Read Second Chances: The Power of Renewal Page 14

  As she entered, she heard him say, “I need you to bring these files to this address. It cannot be mailed. You will get a bonus for this job.”

  She had not been able to decline. The address had been two hours away based on her GPS. She had plenty of time to get there and come back. She did not think she would have much extra time for anything else. Bathroom breaks were overrated anyhow. Ugh!

  She actually looked forward to getting out of the office. She needed to think, and driving would give her the time. John was driving her crazy. He was making her feel things she did not want to feel. She wanted a second chance, but was too afraid. She needed to figure out a way to make this work. Pushing him away was not going to work. She had never known a more stubborn and pushy man than John.

  Rosalyn never noticed the car, or the truck following her. She was concentrating too hard on making a list of pros and cons. Could she be brave enough to get what she wanted?

  Boris left after Rosalyn. He was planning on meeting her there. As he was driving he noticed the stupid cop. He thought that he had taken care of the problem the other day. Now he had to lose him. He knew where Rosalyn was heading, so he was going to take a detour. The cop had better follow him.

  John was debating, did he follow her or him. He could always wait for her afterwards. She was probably going to lunch somewhere, he reasoned. He followed Boris, hoping that he would lead him to one of the houses. He was totally disappointed when he felt set up. Mr. Brockovich had driven to John's office. His boss was outside waiting for him.

  “White, to my office now.” John had not obeyed, instead he went to his office, turn the computer on, and printed a file. He took it to his boss and placed it on his desk.

  “White, You do not quit like that. You have to give notice.”

  “He is crooked and you know it.” John replied.

  “He will file a restraining order against you.”

  “Let him try it. My fiancée works for him.” John said as he walked out of the office.

  And now, O LORD, for what do I wait?

  My hope is in you.

  Psalm 39:7

  Chapter 38

  Rosalyn got to the house and knocked. No one came to the door, when she heard a car pull up behind her car. “Mr. Brockovich I thought you wanted me to deliver this.”

  “I did, come on in.” he said this as he walked to the door and pulled a key out of his pocket.

  Rosalyn looked around. There was nothing in sight. The cabin was in the middle of a clearing surrounded by trees. She could not see the highway from where she was. She needed to get in her car. “I am sorry but I think it is time for me to leave.” She turned and walked toward her car, which was blocked by his much bigger sedan, but she figured that she could maneuver her car out of this predicament.

  Pulling a gun out of his pocket, he said, “I do not think so. Come on in.”

  Rosalyn knew she was in trouble. What about Mariah? All of a sudden, her breathing became shallow and she had a hard time focusing. Even though she was trying to focus on the trees around her and the sound of water nearby, her surroundings began to darken. She lost consciousness into sweet oblivion. Boris cursed, put the gun down and carried her in. He put her on the sofa and tied her up like a turkey. Her hands and feet were tied together. He had never forced a woman in his life, and he would not start now. She would beg him.

  Rosalyn had awakened when it was dark. She tried to move and realized that she was all tied up. “I see you are awake, good.” She had heard him say.

  “Why am I all tied up? Why do you have me here? I need to go to the bathroom. What time is it?” Rosalyn moaned. She didn't even recognize her own voice. It sounded so whinnied. She was terrified. Her mind kept bringing her up to the one night long ago. The one night she had been trying so hard to forget.

  Boris did not speak at all. He undid the chains quietly, and guided her go to the bathroom. The silence was louder than if he had spoken. She had no idea what to expect. She had never imagined her boss to be demented; a chauvinist pig, yes, but crazy, no. As quietly as possible, she opened the cabinet, looking for something to defend herself with. Everything was empty. When she finished searching, he was waiting for her. He tied her up again.

  Rosalyn was trying to keep calm, but she was terrified. The ropes were cutting into her skin and she wanted to go home. She was hungry and thirsty. “Can I please have something to drink?”

