Read Secrets & Lies 2: The Ferro Family Page 1


  Title Page


  Title Page

  - Chapter 1

  - Chapter 2

  - Chapter 3

  - Chapter 4

  - Chapter 5

  - Chapter 6

  - Chapter 7

  - Chapter 8

  - Chapter 9

  - Chapter 10

  - Chapter 11

  - Chapter 12






  Secrets & Lies 2

  A Ferro Family Serial


  H.M. Ward


  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2013 by H.M. Ward

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form.


  First Edition: October 2014

  ISBN: 9781630350444

  Secrets & Lies 2

  Chapter 1

  I move away from Nathan to talk to Carter, but Emily intercepts my path by clumsily bumping into me. With my eyes still on Carter, I ask, “What’s up with the two of them?” I assume she knows. They’re both artists and the community around here is small. Once you’re into the upper level classes, anyway.

  Emily’s brow furrows, making one of her eyebrow rings dance. She crosses her boot-clad legs at the ankle and nearly falls over. She’s sipping a drink that looks like mud. I giggle nervously. It’s hard to tell, but I’m guessing she’s not drinking coffee.

  “Who? Carter and Cream Puff?” Emily knocks back more of her drink.

  “Who is Cream Puff?” I make a face and look at her empty mug. “Are you drinking dirt? What the hell is that?”

  “Try some,” Emily shoves the mug my way.

  “I don’t drink dirt, dude. No thanks.” I laugh a little because she seems so clueless. “So I take it that wasn’t coffee?”

  She tries to focus on my face, blinking her big green eyes. Is she wearing contacts? I could have sworn her eyes were brown, but I suck at remembering details. “It was a triple espresso laced with some kind of white chocolate liquor.”

  “Do you usually get trashed after one drink?”

  “Ha! I am so not trashes,” she slurs. Then she giggles to herself, “Tray-eshed.” Her dark eyebrows crinkle together and she starts to topple forward.

  Grabbing her arm, I’m suddenly concerned. “What the hell did you drink? Emily?” She doesn’t tell me, instead she smiles at her shoes.

  “I like boots. Boooooots.” She taps her toe on the floor and grins proudly, like she’s told the most hysterical joke ever.

  A second later, a very pretty guy wanders over. He’s wearing a black blazer and dark, stone washed jeans. His head is clean-shaven and there are a number of piercings on the left side of his face—left eyebrow, left nose, left ear, left nipple from the looks of the way his coat doesn’t lay flat across his otherwise smooth chest. A tattooed snake slithers fixedly around his skull, again, mostly on the left side. He’s the kind of guy who couldn’t choose a life of crime. He’d be easy to pick out of a line up. Unlike Bathroom Boy, wherever he went. My eyes dart through the room looking for Mr. Smith, but he’s gone.

  Tat Man clears his throat. “Is she okay?”

  Emily giggles, which means we’ve entered bizarro land. She jerks away from me and pats the guy’s chest. With her hand lingering on his chest, she looks up at him alluringly and smoothes the wrinkles from his shirt. “I’m fine.”

  Tat Man glances back at me, a single brow lifted, as my friend leans harder into him. “I’m pretty sure I saw someone drop something in her drink. I don’t know her, but I didn’t like it. The rest of her friends are kind of scary, so I waited until I could talk to someone who might listen.” He looks down at his feet nervously, unable to maintain eye contact. “Sorry, but it’s kind of awkward walking over to two hot girls and saying something like that—especially when one of them is…”

  He trails off as Emily finds his nipple ring under his shirt and is batting at it like a cat. If she purrs I’m going to lose it.

  Grabbing her hand, I talk to her like she’s a kid, “Let’s not play with the nice man’s nipples, okay?” Emily juts out her bottom lip. Tat Man and I both stare at her as if she’s grown another head. He’s telling the truth, he has to be, this is so unlike her. Holding onto her wrist, I tug her back toward me, suddenly leery. “Did you see who did it?”

