Read Secrets Of Sanctuary Hospital A Hidden Enclave For Angels, Demons, And Vampires Page 20

Chapter Nineteen – An Unexpected Turn Of Events

  The day flies by. Happy to have some sense of normalcy back, I volunteer in the green house. Listening to my iPod while picking vegetables, I jump as someone places their hand on my shoulder. Turning, I expect Andrew, and for a brief flash that is who I see. As my surprise dissipates, I see Nicholas, his face taut with grief.

  Dread grips my heart, I’m alone with him, but all the games, manipulation and trickery need to end. Trying to sound confident, I draw in a breath. “What do you want Nicholas?”

  Shock washes over him and his eyes dart behind me, but he still hasn’t spoken. I half turn, not wanting my back toward him and call out. “Come out Jonathan. Whatever game you two are playing, you’re not fooling me, so confront me with whatever it is you have to say!” My tone surprises me. It sounds authoritative, confident, which is the complete opposite of the terror that is overpowering me. Jonathan stands up. I step away from Nicholas keeping them both in my sight. Knowing what they are, I wonder if the breath I struggle for in confronting them alone will be my last.

  Nicholas finally speaks. “How did you know?”

  “Nicholas, you never fooled me, I’ve known from the first day.”

  “If you knew, why did you listen to me and pretend to be interested? Why were you nice to me? Why aren’t you screaming for Andrew now? I’m sure he would hear you.” He is completely bemused.

  As nervous as I am, I know my screaming would only complicate matters. If they wanted to kill me, I would already be dead considering they could snap my neck easier than I could snap the pea pods off the vines. “I went along with your game hoping you would get to know me. I don’t know why you tried to kill me before I came here, but I was hoping you would give me some answers as to why you are doing what you’re doing and maybe I could even help you and your family.”

  His head cocks to the side as Jonathan’s mouth drops open. Nicholas’ voice sounds repentant. “I don’t understand. Why didn’t you just have Andrew kill me when you got back, knowing that I was the one who made you vulnerable?”

  Praying his tone is not a trick, I try to seize this opportunity. “Why would I want more bloodshed on my hands? Revenge doesn’t solve anything! Don’t you think there has been enough death already? It wouldn’t solve anything for me to seek revenge for my sister it would only make her death more tragic. Nothing good can come out of following an evil path. Nicholas, please for the sake of yourself and your family believe this. Did it really help anyone when you manipulated me into leaving? Did he let your mother go? No! Serving him will never solve your problems! Only by working together to do the right thing can any of you hope to survive!” My desperation is evident. I just hope it touches him somehow. “You won’t win by deceit. It will only bring more peril. Your mother is still trapped and it is not because I’m still standing. He will never help you! Can’t you see that?”

  His features contort and he is upon me. A scream catches in my throat. He is radiating heat; the intensity of it is burning me. Struggling to get free to no avail, hoping the breath I struggle for is not my last. To my surprise, he whispers in my ear. “I’m so very sorry, please forgive me.” Instantly, he is off me. His features appear as if someone is torturing him. Jonathan stares upon the scene with horror. Nicholas flees.

  Andrew and Jackson burst through the doors. Andrew’s eyes are fiery as he grabs Jonathan’s shoulders. Jackson stands before me protectively. “I told you to stay away from her! What the hell are you doing?” Before Jonathan can respond, Andrew’s head turns to me. “Are you hurt?”

  Still stunned, I only manage to shake my head. Andrew’s gaze returns to Jonathan, he’s angrier than before. “What did you do to her?”

  Grabbing Jackson’s shoulder, I force myself to speak. “Nothing, I’m fine, stop!”

  In a flash, I am in Andrew’s arms and Jackson stands before Jonathan. “Are you sure he didn’t hurt you? What happened?”

  My overheated body craves relief from Nicholas’ burning embrace. I pull myself into Andrew’s chest. “No one hurt me! Jonathan came with Nicholas to apologize.”

  Andrew growls. I step back. “Nicholas was here with you!” His features turn frightening.

  I place my hands on his cheeks. “Andrew, he didn’t hurt me. He sounded truly sorry. You need to find him! He left quickly and there is something strange going on with him, something isn’t right.”

  He eyes affix on Jonathan, glaring. “What games do you think you’re playing? I won’t let you hurt her! Do you understand me?”

  Jonathan replies softly. “Look, I didn’t know he talked to them. I just thought he was tricking her to leave, but she’s right, something is going on with him!”

  “He probably just can’t face what he’s done. He should have known that no matter what he agreed to, our mother would never be free and look what it cost her, she didn’t deserve this. Those children don’t deserve to be growing up without a mother!”

