Read Secrets Of Sanctuary Hospital A Hidden Enclave For Angels, Demons, And Vampires Page 12

Chapter Eleven –Holiday Games

  Entering the building, I am struck by the decorations and smell of nutmeg. Marcus calls out. “Come join us.” They are all gathered around the fire with an extra heavy screen probably to hide the flames form Teri.

  “I’ll be down in a moment.” In my office there is a small bouquet with a note. Wishing you additional nights of contented dreams- Happy Thanksgiving Andrew

  Eva’s voice startles me. “From anyone I know?” She giggles, and then looks serious. “Can you forgive me for bringing you here?”

  “I am grateful that you allowed me to come to this wonderful place.” She looks confused. “Eva, can I see your triangle?”

  Removing it from underneath her blouse, it holds two salmon colored illuminations and one ruby. I feel such sympathy knowing that she now holds not only her life, but Jackson’s eternity.

  “He really did tell you everything?” She sounds surprised.

  “Eva what made you decide to…”I struggle searching for words not to offend.

  “I think you’re afraid to utter take Jackson’s life.” I stutter. “I…” Taking mercy upon me, she continues. “I fought against it, but he was tenacious. He returned armed with information declaring he belonged with me despite what it could cost him. He still won’t enlighten me as to how he found out, but I think Nicholas told him. Although I regret falling in love with him because I’ve put him at risk, I couldn’t stop myself. He is amazing. He is my sun, my moon, my everything! He returned so sure of his path. My feelings overtook me and in that moment bound him to me. I just hope that since our mates truly have no blood ties to the underworld, grace will be granted to them no matter what our fate holds.”

  Unconsciously, I voice my hidden desire. “Do you think that your brother will ever give in to me?”

  Her face turns serious. “Mia, that’s not why I brought you here,” Grabbing my wrists, “I knew he missed you, but he says that you are one of the brightest souls he has ever seen. He will not ensnare you in our ill-fated existence. It would destroy him! He will leave or send you away to keep you safe.”

  Not wanting her to dwell on my revelation, I try distracting her. “Are you going to join them downstairs?”

  “Maybe later” She glances at her messages.

  Heading downstairs, I receive a text. Meet me in the greenhouse. Andrew. Wishing the patients a Happy Thanksgiving, I practically fly to the greenhouse. Andrew’s voice beckons me to the back where there’s a small picnic. “I thought we could spend some time together.”

  Taking my hand to help me sit, his touch does not send tingles down my spine nor does it feel like holding a snowball. Concentrating, I see Nicholas. I don’t want to make him suspicious. Maybe he’ll reveal what he’s up to. As he hands me some cider, a thrill of fear brings tingles to my spine. What if he poisoned it? After a moment, I remember how he wants to hand me over and hope that he meant alive. I take a small sip.

  “Is everything alright, you seem nervous?”

  I shake my head. “I had too much coffee.”

  Picking up a sugar snap pea, he holds it to my lips. “They’re quite good” His eyes shift behind him. As I nibble, he talks to me about my family and wonders if being up here has allowed me to get a better perspective about them and myself. A nervous giggle escapes my lips, if he only knew the perspective I have at this moment, he wouldn’t be sitting here.

  I watch his expression change from calculating, to genuinely interested, and then frustrated as he seems to concentrate on my desire to mend fences. To my surprise he is easy to talk to. His belief that sometimes forces foist a fate upon us, even an ill-fate to achieve a goal beyond our comprehension seems to be the driving force behind his game.

  After rounds I head to dinner. Jackson approaches me with an apron and platter of buns. “Would you like to help?”

  “Absolutely” Tying the strings behind me, I feel a cold set of hands.

  “Let me.” My overheated skin tells me exactly who it is. Jackson winks and hands me the buns.

  Turning, a boyish grin greets me. “Let me take that.” Placing my hand playfully on his chest, my heart pounds erratically. “You grab a heavy turkey platter, you’ve been here longer.” He laughs.

  After dinner, I volunteer for the cleanup crew with Jackson while Eva and Andrew settled patients.

  “Your contentment suits you.”


  “It is easy to read your face when you are with him, but Mia I know that Eva struggles every day with what she thinks she did to me, I cannot seem to convince her that it is what I chose for myself. Just be careful…”

  “What does she need to be careful of?” Andrew asks entering.

  Jackson laughs. “She’s considering taking some cake and you know how calories sneak up on you.” He chuckles.

  “I’ve gained weight already.” I pat my stomach.

  Lost in the moment, Andrew tickles my side. “I think I feel a pound here…not. Jackson, wrap her up whatever she wants and I’ll take it back.”

  Returning, I shoot an email to my mother.

  “I’m glad you’re writing her.”

  “You’re right this place gives you a different perspective on people.”

  “When did I say that?”

  Oh no, I slipped! “I derived that from our talks.”

  She replies and he rises. “I should go.”

  Taking his hand, “Wait, I wanted to thank you for the flowers and I would love for you to stay. Last night it was nice to be next to a friend.” He appears deep in contemplation and even worrisome. When I was around Gabriel, was I thinking of last night? Could he have told him? Before I can consider this, my email pings and he sits, reading over my shoulder.

  I smile learning Katrina and David are expecting. Hesitantly, I lay my head against his shoulder. “Thank you for staying with me.”

  “My pleasure, but don’t you think your bed would be more comfortable?” Despite his teasing, I can sense his increasing tension.

  “I feel very comfortable with you. It reminds me of when I would cuddle up to my music box and fall asleep.” He laughs and places his arms around me.

  Over the next few weeks, a strange game of cat and mouse develops with Nicholas and to my surprise a comfortable routine develops with Andrew.

