Read Secrets Of Sanctuary Hospital A Hidden Enclave For Angels, Demons, And Vampires Page 4

Chapter Three – Sanctuary

  My visions fade as two cool hands lift me. “Support her head. I don’t want her jostled.”

  As his arms embrace me, contentment washes over my entire being.

  A female voice cautions, “Be careful, I can sense the changes in the atmosphere. Would you like some help?”

  “No, I want to stay close by and make sure she is alright. Don’t worry.” He sounds unconcerned.

  A soft breeze lifts the tendrils of my hair. The haziness of my mind begins clearing. His muscular arms tighten around my shoulder bringing me closer to his chest as he walks over uneven terrain.

  His breath tickles my ear. “Your injuries are almost fully healed. You’ll be able to open your eyes as soon as I leave.” His voice turns pleading. “Please forget this happened. Let the hospital staff believe your delay from Minnesota is because you stopped to enjoy some sights.”

  How does he know where I was arriving from or where I am going? I have so many questions, but cannot find my voice. We must have reached the car because he lowers me onto a seat. Withdrawing his arms from me, I can no longer sense his presence. My pulse races wildly, my heart pounds like a sonic boom. What if my sight doesn’t return?

  Detecting my panic, he returns. Placing his strong hand over mine, gently stroking my knuckles, he whispers. “Don’t worry, you’re safe. When I leave, your sight will return and you’ll be able to speak again. You’re not far from your destination.” His sultry voice is reassuring. I take a deep breath. Letting it out, I feel the absence of his presence and my eyes flutter open.

  Knowing that stepping out into the night air will clear the cobwebs surrounding my consciousness, my hand glides toward the door. Moving the handle, I become frightened, but his gentle voice swims through my mind, calming me. I know he’s not far away. He must not be concerned about any animals. Maybe I can find him. Although why he would not take me directly to a hospital still makes me curious as to what they are trying to hide. Stepping out, I leave the door open in case I have to jump back inside. Stumbling over the uneven ground, I’m sure he’s out in the darkness. “Hello, are you there?”

  A rustling noise from behind sends my heart pounding, blocking my air passage. My eyes dart around. Fur brushes against the back of my lower calves as my eyes meet a little brown bunny hopping away. Sinking to the ground, I laugh uncontrollably. I hear a low chuckle. Out of the darkness comes a howl. I bolt upright. Fear engulfs my heart as I rush back, jump into my car and start the engine. I can’t believe that it doesn’t even sputter. Unthinking, I reach for the seatbelt and freeze as I click it into place, realizing it is no longer broken. Looking around the car, there are no signs of the accident.

  Hearing another howl, I drive quickly, unsure of where I am or how to get where I am going. As the sky ahead lightens, calmness spreads throughout my entire being, unlike I have ever felt before. Through the trees, I see light shining from oversized, old fashion lanterns aligning both a walking and driving path. I drive into a parking area.

  Walking up a small path, I enter a cul-de-sac area with a beautiful courtyard surrounded by several mansions and one oversized, summer cottage. Heading toward the cottage, I hope someone can give me directions to the hospital.

  Unsure of the time, I gently knock on the door and am startled to hear a familiar voice. “Come on in, my arms are full, but the door is unlocked.”

  I step into a grand hallway. Dr. St. Cloud is holding a stack of colorful sheets. Her greeting is friendly. “Your timing is perfect. How was your trip?” Before I answer, she begins ascending the staircase.

  Stunned, I follow her in silence into a suite with an oversized sitting room. Passing through it, we enter an antique bedroom. Placing the blankets down, Eva turns. “I hope you don’t mind the antiquated furniture, we never updated these rooms.”

  Gliding my hand over the brass mirror adorning the bureau, I am elated. “This suite is beautiful.”

  I follow her into the kitchenette. “It’s small, but Gabriel does most of the cooking and we have a full kitchen downstairs.”

  We return to the living room. “I should let you get settled. I’ll have Gabriel retrieve your bags and will see you in the morning.”

  She turns to leave. “Eva, can I ask you something?” I hear my nervousness. How can I ask her the questions I need answers to without her wondering if I am crazy.

  She crosses the room and sits still and motionless, except for her apprising eyes, next to a dimly lit lamp. “Sure, what’s on your mind?” I’m stunned. She looks like a porcelain doll, eyes bright, and face pale.

