Read Secrets Of Sanctuary Hospital A Hidden Enclave For Angels, Demons, And Vampires Page 33

Chapter Thirty-Two - Epilogue

  After a week of intense patrols by the St. Clouds they are convinced that there are no unwelcomed shadows lurking in the woods. The patients return to the trails, flowers are blooming and the trees are full of life. Even the small animals are out of hibernation and scurrying across the pathways.

  My final x-rays reveal that my shoulder is healed and my ribs have mended nicely.

  Martin and Suzanne will be going home today, but promise to return soon. Andrew has arranged for them to fly with Serena and Damian who are going to California to evaluate the case of a young girl to determine if she should be transferred here.

  Upon Serena and Damian’s return, Gabriel and Martina will exchange vows in the orchards.

  Entering Andrew’s office, he is the telephone with someone making some sort of arrangements. He thanks them before hanging up and moves around the desk. “Are you ready to get that off?”

  “Absolutely, I don’t know how people wait for bones to heal normally. I never realized how annoying a cast could be.”

  He hides a smirk as he gently strokes my cheek, sending my pulse racing. “Let’s go downstairs and get this off.” Removing the cast quickly, he turns to dispose of the last piece. Hopping down from the table, I wrap my arms around his waist stretching to kiss the back of his strong neck.

  “I have been waiting to do that all week.” I sigh as my lips touch his cool neck warming my blood as the sonic boom of my erratic heart pounds in my ears.

  I feel him laughing as he turns around and wraps his arms around me pulling me closer. “If I knew this would be your response, I would have removed the cast days ago.” He teases, his face holding none of the anguish it had before as his lips brush mine. He kisses me tenderly, but as my heart breaks out into a full sprint and I draw myself closer into his sculpted physique, his kiss intensifies and I become lightheaded. His lips retreat from mine, caressing my cheek as gently as a whispering wind. His voice is sultry. “Mia, we can’t do this.”

  Hurt by his words, I pull away. Pulling me back into his embrace, his tone turns soft. “Mia, I love you, but if we don’t get a move on, we’ll miss our flight.”

  I don’t understand. “What flight? What are you talking about?”

  “Trust me! We will be back first thing tomorrow. Eva and Jackson are watching the twins. I have a surprise for you.” His hand gently glides down my arm, causing me to shiver with the desire. I want to wrap myself around him and stay nestled within his strong arms, but he intertwines our hands and leads me to his SUV.

  I question him all they to the airport, but he refuses to give me even the slightest clue about our destination or the surprise. We can’t be going far since we need to return for tomorrow’s ceremony. When we board the plane, he lifts the armrests separating our chairs and allows me to curl up into his side embracing me tenderly. I will never tire of snuggling into his chiseled side or seeing him look at me lovingly as he strokes my cheek. Although I always hoped we would be free to be together, not until this moment when he is not hesitating as he slides his hand to caress my back and whispers into my ear that he loves me, does my hyperactive heart register that our biggest obstacle is truly gone. Looking into his beautiful oceanic eyes, I see true love unhampered by fear.

  “What are you thinking?” He asks staring into my eyes.

  I raise my hand stroking his perfectly relaxed face. “Just about how much I love you and how I cannot believe that you love me back.”

  He slides me into his lap, wrapping his strong arms around me, I sigh. “Mia, I love you more than I ever thought possible. You are so unique, so beautiful. You gave back life to not only me but to my family. You brought them the peace I so desperately prayed for ever since our existence was forever altered.” His face beams, mimicking the joy I feel in my heart.

  As I nestle myself into his shoulder, I tease him. “Does that mean I deserve to have you tell me where we are going and what you are planning as well?”

  His serene eyes turn mischievous. “You may deserve it, but I am still not going to tell you.”

  I try to make my voice sultry and begin caressing his stone cold neck with soft kisses. “Not even if I tempt you?”

  “Although this is quite tempting,” his breathing spikes and he kisses my cheek “And you could continue to try, we will be there shortly and I promise it will be worth the wait.”

