Read Scorched Page 5

  His gaze lifted. “You’re sorry?”

  “For…um, kissing you? And treating you like…a pole?”

  A small grin tugged at the corners of his lips. “Andy, you never have to apologize for using me as a pole. Anytime you want to climb on, you let me know.”

  “Oh geez.”

  He chuckled. “Look, it’s not a big deal.”

  “Sure it isn’t.” I plopped down beside him, suddenly exhausted.

  “I didn’t mind,” he said, his tone light, but when I glanced at him, something was off about his expression. I couldn’t put a finger on it. “It could’ve been worse.”

  “I’m having a hard time believing that,” I muttered, feeling like I needed to hide my face for the next year. “I’m never going to drink again.”

  Tanner opened his mouth, but then snapped it shut, and I thought that might’ve been a wise decision. Another moment passed. “Well, I need to be getting out of here. You mind if I use your bathroom first?”

  “Have at it.” I raised a noodle-like arm and pointed toward the bathroom.

  He hesitated as he started to rise, concern pinching his mouth. “Are you okay, Andrea?”

  “Yeah,” I laughed. “I took a sleeping pill, so I’m just tired.”

  His blue eyes sharpened and latched onto mine. “You take them often?”

  I shrugged one shoulder. “Sometimes.”

  “You don’t take them when you’re drinking, right?”

  A surprised laugh shook me. “Of course not,” I said, and dammit, if that wasn’t somewhat of a lie. Sometimes I did, but I was always careful. Always. “It’s just sometimes I can’t sleep. They’re prescribed.”

  Tanner nodded, then stood after a moment and he started to turn, but twisted back to me. “Just an FYI, if you were dressed like that more often, I wouldn’t argue with you as much. I’d be way too damn distracted.”

  My eyes widened in shock as a pleasant trill hummed through me. Maybe he needed glasses, but I was…I was thrilled nonetheless at what I thought was a compliment, especially after I’d apparently thrown myself at him last night. I struggled to keep it cool when all I wanted to do was giggle. “You perv.”

  He grinned. “And I’m a hundred percent behind you dressing like that more often, just so you know.”

  Something stupid in my chest fluttered. Wasn’t my heart. Had to be indigestion. “Duly noted.”

  Tanner chuckled as he rounded the couch and headed toward the bathroom. When I heard the door shut, I let myself topple onto my side, smacking my hands over my face once more. Maybe…just maybe I had caught Tanner Hammond’s attention.

  Just two years later than when I’d tried.


  Okay. My mind was fully in a place it shouldn’t be, but I couldn’t help it.

  Holy shit, Andrea had a body that went on for fucking days—the kind of body that knocked a guy flat on his ass and made him want to do stupid shit to get all up in that. How in the world I hadn’t noticed that before was beyond me.

  Actually, I had noticed she had curves in all the right places before, but I had no idea it was that…yeah, that. None whatsoever. Sweet Jesus, those shorts? That shirt? My sweats suddenly felt tighter as the image of her formed in my mind, the thin material barely holding her breasts back.

  And those breasts…sweet Jesus, God had blessed her in that department.

  As I closed the bathroom door behind me, I realized I was a lucky man, because there was a pool at that damn cabin and that meant Andrea would be in a bathing suit. A smile pulled at my lips. Hopefully, a two-piece.

  Though she’d seemed a little self-conscious when I first arrived, which blew my mind. Never would I have ever thought she lacked in the confidence department, not with that fiery attitude. But there had been that sadness I’d seen in her last night and that had haunted me most of the day, but I knew that sometimes when people drank, they could be happy or sad.

  Glancing around her bathroom, I had to grin. Her personality was everywhere. The hot-pink-and-purple plaid shower curtain, a blue bath rug, and as I ended up at the sink, I noted a yellow toothbrush holder. Not a damn thing in there matched. I washed my hands and then dipped my head, splashing the cool water over my face.

  Straightening, I turned off the water and let out a pent-up breath. She’d been right. I could’ve called or texted her, but I’d wanted to make sure she was okay after last night. I also needed to apologize for the shit I’d said at Kyler’s place and I’d needed to do that to her face. And I also wanted to dig in a little, figure out what the hell she had against me. Except the moment I saw those little shorts, I fucking forgot what the hell I was doing there. It was like being fifteen all over again. Damn.

