Read Secrets Of Sanctuary Hospital A Hidden Enclave For Angels, Demons, And Vampires Page 22

Chapter Twenty-One – A Steamy Vision And An Unwelcomed Surprise

  Hoping not to compound what he is obviously already thinking about with images that may come to mind, I try to cloud my thoughts with work, but my mind continues to focus on the kiss we just shared, how enticing and sensuous his stretched out perfectly fit body felt over mine, his cool caress on my overheated skin and his porcelain lips so soft and electrifying against mine. The little angel appears, shaking her head vigorously. Think about something else! She screams and to my surprise starts crooning nursery rhymes. I can’t help but giggle in my subconscious and can even feel my body shake.

  “What’s so amusing?” I can hear Andrew mutter, but now that my mind is filled with innocent childhood phrases, I want to fall asleep; surely these thoughts will be safe. I shake my head and do not answer.

  Just as I begin to feel comfortable, my little devil sneaks up behind the angel pushing her off my shoulder and begins whispering in my ear. That kiss was nice, but when he removed the broach allowing your dress to skim down your overheated skin so that he could take you in the water, that was hot. His warm, wet skin against yours, his overheated lips claiming yours as he pulled you into his strong embrace, making love to you in the sea, that was something… Just then, the angel grasps his ankle and tries to knock him down, as she shouts. Go back to the nursery rhymes. Peter, Peter… But it is too late. I try to wrench my eyes open to stop what I feel now is coming. Thinking I’m successful as my eyes focus on his sparkling blue eyes, I realize I have failed. His eyes are dark blue. He covers mine, we are moving and the atmosphere around us heats up quickly. I feel cool and damp instantly, it is a strange combination. “I won’t let you fall, we’re here.”

  I turn in his arms and open my eyes as his hand skims down my cheek, across my lips, slowly down my neck and sternum until it runs across my stomach and around my back. Looking up, his eyes are still ocean blue, his hair sandy not raven and he feels warm, alive as he pulls me into an embrace, kissing my lips. After a few moments, he speaks against my mouth. “Mrs. Greyson will you please stop distracting me.” I realize my hands are grasping his scantily clad buttocks. “I want to show you your surprise.” His tone is light and amused as he turns me around.

  We are standing in a portico built over a hot spring with walls of tapestry. I turn back to him my eyes wide with surprise. His smile is blinding. “Do you like?” He inquires skimming my cheek with his knuckles.

  I nod, but can’t seem to find my voice. My body is too electrified with anticipation and desire.

  “I know how much you enjoy the springs but after almost getting caught the last time by your sister,” he laughs at some passing thought, “I figure something more private so I could take my time making love to my beautiful wife. Did I surprise you?” His eyes search mine anxiously.

  I’m stunned, but not only at the surprise before me. He seems to have more information about this than I do. Thinking about all the lifetimes he has seen, maybe he is the one driving these images. Yet he is not really himself. He’s alive for one, but then his facial features are also different. Although running my hands over his strong arms and sculpted abdomen, I am so grateful that this has remained unchanged. My racing pulse and hyperactive heart fuel my already overheated blood, pushing it through every crevice in my body unleashing my desire. Wrapping myself tightly around him, my lips claim his as my hands move greedily down his muscular back to the hem of his shirt, pulling it up over his torso. He deftly slips his arms out of the sleeves and pulls it over his head as I kiss first his right pectoral muscle then his left. Grabbing my face, his lips enthusiastically trap mine.

  I am once again in that sarong type dress. His hands skim down my neck, across my clavicle, stopping at the brooch. Unclasping it, he shifts away from me slightly, allowing the material to skim down my body as his strong arms guide me deeper into the portico, behind the tapestry, never breaking contact with my lips.

  Standing before him, his hand skims up and down my back, leaving tingles in its wake as his lips skim down my neck. We slide into the water together possessing each other body and soul.

