Read Secret Admirer Page 14

  Rage and pain burned inside of her.

  And Jonathan just smiled. “Then there you were…I have to say, you impressed me. You didn’t rush to the reporters. Didn’t sell out Hugh. You were true to him, during all those months. Never taking another lover. Proving to me that I had been wrong about you all along. Sweet Alice, you were—”

  “I fucked Zander.” Her chin notched up. “On the anniversary of Hugh’s death, I was in Zander’s bed. I was with him. Because I chose him that night.”

  Jonathan’s smile faltered.

  “That pissed you off, didn’t it? That’s why you destroyed my bedroom. That’s why you came after me in town—”

  “I was protecting you in town. The FBI thought you were guilty. I showed them you weren’t. I helped you.”

  The hell he had. “And when you shot the FBI agent—Cara McCoy? Were you helping me then?”

  But he appeared offended. “I don’t kill with guns. Not very personal. I prefer a knife.” He glanced down at the weapon he held. “You can feel it when the blade cuts through the skin. Nothing better than that.”

  Oh, my God.

  “I didn’t shoot the FBI agent. That was Tiffany. Poor, deluded Tiffany. She wrote to me, did you know that? Sent me long letters telling me how misunderstood she realized my brother had been. Telling me that she was the woman he’d searched to find. That she would be perfect…She kept whining about how she wished she’d met the Secret Admirer before his tragic death.” He gave a sad shake of his head. “Some people are just sick, you know?”

  Yes, she absolutely knew.

  “So I talked to Tiffany.” He shrugged. “Even fucked her a few times. I told her my secrets, and she loved me. She would do anything I wanted. You know, when we fucked, she’d beg me to put the knife at her throat.”

  She didn’t want to hear about them fucking. She wanted away from him. Could she make it out of the door? She was so close…

  “Tiffany was an incredible shot, wasn’t she? Got to give her credit for that. Tiffany’s dad was a cop, the guy taught her how to shoot before she could even tie her shoes. She was lethal. And crazy as hell. That’s probably why she killed her dad when she turned sweet sixteen. But hey, I killed my old man, too. Did it when I was just ten years old. Shoved the bastard down the stairs, and no one ever knew.”

  She tried to keep her breathing steady. Another step back—

  “Alice…” He shook his head. “That door is locked. You’re not getting away from me. I’ve waited a long time to have you.”

  “To kill me.”

  He gave another shrug. “I was going to love you. But…like you said, you chose the special agent.” His eyes glittered at her. “You made the wrong choice.”

  Her hold on the hidden knife tightened. “I don’t think I did.”

  He lunged toward her, slashing out with his knife, but she ducked, and then she surged up with her blade. She didn’t slice. She shoved that blade into his side as hard as she could. Jonathan grunted and stared at her with wide eyes in a tense moment that seemed to last forever.

  “Alice…” He stumbled back.

  She whirled for the back door. Her fingers were shaking as she flipped up the lock, then wrenched open the door. Alice rushed onto the steps that would lead to freedom. She was—

  He tackled her. He hit her hard, and they fell onto the ground with so much force that the air was driven from her lungs. She couldn’t even scream as he twisted her around, rolling her over and shoving a knife to her throat.

  “You don’t…” His breath heaved out. “Get to run.”

  The knife cut into her skin, and Alice finally got the breath to scream. She screamed as loud as she could.

  The knife cut her harder. “No one can hear you. The deputy is out cold…or, hell, he could be dead. I didn’t check. Your FBI agent…” He grunted. “You told me he’s in the town for a while. Just you and me. You and—”

  Her hand slid down to his side. He’d yanked out the knife she’d put in him, but she could feel the wetness of his blood beneath her touch, so Alice knew she’d located the wound. Alice jabbed her fingers into the wound as hard as she could.

  He bellowed, his grip on her easing as he cried out in pain, and the knife at her throat lifted for one frantic moment. She twisted and lunged away from him, rising to her feet and staggering away.

  “You bitch!”