  I fidget, searching for a question that won’t have her questioning my sanity. “Is this entire area the hospital? It looks more like a wealthy homeowners’ society.”

  She laughs. “Long ago a family did live here, but after suffering a tragedy, the founders picked up the area cheap. They loved the grand architecture and thought that it would be a nicer environment for the patients. Our patients are all considered beyond conventional psychiatric treatment and our terminal patients have exhausted all approved experimental treatments. Considering how secluded you become working here, the founders probably kept it the way it was so that they could entice physicians to come so far out with a unique experience that they could not get anywhere else.”

  My heart races as I struggle to ask the questions I really need answers to. After hearing them, will she second guess her decision to have me here?

  “Mia, is everything alright, you seem out of sorts?”

  My voice becomes soft as my eyes drop to the floor. “What day it is?”

  “It’s Tuesday.” Her voice registers her concern. “Mia, what’s the matter? I have never known you to lose track of days.”

  “Please, just one more question. What’s the date?”

  “It’s October twenty-third. We were expecting you days ago.” I lost three weeks! Sure she caught my surprise; I am relieved when her tone becomes conversational. “Was your trip cross country so good that you lost track of time?”

  I relax. “I’m sorry. I can’t resist sightseeing. I lost my cell phone and you know how I use that to keep track of everything, even days.”

  She smiles. “When Gabriel brings your bags, have him get you a new one. We always have extras around.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Absolutely, anything you need, just ask Gabriel. If we don’t have it on hand, he’ll secure it for you. I have to leave and check on a patient, but if you need me I will be returning shortly. My room is down the hall and is number two which is also my number on your phone. Get some rest. I will see you bright and early, we start at six and work very long hours, but I really think you’ll enjoy it here.” Rising, she is out the door in an instant.

  Grabbing my backpack, I head toward the shower. Turning the antique shower handle, the water falls just so into the free stranding claw tub and I pull a soft, silky curtain of the palest blue with white, wispy clouds. Putting my clothes on the antiquated, wicker three draw chest, I move to the free standing pillar sink and can’t help staring in the mirror, I am stunned. My face is free of any scarring or discoloration. Running my fingers over my cheeks and chin, there aren’t even traces of scars. Taking off my clothes, sure that there will be some marks from where they had to operate to remove the rib which pierced my heart; my mouth falls as I see no indication that I was hurt at all. Descending onto the floor, my mind reels. I know I was in an accident. I felt the gashes and pain. I felt my bones break and broken bones don’t heal in just weeks. My mind free falls and my body tenses. Maybe a warm shower will relax me and I can recall the details more clearly. I climb into the tub with ease which aggravates me. Quickly turning the shower on, I shiver as the cold water splashes over my back. As the water warms, my body slowly becomes engulfed by the hot steamy shower and my thoughts drift to a vision of a dark haired man leaning over me, cleaning wounds on my face and arms with a warm wash cloth. My memory fades abruptly when I h
ear a knock on the door. “I’ll be right there.”

  Throwing on my sweats, I scurry across the room. There in the doorway stands a tall, sandy haired man approximately six foot three. His muscular arms filled with my suitcases. Despite the brisk night air, he wears only a black short sleeved button down shirt. Looking up, my eyes lock on his beautiful sky blue eyes. They hold the same soft billows as Eva’s and sparkle in the lamp light. He appears to be her male counterpart, with the same beautiful, porcelain face. She never mentioned having a brother. “Thank you for bringing my bags, you can just leave them here.”

  “Eva requested I place them in your room.” He glides through the two doorways quickly and returns before I even moved.

  “If you need anything else, I’m just down the hallway and am number twelve on your telephone. I usually have breakfast ready by 5:30. Would you prefer eggs or waffles?”

  “Anything is fine. Thank you again.”

  “I’ll see you in the morning.” He is down the hallway before I even close the door, probably anxious to get some rest.

  Entering the bedroom, I am not sleepy. I feel like I have been asleep for weeks, and, based upon the date, I have. I unpack and then place my music box and the only picture I took during my escape of my family in the living room. Sitting on the couch, staring at the picture of us when we were at Lake Anna and I was holding the box with the eagle, I fall asleep.