  But she really had no memory of kissing me last night. Man, that was a kick to the nuts. I had to laugh. Good thing I had an ego on me the size of a mountain.

  Maybe three minutes, if that, had passed by the time I walked back into the living room, but when I looked at the couch I didn’t see her. Frowning, I came up behind it and my brows flew up.

  She was curled on her side, her legs dangling over the couch and arms tucked under her chest. The frown slipped off my face as I leaned over the back of the couch. “Andrea?”


  I started to grin. “Hey, Andy?” I raised my voice. “Babe?”

  Her lips moved, murmuring something unintelligible. The girl was out cold. Shaking my head, I pushed off the couch and looked around, spying the bedroom door ajar. I could leave her on the couch, but that seemed fucking wrong. My momma didn’t put a whole shit-ton of effort into raising me, but she’d drilled in the whole “gentleman” routine.

  Spinning around, I walked into her bedroom, snapping on the small lamp beside her bed. Déjà vu slammed me, except Andrea wasn’t drunk tonight. The shade looked like someone had taken a hot glue gun and stuck damn purple diamonds all over it. I hadn’t noticed that last night. Seeing that the bed wasn’t even made, I sighed and then straightened it up. Peaches. Shit. The comforter carried her scent as I flipped the corner back. Andrea always smelled like peaches and vanilla.

  I didn’t look around her bedroom. I don’t even know why. Too fucking intimate after last night. She was still out cold when I returned, and when I knelt down beside her, she stirred a bit as I got my arms under her.

  “This is becoming a habit,” I said out loud.

  “What…what are you doing?” she mumbled.

  “Taking you to bed.” I lifted her up, and as I cradled her close, her head lolled against my chest, and red curls spilled across my arm.

  “Not…not in your lifetime, bud,” she replied.

  I had to laugh again, shaking my head. Even half-asleep, she was a firecracker. I carried her back to her bedroom and placed her in the bed. Since she wasn’t passed out, she sort of helped me this time as I wrangled her legs under the comforter.

  Although, she’d taken a sleeping pill, so I wasn’t sure this was even the real Andrea. Hell, who knew the real girl? I knew I’d barely scraped the surface with her, even after two years. I hadn’t even known she had problems sleeping. Never once had I heard her mention it, and Syd or Kyler had never said a thing to me about it.

  It took everything in me to step back and to walk out of the damn bedroom, but there was no hiding the smile on my face or denying the swell of anticipation for this upcoming week.

  Things…things were going to change between us.

  Chapter 4


  Well, this trip was starting off super-awkward.

  Sitting in Kyler’s Durango, I was seated right next to Tanner and I felt like we were the two annoying kids stuck in the backseat on a long trip. Which would make Kyler and Syd our parents. Weird.

  An hour and a half into the drive, Syd’s nose was deep in her eReader, Kyler’s thumbs were thrumming along the steering wheel as he hummed to whatever song was playing, and I was doing my best not to think about the fact I’d drunkenly kissed Tanner. Biting down
on my lip, I glanced at him.

  Blue eyes fixed on mine.

  Oh crap, he wasn’t asleep anymore. I quickly focused on the window and stared at…rolling green hills everywhere.

  Another thing I couldn’t stop thinking about was his visit last night—the way he had looked at me when I’d opened the door, like he’d really liked what he’d seen. And what he’d said to me before he’d gone into the bathroom, and I’d embarrassingly fallen asleep in that short burst of time. He’d carried me to my bed—carried me. Good lord, I was not a small girl. So that was impressive…and hot.

  Watching a Mack truck loaded up with logs zoom past our SUV, I tried not to think about one of those Final Destination movies. But that would probably be better than what was consuming my thoughts. I was unnerved by how much I was thinking about this. I shouldn’t care. It was Tanner, and he and I could barely call each other friends. He’d also had his chance with me before and had blown it.

