Read Seas of Chaos Page 5

Chapter Five: James Wix

  The Ardent Wind was tying up alongside the docks outside of Queen’s Cross. It was a deep natural harbor, which made it the best port for hundreds of miles. It was a few hours before sunset as Captain James Wix made his way down the gangplank. Two of his marines flanked him. The ship’s Quartermaster, Mr. Howe, was already speaking with a few of the port officials. They nodded to Wick as he strode past. His business was with a trader inside the town.

  Officially, he was carrying a large variety of legal goods, bolts of cloth and the like. Concealed in the smuggler’s hold however, was two hundred pounds of pepper. It was illegal to transport such goods without a license. The man he was meeting with found this only a minor problem. Wix wandered around town for a bit before finding the Merchant’s Inn, the best lodging available.

  The trader he was looking for was eating his dinner of smoked salmon, beside him was a man drinking a mug of tea. “Go get yourselves a drink.” The marines walked over the bar and Wix sat across from the two men. “Good evening, Mr. Black.” He said politely.

  Of course it was not his actual name, but one does not use real names for this kind of thing. He was a minor Lord, if Wix had to make a guess. His clothing and demeanor were too fine for a merchant.

  “Good evening, Captain.”

  The other man only frowned. Wix looked at him for a moment before realizing that he had seen him before. But where? The two exchanged a knowing glance and then ignored each other completely. It was after all, how these kinds of things were done.

  “The ship is docked just now and we’re unloading the cargo.”

  “Excellent. My associate will be helping you to get everything through customs.” He slid a leather pouch across the table. “Half now, the other half upon delivery. As agreed.”

  “Perfect.” Wix smiled. “A pleasure doing business with you, sir.” He stood up and shook the hand of Mr. Black.

  “I hope to see you again, Captain.”

  “As do I, sir.”

  The brooding man stood up as well and folded his arms across his chest, but continued to say nothing. Wix waved the marines over the the four of them left the inn.