  She ran around the side of the cabin. And as she did, Alice heard the growl of an engine approaching. A car—someone coming to help! She just had to get to the front of the cabin. Had to get the attention of whoever was arriving. “Help me!” Alice yelled. So close. She was almost there! A few more feet and she’d be in front of the cabin. “Help—”

  Jonathan’s arms wrapped around her as he yanked her back against his body. She twisted, but he just turned and slammed her head into the side of the cabin, momentarily stunning her.

  Then she felt the knife press to her throat once more. “You won’t call out again. Not a single fucking sound, or I will slit you open from ear to ear.”

  Brakes squealed, and car doors slammed. The vehicle was in front of the cabin. She was hidden on the left side.

  “Not a sound,” Jonathan whispered. “Or you die.”

  “Alice!” The cry of her name filled the night. Furious and desperate. Zander’s voice.

  “Just check the cabin!” Another male shouted at him. Randall. “She’s probably inside, safe and sound, and you’re being a total nutjob.”

  “Where’s the fucking deputy then?” Zander’s steps rushed onto the wooden porch. “And did you see the other car out front?” She heard the jingle of keys and then—

  “When they go inside,” Jonathan’s breath blew over her ear as he murmured to her, his words barely distinguishable, “we’ll get in my car. We’ll get the hell out of here.”

  No, no, they wouldn’t. If she got in that car, she was dead. Alice knew it. Hell, he might even just kill her as soon as Zander and Randall entered the cabin. Then Zander would have to find her body later.

  It wasn’t going to happen. She wasn’t getting into Jonathan’s car. And she wasn’t going to be helpless. Zander was close. She just had to get Jonathan’s hand off her mouth. If she called out, Zander would help her.

  Alice jabbed her elbow back at Jonathan’s ribs as hard as she could.

  He gave a grunt, but Jonathan didn’t let her go.

  She shoved down on his foot, grinding with her heel.

  Still won’t free me.

  The knife was cutting into her throat.

  “Enough,” Jonathan rasped, “stop it, you—”

  Her right hand flew up. She didn’t try to grab his whole hand—the hand that pressed over her mouth. Instead, she just went for his pinky finger. Exactly like she’d been taught in her self-defense classes. Did he know that she’d taken them? After everything that had gone down, hell, yes, she’d taken them. So she went for his pinky because it was the most fragile part of his hand. She grabbed it and wrenched back, snapping those delicate bones.

  He yelled.

  So did she. Actually, Alice screamed. She screamed as loud as she could even though the knife was still at her throat. “Zander! Don’t go in the cabin! I’m here, I’m—”

  “Dead!” Jonathan snarled. The knife’s blade bit into the flesh under her left ear. He was going to slice her, from ear to ear, just as he’d warned.

  But a bright light hit them.

  “Get the fuck away from her!” Zander’s roar. And she could just see him past the light. It was a flashlight that he held, one that was positioned above his gun.

  “You’re going to watch her die!” Jonathan shouted at Zander. “See her bleed out and you won’t be able to do a damn thing to stop her death!”

  “Really?” Zander’s voice had gone flat and cold. “That’s what you think? You’re dead wrong. Alice isn’t dying because I’m about to shoot you right between the eyes.”

  “Bullshit! You won’t take the shot!” Jonatha
n denied. His spittle flew against Alice’s cheek. “You won’t risk shooting her!”

  “I’m a fucking fine shot,” Zander threw out in his lethal voice. “And the only one dying tonight is you. I will have that bullet between your eyes long before your knife can sink into her skin. I’ll fire, and I’ll be the last damn thing you see before you open your eyes to hell. Do you understand me?”

  “If you could take the shot, you would have done it!” Rage shook Jonathan’s voice and body. “You’re bluffing! Drop your weapon! Drop it, now!”

  “Don’t…Zander, don’t,” Alice pleaded.

  The flashlight didn’t waver, but…Zander dropped the gun.