  With trepidation, Jonathan speaks. “Andrew, she would have died anyway. You know what’s happening, even I can see it! We all saw what was coming for her family that night. Frankly, I’m surprised they waited this long to strike again. Maybe he wanted her more mature and thought her isolation would be her undoing, making her stronger and more useful to him. “Unfortunately, I think it backfired. She possesses a sense of forgiveness and determination to do right no matter what it takes! I watched astounded as she struggled to forgive Nicholas. He was wrong to let her mature. Even if she loses, she probably won’t be of any use to him. She won’t be manipulated that way.”

  His words surprise me, but also confirm my biggest fear. Andrew is the car to my key because I would do anything to spare him pain.

  “Andrew, you don’t have to fear any of us hurting her. Nicholas knows he was wrong and that following his direction will never bring any of us peace! It’s just too bad it has taken this long. I’m sorry to all of you.”

  He turns to me. “I don’t know how you saw through what I do, but I assure you that Nicholas came only to apologize.”

  Turning back to Andrew, “We need to find him. Something is definitely wrong!”

  Andrew’s response sounds more normal. “Let me get her back to the residency first.”

  I interrupt. “Find Nicholas, I’m going to help Gabriel. I’ll be fine.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, now go!”

  Kissing my check, they are gone instantly.

  I am still with Gabriel when he returns. “There’s no sign of Nicholas. It’s strange. He disappeared without even a trace past the woods. As soon as he returns, we need to find out what’s going on!”

  Gabriel excuses himself. Andrew pulls me into his embrace. “Are you sure you’re alright?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Jonathan told me what you said. You’re amazing!”

  Despite wanting to stay in his arms, I don’t want to keep him from searching. “Are you going back out to look for Nicholas?”

  “Not tonight, he must have hidden his tracks to give himself some time.”

  To my surprise, I find myself concerned for him. “Isn’t it dangerous if he encounters them again?”

  “Mia, we cross their paths often. They betrayed him. He realizes this now and will resist their influence. He just needs time. It’s very hard to let go of what you believe.”

  I curl up into Andrew’s side just before we hear a frantic knock. Opening the door, Eva’s features make my blood run cold. “Nicholas is back. He looks as if he’s been attacked!”

  Andrew springs up. “Where is he now?”

  “He’s in his room, crouched in the corner, mumbling.”

  Stepping inside, everyone is talking to him. Francis moves toward him and he recoils like a scared child. His eyes are unfocused. His features twist into an expression beyond mere frightened. Andrew approaches him, but Nicholas forces himself back, causing an indentation in the wall. Andrew tur
ns to everyone. “Give him some space.” We back away as Andrew speaks in a soothing voice. “Nicholas, can you hear me?” He looks up, but his eyes still appear unfocused. “No one here is going to hurt you. You’re safe with your family.” With each word, he inches closer. “Can you tell us what happened? Let us help you, you’re home, safe.” Andrew extends his hand. Nicholas lets out a blood curdling scream. Andrew embraces him, but immediately recoils, looking at the others frightened as if he cannot make sense of what he just felt. “Gabriel, Jackson, help me get him into the tub.”

  I race toward the bathroom door, knowing Andrew felt his brother’s burning skin. Flicking on the lights, I turn on the water. Francis comes in with bags of ice. They melt instantly. Andrew continues to question him, but Nicholas does not speak and there is no sign of relief in his tortured features. My mind cannot process what I see. Gabriel, Jackson, Andrew and Jonathan lift the claw tub off the floor with Nicholas still inside, shove it through the doorway, breaking the arch, and carry it down the hall into the cold, dark night. They step inside a walk in freezer and continue encasing him in ice. Finally, the ice stops melting and his face registers some relief under Andrew’s ever moving hands.

  After several hours, they emerge carrying Nicholas who looks too weak to walk. Andrew’s face appears worn and paler than I have ever seen it. Taking him back to his room, they place him in bed.

  Nicholas’ eyes focus, but his features still hold pain. “Can you tell us what happened?” Andrew asks concerned.

  “I’m sorry.” He keeps muttering.

  It’s dawn. Andrew turns to me. “Mia, you should rest. We aren’t going to get anything from him right now.” Then he turns to Gabriel. “Can you get anything?”

  “His thoughts are too scattered, too quick. All the glimpses I am getting are very dark and I think he’s been tortured!”

  His words frighten me. “I think we have to give him some time. He’s too traumatized. You won’t get anything by pushing him and may do more harm! He has to process it himself.”

  Andrew turns again to me. “Mia, please try to get an hour or two. Nothing can be done here.”