  “Well as long as I can keep tempting you” I draw my lips across his strong jaw line towards his porcelain lips, kissing first one corner and then the other. “I guess I can wait a little while longer. But I have to warn you, if I get carried away, I may not let you leave this plane.”

  Pulling me closer, his lips besiege mine. All too soon, he releases me and I can feel the smile on his lips. “You are going to have to hold that thought, the plane landed and we need to depart.”

  I didn’t even realize the plane descended and we stopped. He picks up a small bag as we depart. Opening the door to a waiting car, he holds out a small silk scarf. “Do you trust me?”

  “You know I do.”

  He wraps the scarf around my eyes and I can hear him chuckle softly. “No peeking. I don’t want the surprise ruined if you recognize the area.”

  “So this is someplace I have been to before.”

  He drives without responding, but places his hand on my thigh, stroking it gently. My blood overheats as desire unfurls within me and suddenly the car is too closed in. My hand reaches around seeking to open the window, if I don’t get some fresh air, I will combust.

  The car halts. I move my hands up to the scarf to remove it, but he is at my side, whispering in my ear. “Not yet.” He lifts me out of the car and begins carrying me. I lay my head on his shoulder and despite my heated thoughts and raging emotions, I remain in the here and now, thankfully, but also drift to sleep.

  I wake as he places me on my feet. Removing the scarf, he wraps his arms around my waist. We are standing before Lake Anna. The sun shimmers across the serene waters making it sparkle like little diamonds, as the soft waives, from a passing speed boat, reach the shore. Turning to him, his seraphic face absolutely glows in the sun and his eyes glisten. His perfect porcelain lips caress my ear. “I thought we could spend a few hours at the first place I was drawn to a beautiful young girl who would forever change my existence and who I had the privilege of watching grow into the wonderful woman I will love throughout eternity!”

  His tender words melt my heart, I love him so. Bringing my hand to his silky cheek, I caress it. “I love you too.” Stretching, I lean into his sculpted physique, and nuzzle his muscular neck. Feeling his strong, cool body against mine, ignites a fire within me and I pull him closer as my lips move to his.

  I can hear his breathing increase and feel him shudder. He pulls me tightly to him and kisses me with such a fiery passion I’m surprised that the trees around us have not combusted. All too soon, he is pulling away. “Come with me.” He intertwines our fingers and walks toward a cabin nestled just inside the trees. Opening the door, we step into a room with a hearth and pot belly stove. The sun is shining through the oversized windows making the quaint little cabin feel cozy.

  Andrew removes some contents from his bag which I recognize as our bathing suits. He holds out the black one and hands it to me. His features turn all too innocent as I shake my head. “What’s wrong?”

  “Remember I told you the blue sports bathing suit is more my style.” I take it and head toward the door with my arms crossed.

  He is behind me wrapping his arms around my waist, his head on my shoulder, kissing my neck gently. My heart is raging, pounding in my ears. I can barely hear his soft silky voice. “All I can say is I want the opportunity to thank the friend who talked you into this suit because you look absolutely stunning in it.”

  Releasing me, I change. Stepping out, he is breathtaking in his gray trunks. I cannot tear my eyes from his absolute perfection. His tall stature, muscular physique a
nd chiseled features make him look like a Greek god and the image of his coming out of the water when I was in a toga like dress makes me wonder if at some time he was just that.

  As he moves closer to me, a sigh escapes my lips. He runs his fingertips along the piping of my swimsuit and it is as if he is igniting the wick on a stick of dynamite. As he reaches the nape of my neck, my heart explodes with a sensual desire and I throw myself at him trying to wrap my arms around him to pull him closer, throwing him off balance and we topple onto the couch. I run my fingers down his muscular arm as he runs his fingers down my spine, pulling me closer so that I feel each and every sinew and muscle. I’m lost in him and him in me. I feel that strange pull once more, but before it can take us to an image, we are upright on our feet, our breathing elevated. He leans down, placing his forehead to mine and kisses me tenderly. “You look absolutely beautiful and irresistible, but there is something I need to do before we get carried away, but it’s not ready yet, so maybe we could enjoy the lake.” His breathing has slowed, but his eyes are filled with mischief as he takes my hand and walks toward the lake. His expression tells me whatever he’s up to he is very happy about it and his feelings are infectious.