  Not that he seemed to remember any of that, or that I’d really given him a chance back then. Wasn’t like I’d talked to him or expressed any inclination that I wanted to practice making babies with him, so…

  Tanner tapped my knee, drawing my attention. My eyes met his. “What?”

  Lifting his hand, he curled a long finger. “Come here.”

  My stomach dropped at the sound of his low, husky voice. Having no idea what he was up to, I leaned across the space between us, turning my head to the side.

  “I haven’t been sleeping for a while,” he said, his breath dancing along my cheek, sending shivers down my spine. “So…”

  “So what?” I had no idea why he felt the need to share that with me.

  “You’ve been staring at me,” he whispered, and I started to draw back, denials forming on my tongue, but his arm suddenly moved. His hand curled around the back of my neck, holding me in place. “I don’t mind it.”

  My heart stuttered and then skipped a beat. What the…? I swallowed hard, my normal, what-I-liked-to-consider witty rapport was nowhere to be found. The only thing that came out of my mouth was a whispered, “You don’t?”

  “Yeah.” His fingers tangled in my hair, tugging the curls in a delicious way that sent fiery awareness across my skin. “I just decided that I don’t.”

  “Right now?” I breathed.

  Tanner shifted his head slightly and when he spoke again, his breath caressed my lips. Muscles low in my belly tightened. “Yep. About two minutes ago, actually.”

  A soft, surprised laugh came out of me. “Really. Two whole minutes ago.”

  “Maybe five,” he teased, and my stomach twisted pleasantly. “Ten minutes might be pushing it, though.”

  I almost laughed again, but his mouth was so close to mine that if I shifted a fraction of an inch, our lips would meet, and I really wanted to remember my drunken kiss. His fingers found their way through the tangle of curls. I had no idea what was happening. For the first time in my life, I couldn’t speak.

  “No sex in the backseat,” Kyler announced. “I just cleaned this thing out.”

  Snapping out of our own little world, I jerked free, wincing when my hair caught in his hand. Cheeks burning, I glanced forward as he eased his fingers out of my curls.

  In the rearview mirror, Kyler grinned at me.

  I flipped him off.

  Heart thumping unsteadily, I glanced at Tanner. Our gazes met again, and a slow smile pulled at his lips. Leaning back against the door, he tossed his arm over the back of our seat. The stare was intense, piercing, like he wasn’t seeing me, but was seeing inside me, scoping out all my secrets. Flushed, I was the first to look away.

  Syd had twisted around, peering into the back seat. Her gaze flitted from me to Tanner and then back. Her lips pursed. “Alrighty then.”

  I had absolutely nothing to say as she flipped back around, tapping the screen on her eReader. Nope. I wasn’t even thinking anything. I stared at the back of Kyler’s head, totally bewildered by—by everything. As my heart started to pound even harder, I did know one thing. This week was going to be really interesting.

  After what felt like forever, the Durango’s tires crunched over gravel and as soon as it rolled to a stop, I all but threw open the door and hopped out. Okay. All ignorant jokes about West Virginia aside, this little piece of the world was stunning and breathtaking.

  Tall pine and elm scented the air, and although the August sun was oppressively strong, the trees blocked the harsh rays, providing much welcome shade. Above the leafy branches and green needles, I could see a giant sandstone structure bursting into the blue, cloudless sky. The mountain glimmered faintly, and each jagged point reminded me of a massive hand trying to grasp at the clouds.

  Syd joined me, smiling as she followed my gaze. “Those are the Seneca Rocks. I think Kyler wants to check them out either Wednesday or Thursday. You’re more than welcome to join us.”

  I laughed as I shook my head. “I don’t know. I’m more of a lie-by-the-pool kind of girl versus getting all up into wildlife.”

  Syd nudged me with her hip as she glanced over her shoulder, to where the guys were grabbing the suitcases out of the back of the SUV. “Or maybe a check-out-what’sgoing-on-with-Tanner kind of girl?”

  I smacked her arm. “I’m not that either, and you know that.”

  “Uh-huh.” She bit down on her lower lip as she turned her gaze to mine. “You know, I’ve always thought he liked you.”

  “Stop,” I sighed. Syd was forever playing the matchmaker since she’d settled down with Kyler. The night I’d left her place feeling all kinds of butt sore over what Tanner had said to me, she’d started in on how she truly believed we were secretly in love with one another.