  “Good.” Satisfaction purred from Jonathan. “Now you can watch as—”

  “I wasn’t bluffing,” Zander cut in, his words a fierce growl. “I was stalling. There’s a difference, you see. I was stalling so that my partner could sneak up behind your dumb ass. And guess what? He’s there.”

  She felt the shock roll through Jonathan. He jerked and then he spun around, yanking her with him, but Alice stumbled, deliberately, and as her body slumped to the side, the knife’s blade wasn’t pressed to her skin any longer. She was clear for a few precious moments—

  “Drop the fucking knife!” Randall thundered.


  Boom. Boom.

  The explosion rang in her ears right before Alice’s body was suddenly free. She tumbled onto the ground, then immediately scrambled up, running for safety, running for Zander.

  He caught her, yanking her into his arms and holding her tight. “God, baby…God.” His hold was so fierce and hard that she could barely breathe.

  Then Zander was pushing her behind him. He grabbed his gun and advanced on the fallen man. Randall still had his weapon and flashlight aimed at Jonathan’s body.

  “Stay down,” Randall ordered Jonathan.

  He’s still alive. Jonathan’s body was shaking. The knife was a few inches from his hand.

  And she realized he wasn’t going to stay down. She had that realization right before Jonathan grabbed for the knife and lunged—

  Randall and Zander both fired. This time, when Jonathan fell back, his body wasn’t shaking. He wasn’t moving at all.

  “Told you,” Zander said quietly. “The only one dying tonight…it’s you.”


  A swirl of blue and red lights illuminated the cabin. Zander marched past the FBI agents and the deputies and headed straight for the ambulance. One ambulance had already left, taking Deputy Greg Ross to the hospital. The guy was going to be all right, once he got over the concussion he’d received.

  The second ambulance’s back doors were open, and Zander overheard the EMT say, “Are you sure you don’t want to go to the hospital, ma’am? You could use a few stitches—”

  “I’m not leaving Zander.” Alice jumped from the ambulance. He could see the bandages that had been placed on her neck. To cover the wounds from that bastard’s knife.

  Alice turned her head, and her gaze locked on Zander. A smile curved her beautiful lips as she hurtled toward him. He caught her, locking her tightly against him, and then he kissed her, not giving one flying fuck about who might notice them. Reporters were already on scene. The real Secret Admirer had been unmasked—and killed. No way would this story not make every news show in the United States.

  “I was so damn scared,” he whispered those words. Words that were only for her. “I kept thinking that I wouldn’t get to you in time. If he’d killed you…” Zander couldn’t finish that sentence. If Alice had died, Zander feared he might have gone crazy. Fucking insane.

  She stared up at him. “It’s over. Really over now.”

  “The case is over. We’re not.”

  She smiled at him. “No, we’re not. You owe me a whole lot of dates.”

  “A lifetime of them.” If that was what she wanted. He’d give her anything she wanted. “Alice May, God, I love you.” He stared at her, so grateful she was alive and safe in his arms. “And maybe one day, you’ll love me, too.”

  She kissed him, then pulled back as she said, “I already do.”

  He was sure he’d misheard her. No way, no way would Alice—

  “I love you, Zander Todd. And I’m ready for dates. I’m ready for anything but death. I want to see what happens with us. Every wild thing that can come our way. I want to be happy, and I want to be with you.”

  Yes, oh, hell, yes. He pulled her tightly against him. Took her mouth. Then he rasped against her lips, “You’re the only thing I want.”

  Now and forever, it would always be Alice for him.

  His Alice. Brave. Strong. Smart. Sexy.

  The woman who’d taught an FBI agent that there was more to life than just cases. So much more.

  He looked at Alice, and knew…she was his everything.

  Now and forever.


  “Are you sure this is what you want?” Zander’s handsome face showed his worry.

  But Alice just smiled at him. “Absolutely.” She smoothed her hand over her soft cream dress. There was no bouquet this time. No chapel full of people waiting.

  No fear.

