Read Secrets of Cavendon Page 17

  When they returned to the table, the plates of oysters had just been served, and Constance, always at ease socially, began to talk about the upcoming Royal Command Film Performance of That Forsyte Woman, to be held at the Empire in Leicester Square in November.

  Adam, looking at Alicia, said, “I do hope you can come with me? I’ve been invited to attend.”

  A look of pleasure flashed across Alicia’s face and she exclaimed, “How wonderful! Thank you, I’d love to come with you.”

  Adam smiled, began to eat his oysters.

  Constance, always well informed, remarked, “The king and queen will be attending, and the two princesses. But not Prince Philip, I’m afraid. He’s on duty in the Royal Navy. Stationed in Malta.”

  “That’s a marriage of true love,” Felix interjected. “And I hear that Princess Elizabeth will be going out to join him soon.”

  “Who are the Hollywood stars coming to the command performance?” Alicia asked, turning to Constance.

  “I know for certain that Errol Flynn and Greer Garson will be there, as stars of the picture, but not sure who else. Oh, Margaret Lockwood told me the other day that she plans to attend. Actually, a lot of English stars are expected.”

  “Princess Elizabeth will outshine them all,” Alicia declared. “She’s beautiful, and one of the most glamorous women around. I love the clothes Hartnell makes for her.”

  “Her sister’s not bad, either,” Adam pointed out. “I think Princess Margaret is gorgeous, too.”

  “The Royal Command Film Performance is very important to us show business folk,” Felix said. “The money it makes funds the Royal Variety Charity, which, in turn, helps to care for elderly entertainers. We always support it, don’t we, Constance?”

  “We certainly do, but it’s also a rather special evening. We get to see a new film, and I enjoy mingling with the Hollywood stars who come over for it. Last year we met Elizabeth Taylor, such a gorgeous young woman, and Alan Ladd, Myrna Loy, and Robert Taylor.”

  “And I met Vivien Leigh and her husband, Sir Laurence, at last year’s do, and oh boy, was that a treat,” Adam remarked. “She is a most fascinating woman.”

  “Everyone fell in love with her when they saw Gone with the Wind.” Constance glanced at Felix. “The whole world. How can she ever top that?”

  “Oh, I think she will,” Adam exclaimed, sounding sure of himself. “She’s a brilliant actress, and Larry will make sure she always gets good parts. Not to mention Alex Korda, she’s a big favorite of his, that I certainly know.”


  There was a rosy glow from two small lamps on the antique table when Adam and Alicia entered the foyer of his flat in Bryanston Square.

  He turned around and locked the door. When he swung to face her, she immediately stepped forward and put her arms around him. Automatically, he brought her closer. But after a long moment of holding her, Adam said, “I don’t want to start here, fumbling with clothes. I want it to be right.”

  Stepping away from her, he took her hand and led her into his bedroom, where other small lamps created the same kind of low, welcoming glow.

  As they went in together, Alicia saw the huge bed with pristine white sheets and large white pillows propped up against the headboard. It had already been turned down by the housekeeper before she had left, and the sight of it titillated Alicia. She couldn’t wait to be in that bed with Adam beside her, making love to her.

  Taking hold of her hand, he led her to the dressing room, opened the door, and took her in. “You can get undressed in here.”

  There was a boyish grin on his face when he added in a lower tone, “And hurry up … please hurry up.”

  He swung around in the doorway. “I bought you a robe. Hoping this night would come. And now it has. Please wear it.” With those words he left her alone.

  Alicia took everything in with one sweeping glance and saw how feminine the décor was. And she couldn’t help wondering how many other women had used it before her. For surely she wasn’t the first. To her surprise she experienced a rush of jealousy, then realized how silly she was being. She hardly knew him; there was no relationship.

  Rapidly she undressed, looked at herself in the long mirror on one wall. She hoped her body would please him. She shook her head knowingly. She was well aware he wanted her just from dancing with him at the Savoy Hotel earlier. And there would be a relationship.

