Read Second Chances: The Power of Renewal Page 11

  While she was pregnant, he chose to avoid her as much as possible. Fishing was quiet and peaceful and at the moment that was just what he needed. He felt his line give a tug, and he pulled. It had to be a big fish! He stood up to get a better angle and pulled very slowly. He could not afford to break the line. When he saw what he had caught, he backed away, tripped over the side of the boat and landed in the water. He frantically swam for shore.


  John had not been called to investigate the case, but his friend, who knew of John's interest in these types of cases, had called him. “John, I have something for you. A fisherman caught a female body, and by the looks of it, she had been recently assaulted.” John got information on the location, and went to check it out. He took pictures, got fingerprints, and documented all the bruises. The coroner had declared that the body had died within the last 24 hours and had been in the water for a very short time. He would give more details later. It was lucky that the man had gone fishing that morning.

  As John was talking to the coroner and begging to be given a copy of the report, his phone rang again. This time it was a buddy of his from dispatch. A girl had just called in saying that she had been raped yesterday, and she had run away. The dispatcher gave him the information and he went there.

  This girl looked all bruised up and could barely stand. She said that men had come the night before and beaten them and raped them.

  “What is your name?” John had asked


  “How old are you?”

  “I just turned 18 last month.”

  “What happened last night?”

  “I don't know. We were all excited, we were going to take care of rich people’s children, and then these men came and beat us when we did not do their bidding. Then they raped us.” She broke into tears.

  “How many girls?”

  “Ten, but one died. Everyone was screaming and they started pushing us into a van. I ran and hid in the bushes. When they left, I run here, to this neighbor’s house, and asked for help. I want to go home, please.” She implored as the tears were spilling from her eyes.

  Her sobs were breaking John’s heart. He was furious for this girl. She was so young. When they walked out of the house to go to the hospital, he saw a group of men getting in a van and leaving. He took the license plate before heading to the hospital. While he waited for Natasha to be seen he started filling out the paperwork. Within an hour of him submitting the preliminary report, he had been pulled off the case. He hated politics.

  Sadly, he was not surprised he had been pulled from the case. This wasn't the first time, and he knew it wouldn’t be the last. His boss was overprotective of his friends and John suspected most of them to be involved in nefarious activities. This case involved one of his golf buddies. He knew the excuses all too well: It is a waste of time and funds, or another agency was investigating. He had gone through this so many times it sickened him.

  Based on what Natasha had told him, he knew that there were some big fish involved, and Global International was involved. He just did not know exactly who, yet. He suspected the CEO was the head of this operation, but did not have enough evidence to bring to the prosecutor. He also knew that these girls had been brought here under false pretenses, and that they were not willing participants. Later, when he had gone to the house Natasha had described, he had found it empty and extremely clean. There was not a speck of dust anywhere, and the smell of bleach was overwhelming. There had not been any evidence to be collected. He was not surprised.

  He called dispatch to run the plate, and it came to a stolen vehicle. He should have known better and called it immediately.

  for you have been my help,

  and in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy.

  Psalm 63:7

  Chapter 29

  John had sent the fingerprints of the victim to a friend in another county. He learned her name, and was not surprised to learn that this was Sonia. The other girl involved in the Senator's husband's death. Wow! Now he had to figure a way to investigate without his boss knowing about it. He had enough experience to know that the boss put his friends above the law. He had seen him break so many rules it was pitiful.

  He also needed to warn Myrna and Bobby. He would not be surprised if they tried to silence her as well. He had looked at the books Rosalyn had given him, but it had been hard to decipher them. Now he knew the names of some of the girls, and he suspected some key people involved. He had to look at them again. The girls needed to be protected.

  John had left his office and had gone straight to the cafe. He had informed Bobby and Myrna of Sonia's death. Myrna had become inconsolable. Sonia had been a sister to her all the years they had been neighbors. She felt that it had been her fault, and that she should have tried harder to convince her not to run. John looked at Bobby, who was holding Myrna's hand during this painful news and told him to take Myrna on a mini vacation, somewhere away from here. No one would be safe until they apprehended the people involved.

  Bobby had no problem taking the time off. The people who worked at his cafe had been with him since he opened the cafe. He trusted them with his life. This would not be the first vacation he took. He often took a week off here and there to go visit his sisters. The problem was where to take Myrna. He could not take her to one of his sisters' homes because he did not want to put them in danger. He had to get a hotel somewhere away from here.

  From the café, John had gone to his house to get a copy of the books. He wanted to look at them. He knew some of the people involved. He was sure he could put it together now.

  The books Rosalyn had given him had confirmed Natasha's story. Now he had to figure out how to convince the U.S. Attorney to take the case. Most importantly, he had to figure a way to go around his boss. He knew his boss would block his every move. He was going to need to call the guys.