  His arms fold over his chest in a defensive pose. “Nah, she was standing inside a group of people and turned from the bar. I was sitting at the opposite end and saw a hand dump something into her glass. She was too far away for me to say something before she picked it up. Plus some couples think the whole date rape thing is fun, it excites one or both of them” He makes a face that says he disagrees. “I thought someone should know. If you’re her friend, and it wasn’t planned, you should get her out of here before the guy who did it comes back for her.”

  For a second I wonder if he’s the guy who did it and he wants to get me to take Emily into the parking lot for a threesome, but then he wanders away without another word. I’m being stupid; no one is that desperate. Well, maybe some guys are, but not that one. He has a presence about him that’s intimidating, which makes it super sweet that he was nervous about talking to me. I want to squeal with Emily because he called us hot girls, but her eyelids are getting heavy and she’s leaning into my side. Most of what’s holding her up now is me.

  “No, no. Emily, stay awake.” I push her upright and she bats a hand at me.

  “I’m awa-ah…” Her voice trails off and she keeps blinking. If I find the asshole who did this to her, I’m going to send his balls into his skull.

  I manage to wave down Carter as I start moving Emily toward the door. Her boots are dragging, leaving big black scuff-marks on the floor behind us.

  He rushes over. “What the hell happened to her?” He immediately loops her arm over his shoulder.

  “Some asswipe dropped something in her drink. It looked like sludge by the time she finished it. At first I thought she was drunk, but she’s close to passing out. God, for someone so little she’s heavy. I think she ate bricks for dinner.” We prop her up between us and keep walking, trying to make it look like she’s fine.

  “Shit, someone drugged her? She’s going to be pissed. Emily never gets like this. She’s a happy drunk—she just giggles and dances. Blackouts and falling asleep aren’t like her.” Carter is walking us toward a dark hallway.

  “Uh, is this a good plan? Should we really be heading for the dark deserted exit?”

  “Calm down, Pollyanna, the elevator is this way.”

  “Pollyanna? Seriously? That’s not a good nickname, and you totally used it wrong. Maybe I’d buy it if I’d said singing show tunes would turn this sad hallway into a happy hallway full of rainbows and unicorns.”

  He smirks at me. “Yeah, that’s you. I bet you have unicorns in your dorm room.”

  “Nope, the only magical being in my dorm room is my super-bitch roommate who nicknamed me Bacon. By the way—I like that nickname better than Pollyanna.”

  “Okay, Bacon, follow me to the elevator.”

  Chapter 2

  Emily’s body goes limp and we begin to drag he
r down the hallway. There are several recesses and corridors, providing ample opportunity for axe murders to hide in wait for us. My eyes shift frantically through the darkness. I jump when I notice two figures moving in the shadows, realizing after Carter laughs at me that it’s just a couple making out. Well, maybe it’s more than that unless they’re dry humpers. I’m all for dry humping. It prevents pregnancy one hundred percent of the time and isn’t sticky. Wow, I need to stop thinking things like that. One day the crazy is going to shoot out of my mouth.

  When we pass the couple, it’s clear they are going at it and taking advantage of the shadows. She’s pulling his hair and moaning like crazy, not caring who hears her.

  “That’s Natasha. She’s not shy.” I glance at Carter, not sure of what I think. When he sees my face, he tries not to laugh again. He must think I’m a total prude. “She’s a double major and works like crazy. Every few weeks she lets loose and some lucky guy gets the brunt of her scholastic frustrations.”

  I glance at the couple again. It’s dark, but I can make out the hem of her short dress, pushed up to reveal a garter belt. His hands are holding her tight as he hammers into her. He’s practically nailing her to the wall. That’s when she grabs his collar and rips his shirt open. Buttons go flying everywhere and she digs her nails into his back, screaming louder. My jaw is hanging open at the public display and I don’t blink. We both stand there staring until I prattle, “I could use some scholastic frustration.”