  Not wanting to add more stress, I rise. “Keep me updated.”

  I leave but decide to lessen their burden by checking on the patients. When I arrive at the psychiatric building, Eva and Jackson are already there. “Why don’t you go and stay with Nicholas, I can handle this today.”

  “I thought Andrew told you to sleep.”

  “I can’t so why don’t I give you a break today for a change.”

  “We are only making Nicholas more nervous so why don’t we split the work and both leave early.”

  “Fine, but I really like my idea.”

  “I’m your boss so we do it my way. Now off you go, Marcus was asking for you.”

  Returning to my office after rounds, Catherine is waiting for me “Mia, Nicholas has been calling out your name so Andrew sent me to get you.”

  “You could have just called me.”

  “Andrew wanted me to make sure that you were still alright helping us with him considering….” Her voice trails off.

  “I meant what I said to Nicholas, that no good could come of your family being torn apart over this. I can’t bring my sister back, but if I can do something to help you work together to bring an end to your entrapment, then at least she wouldn’t have died in vain. Just tell me what you want me to do.”

  She relaxes. “Just walk into his room. Andrew is there with Jonathan.”

  “Has he spoken at all?”

  “Not really, but a few times he said your name. We’re hoping that when he sees you, he’ll say something. Gabriel is still having trouble with his erratic thoughts.”

  Entering his room, Andrew and Jonathan’s anxious eyes shift between me and Nicholas who registers my presence immediately. His mouth opens and closes several times as he strains to speak. Moving closer, I make my features soft as I speak. “Nicholas, I came as soon as I heard you were asking for me. You’re safe here. No one is upset with you.” Sitting at the edge of his bed, I place my shaking hand upon his. He is still hot to touch, but not burning like before. He grips my hand tightly. Without thinking, I let out an “Ouch” and Andrew moves closer. I raise my other hand to stop him. “Nicholas you’re hurting my hand, can you loosen your hold please.” He does and I can feel the blood flowing through it again. “Nicholas, can you tell me what happened last night?” Moving my free hand, I gently stroke Nicholas’ hand. His eyes glance over to our hands and they soften. “He refused to let her go.” He murmurs. “He didn’t accomplish what he wanted so he wasn’t going to keep his word. I was such a fool. I thought if I only got you off the property, my mother would be released and eventually so would we, but none of it was true! Everything I did was for nothing. I’m so sorry.” He shakes his head.

  “Nicholas, what happened to you?”

  “They tried to convince me to try again, saying if I got you away from Andrew, he would let her go, but this time I knew it was a lie and refused. They hurt me, but I held out!” His voice sounds strangled. “They tried to convince me my family would not protect me after what I did.” I could see Andrew getting upset, but ignore him and concentrate on Nicholas. “They tried to convince me my family would cast me aside.”

  “Nicholas, you know they would never do that! Despite all your disagreements, this place was established so that you could all work together. You are all connected. No one wins by hurting the other.”

  Desperation overtakes his features. “Mia, it isn’t up to my family to decide my fate! I broke the rules. I helped facilitate a direct attack with those not allowed to enter this plane. The others were sent back and cannot return, but I was sent back so you could determine my fate. You have the power to send me there with the others to serve out my punishment!” He is panic stricken and grips my hand harder.

  I try to comprehend that I have the power to avenge Katrina’s death and condemn the one I blame for it. Is he playing me? I know how deceitful he can be.

  “Mia, it’s up to you.” He states, his tone repentant and his eyes hold such terror I decide instantly that no one is that good at deceit.

  “Nicholas, I forgive you and want you to stay with us so you can work with your family to find a way out for all of you. You have to know that he will never keep his word. His deceit will only lead you in circles so that your time will expire and you’ll be his forever. Please Nicholas, no more games, no more manipulation!”

  He stares at me in absolute disbelief that turns to relief. I see the red in his triangle dim. This is all too strange for me. I am dealing in unfathomable realms with mystical creatures that play with the lives of people around me like they are puppets for their own sick amusement.

  He kisses my hand like a grateful child who is spared an awful punishment and his touch is cooling in my grasp, not as cool as the others, but not as warm as before. “Thank you!” He repeats over and over again before turning to Andrew. “I’m ready to try things your way.”

  Lack of sleep and stress are finally catching up with me. I want to check on the twins before resting. I turn to Andrew. “I’ll leave you to talk.” Rising, Nicholas releases my hand.

  Walking down the hallway, I put on my jacket. “Are you alright? That couldn’t have been easy.” Andrew says appearing beside me.