  Four days before Christmas, while in the greenhouse, I’m reading my mother’s email, asking me to meet them in New York for New Year’s. Nicholas enters and is reading over my shoulder. Turning, his face is distorted and he appears to be struggling, his eyes darting around. I’m surprised to find myself concerned for him. My hand touches his, its scorching. I recoil, my hand feeling burned. Looking up, I catch his tortured features before he’s gone.

  He returns moments later, defeat in his eyes. “I’m sorry for my strange behavior. It has been a long day.” His tone is resigned.

  “Can I help?” I inquire truly concerned.

  “I’m fine. I saw your mother invited you for New Years. You seem to be reconnecting.”

  “We have, this is the first time I have felt close to her.”

  “You should go. I’m sure Eva could spare you.” His words are strained, as if he is being strangled. His anguish is strange to see. He always seemed sure of his charade.

  Intrigued by the thought of putting our complicated relationship to rest, I nod. “Maybe I will ask Eva.” His features turn somber, dejected and I’m bemused, since it was his suggestion.

  Speaking with Eva, she can spare me but expresses concern about my driving in the bad weather. I leave thinking she is concerned about much more.

  Changing, I leave the door unlocked for Andrew who is there when I came out, holding my music box, running his fingers over the carved wooden encasement. “Eva tells me you are going to see your family.” He sounds concerned.

  “I’m hoping to mend some fences. I’ll only be gone a few days. Eva said she didn’t mind.” Secretly hoping he doesn’t want
me to go, I mutter. “If you think it’s a problem for her, I won’t go.”

  His torn expression gives me hope. He sighs. “The thought of you traveling over the treacherous roads concerns me.”

  I should have known, I chide myself. “I thought I’d fly, the airstrip is only two hours away.”

  “That’s a good idea, but the roads to get there are solitary and can be dangerous.” His arctic hand moves slowly under my chin lifting my face so that our eyes meet and my pulse races. “Would you mind if a friend accompanies you to make sure that you got there and back safely.”

  Fearing I may say something wrong, I reply cautiously. “Don’t you have responsibilities here?”

  “It’s only a few days and you need to see your mother.” His smile is endearing, but his tone seems to hold secret motive.

  He distracts me by handing me the music box. “This seems to mean a lot to you.”

  “It does, I spent many a difficult night, letting the music calm me so I could sleep.”

  “May I?” He holds out his hand. Opening the top, he holds out his hand. “Shall we?” His hand snakes around my waist. My head spins. I can’t believe this heavenly creature is holding me.

  As we dance, his features change from serene to concern and he leads me back to the couch. “You should email your mother.”

  Arriving with Andrew will be complicated. My father frowns on unmarried couples traveling together. My desire not to be separated from him wins out. Mom I’m coming for New Year’s and to mend our broken relationship. I’m bringing Andrew St. Cloud. He works here and has business there. The roads are slick so we decided to travel together. I will let you know the day and the hotel.

  “You’re not staying with your family?” He inquires dubiously.

  “I don’t want to push my family.”

  I can’t sleep. Andrew opens the music box and I finally drift, dreaming that we are already in New York, at a piano bar. Looking at him, his eyes are serene before he begins singing in my ear. As the song ends, he whispers, “I can love you now, we know the secret.” He kisses me softly. “Marry me. I love you!”

  My arms fly around him as tears overflow. “I love you too and always have.”

  His cool hands wiping my tears cause my eyes to flutter open. He’s concerned. “Are you alright?”

  I blush. Despite my real tears, my body registers no tingling, it didn’t feel like the last time, and he doesn’t appear distracted. “It was just a dream.” His shirt is tear stained. “Oh no, your shirt”

  “It’s nothing.”

  “Sitting in a damp shirt is uncomfortable. I would always wake with my collars soaked. Let me run the blow dryer over it.”

  “Mia, don’t worry.” I flex my outstretched hand. With trepidation he unbuttons his shirt, peels it over his shoulders and hands it to me. My eyes move up his muscular arms to his shoulders and down to his broad chest to his sculpted abdomen. His statuesque physique stuns my mind and my body becomes electrified. Heated blood courses through me like a wildfire. I need to tear my eyes away before my thoughts are revealed, but it is too late. He clears his throat, finally breaking my trance and I’m relieved to see him stifling a smile.

  Returning, I try to keep my eyes down and become embarrassed as he catches me glancing up.

  “Are you hungry?” He asks amused.

  “No, but I am curious about something.”

  “Come sit and tell me what has you curious.”

  “Well…” Feeling it may be rude to ask, I stop.

  “You can ask me anything. I think I have dropped our most shocking secrets on you.”

  “It’s just that I never see you eat. Do you need to eat?”

  He hesitates. “We don’t eat per se.” His eyes shine wickedly and his tone becomes low, menacing. “Do you remember all the horror movies where a vampire would lure a pretty girl away from her friends and then bite her neck in some ally or bedroom where no one could hear her scream?” He slowly leans forward, cocking his head to the side. My eyes grow wider with each word. I lean back from his advance as my pulse races out of control. “Well …” His lips part slightly revealing his pearly teeth. “We get ours from a local blood bank and mix it with synthetic blood.” He bursts out laughing.

  Breathless, I hit him with a pillow I find myself clutching. “You’re terrible!”

  “It was worth it just to see your terrified face. Really Mia, what were you thinking?” He is quite amused with himself.

  “I really don’t know.”

  “Admit it. You thought I was going to bite you.” He lets out another boisterous laugh. I laugh with him. “We had better get to work.” He sounds carefree.

  “Will I see you later?”

  “I have to do something away from Sanctuary today. If I don’t make it back, I will see you in the morning.”

  “Can I leave the door unlocked or would you feel uncomfortable?”

  “That sounds nice.” He kisses the top of my head before leaving.