  The sun is warm against my skin making the cool water refreshing. As the wind picks up, Andrew swims to shore, returning with a wind surfer. I’m nervous, but he’s amused. “Trust me, you’ll love it.” Helping me on to the board, I lean into his cool chest as he pulls up a large sail and we slowly glide across the crystal, clear lake.

  Returning to shore, he suggests I go in and change. Entering the cabin, there’s a warm fire in the hearth. Going over to the pot belly stove, I pour a steaming cup of coffee and retreat to the bathroom to change. Hanging on the back of the door is a soft gray halter sundress. Taking a quick shower, I go back into the room. Andrew passes me a glass of rose wine. “Why don’t you enjoy the warm fire and I will be right out.”

  Sitting on the couch, sipping my wine, I stare at the flickering flames. I can’t help thinking about all that has transpired to get us here. His cool hands on my shoulders pull me from my reverie. “Shall we?”

  We head outside. Twilight at the lake is something to behold. The air is no longer hot and stuffy. Everything is perfect as I look out at the darkened lake against the indigo sky as the brilliant sun dips down along the horizon. Andrew leads me over to a blanket with a single picnic. Sitting down, he uncovers a small dish of fruits, vegetables and dips. “Are you surprised?” He inquires smiling.

  I nod. “You shouldn’t have gone through all of this trouble, especially with Gabriel’s wedding tomorrow.”

  Leaning across the blanket, he lifts up the napkin revealing a small black jewelry box. “That’s actually something that I want to talk to you about.”

  I stare into his deep blue eyes which are staring back at me. “I remember the last time Sanctuary had a wedding and how much I wished that you could wear a different diamond than the one I gave you that evening.” He reaches across, stroking the pear shaped diamond which adorns my neck. He is leaning on one knee holding the now opened box in his palm. “Mia I love you! I loved you ever since the day you found me here and took me into your heart. I can’t tell you what it means to me to have watched you grow into the beautiful loving angel who graces my dark existence. You have given me so much, more than I could have ever hoped for and I am hoping that you will do me the great honor of wearing this diamond at tomorrow’s ceremony and agreeing to be my wife!”

  Tears fill my eyes as I look upon this most perfect soul and realize that we can spend forever together. My heart bursts with the intense love that I feel for him and I can barely find my voice. I bring my shaking hand to his perfectly chiseled cheek. “Andrew, I love you” is all I can manage to say as I nod. His porcelain lips are on mine kissing me affectionately, drawing me into his chiseled chest sending my heart rate and pulse into the stratosphere. When my head is spinning, he withdraws and places the pear shaped diamond ring surrounded by eleven blue topaz and sapphire stones on my shaking hand.

  “It’s beautiful.” I’m breathless.

  He brushes the small stones with the tip of his cool finger. “It is not nearly as beautiful as you!” He kisses me gently.

  “It’s quite unique.” I say looking down at it. “I don’t think I have ever seen one like this.”

  A beautiful smile crosses his face. “I had a jeweler in town make it for me. I wanted it to always be a reminder to you of the bright light you are and the eleven souls you saved!” His voice is full of emotion as he strokes the center diamond and then traces the stones.

  As the tears fall down my cheeks he embraces me tenderly. “Thank you.” My voice is soft.

  “No. Thank you Mia for having the courage to stay and to love me despite everything!”

  “I really do love you Andrew. I have never met someone so good and so deserving of love.”

  We stay locked in our comfortable embrace. Lighting the little lantern, I enjoy the wonderful twilight picnic. He closes up the cabin tightly before we began our moonlit stroll through the woods back to the car. I feel so safe and happy holding his hand. We reach the airport by midnight and board the plane for the ride home.