  Standing in front of the washbasin, she took a facecloth and removed the bright red lipstick she favored, recalling those pristine pillows. She noticed the bottle of Joy perfume on one end of the dressing table. She always wore it. It was her favorite. There was no doubt it had been put there for her. She sprayed it all over her body and reached for the robe. It was beautiful, obviously brand-new, and made of double layers of chiffon. She slipped it on. It was styled like a kimono, had no belt, and felt lovely against her skin.

  The very process of preparing herself, getting ready to couple with him, filled her with excitement, and there was a sudden throbbing inside her. She was growing damp just thinking about him, and what they were about to do.

  When she went out of the dressing room, Adam was waiting for her, standing at the bottom of the bed. He wore a dark blue silk kimono, styled the same as hers. No belt, open fronted. Easy access to each other, she thought, walking toward him. She discovered her legs were trembling and she was tense with anticipation and overwhelming sexual desire.

  They met in the middle of the bedroom. He took hold of her hand, drew her to him, slipped his arms inside her kimono, moved forward a few steps.

  Their naked bodies were pressed close together. He slid his hands down onto her hips, pressed her against him. His hardness was unbelievable and Alicia looked at him, her blue eyes glazed with longing and lust.

  Adam saw this clearly reflected in her face. And he felt the same. They were alike. He knew she would be sensual and erotic, would respond to him eagerly, would do whatever he wanted. This thrilled him. He bent his head, kissed her; it was a deeply passionate kiss, lingering.

  She kissed him back, wanting him more than she had ever wanted any other man.

  His tongue went in her mouth, entwined with hers, charging her up. Their tongues lay still, entwined again. His hands slid over her breasts, and he felt their softness. When he pinched her nipples they hardened and she shivered and pushed her body against his.

  After a moment, Adam released her. He whispered against her ear, “I won’t hurt you, Alicia. I’ll be careful, gentle, I promise.”

  “I don’t want that! I don’t want you to be careful. I want all of you, every little bit. I want you to make love to me as you wish, do whatever you want.” She slipped out of her kimono, let it fall to the floor, reached for his, pulled it off his shoulders, dropped it next to hers.

  Once she was back in his arms, she placed one hand on the back of his neck, with the other she reached down to touch him, needing to feel his flesh.

  Instantly he gasped. “Please don’t, darling. I’ll explode.” He took away her hand, led her across the room. And they lay down on the bed at last, exactly where they wanted to be.

  Pushing himself up on one elbow, Adam gazed down at her, his translucent gray eyes shining. “I’ve a confession to make. I’ve had a crush on you for two years.” That endearing boyish smile of his made her smile in return.

  Alicia said softly, “My crush on you hasn’t been for that long, but it’s equally as meaningful. I want you, Adam, all of you. Touch me, please touch me.”

  He kissed her neck and her cheeks and then her mouth. Lifting his head, he said, “I want to devour you, fill myself with you. Yet I don’t want to rush this night, our first together. I must savor you.”

  Now he ran both his hands over her body, swept them across her thighs and over her legs, and let them rest there. The expression on his face was one of sheer delight.

  “You’re beautiful, Alicia, and your body is lovely, long and slender, your legs gorgeous. And these are vo
luptuous, just the way I like them.” He kissed her breasts, fondled them, bit her nipples, sucked on them, buried his face in them, filled with longing for this woman who so captivated him.

  Alicia shivered, put her hand in his hair, stroked the back of his neck, a faint groan of pleasure in her throat. He filled her with bliss the way he touched her, loved her.

  When he stopped and moved away abruptly, Alicia instantly opened her eyes. “Is there something wrong?”

  “No, we’re all right.” He quickly checked the contents of the drawer in the bedside table, and then continued to kiss her, fondle her breasts. His sexual need of her was soaring higher. “I can’t wait much longer, Alicia, it’s becoming urgent. Very,” he said.

  “Touch me. You know I feel the same.”

  He did as she asked, slipped his fingers between her legs, heard her long sigh. His massaging made her stiffen and tremble, and her gasps became sharper.