  “I can’t believe you just said that.”

  “No really, I’ve never been that into sex, but watching Natasha makes me think I was doing it wrong.”

  We’re both staring at the couple like voyeurs. Without looking away, Carter says, “I’m thinking that part of your life should be your secret.”

  “Damn, look at them! It’s like I was doing it with a stack of pancakes. He was warm and yummy, but nothing like that.” My brows are lifted high on my face when Carter looks at me.

  “Okay, new rule—no more talk about your sex life.”

  “You just want pancakes.”

  Carter laughs, even though we’re both trying to be quiet. She’s really into it now and her dark hair is flying as she bucks against him, pushing off the wall as she does it. “Push the little button.”

  “That’s what she said.”

  I elbow him and nearly drop Emily. “Carter! Do it! I don’t want to be here after they’re done.”

  He glances at the wall. “I already did.”

  “Well, push it again.” Emily’s head is hanging forward and I’m pretty sure she’s asleep. She inhales long slow breaths and her body is so heavy. “Damn girl, why are you so heavy? You’re a freakin’ toothpick!”

  “It’s because she passed out.” The elevator light claims it has arrived, but the doors don’t open. I keep glancing between the couple and the doors.

  “Carter, I don’t want to be here when she’s done.”

  “Neither do I.” He presses the button again and again, but the doors don’t open. “Shit.”

  “This is going to be embarrassing,” I say, wishing I could hide behind Emily. She’d kill me, but if I have to, I’ll do it. It’s better for her anyway. Maybe the asswipe won’t try to drug her again.

  Carter frantically pushes the button and the doors start to slide open just as she hits her maximum pitch. Her legs come down from his hips and Natasha is breathing hard. She can’t see anything yet because her hair is over her face, but as soon as she flips it back, she’ll be looking straight at us. I’m pretty sure she has no clue we’re there.

  Natasha is purring something in the guy’s ear as she puts her feet on the floor. He steps away and she flips her hair back. When she glances up, those grey eyes flick across the space and land on us.

  The elevator doors are nearly all the way open, but not quite. They seem stuck at the width of two people. “I’m not getting caught. Stand next to me.” I push Emily in front of us and we back into the elevator.

  Natasha’s voice rings out, “What the fuck? You watched us?”

  I shake Emily’s head, as Carter and I hide behind her body while holding her upright. Carter elbows me, “Say something.”

  Reaching around, I take Emily’s hand and give Natasha a thumbs up. “Good job!”

  The doors slide shut and Carter and I start giggling like crazy people.

  Chapter 3

  Safe in a cab, my phone starts ringing and just won’t stop. I look at the caller ID and see it’s Mom. Emily’s head is on my shoulder and she’s sandwiched between me and Carter. I don’t want to take the call right then, but she’s called at least a dozen times.

  Swiping the phone, I answer, “Hey Mom. What’s up?”

  Her voice is tight, higher than normal. “Kerry.”

  “Yup, is everything okay? I’m kind of in the middle of something.”

  Carter looks at me with one of his overly expressive gazes. “Actually, Emily is in the middle of something. You are a bookend. Ooh! Tell your mom we’re having a threesome and you need to call her back.” He laughs, but stops abruptly when I reach across Emily and slam my fist into his chest. It’s a weeny punch, but shuts him up.

  “What was that? You’re with someone?”

  “Mom, no, that’s not—”

  She ignores me, assuming that Carter is the someone. I guess she didn’t hear threesome. “Thank goodness, I was so worried you’d still be stuck on Matt. This is good news, honey.”

  Humoring her, I nod, “Yup, I’m with someone and I’m over Matt.” That’s a huge lie, but my voice doesn’t hitch. I’m too preoccupied with Emily’s slumping body and how close her head is getting to my boob. “Shoulder. Stay,” I tell Emily even though she’s still out. Carter smirks and looks out the window.

  “The thing is, I wanted to tell you before your father got hold of you. Honey, something’s happened.”