  Suddenly I am thrust back into the here and now as Andrew practically knocks me off the bed. I feel a draft as he breezes past me, a blur and is out the door before my mind fully comprehends my surroundings. My heart which was pulsing out of control because of the erotic encounter is now thrumming in fear. I want to chase after him, but as I shift to get out of bed, I am too lightheaded and sink to the floor. Placing my head between my knees, I try to slow my shallow breathing. My racing thoughts and fear that he left because of the visions bombard my mind, having the opposite affect and are now accompanied by aggravated tears, immobilizing me to my spot.

  After what seems like hours, cool hands are lifting me off the floor. Andrew is back. Thank God. He is walking toward the couch. Sitting, with me in his lap, my eyes, through quieting tears register the concern in his.

  We sit there silently, my aching head resting on his shoulder. “I didn’t mean to frighten you.” My eyes peer up to his. “I had to leave, I had to break…” He stops. He’s embarrassed.

  “You didn’t frighten me. I know why you left and I…I just don’t know what to say.” I can see the uncertainty in his eyes which I’m sure mimics my own. What can I say really? Do I apologize for my erotic thoughts or are they his? Who is really driving these images? What if neither of us is and it really is what he feared in the first place, a form of manipulation? There are too many unanswered questions and too much that may be being thrown at us from a world that, although he has been thrust into, I don’t think he knows enough about it to combat. As these thoughts mull through my mind, somewhere in my consciousness, I register, that the feelings and sensations I experienced are too real to be just images and their remnants remain with me still. Can they do that? Andrew interrupts my preoccupation.

  “What are you thinking?” He mutters softly, I can hear his embarrassment.

  My eyes shift down to the couch cushion. “It just seemed so real and felt like more than a dream.” My voice is barely audible.

  He slips his fingers under my chin, lifting my face, forcing me to meet his eyes. “Mia, I’m sorry, I don’t know what else to say. I know what I did is as bad as when you were…”

  I raise my hand to his lips. “That’s not true! How could you even compare yourself to him? Why would you say that?”

  “Look at the way I am seeing you!” He thrusts his head back, bringing his thumb and forefinger to the bridge of his nose.” Pulling at his arm, he finally lowers his hand, but still does not look at me.

  “Andrew, please look at me. You have done nothing wrong and I don’t feel victimized at all, so please don’t even go there.” Then I think of something hopefully to lighten his mood. “At least you have the decency to think of us married. We were having anniversary sex.” My voice reflects my own amusement and his eyes finally meet mine again as he gives me a reluctant smile.

  I don’t realize that I’m doing it, but I’m the only ancient one among us and the time periods are even before me, so it has to be me. I thought I could control it, but obviously I’m wrong. I didn’t even realize I was thinking like that, I was trying to fill my mind with other thoughts and then it just started.” An unsuspecting giggle escapes my lips. “What’s so funny?

  “My subconscious came to me as a little angel on my shoulder filling my mind with nursery rhymes so I wouldn’t think of you that way.”

  He bursts out laughing despite himself. “Maybe I should try that.”

  “Seriously, Andrew we don’t know whether it’s you or me. We don’t know what is causing these, but it just can’t be our imagination, especially since we seem to be sharing the same images. Has anything like this ever happened to you before?”

  “No, and none of my siblings ever spoke of anything like this. That’s why I considered that it could be manipulation, but if it is, why don’t I look like myself? Why the changes, the ling
ering sensations, the warmth? None of it makes any sense and in truth you look so happy, so content, it makes me more anxious to hold on to my resolve so that you can have that life…” He sighs heavily, but stops as soon as he sees me shake my head and pout. Why can’t he realize that I was happy in those images because I was with him and that all I want is him no matter what our eternity holds? He rises. Maybe he does realize it and just can’t talk about it right now and I am not going to push him because it will only cause him to build his resolve and I don’t think either of us has enough information to solve this surreal puzzle. “Since I impaired your sleep, I think I’ll make you some breakfast so at least your sleep deprived body will be well nourished, unless I can talk you into sleeping now and letting Eva take your rounds.” He looks at me hopeful.

  Glancing at the clock it’s 5:00. I shake my head. “No, I think I’ll take my rounds and I can make breakfast.”

  Before going on rounds, we see my mother and even get her, over my father’s objection, downstairs mingling with the other patients. She seems much happier as I leave; talking with John and even my father appears relieved.