  Looking into his angelic face, I know without a doubt why I said what I did. “It was easier than I thought.” Stroking his cheek, “I have a lot to fight for and maybe this will help bring you together. I can’t bring Katrina back, but maybe some good can come from this tragedy. I believe what I said to you the other night about Jackson’s theory, together you are closer to a solution than you probably realize. My sister and I never saw eye to eye, but I feel like a piece of me is missing, a part of me died with her. I don’t want you suffering the same way if something were to happen to Nicholas.”

  He embraces me. “You are amazing beyond you
r years! I never met anyone like you. Let’s check on the twins.”

  “Shouldn’t you talk to Nicholas?”

  “Nothing is going to happen tonight. Gabriel wants to get him focused to get an idea of what happened, so he requested that we put off talking.”

  We check on Katrina and then return. As I change, I hear Andrew put on the television. He has never done that before. Standing in the archway, I am surprised to see him stretched out on the couch with his arms outstretched inviting me to join him. My heart beats anxiously. I snuggle into his muscular chest. “What brought this on?”

  “I thought you might enjoy something outside of the fantastical world even if it is only for a few hours. He hands me the remote. “I’m not sure what you like.”

  Searching, I find a history channel and try to keep my eyes focused on the screen, but every so often, I peer sideways and catch him gazing down at me. His arm rests on the top of the couch while his fingers caress the back of my neck causing tingles down my spine awakening my desire to get closer to him, kiss him. I wonder if he allows himself to think about me that way. As if answering my unspoken question, all of a sudden his cool lips are softly kissing my temple, moving down my cheek to my jaw line. My heart beats hyperactively as I fight an overwhelming desire to pull his broad shoulders closer and crawl into his lap. This isn’t happening, I tell myself. I must have fallen asleep again. Oh no, not another image! Realizing we are still in same room, it has to be real. My cheeks flush, knowing he can feel my carotid artery pounding as his smooth lips sweep slowly down my neck, my blood races wildly throughout my entire body, heating it. I feel like I am standing too close to a furnace. Ever so softly he kisses my lips igniting my desire. I force my hands under my legs to resist grabbing him and kissing him back. Opening my eyes, I see my own desire mimicked in his. I cannot tear my stare away from his intense blue gaze so as to slow my accelerated breathing. I can hear his breathing, it’s elevated too. He leans back into the couch, taking one of my imprisoned hands and pulling me back into his side. “I’m sorry.” He whispers. “That wasn’t fair.” His words come rushing out. “You were just so amazing today and the most caring woman I have ever encountered. Ever since that first night when I kissed you, I longed to kiss you again, when I am more in control of myself, not taken off guard. I needed to know if I could kiss you while still keeping my emotions under control. I shouldn’t have risked you like that. I’m sorry, it’s no excuse, but sometimes I can’t seem to stop myself from feeling drawn to you, from wanting…”

  I can see his frustration building and don’t want him to over think what happened. Fighting hard to concentrate as my heart continues pounding like an out of control drummer in a rock band, I speak softly, hoping to halt his approaching panic attack. “Andrew it’s alright, you didn’t risk me. I’m right here.” As he leans into my free hand which is caressing his cheek, his beatific face softens and his perfect lips lift into a begrudging smile.

  “You are here, aren’t you?” He whispers.

  “Can I ask you something?” I inquire softly.

  “You can ask me anything.”

  “I was wondering how you felt?”

  His smile becomes more pronounced. “Kissing you was everything I could have wanted!”

  “What about your emotions, I mean?”

  He hesitates. “I think if I’m not caught off guard, I can concentrate for brief periods of time so as not to put you at risk.”

  “So…” I say embarrassed.


  “Does that mean we may kiss again sometimes?”

  He laughs. His angelic face bends close to mine and he brushes his perfect porcelain lips across my overheated ones.

  I feel his pager vibrate. “So much for a few hours of normalcy, I’ll see you in the morning.” He rises.

  “Is it Nicholas?”

  “No, Mrs. Short.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  He kisses me swiftly. “Try to get some sleep while I’m gone.”

  Grabbing the afghan, I wrap it around me and place my head on the pillow saturated in his heavenly sent and drift into a blissful sleep. Waking at four thirty, I decide to go see Andrew. Heading down the hallway, I am surprised to hear my name. Turning, I see Nicholas and Gabriel.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “My mind is much better now. Andrew works wonders.”

  “I’m glad for you.”

  “Thank you again! I wouldn’t still be here if it wasn’t for you.” Nicholas smiles awkwardly at me.

  I am puzzled, but Gabriel’s face appears to be cautioning me. “I was going to see Andrew. Gabriel how is Mrs. Short?”

  “She died an hour ago.”

  “How is Andrew?”