  My eyes open as the first sunbeams warm my face. Jumping up, I shower, grateful that the clock reads 5:00. Coming out of my bedroom, I notice a lab coat on the door hang. Putting it on, I feel a note in the pocket and open it quickly, hoping it is a map of the buildings, but it’s just a reminder to eat before meeting Eva at the administration building at six.

  Heading downstairs, Gabriel is at the door. He turns. “Good morning, I hope you slept well.”

  “Yes I did, thank you. I hope my late arrival didn’t leave you sleep deprived.”

  “Not at all, I’m just on my way to open the lab but there is a Belgian waffle and coffee for you in the kitchen, along with a map.”

  The cherry kitchen with Chantilly lace walls is quaint and cheerful. Committing the map to memory, I rush to administration. Stepping through the doorway as the grandfather clock chimes is like stepping back in time, complete with a stone fireplace in the grand foyer.

  A statuesque, sandy haired woman heads toward me extending her hand. “You must be Mia. I’m Catherine. Eva has spoken so highly of you; it’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”

  She is devastatingly beautiful with her sky blue sparkling eyes and porcelain complexion, but it isn’t her beauty which takes me aback. She is one of the three I saw when I was floating over myself.

  “Dr. Angelis, is anything wrong?” Her eyes narrow and her stare becomes almost hypnotic. It feels as if she is trying to pull my thoughts directly from my mind.

  I force my eyes from hers. “No, I’m sorry, you just remind me of someone.”

  The door opens, it’s Eva. “I see you met Catherine, she will guide you through all the paperwork.” She turns to Catherine. “Make sure she is fully equipped and she needs a new telephone.” Turning back to me, “I have to settle in a new patient, but you are in good hands.” She’s out the door in a flash.

  Standing there, I wonder if when I was thinking about her, it was because she was there too. I shake my head, trying to rid my errant thoughts. I came here to feel useful, to work, not to start trouble or make waves.

  I spend the day filling out paperwork and becoming familiar with the expansive computer system.

  “Do you feel overwhelmed yet?” Catherine asks politely.

  In truth, I am overwhelmed and sure that she will be another person I disappoint with my inability, but I cannot say this. “I believe I have most of it.” My facial features betray me.

  Her voice turns friendly. “Mia, it will take several weeks for you to even feel comfortable with this. Eva still calls me when she inadvertently sends everything off site. Don’t be afraid to call me with questions. I will place myself as speed dial one.” She looks at her watch. “I didn’t realize how late it is, you must be starving. I just need to download a few more things to your computer, scheduler and blackberry, but I’ll bring them to you at the residency.”

  It’s twilight when I walk back noticing how unique this one of kind institution really is. The pathways are lined with ash, black and red maple trees. Their broad bases rise high into the shadowing sky, intertwining and forming arches. It is amazing. The wind blows gently across my face. Inhaling deeply, I can smell the clean, crisp air. Even though I came here as a physician, I feel the cleansing air fill my lungs and the quiet beauty envelop my very essence trying to heal me. The milieu is so calming, it touches my soul.

  Entering the residency, I see Gabriel ascending the stairs. He turns. “Good evening Mia. I hope she didn’t try to cram the whole working system into your brain. She gets enthusiastic sometimes. I’m still trying to learn it, but I wasn’t afraid to tell her to slow down.” He laughs and his blue eyes sparkle.

  “She is very informative. I just hope my comprehension wasn’t so slow that I kept her from her duties.”

  “Mia, you shouldn’t get down on yourself. Eva told me you are self-deprecating. You are here because she knows what an intelligent, caring physician you are. We all have our moments of doubt, especially here where we deal with some of the most heart wrenching cases. A good, positive attitude about yourself and the wonderful work that you will be performing will help you through those trying times.”

  “Thank you, I’ll try to remember that.” I wonder if Eva has told him everything about me and hope that she hasn’t. My stomach growls and I don’t want to keep him from wherever he is going. “Gabriel, would you mind if I take some things from the kitchen, if I replace them?”

  He smiles warmly. “The kitchen is for everyone. In fact, leave a list of what you would like from the store, the supply truck will be arriving tomorrow and I’ll call it in. I left some chowder on the table for you. If you’ll excuse me, I have some research to review.” He ascends the remaining stairs quickly.