Read Say You Love Me Page 28

  James started laughing. "Explains why she looked, acted, and spoke like a lady, don't it?"

  His wife replied. "But this is delightful. She's now quite suitable-" "Not quite, George," James cut in.

  Roslynn added, "But much closer to being-" "Not even close, sweetheart," Anthony cut in. Both wives frowned darkly at their respective husbands but were silent. They would, of course, have plenty to say later, when they had those respective husbands alone.

  Reggie mused at that point, "I wonder why Kelsey didn't mention this duke great-grandfather of hers when she told me all-well, most of this." "D'you mean to say that you were aware that she was the daughter of that Langton?" Derek frowned at his cousin. "And you didn't bother to tell me?"

  Regina squirmed uncomfortably, but tried to explain. "She


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  made me promise, Derek. You don't think I liked keeping such a big secret, do you? It was driving me mad, knowing the truth and not being able to add it to the, ah-discussion we had last night."

  Elizabeth looked at Regina a bit more kindly. If Kelsey had confided in her, when she hadn't told her lover the truth, then she must like the girl.

  So she explained to her, "Kelsey doesn't know who her great-grandfather was, so she couldn't have mentioned him to you. He died long before she was born, and my sister and I decided not to burden her with the knowledge. The burden to produce the next Wrighton heir put too much of a strain on our mother, who only had daughters, and then on my sister and I when it was our turns. But now it is up to Kelsey, because I never had any children of my own, and my sister only had the two girls before she died." "Has it not occurred to you, Lady Elizabeth, that what your niece has done has damaged her chances for a good marriage?" Jason asked carefully. "Certainly it has," Elizabeth replied. "Which is why I would have shot my fool of a husband if I'd had a weapon handy when he confessed what he'd done." "What does he have to do with this?" "Kelsey and her younger sister, jean, came to live with my husband and me after the funeral, and that fool convinced her that we were going to be paupers, that the creditors were

  going to take my house away, that the only way to keep us

  off the streets was if she became some lord's mistress, who would pay off Elliott's debts." "Are you saying that wasn't the case?" "Certainly not-although my husband did actually believe it, and he had got himself deeply in debt without telling me.

  But when I married him-against my parents' wishes, I might add-my mother settled a rather large sum of money on me, with the advice that I never let Elliott know about it,


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  and to this day I never have. And speaking of which-" She pulled a fat stack of money out of her reticule and approached Derek. "I believe this is the sum you-"

  Derek cut her off, "I don't want your money." "But you will take it." And she tossed the money onto the sofa behind him. "Kelsey's obligation to you is at an end. She

  is coming home with me." "No." "I beg your pardon?"

  Derek cleared his throat, saying, "Perhaps that was a bit

  too blunt." /1A bit?" Anthony chuckled. "Do stay out of this " old chap, and let the lad muddle through on his own," James suggested. "It's only just getting interesting."

  Elizabeth had glanced at both men when they spoke. Jason mumbled something under his breath before he enlightened her, indicating James and Anthony. "My younger brotherswho rarely treat anything seriously." "Beg to differ there, Jason," James replied. "If you want a

  serious opinion-" "I don't," Jason cut in. "Have to disagree myself, Jason-good Lord, does that mean I agree with James?" Anthony asked with a feigned look of disgust. "Ros, quick, feel my forehead. I must be com-

  ing down with Judith's fever."

  James snorted. Jason started to growl. Edward, who had been silent so far, joined the fray. "Really, Tony, that was uncalled for."

  And Reggie exclaimed at that point, "Famous! You four are having a row at a time like this?" "Not a'tall, puss," Anthony replied, giving her one of his roguish smiles. "Just giving the youngun time to crawl out of the hole he's digging for himself."


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  "Oh-well, in that case, do continue." "Thank you, Uncle Tony, but that isn't necessary." Derek faced the woman in front of him. "Lady Elizabeth, I can't say that I'm sorry that you weren't apprised of your husband's difficulties sooner, or I might never have met your niece. But-" "That is rather selfish of you, young man," she interrupted stiffly. "So it is, but I love her, you see. And I want to marry her."