  “No, I am sorry. Those are not the words I want to hear you say. There will not be any food or drink until you say them.” Rosalyn was so confused. What was she supposed to say? She fell asleep thinking about it.

  When she woke up again it was daylight, and she was cold, hungry and thirsty. Thank God she was alone. She tried to get up. She had actually been tied up around the waist to the sofa. What was she going to do? Where was her purse? She had left it in the car.

  She wondered if Mariah was okay. She was probably not going to be missed until about 3:20 today when Mariah did not receive a call from her. Would she be worried for her? Rosalyn began to sob. Jesus help me I am scared. I cannot go through this again. Please don't let it happen again.

  Is not your fear of God your confidence,

  and the integrity of your ways your hope?

  Job 4:6

  Chapter 39

  John had gone back to Global international. He hoped to see Rosalyn. He had been waiting for her until the office closed its doors and the last employee left for the night. He had gone to the cafe and to her house and no one had heard from her. He had no idea what to do now.

  He called the guys and had Marcus spend the night at Global international, and Andrew at the cafe. He went to Mr. Brockovich’s house. After all, he had not been told he could not. He was going to find her.

  It had been the most frustrating night of his life until the wee hours of the morning. He saw movement - Mr. Brockovich had driven in. At least he found one. He called the boys and had them wait on the adjacent blocks ready to follow wherever he went.

  At six, John decided to drive to Global International. She had to show up to work. He waited there until nine. All the employees had come in, but she had not. He was worried. Where could she be? He knew that she needed her job. She would not quit on a whim.

  A woman knocked on his window and gave him a note and a smile. He ignored the smile, but took the note and set it on the armrest. He did not want to miss Rosalyn if she came in and would look at the note later.

  The hours passed and the guy had not moved. He knew the guys were hungry and he knew that they would not complain. He called Andrew. “Go and get food and bring it to Marcus, and then park where you can see the house. I will stay here at the business for another half an hour then I will meet you there.

  An hour later, Marcus saw movement. He called both John and Andrew. Boris was moving, and hopefully he will go to where Rosalyn was. Disappointingly, he had gone to his office. The same office where Rosalyn was supposed to be working at and wasn’t. He was ready to send the guys home, when Boris moved again. They got in position. John could not be seen, and Boris did not know Marcus or Andrew. Andrew followed for the first ten miles or so on the expressway. He passed Boris and got off at an intersection. He got back on immediately after Boris and Marcus had passed by. Marcus continued following. When Boris got off the highway, it became tricky. It was a country road with only two lanes of traffic. John could not be seen or his cover would be blown.

  John regretted not having changed cars with one of the guys. Where was Boris leading them? He hoped it was not a wild goose chase. He saw Boris' turn signals. He was going into one of these side roads. There was nothing here, only woods. At that moment John realized that they needed to pull back. He called the guys back, “Do not follow. If he spotted us, it could be a trap.” Marcus and Andrew went straight. John turned. He was far behind Boris, he was sure he would not be noticed. He pulled over to the side behind some trees and begun to walk. He saw the house. He hoped Rosalyn was the

  He began to jog toward the house, always being aware of his surroundings. He stayed close to the tree line in case he needed to hide. As he approached the house, he heard crying and arguing. Boris was arguing with a woman. Although John was fluent in several languages, he had difficulty with dialects and slang. He peeked through the window and saw them. There were about eight girls sitting on the floor. All of them were crying. There were all so very young. All of them were bruised, black eyes, broken lips. Their faces were swollen. All of them were in their underclothes, panties and bras nothing else.

  Now what. He wished he had not quit. He had been fed up with all of the red tape for so long. He knew whom to call though. Before he called his former boss, he was going to call a friend of his. “Hey, Walker."

  "I promise, whatever it is. I have not done it." Walker knew John, and the last time it had cost him a broken nose. He could have reported it, but both of them had been together in the marines. One did not go against a buddy.

  "I know; I need your help."

  "Okay, shoot."