  I straighten and clutch the phone harder. “Oh, my God! Is Daddy all right? What happened?” Carter glances back at me with concern in his eyes.

  “It’s nothing like that,” Mom says and then pauses for too long. “Honey, are you sitting down.”

  “Just tell me.”

  “Well, you know these things are hard, but I’m happy. Please remember that because this part is hard.”

  I’m worried about her. Mom has always taken care of herself. She doesn’t have that thing other moms have where they run themselves ragged and say yes to everyone and everything. Mom made sure she took care of her body, her hair, and if we needed something during her salon appointment—Daddy did it. He’d juggle his work schedule for her. Her words worry me; mom is his sun, moon and stars. He’d never intentionally hurt her.

  “Just say it. Whatever I’m imagining can’t be as bad as you think it will be.”

  “I’m not sure about that, Muffin.” I cringe at the nickname. “You see, I’ve been lonely and your father and I don’t get along well anymore. We have different goals in life.” I’m aware of that. My mom’s goal has been to look like a trophy wife and Dad’s goal has been to treat her like a goddess. It’s a pretty sweet deal, so I don’t know why she’d be unhappy.

  “Right, and?”

  “Well, I met someone, honey. I didn’t mean for it to happen, but it did. He’s so sweet and he makes me feel alive.”

  “You met someone? As in, you’re having an affair?” My voice gets too loud, too fast. Carter looks away when I glance at him, as does the cabbie. “What the hell are you telling me this for? You know I love Daddy. What am I supposed to do? Keep your secret?”

  “Uh, honey, that’s just it.” Her voice quivers with uncertainty. “It’s not a secret anymore. He knows. He caught us and I was afraid he’d already told you. I wanted to tell you my side of the story since it’s my story.”

  Her words echo in my head. It’s my story. She acts as if Dad weren’t part of their marriage, as if he isn’t affected by her actions. I’m shell shocked. My jaw tightens and I want to scream at her. How can she be so s
elfish? Maybe I’m overreacting. I’m not married, I don’t know what their relationship is like, but right now I can tell she’s asking for my support. I can do that. I can be supportive. Sort of. Biting back bitter words, I nod slowly and speak, not thinking about how sick the words make me feel. “Okay, I’m glad you told me.”

  “Really? Are you all right honey?”

  “Yes,” I lie, and she doesn’t catch it. She misses the hitch in my voice and misinterprets the silence between us.

  “Because there’s one other thing that may be difficult. Well, I thought it would be hard, but if you’ve already moved on, then—” A shiver goes up my spine and covers my flesh. I don’t want to hear what she’s going to say, but I’m frozen in place. “—maybe it’s not so bad. Maybe it’s destiny, because there’s no other way we would have met if not for you. Matt was worried you’d be upset, but I told him…” her words become noise. Horrified, I stare straight ahead and drop the phone. It slides off my lap and onto the floor.

  “Kerry?” Carter calls my name and snaps me out of it.


  “Are you okay?”

  Nodding slowly, I swallow hard. “Yup. I’m fine.” Reaching for the phone, I shove Emily over to him so I can reach it. The cab stops short and I slam my head into the seat. Groaning into the phone, I tell her, “Listen Mom, I’d love to chat, but I’m in the middle of this pledging initiation thing and it’s my turn for the threesome. The girl is super cute. Let me nail them and I’ll call you back. Tell Matt hi for me.” I hang up before she can say another word.

  Chapter 4

  After dropping Emily in her room, Carter offers to walk with me for a while. I didn’t tell him what happened with my mom and he didn’t ask.

  Silence envelopes us as we walk, close enough to be holding hands, but Carter doesn’t try. I’m not sure if I wish he would, and tonight confuses me even more. Matt and Mom? Betrayal engraves itself deeper and deeper into my soul. I never want to see her again. How could she do this to me? When Matt said there was someone else, I thought he meant another girl our age, not my mother.