  His eyes dance as he holds me and my pulse races every time he leans down to kiss me. Requesting a blanket from the stewardess, he picks up the armrests and allows me to cuddle into his side as he wraps the blanket around me. He whispers into my ear. “Since you still have your own personal Stonehenge, try to rest on the way home.”

  He’s right, we really are heading home. Snuggling into his chest, he nuzzles my ear as his fingertips glide up and down my arm. The veil is before me, the butterflies in my stomach must have hidden the pull. I am at the end of the aisle and my father is placing my hand upon his. As my eyes rise to meet his, I smile, but Andrew’s face is stoic and he leans toward me whispering so low, no one else can hear. “We are not supposed to be happy about this arrangement. Turn to my father and nod stoically so he thinks you just did it to appease the onlookers.” I do as he instructs and his father seems pleased. We turn and face the bishop both of us now stone faced.

  I can feel the forced merriment at the wedding feast as the fine tuning of so many deals and treaties are negotiated and signed.

  As Andrew signs the last document to ensure our country is to be protected and occupied by his men, a woman approaches me. “Our country is now safe from the more deadly barbarians and you must fulfill your duties to him. Hopefully you will deliver him an heir immediately and he will be done with you that way. I am sorry we pledged you to this barbarian to save our people, hopefully he is not as bad as his father or brother.” Her tone is bitter. She hugs me and then pushes me toward someone. “I’m sorry.” My father takes her away. I can hear his harsh words. “Stop, you know why the deal was made. Don’t allow anyone to hear you or make her nervous, if he is displeased with her, the king could send fewer men and you know what our being overrun by the others will mean, all our women and land will be devastated.”

  I want to say something to her, but a man grabs me. “His highness is ready for you.” He drags me to a door, opens it and pushes me in. The ladies in waiting quickly change me.

  Another door opens and Andrew is standing there. A welcoming smile accompanies his mischievous eyes. He strolls across the cavernous room, his intention clear. As I bite my lip, he is upon me, sweeping me up in his arms; he kisses me and tosses me onto the bed. I yelp and hear a bang against the door. I forgot about the contingent listening.

  He hears them too. He moves toward the bed, removing his clothes. “Don’t worry about them. I have a plan and you will be safe. I love you. I wanted you ever since my army passed through your ravaged city and I saw you caring for your wounded soldiers. I can understand how my father fell for your mother…” He sees my alarm. “I said I can see how my father fell for your mother. I don’t agree with what he did to her or how he punished her for marrying your father by
leaving your country to be ravaged as revenge.” I relax.

  “I love you too, sire.” I tease and he fights to stifle his laugh. As I sit up, he cups my face, his lips crush mine. The electricity and heat energize the room. I am overheating.

  He is once again at my ear. “Hit me.”

  I gasp. “I can’t, why would I?”

  “The rumors of my father and brother are real. I need to protect you. I’m sure you know how my father believes women should be treated.” His face contorts. “Hit me or he’ll come in to show me the way you should be treated. You don’t want him being your first experience. Please” He grabs my hand and lifts it into the air, opening my palm. “Now.”

  I hesitate. He grabs my hand and does it. It sounds muffled. I feel sick. I love him; I don’t want to hurt him. We hear the door jiggle. “You have to do it now, hard, please.” He pleads and I close my eyes and hit him. “Again and this time cry out.” We do this again and again. I sob. “That’s good. You are not hurting me. I promise.” He says, but how can I believe him. We hear someone slap the door, muffled disgruntled sounds and retreating footsteps.

  Finally, he pushes me back into the bed. “We’re safe now.” In these three words, I hear his relief and disgust over his father beliefs in his tone. “By next week, we’ll be far away from him ruling one of his lesser lands. I love you.” He deftly removes my clothes, wipes my tears and kisses me passionately while caressing me gently, possessing me, coddling me, loving me.