  "I have something newsworthy for you. You must give me your word that you won't mention me at all, and you have to act fast. You have thirty minutes before I call my boss.”

  It had been done. He had gone to the dark side, but at the moment he did not know if his boss was in Mr. Brockovich’s pocket or not. True to his word, he called his boss thirty minutes later, and his suspicions were affirmed when five minutes later Brockovich came out holding the phone to his ear. He could not see him, but he saw the dust from the news van driving in. He got in his car, leaving the girls alone and drove off. John had been waiting for him. The media would take care of this fiasco.

  Boris was furious. How did they find out? He had been so careful, how did the cop find out. He knew how to get even. He will get her and sell her. The Middle Eastern man still wanted a green-eyed beauty. He would like to keep her for himself, but that would be too risky now.

  He gives power to the faint,

  and to him who has no might

  he increases strength.

  Isaiah 40:29

  Chapter 40

  Rosalyn was in so much pain. She had not had anything to eat or drink since yesterday morning. Mr. Brockovich had left the A/C at a very low temperature. She would not be surprised if she got pneumonia. She was wearing a pantsuit with a silk blouse. The clothes were not protecting her from the cold.

  What did he want? Why did he bring her here? He had said that she had to ask for the correct thing, before she got food or water.

  Jesus, I know you have been trying to reach me. I am so sorry. Please hear me, I am afraid, and hungry and so very cold. Please do not let him hurt me. This might sound selfish, but I would like a second chance at love. Please help me. I know You did not create me to be lonely and sad. Amen

  After her prayer, she just began to cry in earnest. She was so afraid. How was she going to be rescued if no one knew where she was?

  She heard the door. She begun shivering, more out of the fear than the cold she felt. “Did you miss me? Do you know what I want? I know what you want. I brought you some fast food. Just say the right words," said Boris.

  Rosalyn had tried not to cry, but she was so hungry and cold that at the mention of food, that she started sobbing again. He came and loosened the chain around her waist. As terrified as she was of him, his hands felt warm on her skin, which made the rest of her body feel colder. She felt so dirty for wanting the warmth of his touch. “Please, let me go. What did I do to cause this?

  “Oh, sweet Rosalyn, you need to beg. You do not ask questions.”

  “What do I beg for? I want food. Am I supposed to beg for food?"

  “No, not food, that is just your reward.”

  "What do I beg for? I do not know. I am cold; I need a blanket. I am hungry and thirsty and I need to use the bathroom. What am I supposed to beg for?" She was screaming now.

  He just sat down and waited. He was close enough to her to entice her to seek his body heat, but too far for her to enjoy it. If she wanted it, she had to make the first move. He knew she was cold. He had made sure to leave the A/C at the coldest possible degree. He could see the steam come out of his breath when he spoke. She began to cry. Instead of moving closer to him, she moved away. He could not understand that. What was wrong with her? She was so close to the arm of the chair, it had to be digging into her.

  John was looking in through the window. He was waiting for Marcus and Andrew to be in position around the back of the house. They were looking for an unlocked door, or window to come in. He saw her. She looked so small and scared. He needed to go in. From his angle he did not know if the man was holding any weapon. He had to be patient.

  Boris was frustrated. In the past, by this time the ladies had begged him to love them. Not Rosalyn. She had been different from the very beginning. He needed to go out for a walk. He wanted to beat her senseless, but he was not a monster.

  John saw him at the last minute. He moved to the side. When Boris walked out and went toward his car, John jumped on his back, knocking him down. Even though Boris was older, he was in great shape and jumped to his feet almost immediately. He looked at John and smiled. "Come on, fight like a man. Come and get me." He taunted.