  Elizabeth blinked. She hadn't been expecting that. But she hadn't been expecting Derek Malory to be such a handsome young man, either. She had gone there in high dudgeon, prepared to do whatever was necessary to get Kelsey out of this appalling dilemma. She hadn't considered that her niece might not want out of it. "Does Kelsey know that you want to marry her?" she asked Derek. "Yes. // "And how does she feel about that?" "She refuses to marry me." "Why? if

  "Because of the scandal." "Ah, yes, the scandal that can't possibly be avoided. Did I mention that the title that will pass through her to her son

  comes with a fabulous fortune and estate? Despite whatever scandal will follow the girl, she really won't have much difficulty in finding a husband." -

  "This family has had too much scandal attached to our name already," Edward put in huffily. "And we certainly have no need of any more fortunes." "So that's the way the wind blows here?" Elizabeth asked with an indignant sniff. "No, it is not," Derek answered emphatically, frowning at his uncle.


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  "My son is correct. He will have my support if he marries the girl."

  Every eye in the room turned toward Jason, most of them wide with disbelief. And silence prevailed again.

  Georgina broke it first. "Goodness, James, I didn't know you were that persuasive."

  James snorted. "Don't look at me, George. His change of heart was none of my doing."

  And Anthony added, "James persuasive? Only with his fists, dear girl, and if you'll notice, there ain't a mark on the elder there."

  But Edward complained loudly, "This is absurd, Jason. You're letting the fact that she now has fine credentials sway you? Hasn't it occurred to you that that will make the scandal even worse?" "It likely will," Jason agreed. "But I had already changed my opinion, and I won't change it again now just because she's turned out to be a lady. I've decided that I owe Derek my support in this, so that he doesn't make one of the same mistakes that I did." "What mistake?" Edward asked. "That is between Derek and me. If the girl will have him, then he'll have my blessings."

  Derek didn't thank his father for his surprising support. But it did put a few dents in the anger he was still harboring. And then there was that silly lump in his throat again, all but choking him.

  He had to clear his throat, several times, before he could say to Elizabeth, "If you'll come with me, I'll take you to Kelsey. Perhaps you can manage to change her mind about marrying me."

  Elizabeth humphed. "That's if I agree that she ought to. But after listening to your divided family, young man, I'm not at all sure that is the case."


  LSEY SAT STIFFLY ON THE SOFA IN HER ROOM. DEREK was there, pacing back and forth, his expression inscrutable. Elizabeth was there, too, sitting beside Kelsey. And that was

  why Kelsey's face was flaming. They both knew the truth now, everything. And she was so embarrassed, she had nearly run from the room-a number of times. "You should have come to me, Kelsey," Elizabeth was saying. "I had more than enough money to cover Elliott's debts. None of this need have happened." "That didn't seem an option at the time," Kelsey replied. "Neither Elliott nor I had any idea that you had money of your own."

  Elizabeth sighed. "I know. And I realize the sacrifice you made to protect us all. It just makes me so danin mad that this happened at all. I swear, I really wo
uld have shot Elliott if I'd had a pistol handy." "I didn't expect him to confess." "The guilt was eating him up, I suppose. He knows he went beyond the bounds of decency. And he deliberately put


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  the idea into your head, my dear. He admitted that, too. That he was desperate is absolutely no excuse."' "Where is he now?" "I don't know, nor do I care," Elizabeth said stiffly. "I kicked him out of my house. Nor can I ever forgive him for this atrocity." "'It was still my choice, Aunt Elizabeth. He didn't force me

  to sell myself." "Do not defend him-" "Then let me," Derek cut in. "I'm bloody well glad he did what he did, for whatever reason."" "Derek!" Kelsey exclaimed. "I am," he insisted. "I'm sorry for the anxiety you went through, but I'm not sorry I met you, Kelsey, and I wouldn't have met you otherwise."'