  He realized she was delicately made; he also knew she was about to climax, and he wanted to be inside her when she did, because her joy would dim the hardness of him if he took her precisely at that moment.

  He genuinely did not want to hurt her, and understood what he must do. His voice was hardly audible when he murmured, “I want to put a bit of balm on myself, and on you. For lubrication.”

  “Do whatever you want.” Alicia was filled with growing euphoria, right on the edge of ecstasy.

  He paused, felt her stiffen, and put his hand in the jar in the drawer. He smeared some of the balm on himself, then he began to massage her again, this time with the cream, which smelled of lavender.

  It took only a few seconds for Alicia to begin to tremble. And stiffen. She was almost about to go into spasms. He brought his mouth to hers and let his tongue linger. She put her hand down between his legs, slid her hand up and down. The balm made his skin feel like silk.

  Taking her hand off him, he rolled on top of her, facing his body in the right position. He was quivering all over, and breathing hard, as he took her to him with suddenness, began to move against her. He lifted her body closer, his hands under her buttocks, and she cried out as he gave all of himself to her and with some force.

  Alicia’s arms and legs were around Adam, and he was holding her in a tight grip. They moved in unison, gasping and clutching each other, filled with lust and hunger and need. They were abandoned, wild, rolling around in the bed, floating together on a sexual high.

  Adam, always a silent lover in the past, cried out with the sheer bliss of her, the sensuality, the need she had for him and his body, her raw lust, and the way she met every need he had, did exactly what he asked her. They were transported, rapturous. Alicia cried out herself, ecstatic as Adam ravished her, made her his. And then he gave himself to her. And he was with the woman he knew was meant for him, and he felt a rush of satisfaction.

  * * *

  They clung to each other for a long time afterward, shaken by the intensity and passion of their lovemaking. They realized that they were already highly involved sexually, and on an emotional level as well, and that this was no passing fancy.

  After a while, Adam said in a low voice, “I didn’t hurt you, did I?” This was asked in a quiet, concerned way.

  Alicia said, “No. Well, for a moment, when I first felt you inside me, I was a little jolted. But you didn’t hurt me. Surprised me.” She turned onto her side, looked at him intently. “Have other women complained that you hurt them?”

  “A couple, that’s all.”

  “I’m sure you please most. You must have had a lot of affairs.”

  Adam now swung his head, stared at Alicia. “I’m a heterosexual man, thirty-eight years old. Of course I’ve had affairs, but not as many as you’re implying.” He frowned, shook his head, appeared perplexed.

  Sensing he might be a little annoyed with her, she murmured in a warm voice, “Sorry if I offended you. You see, you’re the most marvelous lover; I’ve never experienced anything like this before or anyone like you. You seem to be aware of every part of a woman’s body, know how to arouse a woman, give her orgasms by the minute.”

  He burst out laughing. “Oh come on now, you’re exaggerating! But never mind, thanks for the compliment.”

  She laughed with him. “No, you come on, tell me how you learned all about women and their sexual needs. And the most erotic parts of them.”

  “My father was a doctor. A woman’s doctor. He practiced in Harley Street,” Adam explained. “He treated aristocratic women, like you, Alicia.” Pushing himself up against the pillow, Adam continued his often told story. “My mother died when I was six. He never remarried, and brought me up himself, with a load of different nannies. We were very close. When I was fourteen my father decided I’d better know a few facts of life. Later, when I was a bit older, he literally gave me specific details about the intimate parts of a woman’s body. And that’s how I know what I know.”

  “I understand.” Alicia also sat up and asked, “So you grew up in London, then?”

  “I did, yes. For a long time we lived in Kensington. Later my father had a flat, right here in Bryanston Square. Smaller than this, naturally, and on the other side of the square. But you could say this area of London is home turf for me. I’ve never really lived anywhere else.”

  “My family used to have a house in Mayfair, but Grandfather gave it up,” Alicia confided. “Then my uncle Miles had a house in South Street. A flying bomb hit it during the war—” She stopped abruptly, cleared her throat as tears unexpectedly welled.

  Looking at her intently, Adam asked, “What is it?”