  John was in great shape, but he wasn't expecting this old man to be. He had tried to minimize the damage. He did not want to do anything to jeopardize this man going to jail for good. Boris smiled and signaled to John with his finger to come to him. John was planning his attack. He had underestimated this man. He got close enough to complete a round kick to his head. Boris ducked. Boris' fist hit John's jaw,

  Andrew and Marcus were standing there, just watching. "Ouch," both of them said. Neither one of them had seen where the punch had come from. "Do you think John needs help?" asked Marcus. "No, he can handle it," replied Andrew with a smile.

  John was ready to shoot this man. John was down and in pain. Boris anticipated every move, and now he was going to have a black eye and a broken rib. He waited. Boris got close, and kicked him. Make that two broken ribs.

  “Not so tough now, huh," Boris snarled through clenched teeth.

  John rolled and immediately jumped on Boris' back, not giving him a chance to react. He cuffed him and then looked at his audience. "The fun is over. Now get to work," exploded John, as he ran inside to check on Rosalyn.

  It broke his heart to see her lying in a fetal position crying. He went to her and started looking for a way to open the locks on the chains. Marcus walked right behind him with a set of keys. Rosalyn was looking at him, not saying anything. John on the other hand was saying plenty. “Sweetie, I will get you out of here soon. You know, when I could not find you, I was so worried and scared. I do not want to think about it anymore. You will not run away from me again. You have to promise not to run from me. I love you Rosie”

  Rosalyn could not believe that John was there. She was too afraid to speak. She was afraid that he would disappear into thin air. When finally the chains had fallen out, she jumped into his embrace knocking him down. She began to sob. “I don't know what he wanted, I don't know what he wanted me to do. He kept telling me that I was supposed to ask, but never told me for what. I was so scared. Thank you, thank you.”

  "You are saved. You are saved. He won't be able to hurt you again." As he said those words he was desperately kissing her forehead, her head, her cheeks. She had taken at least ten years of his life and the only thing he wanted to do now was hold her and not ever let her go.

  Marcus felt the cold and saw the steam as John spoke. He went to his car and grabbed a blanket, brought it for Rosalyn, and then he went out to call the law. Boris was going to be a goner.

  This is the day that the LORD had made;

  let us rejoice and be glad in it.

  Psalm 118:24

  Chapter 41

  John had taken Rosalyn to his place. She did not want Mariah to see her in the emotional state she was in. John made her ho
t coffee and some biscuits to eat. Although she was starving, she did not eat a lot. She was so tired; all she wanted to do was sleep. He placed her in his bed and covered her up with the blankets. Even though it was not cold, he decided to set the heater on. He placed a pitcher of water next to her and walked out to speak with the guys.

  “Is she okay?” asked Andrew.

  “She will be.” John would not rest until those animals had been put behind bars. He went straight to the business at hand.

  "My informant tells me that there is at least one more house where these girls are kept. We need to find it. These are the addresses for the other two men involved."

  Marcus and Andrew each took one of the papers and went to the different houses.

  John knew he needed to be present during the interview, but there was no way he was leaving Rosalyn alone. She had been so terrified; he needed to be here when she woke up in case she needed anything.

  The news had gone live. Kruno and Davor were astounded by what they saw. Boris Brockovich, CEO of Global International Import/Export Trade had been arrested. If Boris talked, they would be in deep trouble. They needed to figure out how to take him out. "How can we shut him up?" Wondered Kruno.

  "I don't know. I think that we need to either bail him out or give him a lawyer. Once he is out, we off him." Replied Davor.

  "Let me call the lawyer and see what he says." said Kruno as he was dialing the number.

  Boris could not believe his luck. He had been bailed out and a lawyer had been retained for him. How come the guys did not wait for him? He got in a taxi and before he said a word, the taxi took off a few minutes later the driver stop and looked at him. "Global international, plea-" before he even finished the driver turned around and pulled a small caliber handgun out of his belt, pointed the gun at Boris' head and fired. The driver looked at his target. The bullet had hit right between the eyes. He felt no remorse since he knew that the man had felt no pain. He parked the taxi, and walked out. He had been paid 200 dollars for this job. Not bad for a day's work. He smiled to himself.