  His expression wasn't at all inscrutable now, it was impassioned. He was quite serious. And actually it thrilled her that he was-and started her blushes all over again. "Selfish," Elizabeth mumbled. "And beside the point. Kelsey is coming home with me. After a year or two, when this mess is forgotten, she will be launched properly." "No," Derek said adamantly. "If you wish me to begin a

  proper courtship, I will agree to that. But I won't agree to waiting a year or two-" "Young man," Elizabeth interrupted sternly, "this is not your decision to make, and I don't believe I mentioned anything about my niece marrying you."

  Kelsey gasped when he actually glared at her aunt. "Madam, you know very well that due to my relationship with Kelsey, I have compromised her beyond redemption. Why the deuce aren't you insisting that I marry her?" "Because I will not insist that she marry anyone. The choice is hers to make as to whom she marries, and when, and I haven't heard yet that she wants to marry you."



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  Kelsey had to cover her mouth to hide her smile. Seeing these two butt heads was ... surprising, to say the least. And she knew her aunt. Elizabeth was being arbitrary just to give Derek a hard time. She probably thought he was an ideal match for Kelsey. She just wouldn't admit that.

  And then she sighed, because Derek was now looking at her for an answer, and her answer was still the same. "Nothing has changed as to that'Derek. I am not as confident as my aunt that this matter will be forgotten. Men know you were there that night, they spoke to you by name, and they know I became your mistress. They would be appalled if you married me. Nor would they keep silent about it." "How many times must I say it, Kelsey? I don't give a bloody darnn about any scandal that would attach to us." "That isn't true and you know it," she replied. "You were extremely careful about creating any scandals because your father so abhors them." "My father is now in support of our marrying," he said stiffly.

  She blinked. "He changed his mind because I actually have a 'Lady' attached to my name?" "No, because of my mother. I believe he wanted to marry her long ago, but he let convention guide him, and he now regrets that. " "But your father's support isn't going to stop-"

  A knock at the door cut her off, and Regina Eden didn't wait for a "Come in" but poked her head inside, and with a big grin. "Oh, good, I'm not interrupting anything," she said, and walked right in. "Reggie, we are having a rather private discussion here," Derek told her. "Are you?" She feigned surprise. "Oh, dear-well, this won't take long. I just thought you ought to be apprised of the scandal that's going to break tomorrow."


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  "Another scandal?" He sighed. "What now?" "Well, I have it on very good authority that a rumor is

  going to begin making the rounds tomorrow in London that Derek Malory's longtime fianc6e-" She paused to glance at Kelsey. "Did you know that they'd been engaged since she was born? Well, anyway, this young lady was so worried that he wasn't really keen on marrying her that she decided to force his hand, as it were, to see where his sentiments lay." "Reggie, what are you talking about?" Derek asked incredulously. "I've never been engaged in my life!" "Of course you have, cousin, and do let me finish. This ondit gets much better." "She's lost her mind," Derek assured Kelsey. "I swear I don't have a fianc6e-" "Oh, hush, cousin, you do now," Reggie cut in with a grin. "Now, as I was saying, this young lady is a bit of a hoyden, and is fond of practical jokes-was myself when I was

  younger-and she decided that the only way to determine how Lord Malory actually felt about her was to force him to buy her, and at an auction, no less. Imagine that. Outrageous, I know, but the poor girl is so in love with him that she wasn't thinking clearly on the matter. And he did pay to get her out of that silly auction, an exorbitant sum, I might add. So romantic, don't you think? Of course, he took her straight back to her aunt, and he's moved up the wedding date, to ensure that she doesn't do anything else so foolish."

  Derek was flabbergasted. "Good God, Reggie, you've ac-

  tually solved it, and brilliantly!"

  She beamed at him, though with a bit of a smirk. "Didn't I though. And by the by, even Uncle Edward agrees that this scandal is so silly that it will cause only a few chuckles among the ton, at least among the gentlemen. The ladies, now, are going to think it's quite romantic, just as I do." "That's likely true," Elizabeth agreed. "It does have a cer-


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  tain appeal, with the young man forced to rescue the lady from her folly." "Kelsey?" Derek said. "This scandal is nothing compared with the truth, which no one will ever know about."