  “I love you,” he said. And she knew he did. She could see the love when he looked at her. His face would soften, his lips would curl.

  And she loved him. She loved him more than she would have ever thought possible. They’d been together six months. Six wonderful months and now…

  The music began to play.

  “I thought we were just coming to Vegas for a vacation,” Zander murmured.

  Yes, Alice knew Zander had thought that…until she’d asked him to marry her. He’d agreed instantly, with a “Hell, yes!”

  The chapel doors opened. The place had an Elvis theme, and she thought it was perfect. They walked down the aisle together, because that was how their life worked. Together.

  Alice’s gaze slid to Zander. She found him already watching her. His expression had softened, and the love—it was so easy to see.

  “Forever, Alice,” he told her.

  And she knew that’s exactly what she was going to get—forever, with the man who loved her. Turned out, Alice had been very, very lucky in her life. Hugh Collins hadn’t been a killer. He’d been a man who loved her, who wanted to protect her. Finally knowing the truth had changed Alice’s life. She’d grieved for Hugh, for the good man that he’d been. For the life they could’ve had. And Zander had been with her. Supporting her. Loving her. Every moment.

  She’d lost Hugh, but she’d gotten a second chance. Second chances didn’t happen often, and Alice knew how incredibly fortunate she was. Alice was so glad that she’d opened her heart to Zander.

  She was happy again. She could love again. She could live again.

  And that was exactly what she planned to do…with her special agent.

  With her husband.

  “Forever, Zander,” she murmured back to him.

  Zander’s hand took hers, and their new life began.

  The End

  Have you read Cynthia Eden’s Lazarus Rising series yet? Lazarus Rising begins with NEVER LET GO!

  Never Let Go

  He was more than just a man…

  Dr. Elizabeth Parker didn’t like wild, dangerous men…yet she still found herself falling for sexy Navy SEAL Sawyer Cage. He was her exact opposite—a man she should definitely stay away from, a man who lived for the thrill of danger…but he was also the man she found herself wanting more than any other.

  But their secret relationship ended in heartbreak when Sawyer was killed on a mission. Grieving for him, the last thing Elizabeth ever expected was to find Sawyer listed as a test subject for the top secret government project she was heading—a project called Lazarus.

  For years, Elizabeth had worked feverishly to unlock the secrets of life and death, and with her Lazarus formula, she finally thought she’d made a breakthrough. Only she never expected to use Lazarus on her lover.

But the choice is taken out of Elizabeth’s hands…

  Sawyer is given the Lazarus formula, and he’s transported to a remote government facility. At that facility, Sawyer wakes once more, only he’s not the same man. He’s stronger, he’s faster, his reflexes and his senses are ten times better than an average man’s. The government calls Sawyer a super soldier… Elizabeth still calls him…hers.

  Unfortunately, Sawyer has no memory of his life before Lazarus. All he knows is that something about the sexy doctor awakes a primal response in him. He wants her, and he’ll do anything to possess her. Soul-deep, he feels that she was meant to be his.

  Death waits in the darkness.

  But something is wrong inside the Lazarus facility. The test subjects are holding back secrets, and danger seems to lurk in the air. The Lazarus subjects are super-human now, and some of those subjects have a very, very dark side. Twisted cravings drive them to the very edge of sanity. Can Sawyer keep Elizabeth safe from the madness around them…or will the growing darkness consume them both?

  NEVER LET GO…a gripping new romantic suspense from New York Times and USA Today best-selling author Cynthia Eden. NEVER LET GO contains 82,000 words and is a stand-alone novel.

  Start reading NEVER LET GO now.

  A Note From the Author

  Thank you so much for reading SECRET ADMIRER! When this story slipped into my mind, I couldn’t wait to share Alice’s life with you. I love the idea of second chances, and I felt like Alice deserved one. Sometimes, things aren’t what they appear, and I’m always interested in looking past the surface to see what secrets are waiting to be discovered.

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  Again, thank you for reading SECRET ADMIRER.


  Cynthia Eden