Read Second Chances: The Power of Renewal Page 7

Mariah had stayed quiet the whole time. She did not know her mother at all, and would not have any idea of what to guess. If her grandma had come saying ‘guess what I’ve been doing all day’ she would have known that her grandma had spent the day gardening or at a nursery buying plants. She loved plants so much. On the other hand, her mother’s hobbies or activities were foreign to her.

  “Ok, you first.” Said Rosalyn, hoping to save the best news for last. It could not be better than a new place to live. They had been living in this tiny apartment for so long, that it would be a great thing to move to a home.

  “I am getting married. I was hoping you could be my maid of honor. I know is short notice, but Luke got a transfer and received a promotion in his job and we need to get married this weekend.” Alana had been so afraid of Rosalyn’s reaction, she had said everything in one breath. She hated to leave her friend at a moment like this.

  “You are moving? I am happy for you, but you are moving?” said Rosalyn in a barely audible voice.

  “I am sorry, I was going to tell you the day you left to North Carolina. We are getting married this weekend. My parents are flying on Thursday. Please say you are happy for me.”

  “I am happy for you. I am ecstatic for you. I am just going to miss you. Where are you moving to?”

  “We are moving to Colorado. It won’t be too bad, you can come visit, and I will be closer to my parents. I have missed them and you and I will be one phone call away. What is your news?”

  “Oh! Well, you have perfect timing. I found a cute little place to move to. I enrolled Mariah in school. I hope she likes both the house and the school.”

  Rosalyn had no idea what to do now. The place was too expensive for her. She had never acted impulsively, except for the one time when she had gotten in trouble. Now for a second time, acting without thinking about the consequences had come back to bite her. She had made a mistake.

  She needed to come up with something. She was going to speak with Mrs. Durov, and sign the paperwork. She hoped the salary was going to be high enough, if not she was going to have to get a second job.

  ”With man it is impossible,

  but not with God.

  For all things are possible with God.”

  Mark 10:27

  Chapter 14

  Rosalyn had started her new job. She loved it. Unfortunately, she had not been able to be trained long. Mrs. Durov had gone into premature labor and had been rushed to the hospital. It had been a false alarm, but the doctor had ordered bed rest.

  Her receptionist duties were going to be to answer the phone, speak to customers about the products and services they provided, type letters, simple office work. Now that she was the temporary personal assistant her duties included the boss’ appointments, making coffee and she had no idea what else, but Mrs. Durov had said as she walked out the door, ‘make sure the boss is happy.’

  She will have the office running efficiently, no matter what it took; after all, she was so organized everything was going to work smoothly. She did not want someone else’s job; she just wanted to make sure she got hired on. This might not be the job of her dreams, but it paid the bills.

  She had decided that she was going to prove how efficient she was and she would never be sent back. She would make sure to become indispensable. She was going to keep the job, the higher salary and the benefits. She owed Mariah.

  Her new office was on the top floor. The desk was huge! She would guess the desk to be bigger than her twin bed. Helen had the office decorated so feminine and beautiful with cut flowers in the corner and porcelain dolls all around. Her desk was decorated with pink and purple office decorations. The tape dispenser was a pink stiletto, the sticky note dispenser was a miniature pink and purple purse, even the pens were pretty and girly. There were beautiful pictures of women in gardens on the wall. The tan leather sofa on the opposite side of the wall could seat three people comfortably, and the magazines on the corner tables were all up to date. Everything was just so delicate and pretty.

  Rosalyn was looking at the wilted fresh flowers on the corner of her desk. She was going to have to throw them away. Was she expected to buy new ones, or could she stick the vase in a drawer in the desk?

  As she was looking for a place to hide the vase after she tossed the flowers out, she found a set of accounting books. She pulled them out and realized that they were different from the other book she had been given.

  She needed to figure out how this lady organized everything. How was she supposed to use both books, and what information went where? She had learned of smaller companies working under the umbrella of larger companies, maybe this second set of books belong to a different company. She begun looking at all the files and paperwork left in the desk and file cabinet to make sense of her new discovery. This was an import/export company, but the paperwork did not make sense to her. The numbers did not make sense. Based on the bank accounts there was so much money going in, and so much money going out, but the invoices did not match the deposits. Which deposits went with which book?

  She was going to need more time to learn this. She did not want to seem inept, so she decided to copy the e-books to her flash drive and make copies of the other books, so she could figure it out without seeming inept. She needed to keep this job.

  She knew that she had little experience, but she was qualified. She could not ask the boss; she needed to figure it out on her own. The more she looked, the more confused she became. No matter how she tried to match the amounts on the bank statements with the invoices, she couldn't. She'll figure it out later.

  The pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night

  did not depart from before the people.

  Exodus 13:22

  Chapter 15

  Bobby was lying on the sofa, trying to figure out what to do with the two girls he had on the other side of the door. He did not believe for a moment that they were guilty of any nefarious crime, other than self-defense. The girls had said that the company who sponsored them was Global International Trade. He knew Mr. Brockovich. Perhaps he should ask him for assistance, after all, someone had used his company for this criminal activity. It was Mr. Brockovich’s job as the CEO to find out who was committing crimes in his company. He would speak to him tomorrow.