  Over the next few days my parents mingle each day and although my mom is happy, I can see her getting weaker.

  The obstetrician is coming tomorrow. Hopefully, he will find the twins strong enough to take them. I desperately want my mother to feel their love and warmth before she passes.

  Arriving at my mother’s room, I get a surprise I am not expecting and my father did not warn me about. Stephan is sitting by her bedside, his glare freezes my blood. I stand immobile, but see my mother is sleeping. He rises, grabs my arm, and speaks in a low menacing tone. “Outside - now” Dragging me out into the hallway, grasping my arms tightly, he practically spits in my face. “Do you see how frail she looks? Is there anything that you people are doing at all to help her or are you just letting her rot and die here!”

  Before I respond, Andrew is beside me. In less than a millisecond, he releases Stephan’s grasp and I feel the blood rushing through my arms. After crossing Stephan’s arms in front of his chest, Andrew places his arms on mine and rubs them. “Stephan, I would appreciate you keeping your hands to yourself while you are in my hospital and forever keeping your hands off Mia!” His voice is cold, authoritative.

  Turning, the fierce look in Andrew’s eyes makes them appear almost fiery, making him look frightening. “Andrew it’s alright. He is just concerned.”

  “You’re damn right I’m concerned, mom looks terrible! Father sounds resigned to her death and seeing this, I’m worried about Katrina’s children! I will do everything in my power to assure that Katrina’s children do not suffer at your hands. If they are left with you, they will turn out just like you, a useless failure!”

  I hear a guttural growl from Andrew and Jackson appears, his hands restraining Andrew. I stand between Andrew and Stephan afraid this confrontation will get out of hand. Eva is now beside Andrew whispering in his ear. His body relaxes slightly.

  Stephan seizes the opportunity to attack again. “So you need others to fight your battles! It seems you landed in the perfect place, didn’t you?”

  Jackson grips down harder.

  “I don’t need anyone to tell you to back off! I don’t know who you think you are, but you’re right, dad has made peace with this and I suggest you do the same! She can’t get better and her dying wish is to see what’s left of her family at peace. I don’t know if you and dad can come down off of your self-righteous pedestals to give her that, but I will continue the farce that everything is fine so that her last days are not riddled with anguish at seeing her fragmented family feuding…”I fight the tears, refusing to let him have this victory too. Eva’s arms replace Jackson’s as he moves toward Stephan, practically lifting him off the floor with one arm around him. “Dr. Angelis, I believe you and I should chat, please come with me.”

  Eva whispers something again before releasing Andrew, She touches my arm. “Don’t let him get to you.”

  Wrapping his arms around me, Andrew kisses my head. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to add to your angst. Did I frighten you?”

  “No, you just surprised me. Stephan’s god like complex makes him unable to accept this.”

  Andrew fights to keep his angry tone quiet. “He has no right to speak to you that way and I will not tolerate it in my presence! You need to stop making excuses for him and I don’t want you worrying about custody. Judge Thompson assured me that David’s papers will stand up.”

  I didn’t see my father coming down the hall. “So my suspicions are correct, you are involved with your boss! Do you really think that is wise Mia considering your history?” He states coldly.

  “Dr. Angelis, please refrain from demeaning your daughter, your son has already done quite enough damage today. You both would do better to concentrate on Ann for the next few days instead of your petty grievances. Your daughter is a wonderful physician and an even better human being! It would behoove you to take time to get to know her.”

  My father assumes a staunch demeanor. “Andrew, I appreciate what you are doing for Ann, she is much happier and I thank you for that. However, my daughter and my relationship is really none of your business! You are obviously blinded by your feelings, but as one physician to another, she is erratic and undependable. Do you even know the mishaps which led her here? A young girl died because of her inactions and her arguing with a physician caused him to be distracted and probably led to another patient’s death! If you insist on keeping her here, you may consider moving her to this building where she cannot do any harm.”