  “What?” she challenged. “It’s like a typical playground love affair. Instead of you two pulling each other’s hair and pushing each other down, you get on each other’s nerves on purpose.”

  “I’d like to think I’m a bit more mature than that.”

  She arched a dark eyebrow.

  I giggled. “Okay. Maybe not.”

  “Yeah,” she dragged the word out. “You guys have hooked up before, right?”

  Shooting her a look, I shook my head. “Um, no.”

  A look of doubt crossed her face. “You’ve made out, then—”

  “No. No, we haven’t.” I laughed under my breath, because I was so not counting that kiss. “Why do you think that? He and I have never done anything. I would’ve told you.”

  The disbelief didn’t fade from her face, and I wondered why in the world she’d still think that after all this time. Pushing the conversation out of my head, I dragged in a deep breath and smiled. I realized there wasn’t a hint of fumes or body odor or any other nasty street smell that clung to the city, a kind of smell you got used to until you were out in a place like this. Clean air. Lord, I’d forgotten how nice that was to breathe.

  “Let’s go help them.” Looping her arm through mine, she slipped her sunglasses down and then led me to the back of the SUV.

  Tanner had a duffel bag slung over his shoulder, and it boggled my mind how guys could pack for a week in a bag I could easily double as a purse. In his other hand was my pink and purple polka-dotted suitcase.

  Slipping free from Syd, I went to his side. “You don’t have to carry that.” I reached for my suitcase.

  “I got it.” Facing me, I could clearly see myself reflected in the silver aviator-style sunglasses he’d slipped on. Damn, he looked good in them. Air Force pilot hot.

  “I can carry it,” I insisted while Kyler headed around the SUV. Syd was behind him, carrying an armful of plastic bags.

  Tanner grinned as he stepped back, holding the stuffed piece of luggage out of my grasp. “Grab the leftover bags. I’ll carry this.” He pivoted around.

  We’d stopped at the grocery store in town and there was a load of groceries in the back, enough to feed an army. Grabbing two paper bags, I lifted them out, eyeing him warily. “Are you trying to get laid or something?
Because I know going a whole week must be hard for you and all.”

  Tanner stopped and then turned back to me. One brow rose above the rim of his sunglasses. “Now, come on, Andy. There’s no such thing as trying when it comes to this.”

  My eyes narrowed as I walked to where he stood. “What is that supposed to mean?”

  He lowered his head so that we were almost eye level. His lips tipped up at the corners and he spoke in a voice only I could hear. “If I wanted you, I’d have you.”

  What in the holy hell hotcakes? My jaw hit the gravel as I barked out a short laugh. “Oh, wow. That’s cocky.”

  One shoulder rose. “Nah, just confident.”

  I snorted. “Or really optimistic in a special kind of dumb way.”

  He laughed under his breath as I shifted the bags in my arms. “Let’s make a bet, Andy.”

  “Stop calling me that,” I ordered, but hated—absolutely loathed—the breathlessness of my voice. I wanted to punch it out of my chest. Or him. Yeah, punching him would be better. “And I’m not making any bets with you.”

  I walked around him, stomping on the gravel with my sandaled feet. I’d taken a few steps when he said, “That’s because you know you’ll lose.”

  Halting suddenly, I almost tripped over my own feet. I whipped around, facing him once more. He did not just say that. No way. “Excuse me?”

  Tanner’s grin and walk were full of swagger as he strolled on past me. “Yeah, it is. You know you’ll be under me by the time we leave this cabin.”

  Chapter 5


  Andrea’s cheeks matched her hair, and that was…it was cute. I didn’t do cute. Or at least I didn’t until now. Now I was all about the cute—the Andrea kind of cute.

  I knew I should’ve felt like an ass for saying what I did, but I didn’t. No regrets. None whatsoever. Heading up the porch steps, I realized I had no idea what that said about me.

  And I’d be lying to myself if I said I didn’t know what I was starting, because I did. I fucking knew exactly what I was provoking, but I had no game plan when it came to how this was going to end—no clue. And I always had a game plan.