  “His sister, Aunt DeLacy, was in the house when the bomb hit. She was killed immediately, and so was Laura Swann, a beloved member of our staff.”

  Reaching out, taking her in his arms, Adam consoled her, and eventually the sudden rush of tears was wiped away, and she relaxed.

  After that they fell asleep, exhausted by their intense lovemaking. But when they both awakened in the middle of the night, it started all over again. They were still caressing each other at three o’clock. And they both decided the second time around was better. They also agreed they were meant for each other.


  Greta Chalmers glanced around the sitting room of her house in Phene Street, a look of pleasure on her face. There was a glow from the fire burning in the hearth and the soft light from the lamps in the room.

  A short while ago, Victoria put several small bowls of flowers on end tables and lighted a number of votive candles, which she had scattered around. The girls had done a lot to help her, and she was grateful.

  Lady Diedre had been the first to arrive. She had called earlier that morning and asked if she could come to the supper with Charlie. She was apparently alone in London this weekend. Her son, Robin, had gone back to Cambridge, and her husband, Will, was delayed in Geneva on business.

  At this moment she was sitting on the sofa with Charlie, her favorite nephew, chatting to him intently.

  Elise and Victoria occupied the two chairs on each side of the sofa, both of them looking beautiful.

  They were never far away from Charlie when he was here, his adoring sycophants; they hero-worshipped him and would do anything for him.

  Greta admired the way he put up with their pestering with geniality and good humor. She thought he looked handsome tonight and wished he could meet the right woman. One day, perhaps.

  She herself had never met the right man after Roy’s untimely death. Although she hadn’t given up hoping that she might have a relationship with someone eventually. Still, it didn’t bother her that it hadn’t happened so far.

  For the last few days she had experienced a wave of genuine contentment washing over her. She was now Cecily’s full partner in Swann, and, quite by accident, she had made them a nice amount of money over the past two weeks by deciding to have a big sale of all their old stock, both couture and ready-made.

  Everything had flown out of the Burlington Arcade shop, and the mone
y made was an unexpected bonanza.

  Customers who came to the sale bought handbags, perfume, and other accessories, and sales had been very brisk. All of her business success gave Greta an enormous sense of achievement and made up for any number of disappointments in her life.

  The arrival of Greta’s old friend Arnold Templeton and his younger brother, Alistair, drew Greta out of her chair and across to the doorway. She and Arnold had had a long and warm friendship and were best pals.

  Leading the two men over to the drinks table Victoria had set up, she poured them two glasses of white wine, and stood chatting to them both. “How do you like your new job, Alistair? Arnold told me you’ve moved to a new law firm.”

  “So far so good,” Alistair replied. “The law has always fascinated me, as no doubt Arnold has told you.” He grinned at her, his hazel eyes twinkling. “The new firm is more go-ahead, more of a challenge—” He broke off, staring at the pretty brunette walking in their direction.

  Greta said, “This is my sister, Elise. And Elise, you know Arnold, and this is Alistair, his brother.”

  The two of them shook hands, smiling, and Arnold kissed Elise on the cheek. He had always liked her, grown fond of her over the years. It had been his idea to bring Alistair along tonight. He believed his younger brother was a good match for Elise, and when he had suggested this to Greta she laughed, nodded, and had shown him two crossed fingers.

  Alistair edged closer to Elise and immediately struck up an easy conversation with her, asking her what she did for a living.

  “I’m a journalist,” she answered, staring up at him, adding with pride, “I’m a reporter on the Daily Mail, and I love every minute of being in a newspaper office.”

  “I’m happy for you. I think it’s so important to enjoy your job, since we all spend most of our time at work.”

  “What do you do?” she asked, thinking he was rather attractive, very clean-cut, with lovely eyes and the whitest teeth she had ever seen.

  “I’m a barrister, and I love my job, too,” Alistair answered. They went on talking with some animation, and Greta glanced at Arnold. She then took hold of his arm and led him away, murmured, “Good shot on your part, Arnold. They seem to have hit it off.”