  I love him so, my tears start again. He wipes them. His face looks horrified. “I’m sorry. I tried very hard not to hurt you. I don’t want to be my father. I love you.” His voice is full of concern.

  I run gentle kisses up his neck, stopping at his ear. “You are gentle, you didn’t hurt me. I just love you so much.” I bite his ear softly. “Can we do it again?” He smiles and we make love again.

  The captain’s voice announcing our arrival in ten minutes pulls me back to the plane.

  Andrew is staring at me, his eyes soft and beautiful. I’m glad to see the vision, despite the mystery surrounding how we share them and what they mean, has not upset him.

  “What are you thinking?”

  “I like the wedding I saw, especially certain parts of the honeymoon.” He teases. “It started me thinking and I’m wondering if you would like a beautiful winter wedding, maybe a small ceremony on Christmas Eve.” His voice is soft tickling my ear as he leans in to kiss my cheek.

  I kiss the palm of his hand. “I think that it is a wonderful idea.”

  When we arrive back at Sanctuary, a beautiful breaking dawn colors the sky. I pass Gabriel in the hall. His face is absolutely beaming. He embraces me. “I see that I’m not the only one officially welcoming a new member of the family.”

  “I’m so happy for you Gabriel. Do you need us to do anything for you before the ceremony?”

  “Mia you have already done everything, you gave me my Martina, everything else is covered. I will see you later.”

  We proceed to my room. Eva and Jackson are just retreating from the twins’ room. Jackson winks as Eva hugs me. “Congratulations, I’m so happy for you both.” Andrew wraps his arms around my waist, kissing my neck softly making my pulse quicken. Jackson mock punches him in the shoulder. “Come on now, none of that until the old married couple leaves.”

  As they retreat, Andrew is already on the sofa holding his arms out for me. I crawl into his lap and he embraces me kissing me tenderly at first but then his embrace and lips explode with all of the passion and love which he had been holding back. I hope that my passionate response reveals that I could stay in his arms forever.

  A Note To The Reader

  We hope that you enjoyed this story. We are posting it free to share with readers in hopes that if you find it entertaining, you will consider donating the money you would have paid for a paperback book ($2.99 - $4.99) to a hospital that assists children suffering from cancer.

  We live in Massachusetts and would love for you to contribute it to a local hospital in Boston, but any such hospital will be greatly appreciated. We wrote this during a time when our family felt the strain of caring for two individuals with cancer. Although they were older, it changed our lives profoundly and made us realize how much families who have children that are afflicted with this terrible disease suffer.

  We are hoping to raise at least $15,000.00 in contributions ($1,000.00 per decade for the ones we loved) to help hospitals who provide care to children and their families in a time when cutbacks in funding may be impairing the hospitals’ efforts to bring forth full care for those in need. If you cannot contribute, please consider passing the information about this book along to someone who can. If you do contribute, please do so in the name of the book and email us a quick note at [email protected] to let us know if you enjoyed the story and contributed.

  Thank you for your reading this and we hope that your family is healthy and well.

  Synopsis For Secrets Of Sanctuary Hospital A Journey Through Hell

  After traveling a long, sorrowful and difficult path, Mia and Andrew finally forged a bridge across the chasm and are planning a quiet Christmas Eve wedding where they can begin their happily ever after.

  The love and personal growth which spawned Mia through her most difficult journey gives her confidence to handle the newest puzzling patient to enter Sanctuary Hospital. Little does she know however that getting involved with this patient will nearly end her existence.

  Waking up after being thrown down a gorge by a vindictive demon shrouded in the embodiment of this tormented young girl leaves Mia, isolated, alone and facing a world without Andrew, without the twins and without the assistance of most of her new found family, which have been ripped away while she was fighting her way back from an unconscious abyss.

  As she struggles to find the strength to forge ahead and pick up the remnants of her shattered life, in hopes of salvaging her eternity and reuniting with the soul of her lost love in the afterlife, demonic forces seek to force her further into a desolate existence of despair in hopes of clouding her vision and giving the dark abyss the soul it has been craving.

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