  She knew what he was asking her. And she didn't answer immediately. It took a few moments for it to sink in that the reason she had given for not marrying him was gone. And the reason she hadn't given him was now her only obstacle to happiness.

  She blurted it out. "You expect me to marry a man who has never once said he loves me?"

  Derek stared at her incredulously. Regina rolled her eyes. Elizabeth actually chuckled, saying, "Men are so remiss when it comes to that. They'll tell everyone else, except the one who needs to hear it." "So are women," Derek pointed out, and raised a brow at Kelsey. "Or have I heard that sentiment from you?"

  Kelsey blushed now. "I suppose I have been remiss as well." "This is possibly our cue to leave," Reggie said to Elizabeth. "Quite right."

  Kelsey was still staring at Derek, didn't even hear the door close upon her friend and aunt. And he took her hand and pulled her off the sofa, then kissed her hand gently. "Say it, m'dear. Say you love me." "I do," she admitted. "Very, very much."

  He grinned at her. "I knew that. And you knew that I love you. You've known it since I first asked you to marry me. Why else would I want you for my wife?"

  She sighed and leaned into him. "Who knows what motivates a man? I certainly don't. I needed to hear it, Derek."

  He hugged her close. "Silly girl, you'll never stop hearing

  t now.


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  REK ENTERED THE PARLOR AT HAVERSTON wiTH KELsey at his side, her hand firmly clasped in his. "I have an-

  other announcement to make," he said proudly to his family, gathered there. "Not necessary, dear boy," James replied, smiling at him. "The look on your face says it all." "Let him say it anyway, old man," Anthony told his brother. "Ain't often a Malory willingly puts the shackles on."

  Derek grinned. "Lady Kelsey has agreed to marry me, thanks to Reggie's rumor-spreading capabilities. By the by, where is the minx? I owe her a bloody big hug." "I'd say she's off gloating with that bounder she married," James answered dryly. "The little darling is just too pleased with herself just now." "And rightly so," Amy put in. "I'm so happy for you, Derek." "Still say moving to America was the better option," Warren added. "Bite your tongue, Yank," James said. "My nephew hap-


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  pens to be civilized. He wouldn't have liked living amongst you hotheaded barbarians."

  Warren just chuckled. "You married one of those Ame
ricans, or has that slipped your notice?" "My George is an exception, I'll have you know," James insisted. "Thank you-I think," Georgina said with a grin.

  But Anthony complained, "You know, he's no fun to goad anymore, indeed he ain't. But at least old Nick still takes the bait-very dependably, too, I might add." "Don't he though?" James grinned. "But, then, the English are much more dependable."

  Warren just snorted at that added dig, but Edward said, "Give it a rest, you two. This is a time for well-wishing," and then he added gruffly, smiling at Kelsey, "A pleasure to meet you, m'dear. I'm sure you'll make a fine addition to the Malory fold." "Yes, she will," Jason said quietly.

  Derek glanced at his father, in his usual spot by the fireplace. Jason's expression was guarded, but Derek couldn't blame him for that. Their last words hadn't been at all pleasant.

  "Might I have a word with you, Father?"

  Jason nodded and led the way to his study. Derek brought Kelsey with him. And they came upon Molly coming down the hall, which saved him having to fetch her. "Would you join us, please?" Derek asked her, indicating the study, which Jason had already entered.

  Molly nodded stiffly and preceded him, moving to stand beside Jason. Derek felt guilty for causing her wariness. She was his mother-but he still hadn't quite gotten used to that fact. "I was angry, I'll admit," Derek began. "But there's no

  room for that with the happiness I'm feeling now." He


  brought Kelsey's hand up to his lips, in case there was any doubt about what had caused his happiness. "But with those hot emotions no longer clouding my thinking, I've realized a few things."