Read Savor, Warm Delicacy Series, Book 1 Page 16

  Part of me was simply upset about the feelings I instantly had for Arrick. There was a mountain of guilt beginning to grow that weighed heavily on my heart and my feelings for Dmitry. Things were turning out exactly as he feared they would.

  We toured our way silently through the palace. It was as quiet as it had been earlier in the night, aside from the occasional servant or passerby. I kept my eyes peeled for Dmitry, but I didn’t see him or sense his presence. I knew it was unlikely, especially with Arrick walking beside me, but a girl could still hope. I needed to see him, to speak with him and reaffirm that he was still in my heart. I desperately tried to convince myself that my feelings were just the residual effects of the ceremony, but deep down, I knew that was a lie.

  As we reached the palace gardens and began to walk amongst the moonlit foliage, I skipped the pleasantries and got right down to the dozen questions I was going to demand he answer. “So, Arrick, why have you been…” I didn’t want to call him a stalker, so I avoided the word altogether, “whatever it was you were doing?”

  “Nicolae asked that I not interfere with your daily life until after the ceremony. He told me he had already asked much of you and didn’t want to overburden you more than necessary. And I agreed with him.”

  I nodded, although I only slightly understood his answer. “So, you just watched me?”

  He laughed a deep laugh that rumbled pleasantly in his chest. “When you say it like that, it does sound a little stalker-ish.”

  I giggled slightly and was relieved to see he had a sense of humor, “Hey, you said it, not me.” I raised my hands up in embarrassment.

  “Claire, I have known that I would be bonded with you for quite some time. My feelings for you are very different from what you feel for me, I’m sure; but in time, I hope that you can at least grow fond of me.”

  I avoided his gaze, not allowing my face to contradict him. I feared that my feelings were growing beyond my restraint. He sounded so formal and proper, I couldn’t help but blush. In an awkward attempt to hide it, I quickly turned to smell one of the roses that lined the walkway, while Arrick waited patiently nearby, his hands clasped behind his back.

  When I was certain my cheeks had cooled down to normal, I turned back to the pathway to continue our walk. “So…stalker,” I smiled at him. He returned my smile with his sparkly grin that made something inside me flutter. “Why did you want to be my Blood Mate?”

  “Where I come from, being a Blood Mate is a great honor, especially for a royal family member. And you are very important to me.”

  “Where you come from? You’re not from this region?” I was shocked. I had never met anyone from another region before. I knew I probably should have asked why I was so important, but meeting someone from another region, who openly admitted it, was almost like meeting an alien.


  I waited, but he didn’t say more. “You want to elaborate on that?”

  “Not particularly, no.”

  “Well, why not?” I hated having the truth withheld and it was becoming the habit of too many people I knew lately. I didn’t want Arrick to become another one of them, so I pressed him, unconcerned if I appeared too pushy.

  When I opened my mouth to ask him again, he interrupted me, “Could you explain to me the tension that exists between you and one of the other vampires in the palace - Ana?”

  He could avoid my question all he wanted, but in the end, I wouldn’t let him get away with it. “I would call it more than tension, I would say she hates my guts.”

  “She has been of great concern to me, and the night of your coronation ball confirmed it.” I watched him as he walked, and even though his hands were clasped behind his back, I distinctly saw the muscles in his jaw flexing. He looked steadily about as he surveyed our surroundings. I was starting to get the feeling he wasn’t as poised and proper as he was letting on. He was extremely vigilant. If the breeze had caused a branch to sway too near to me, I was certain he might attack it.

  “I guessed as much. She’s pretty much had it out for me since day one. Robin said that Ana assumed her family would take the throne and she would become the princess or something like that. Honestly, I don’t care what she wanted.” I ripped a leaf from a nearby tree and twirled it in my fingers as we continued our stroll.

  “You should care. What that monster is up to should be at the forefront of your mind, Claire,” Arrick said, taking on too much of a bossy tone for my liking.

  “Isn’t that why I have you now?” I thought the whole point of having a Blood Mate was so he would watch my back.

  Arrick huffed angrily and slashed his hand against a plant, sending a flurry of leaves onto the stone pathway. “I suppose I can thank your human upbringing for that way of thinking.”

  “Hey! What the hell is that supposed to mean?” It sounded like he was degrading my human mom and me and I certainly wouldn’t stand for that! I yanked on his arm and spun him toward me. Even angry, his face was incredibly handsome, but I refused to let that sway me.

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. You are just so very special and I hate to see you being so cavalier about your safety.” His eyes pleaded with me as they grew glassier, like tears were forming, but they never fell.

  “Why do I get the feeling that there is something you aren’t telling me?” Sensing the emotions of a Blood Mate was different than other vampires. I could feel inside me what he was feeling and I sensed his hesitation. I followed my instincts, knowing I was right. He was hiding something from me. Something big.

