangs, and courteously bowed reverently to them. As I did so, the crowd followed suit. In unison, they all copied my bow and showed their respect to the king and queen. When Nicolae raised his hand, we all lifted our heads and rose.

  The queen then moved to my side while the king remained in his place on the other side and we turned to face the crowd openly. As we moved, I noticed camera crews at the edges of the room, their bright flashes spotlighting us. I stood up even straighter and tried to offer a small smile, thinking at that very moment, my human mom or Liz might be watching. I hoped so.

  As we made our way down the last few stairs, the crowd parted to give us ample space to glide into the center of the room. A band started playing as the singer intoned a chorus of a deep, soulful tune that thrummed methodically inside my ears.

  We came to a stop in the middle of the room and one-by-one, the vampires took turns approaching us. Each one bowed before us, then expressed their excitement, while commenting on my poise or beauty. Not knowing what else to say, I simply thanked them or smiled in appreciation.

  I was happy to see the crowd finally dissipate as vampires began dancing or broke off into smaller groups, which seemed deep in discussion. I watched as an abnormally plump vampire carried on a rather animated conversation with Nicolae and kept pointing toward the door. “What are they talking about?” I asked Evilyn when I noticed she was
watching them like a hawk.

  “He is complaining about the protestors outside. Nothing for you to worry about. Do not let it ruin your night,” she smiled down at me and made her way over to them. I was left alone to greet the few remaining vampires, who still wanted to welcome me to the family.

  As the last vampire bowed, a wrinkly old man, he made me wonder if he hated spending eternity at such an advanced age. Robin suddenly popped up next to me out of thin air. “You were gorgeous, Princess. Did you see the look on Dmitry’s face?”

  “Robin, you don’t have to call me that; and no, I didn’t see him at all. Where is he?”

  “Well… for tonight I have to. I think he is directing the camera crews out of the palace and then I am sure he will come searching for you.”

  “They aren’t going to tape the entire ball?” I was a little saddened by this news. I was hoping that my human mom and Liz would at least, in some way, get to celebrate the entire event with me. I wanted them to watch me as I danced and greeted all the vampire dignitaries.

  “No, they are only permitted to record the announcement. Afterwards, they must leave because the rest of the ball cannot be viewed by humans. It is commanded by vampire tradition.”

  “That’s a little disappointing,” I sighed. I decided to search the seemingly endless crowd of faces for a specific one. Dmitry.

  Dark eyes were riveted on me from hundreds of faces as I walked through the crowd with Robin at my side. Many nodded their heads as I passed, and several younger male vampires smiled at me like I was a prized ham. They flashed their fangs at me as if it were either some way to attract me or to portray their bravado and superiority. I couldn’t help but compare them to peacocks spreading their feathers to impress a peahen. Sadly for them, I wasn’t the least bit interested. Their expressions made Robin squeal with delight, but it only made me feel uncomfortable. There was only one vampire that I wanted to have lusting after me like that and he was nowhere to be found.

  A younger vampire approached us, looking anxiously nervous as he adjusted the thick tie at his neckline. I could hear him gulp loudly as he stood before me and bowed low. Without even thinking, I instinctively stiffened and raised my head, as if I disapproved of him. His eyes flashed with uncertainty, and despite my body’s protests, I smiled at him, this time revealing my fangs slightly.

  “Good evening, Princess,” he almost whispered.

  “Good evening,” I replied as I eyed the enormous smile on Robin’s face and realized who this vampire was.

  “I… I was hoping I might request a dance with Your Highness,” he said as he bowed his head.

  “Thank you for the offer…” I couldn’t remember his name, “but I am already weary from the excitement of the night. However it would please me to see you dance with Robin. She is an excellent dancer.”

  Without looking the slightest bit disappointed, he offered his hand to Robin and she took it eagerly as he led her toward the dance floor. She turned back to me with pure excitement showing on her face and mouthed the words “Thank you” before disappearing into the crowd of dancing bodies and sparkling fabrics.

  I felt an urge building within me as I watched the crowd writhe and twirl, their pale faces unnaturally full of delighted expressions. A whirlwind of blissful emotions emitted from them and tugged at my heartstrings as my desire to join them grew.

  My new body and consciousness came with a heightened sense of awareness, but I quickly discovered that my newfound awareness had needs that demanded stimulation, and right now, that stimulation was dancing.