  Andrew’s tension explodes, his muscles are so rigid behind me, they feel as if they will snap. Turning, I place my hand on his face, hoping to calm him as my cautioning eyes meet his fury filled ones. Giving me a nod to show he is infuriated but in control, he speaks forcefully. “Dr. Angelis, I know your daughter’s history and we feel privileged having her here. The girl on the train could not be saved, but your daughter’s attention assured her that she was not alone in her most frightening hour. I understand physicians must detach themselves to treat patients and that is why you never got along. Mia can’t detach herself from the people who need help beyond mere physical treatment. That is why your training never fit her. She has a gift to see the mental anguish patients suffer and the emotional void that they need assistance filling, she aids them in that realm, one which most of us cannot see. As far as the young boy which you and your son spend so much time chastising her over, maybe you should read the reports. If the physician treating him wasn’t so self-absorbed with his being right and listened to what he referred to Mia as, a ‘mere intern’, maybe the patient would be alive today! I know that you have a lot on your mind sir, but it is essential for the wellbeing of my patient, as well as one of my staff members, that you and your son learn to behave yourselves! Ann needs to feel her family is not fragmented, even if it is an illusion and I will not allow you or your son to challenge your daughter’s capabilities in my hospital! Each staff member is special, knowledgeable and competent and I recommend you treat them as such and in return we will assure that you want for nothing. Now if you will excuse us, I think you need to spend time with Ann and I need to speak with Dr. Angelis.”

  Moving down the hallway, Andrew’s features are frozen. I hear voices as we pass his office. He grabs my jacket.

  “Aren’t we going to your office?”

  “It may be better if I am far away from your brother and father right now. Besides, your mother could use a hostile free visit.”

  Outside, he lifts me into his arms. “What are you doing?” I protest.

  His features thaw. “I’m taking you somewhere special and don’t want you to freeze on the way.” We travel swiftly. He brings me to the cabin. “Relax while I start a fire.”

  Sitting on the couch in front of a stone hearth, I watch him place logs on the metal grate. Within minutes there is a toasty fire. I take off my jacket.
  He sits by me. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize your brother arrived. I hated watching him and your father speak to you like that.”

  “It was nothing. I don’t even listen anymore.” I say breathlessly, fighting to calm my already hyperactive heart from watching the flames reflect in his beautiful sky eyes, making them look playful. “It took me much less time to learn how to tune out the negativity in my life. Maybe if we met in one of your earlier lifetimes, I could have given you lessons.” I chuckle trying to lighten his mood.

  He smiles, but his glorious eyes still maintain a degree of anger.

  “Andrew, is this where you took me after the accident?”

  “Yes. Not knowing what Nicholas was up to, we thought it best to stay away from the hospital.” Leaning my head into his chest, I’m relieved he doesn’t tense beneath me and surprised when he shifts my legs over his. I enjoy the cracking of the fire and peaceful quiet.

  Andrew moves his arms under my arm and knees rising. Stepping toward a closed door, I gasp, thinking we are sharing an image again, but his eyes are still sky blue and our surroundings remain unchanged. I can’t help but wonder if the images did get to him and we came here to…I can’t let my mind go there and bite my lip hoping to stop my erratic breathing.

  Andrew opens the door and we are hit with warm moist air immediately. Looking inside, I see an oversized Jacuzzi which seems so out of place.

  A huge smile lightens his features. “Not what you thought is it?”

  Embarrassed, I look down. He releases me and his cool fingers lift my chin. I try to keep my eyes down. “Mia, look at me.” As I do, he brushes his porcelain lips over mine, spiking my adrenaline which burns away my embarrassment. “Jackson put this in. They use it as a getaway. I thought you could use it. Eva placed your swimsuit on the shelf. I’ll let you get changed.

  My eyes glance to my suit and I see a man’s swimsuit underneath. “Are you joining me?” I ask hopefully.

  His eyes shift to the suits and then back to me. His responds hesitantly. “I had intended to, but after what we saw last night, I should stay by the fire so you can have time to relax.”

  Not being able to admit that I would love to hold him the way I saw in the portico, I try another tactic. “Being near you helps me relax. I wish you could push that aside and join me.” Embolden by the images, I gently stroke his hand. My tone surprises me. I can see the uncertainty in his eyes. “Please”

  He smiles. “Get changed and I’ll be in shortly. The water is very relaxing.” He grabs his suit and shuts the door behind him.