  The guys consisted of his younger brother Andrew and his brother's best friend Marcus. Andrew had moved to his parents’ house at the age of eight. He had a very difficult childhood surrounded by drugs and crime of all sorts. When Andrew had moved in with his parents, John had already been living on his own, but he had been included in every aspect of Andrew’s challenges. He remembered having to run after him on more than one occasion. Andrew did not know what to do with all the love his parents were giving him.

  It was funny. Once he had understood that love at the age of fifteen, everything had changed. Andrew had become the model citizen, the model student, and the model son. All he needed was to know that he was loved unconditionally.

  Marcus on the other hand, had other issues. His parents were very successful, and he had grown up with plenty of servants. Mom and dad were always busy trying to make their next million. They gave attention to Marcus only when he got in trouble or his grades had dropped. If Marcus’ accomplishments were noticed, Marcus never knew. His parents were too busy to bother with that.

  Marcus and Andrew had become friends from the very start. Both of them had needed to feel love and acceptance. John’s parents had been great at giving that love and acceptance that both boys needed. Now they were men, and closer than brothers could ever be. John knew he could not compete with their bond. He loved Andrew and knew that Andrew loved him back, but he also understood that Marcus was the confidant. John also understood that if Andrew or Marcus ever found themselves in a bind, he would be the first person they would call.

  John knew that at any moment his boss was going to do something to prevent him from investigating, as the preliminary report contained the name of his golf buddy, Mr. Brockovich. His RAC wouldn't pull him from the case. It would look bad on him. He would just give John so many insignificant cases to keep him busy until the end of time. It was okay though. Once Andrew and Marcus came to help with this investigation everything will be easier, and his involvement in the case would not be as noticeable. He was not going to give up this easily again.

  The next day
John had been sitting in his car across the street from the import/export company taking pictures of everyone coming in and going out, when he saw two people he recognized. Both of them had come up during prior investigations, but because of their connections and their overpriced lawyers they had gotten off scot-free. He took pictures of the two of them as they exited the business.

  At home, John continued to look at the books. The more time he spent studying the information, the more excited he got. This time they were going to go away for a long time.

  A false witness will not go unpunished,

  and he who breathes out lies will perish.

  Proverbs 19:9

  Chapter 30

  Boris was red with fury. How could everything be going wrong at the same time? They had found the body. What luck to have a fisherman there? He had made sure to tie weights to her wrists and feet, but the rope must have come loose. Now, he had the stupid Mexican guy working in his office and he refused to give up on Rosalyn. He needed to come up with something. As he was trying to figure out how to fix the mess, Kruno and Davor barged into his office. He hated when Davor and Kruno just came in as if they owned the place. He despised these men. "How may I help you gentlemen?” he asked.

  “Who took care of the clean up? Whoever it was, screwed it up.” Boris knew that it was going to come back to him eventually, so he might as well fess up. “I did, the rope must have come loose somehow.”

  “Well, I got a call today, and the cop, you know the one that has tried to get us before, is at it again. We need to get rid of him,” said Davor.

  Boris, who was always paranoid, and expected every episode of his favorite cop shows to come to life, got up, went to the stereo and turned it on. To have this kind of discussion, total privacy was a must. "I take care of the girls, you take care of the cops.” He said in exasperation.


  Rosalyn was getting some supplies when she saw those men come into the building. They scared her. Every time she saw them, she hid in her office. She knew those men were evil. This time, she was in the supply closet outside the CEO's office. She had come to get some things: paper clips, pencils, anything to get away from her office and her boss. Her new boss had walked next to her, and had dared to pinch her butt. He had apologized, but she knew it wasn't sincere.

  She had been mortified, and had run to the supply closet to hide, and now these two men were here. She figured that she would stay in the closet until the coast was clear. She had almost perfected the art of not being noticed, but with these men, she knew it would not work. She needed a new job and the faster she begun looking the better it would be.

  Rosalyn heard the words through the thin walls, but did not process the information. Her only concern was how to get out of there without being noticed. She needed to get to her office get her purse and leave. She opened the door slowly, and looked in every direction. When she did not see anyone she walked to her office as fast as she could. Every click her stilettos made seemed to take years off her life. She was in a state of panic. She needed to go home before she got sick. She grabbed her purse and left her office. She did not stop until she was in her car. She was so thankful she did not have to wait for John anymore.


  Kruno had been looking out of the office window and saw a brunette walk out of the supply closet. He could not see her face, but that would not be a problem. He wanted to know if someone could hear their conversation, there would be time enough to figure out who she was later.

  He walked to the supply closet and entered it. Every word they said came through the thin walls even with the radio on. Whoever had designed this building had done a poor job. There was no privacy. This brunette might have to disappear. He did not like giving the orders, but he disliked the idea of losing his money or freedom more. A girl was cheap.