  “He’s fine and seems to have a new reason to be happy these days.” He winks at me and I remember his gift.

  He turns to Nicholas. “Are you going to help Catherine?”

  “Yes, I promised her days ago and never showed.” Then he’s gone.

  Gabriel turns back to me. “Mia, I know what happened and what you are hoping, but I caution you, don’t push him. The thought of you becoming entrapped frightens him more than you can comprehend and it would destroy him if he turns you into the devil’s pawn! I fear for him and think he is already in too deep, but his strength for self-denial clouds his thoughts.”

  “I promise not to push him, but please let this go wherever it is going. I know he is afraid, but I have hope that the darkness cannot hold a family as good as yours, but if I’m wrong, I can live with that too. I need him and in some ways, I think he needs me too!”

  Andrew is on the telephone when I enter. Hanging up, he moves around the desk, sitting at the edge. His cool lips press to mine for only a brief second, but it is enough to send the energy of a lightning bolt into my heart and radiating throughout my entire body.

  “Good morning beautiful. How did you sleep without your iron pillow?” He chuckles.

  “You know how much I enjoy that pillow, but he left me with sweet thoughts and I managed to catch some dreams.” He frowns, probably wondering what type of dreams, but as I smile, he finally laughs.

  “Are you helping Gabriel in the greenhouse this afternoon?”

  “Yes. Why?”

  I was thinking about meeting you.” His sky eyes have a hint of mischief.

  “Not that I don’t like new you, but I’m curious, what changed?”

  His eyes turn crystal clear. “Watching you yesterday with Nicholas, I know how much courage it took for you to forgive him. Your actions and his response make me hopeful for the first time since our transformation that maybe we can work together to end some of this nightmare. I know we’ll never change what we are, but to free ourselves from part of it… If we could, then maybe you and I could…” He stops and brings my hands to his lips kissing them gently.

  Standing up, I slowly withdraw my hands from his and wrap them around him. “I’m hopeful too. I believe that you can do anything.” Then I push my luck, just a little, kissing him, and snuggling myself into his neck.

  We stay there until he turns his head kissing me. My pulse races erratically and I can feel his smile. “We better get to work. I’ll see you in the nursery.”

  Entering the nursery, Andrew is holding a basket of fruits and vegetables. “I thought we were supposed to do this together?” I mock complain.

  His responding laughter lights up his perfect features imprisoning my heart. “I’ll be right back. There is something that needs your attention under the new apple tree.” He kisses me swiftly, sending another lightning bolt through my heart. I wonder how many more of these charges my heart can take before it feels electrically charged all the time.

  Walking toward the back, I see a sandwich, granny smith apple and thermos of coffee. Pouring some coffee, I see a note. To warm up your heart while I’m away, the way you warm up mine. A. He returns before I even picked up the sandwich. I try to eat, despite my
hyperactive heart while he plays with the blanket strings or runs his cool fingers down the sleeve of my blouse, sending shivers throughout my being. Picking up a knife, he cuts an apple slice, holding it to my lips. “I hear they are delicious.” He gently glides the wedge across my lips until they part and I sink my teeth into it. The slice is so juicy that a drop rolls down my lower lip. Andrew’s index finger wipes it tenderly and he brings it up to his, tasting the exquisite juice. His pale blue eyes stare at me playfully. My pounding heart beats hyperactively and a long sigh escapes my lips. Watching my reaction, his playfulness is replaced with desire and he leans in toward me, his cool lips nestle into my neck. The tip of his nose brushes up my neck followed by soft, sweet kisses until his lips linger just below my ear. I can hear his accelerated breathing. His lips move across my jaw towards my lips. As his lips touch mine, my heart erupts like a volcano, sending overheated blood coursing through my veins like an out of control wildfire. Wrapping my arms around his perfectly sculpted back, I pull him closer. He reacts the same pulling me into his muscular chest. Passion consumes me as his lips possess me. He leans back and we are about to fall toward the ground, but reason finds him. He moves his hands to take mine, kissing them softly, before sitting back on his heels. My eyes flutter open, unaware of whether I will see desire or anguish in his. Have we gone too far? To my relief, his eyes are filled with desire. I force myself to sit back knowing that to do anything else will cause him question his choice. Locked in each other’s stare, our hands intertwined, neither of us speaks. Letting go of one of my hands, he picks up another slice, handing it to me. “Maybe I should let you feed this to yourself.” He smirks.

  My heart finally slows to a hyperactive pounding. “I know apples are good for the heart, but I’m not sure mine could take another slice that way.”

  He burst out laughing and I laugh with him. I’m overjoyed and astounded to see him looking carefree and his age.