  Myrna and Sonia were arguing in the bedroom. “I am tired of being here. I feel so restricted,” complained Sonia.

  Myrna looked at her friend with sympathy in her eyes. Sonia sometimes acted so young. “Sonia we are in a bind, we need to stay put until we can figure something out.”

  “We do not need to figure out anything. Don't involve me in your issues. You are the one who told me to stab him, and you are the one who killed him. I am going out tomorrow and you can’t stop me.”

  Myrna had not realized this until now, but her friend was a petulant, spoiled, immature and irresponsible brat and she was the reason Myrna had gotten into to so much trouble back home, and now here. She wanted to scream, to throw something, but that wasn't in her nature, so she opted for walking away. Myrna opened the door quietly and went to the small kitchen where she sat at the table with a glass of water. She just needed to be alone for a little while.

  Tears were streaming down her face. She was not sad, but frustrated. She had let her friend use her for all these years, and now it could cost her everything. Her life was on the line, and all because she wanted to protect that woman whom she called ‘friend’ for so many years. The funny thing was that Sonia was older than Myrna, and acted as if she were five years old.

  Bobby heard the argument and then saw Myrna come out of her room. He decided he would pretend to be asleep on the sofa. This girl was gorgeous and he did not need any more temptations. He needed to follow and do what he knew to be right and moral. He would never take advantage of an innocent. Unfortunately for him, he heard her crying. He could not help it. He went to her. He just sat next to her and begun murmuring encouraging words. “Things are going to get better. I know
someone who can help. You’ll see.” He moved his chair closer to her and she leaned into him. His body warmth felt so good, and it made her feel protected. She had never had anyone to protect her before.

  Sonia was angry, how dared Myrna include her in the problems she had caused. She was innocent, and she could not be confined anymore. She had enough of living like a Jew in the time of the Holocaust. She was a free woman, innocent of all wrongdoing. As a matter of fact, she was a victim. She did not need to hide in this hellhole. To prove her independence, she went to the window and opened it. She stood there enjoying the wind in her face. The street was dark, and it was late. No one could see her. Life had too much to offer for her to live scared. She stood by the open windows.

  For their feet run to evil,

  and they make haste to shed blood.

  Proverbs 1:16

  Chapter 16

  Boris walked into his office with a bouquet of flowers. It paid to be kind to his female employees. This time he had spent extra time choosing just the perfect flowers for his future flower. He imagined her eyes lighting up with grateful emotion at seeing the flowers. He imagined her beautiful lips as she smiled and gave him thanks. Life was good. He found out that little gifts, made the girls fall in love with him so much faster, and he had been waiting for Rosalyn for so long now. He expected Rosalyn to fall at his feet without any problem.

  Since Rosalyn had come to work for him, Boris had realized that he looked forward to being at his office. He knew that she would be sitting there, looking pretty. Just like he liked all his women to be. He wanted them ready to do as he commanded. He wondered if she was ready for that yet, but if not, she would be very soon.

  Boris looked serious as he said, “I am glad you threw the wilted flowers in the trash. Here is something to replace them with.” Then he smiled. “Don’t be so serious Rosalyn, I like the office to look and smell nice.” Then he stopped, looked at her, smiled again and then asked her, “How are things so far? Are you able to keep up with everything?” His goal was to groom her, flirt with her, so she relaxed and let her defenses down. He already loved her. She would be his.

  “The flowers are nice. I did not know what to do with the vase, now I know. Thanks” Rosalyn hoped she was not rambling, but her boss made her nervous. There was something about him in the way he looked at her that she did not like.

  Rosalyn had been working for him for over a week now. It was time. He could not wait anymore. He loved her and she needed to know. As Rosalyn stood up to put the flowers he brought her in water, he instructed her to come to his office when she was done.

  Rosalyn had walked into his office with her laptop. She sat in front of his desk, all prim and proper and got ready to take dictation.

  Boris had looked at her and smiled. “Rosalyn, you are so efficient.”

  “Thank you, sir.” She was ready to work, but he was looking at her in a peculiar way that made her feel so uncomfortable. He was creepy.

  “Rosalyn, I want you to understand that your job is not on the line here.” Rosalyn stared at him, not knowing what to say or answer. She begun to panic, and needed to keep it under control. How would I pay the rent if I lost my job? My daughter, how would I support her? Did I do something wrong already?

  He walked around his desk, got closer to her and began playing with her hair. She felt scared. She did not like anyone touching her. This man was in her personal space. He was saying something. She took a deep breath before she collapsed, “Rosalyn, I have fallen in love with you, and I want to get to know you better. Come to dinner with me tonight. It will be fun.”

  Her panic escalated. It was ready to take over. Before she could pass out, she had casually closed her laptop, stood up and took one step backward. She looked at him straight in the eye as she said, “Sir, with all due respect, I think you should know that I do not care for men.” She felt the nausea take over, and quickly walked out of his office and into the bathroom where she got violently ill. What was she going to do now? She could not work for this man any longer, but what other choice did she have. Her parents had died leaving her alone with a child, her child.