  For you have been my help,

  and in the shadows of your wings

  I will sing for joy

  Palm 63:7

  Chapter 31

  Rosalyn made it all the way home and into her room without getting sick. Once there, she ran into her room where she felt she could relax; instead, she began to hyperventilate. She could not have these panic attacks every time she did not like someone. Today had been different. Her boss had actually touched her. She had to do something to stop any further liberties. At the moment she did not know what to do. She was willing to try anything. She was desperate.

  John had been encouraging her to come to church with him. She did not know if she was ready for that or not, yet. Sean had been calling her on a daily basis to check on her, even Madeline had been calling her. She did not want to be best buddies with anyone. She missed Alana so much, and where had that taken her? Her friend had moved away and it hurt.

  Rosalyn knew she deserved everything that had happened to her. If she had been a good obedient girl, nothing would have happened to her. She sat in the bathtub as tears were flowing down her cheeks, trying to figure out if she could ever be forgiven. Was it possible for her to be happy? Would God love her enough to forgive her? Hanging out with John felt right, but she needed to end it before he realized how unworthy she was.

  When Rosalyn had calmed down enough, she got ready to go to the cafe. She had not been surprised when John showed up and waited for her to get off. She knew she did not deserve him, and she should end it now, before it was too late. Instead, when John had asked her over to his place for steaks and a football game, she had accepted. One more time was not going to hurt. She would break it off afterwards.


  John had invited her to have dinner at his house. This was the first time at his place. When she had come in, he had her help with the salad as he grilled the steaks. He had tried not to make a big deal of things. He knew that if he had gone with candles and wine, she would panic. He settled for eating in the living room, while watching a football game. This was something that friends did during the football season.

  Rosalyn was feeling very tense. The whole time, John had been watching the game his hand had been touching her. He had either touched her hand when he said the blessing, or had touched her hair to move it from her face or when he had been done eating he had sat and place his arm over her shoulder encouraging her to lean into him as they watched the game.

  She could not do this. She wanted to make sure John understood her limitations. She picked up the dishes from the coffee table and took them to the sink to start washing them. This had been wonderful and she had needed to relax. John needed to understand that she was off limits. She could not give him more than friendship.

  John followed her. She could not look at him, but needed to say what was on her mind. "John, I love talking with you, but I want you to understand that all I can give you is friendship. I cannot give you anything else."

  John understood her reluctance. "Rosie, let time dictate, let's not worry about the future."

  At that, she became aggravated and raised her voice. "You are ignoring the problem John. Nothing will happen in the future." She was afraid of saying her next words, but they needed to be said. She did not want to lose him as she had lost Sean, but she was afraid of not saying the words. "There cannot be anything else between us, only friendship. I am not capable of giving you more. Please understand."

  Rosalyn was looking at the floor. John had moved in front of her, and stood so close that if either one of them took a deep breath their bodies would touch. He was mesmerized at how beautiful she was, but he also noticed that she looked scared to death.

  He knew she was terrified of him and what he might do. He knew that unless she faced her fears, she would never get over them. He got closer to her; she tried to back up, but the sink was blocking her. He had both of his hands holding her shoulders. "Rosalyn, look at me."

  " I can't, I'm scared."

  "Look at me sweet heart” he commanded.

  She slowly lifted her face to him, and lowered her eyes, staring at the
ir feet.

  "Not good enough Rosie, look at me."

  She did, he knew that looking at him was costing her all her energy. "Sweet heart, I am going to kiss you, that is all. Only a small kiss, I will stop when you stop me." Rosalyn was going to say something, but he did not give her a chance. So very gently, he lowered his head and pressed his lips to hers. He gave her time to push him away, but when he felt her relax, he deepened the kiss, careful not to get to close to her. It was torture, all he wanted to do was lose himself in the kiss and lose all control. He wanted to crush her to him. He kissed her until she melted into him and then, and only then, did he stop. Very slowly, he lifted his head and pulled her to him, resting his chin on her head. Very carefully he began to rub her back. He was doing this as much for her as for himself. This kiss had shaken him to his core and he needed to take control.

  Slowly without releasing her, he pulled away enough to look at her, and those beautiful green eyes were staring right back at him. He could never get tired of looking at those eyes. She smiled and said, "That was nice."

  He laughed, "Is that what you call it, nice?" He got serious "I want to kiss you again Rosie." Slowly he lowered his lips to hers, as he did so, she leaned into him, and moved her arms up slowly and rested them around his neck.

  John knew that he was in trouble. In his thirty-five years, he had not fallen for a woman, and what he felt for Rosalyn was not like anything else. He had wanted to rectify a wrong he had done, but now he was head over heels in love with her. Nothing short of a lifetime with her would be enough. He knew he had to work slowly. This kiss had been a big step for her, and kisses would never be enough for him. He wanted it all.


  She had been clear with him. She did not want anything other than friendship, but then he had kissed her. She had no idea how she did not run away. This had been her very first kiss and it had been wonderful. Just thinking about it made her want another kiss and then another. Then she froze, she could not give him more than that. He had to understand that. "John, I think is time for me to go home."