  Arrick raised his hand to touch my face. He stopped just short, but my skin could still feel the warmth of his, so close to me. I tried to express in my eyes that I wouldn’t push his hand away, but he withdrew it and slid his hand through his brown hair instead. “There is much I want to tell you, but for now, you must know that I have one goal and that is my sworn duty to protect you.” He said the words so sternly and with such finality that I knew he had spoken them before, in an oath long before he became my Blood Mate.

  I found myself mesmerized by the way his lips moved when he talked and tried frantically to think of another question to ask, just so he would speak. My heart was racing as it yearned for Arrick; yet my mind protested, saying it was too much desire, too soon. My body ached for him like a lost lover I had known for centuries, but it was a feeling I didn’t recognize and my mind couldn’t understand.

  It felt like hours had passed, but the moments of my heart’s battle lasted only seconds and immediately halted when Arrick locked his eyes on mine. His knowing smile told me he knew very well what I was feeling and confirmed a future victory for him that I would soon be his. This connection could prove very troublesome for me, considering I was already so terrible at hiding my emotions.

  We had taken the long way around the pond, but finally made it to my favorite bench. I wanted to avoid it, not certain if I was ready to take Arrick there, when a loud explosion rattled the night. A flash of golden light illuminated the front of the palace and I covered my mouth in shock.

  Arrick grabbed my arm with incredible speed and a growl rumbled in his chest. His grip grew tighter, but was nothing compared to one of Robin’s bear-hugs, and a squeak of pain escaped me. Were Blood Mates physically stronger than vampires? “Sorry.” Arrick rubbed my arm and pulled me close to him protectively, but it didn’t cause the same feelings as it did the last time I touched him.

  “Someone has attacked the front gate,” he said. I stood up on my toes, but couldn’t see past the foliage of the gardens. Arrick’s tall, six-foot-four frame more than towered over everything, especially me.

  “Who has?” I was surprised at how calm I was, but the animal inside me was revving up and I found myself enjoying the thought of a battle.

  “We must go.” He grabbed my hand and we rushed back to the palace. After a few stumbling steps, I managed to rip a slit in my dress, which made my sprint much swifter. I barely needed to take a second breath before we
were at the base of the stairs at the palace. Arrick ascended them as stealthily as a cat and kept an arm held out in front of me.

  “Go to your room and lock the door!” he shouted over his shoulder at me before moving closer to the front of the palace.

  “No!” I put my foot down, “I’m not going to let someone attack my home. Whoever or whatever they are, they’ll be sorry they did! After I’m done, they will never think to attack the palace or get anywhere near it again.” A fire was alight inside me and I thoroughly enjoyed it. When I was human, I was not known for ever showing aggression or even sticking up for myself; but as soon as I had my first taste of it while defending Robin against Ana, I rather enjoyed it.

  Arrick ran to me, his green eyes burning with anger and fear. His grip was firm, but not so much that it hurt and I squirmed in his grasp. I knew I could break free if I really wanted to, but it would only cause trouble between us, and now wasn’t the time. “Please, Claire. I can handle this. Fox and his guards are already at task.”

  The mention of Fox quickly squelched my desire to be a part of the fray. There was something about him that I really didn’t like, but could never quite put my finger on. “Tell me who is attacking the palace and then I will decide whether or not I will go to my room.” He might have been my Blood Mate, but I was still in charge and I was damn well going to make sure he knew that, no matter how I felt about him.

  “They are just humans. It is best if we deal with them.”

  “Humans? But why would they attack us? And who is ‘we’?” I pushed his arms off me and started to make my way toward the front of the palace, but Arrick ran ahead of me and stopped.

  “Listen to me, Claire.”

  I huffed, “Fine.”

  He seemed to relax a bit and exhaled before explaining. “We as in Blood Mates. Fox and I and the human palace guards. Humans don’t know about us, so they will think we are one of them. If I had to guess, I would say that they are attacking the palace because of what happened at the coronation ball and it’s probably in the best interest of everyone if vampires don’t get involved in any part of this attack.”

  I could see the logic in his words and fought my stubborn nature. “Fine, I’ll go, but don’t think I’m the kind of girl who just runs away every time something looks dangerous. I’m not that kind of princess. You get me?” I pointed my finger at him and he gave me a knowing wink.

  “Oh, I know you’re not. Now go and don’t open the door for anyone but me. Okay?”

  The interior of the palace was pandemonium. Palace guards were rushing through hallways, taking up multiple positions. I steadily made my way down the hall, deftly dodging a running guard or frantic servant as I proceeded to my room. Several of the guards recognized me and demanded they escort me to my quarters for safety, but I raised my hand and did my best to politely decline, stating that the safety of the palace was more important than accompanying me to my room.

  It was obvious they struggled with my resistance, but when I continued my march without giving them time to comment, they quickly refocused on the task at hand.

  I quickened my pace the closer I got to my room. I wanted to check on Robin. I had a feeling she was probably frantic with worry and then a sinking feeling crept into my gut. Maybe she wasn’t worried, nor Dmitry for that matter. I had a Blood Mate now, who was sworn to protect me, so they would have no need to worry for my safety.