  To make things worse, her best friend had moved away. She had to figure out something. He had said it would not affect her job; perhaps she could continue to work without any repercussions from the boss.

  Boris felt stupefied, is she gay? He would not have thought it. She did have a female roommate. How could he not have known? But he was not going to give up. The roommate had to go. He did not spend all this money and time to give up now. Boris’ plan was to be patient and friendly. She will belong to him, and as long as she did not belong to anyone else, he could wait. He needed to find out about the roommate and get rid of her. He made a call.

  Be not wise in your own eyes;

  fear the LORD,

  and turn away from evil.

  Proverbs 3:7

  Chapter 17

  Helen was looking for the girls. She hated Boris and she was going to get even with him. He would regret the day he met her. She had been a good girl with high morals, and he had used her and then discarded her as if she was garbage. He would learn not to play with other people’s feelings. She smiled; a scorned woman was a dangerous woman.

  She had faked her labor pains because she was tired of witnessing all of his abuse and neglect. She had felt sorry for the poor Brazilian girl, and now Rosalyn also. Those girls did not deserve what was going to happen to them if someone did not stop him. It was going to be up to her. She was just so scared of the repercussions. She needed to plan her moves very carefully.

  Helen had gone to the building where the Senator’s husband had been found dead, and she began walking in all the possible directions. First she went east, and that let to nowhere. Then she went west, with similar results. Now she had gone north, and she was in the downtown area. She had not realized how close to the downtown area she was if she walked. All she had to do was walk through the park. She had driven and gotten nowhere fast, all the roads wound in a round about way that made downtown seem a long way from here, but walking had been a short distance. All she had to do was cut through the park. Now where could one hide? As she was looking around for an abandoned place, Helen looked up and saw her.

  Helen smiled. Now she knew where they were. She just needed to figure out what to do with all of this information. Should she go to Boris and threaten him— If he did not marry her and adopt the baby, or should she go to the cops and ask for immunity? She could not trust the cops. She had not learned who were on Boris’ payroll.

  The LORD will keep you from all evil;

  he will keep you life..

  Psalm 121.7

  Chapter 18

  Bobby knew he liked this girl and needed to find a way to help her. They were two people he trusted with this information—Mr. Brockovich was one of them. He had waited for him, but then one of the waitresses had gone home sick, and the restaurant was busier than normal. Bobby found himself doing two jobs, but approaching Mr. Brockovich was a must.

  “Hello, Mr. Brockovich, May I take your order?”

  “The usual, and make it fast. I am in a hurry today.” Boris had said in a ‘greater than thou’ tone of voice.

  Bobby had always liked Mr. Brockovich, but he had never experienced him as a customer. The waiting staff did that. Bobby was usually in the kitchen or walking around helping serve the tables. He normally did not deal with the bar area. The tone of voice that Mr. Brockovich had used made him pause and rethink trusting him. He liked to follow his gut feelings, and right now it told him to run away as fast as possible.

  The only other person Bobby knew, was that cop at church. He just did not know him personally, and did not know if he could be trusted. He definitely did not want anyone coming and arresting these girls.

  As he continued to serve, he heard the crashing of glass and the slamming of doors. When he looked toward the sound, the door that led to his apartment burst opened and a very angry Sonia wal
ked through the back door. She looked at him and said, “I am done. I hate it here. Have a nice day.” Then she left through the front door. Bobby had been so surprised, he did not move for a few seconds. Then he took a deep breath, said a silent prayer and followed Sonia to see her get in a taxi and disappear into the traffic.

  He walked back in to see Mr. Brockovich go toward the back door that led to the upstairs where Myrna was. “Excuse me sir, may I help you?” Bobby said as he hurried toward the back door.

  Boris stopped and looked at him and smiled. “Is the other one up there? If she does not come down I will call the cops and you will be in trouble.”

  “I am sorry, I do not know what you are talking about? If you want to call the cops, please do, but my residence is private and only my guests get to come. If you do not mind…” Bobby said as he guided Boris toward his seat.

  Boris smiled. Of course he was not going to call the cops, he was just going to end this stupid game. The girls would die today.

  Bobby was scared to death; he knew that he was in so much trouble. That brat had chosen to have her tantrum during the busiest hour of the day. Everyone and their neighbor wanted that reward. He was expecting the cops to be at his door at any minute now. What was he going to do now?

  At that precise moment, John walked into the cafe. Bobby immediately made a beeline toward him, and asked him for his assistance. John was amazed at his luck. He immediately went upstairs and took Myrna and Bobby with him. Bobby ordered the cook to close the place for him at the end of the day.

  John took Myrna and Bobby to the office and begun interviewing them. He took careful notes on all the information. He asked Myrna to describe the person who picked her up, and was not surprised that her description fit the CEO of Global International. He never liked the guy. After interviewing the two, he let them go. He knew where to find them if he had more questions.

  Sonia had been so frustrated living like a recluse, and could not handle the seclusion anymore. When Myrna had told her to stay away from the window, she had lost it and thrown the first thing she had found at Myrna. Who did she think she was to tell her what to do? The problem of course was that now it was dark and she had no money. She needed to go back and apologize.