Read Secrets of Goth Mountain Page 50


  Barns was personally searching the cliff base for a fourth time, cursing under his breath. His deputies were a hundred meters further down the valley, marching in a line towards him, doing their second coordinated search. He could see some of their lights, scanning the cliff-face and the base of the cliff. Occasionally Barns himself pointed his powerful flashlight up the cliff, hoping to see Elizabeth’s mangled body caught on a protruding bush or rock.

  Damn that Small Bear, this was another senseless death, as far as he could see. That meant yet more publicity. Fenster certainly wasn’t happy about it. Between Small Bear and Dark, there was too much violence to explain away, and he had a feeling things were only going to get worse. “Where the hell is she?”

  Suddenly a powerful arm circled his neck in a choke-hold, and he was half carried, half dragged away from the cliff and his approaching men, and into a nearby stand of bushes. He couldn’t call for help, but he kicked and elbowed his abductor repeatedly, with no apparent effect. His attacker was obviously much stronger than he was. Inhumanly strong.

  When he was finally released and spun around to face his abductor, he was surprised to see not Dark’s face in the Moonlight, but Johnny Goth’s.

  “Do not cry out or I will kill you immediately,” Goth told him.

  There was a steely edge to Goth’s voice. Barns decided not to cross him. “What do you want?”

  “If you lie to me now I will know, and I will be forced to hurt you. Tell me about Elizabeth.”

  “It wasn’t my idea; Small Bear has been playing all of us. He gave her the opportunity to escape and then he pushed her over the cliff.”

  “And you went along with it. Where is Small Bear now?”

  “Having a face-to-face with Fenster in town. Listen, killing Elizabeth was all Small Bear’s idea. The rest of us are not happy about it at all.”

  “So you admit that it was murder.”

  “OK, I do, but Small Bear did it all.”

  “Which is why you still live. That and the fact that she also still lives.”


  “Dark took her.”

  “Dark took her?”

  “I can read the signs. He carried her away after she stumbled and crawled away from the cliff herself. He won’t kill her though, not until he gets what he wants.”

  “I heard that he wants to be the one to kill you. He has her, so now you have to go after him. That’s it, am I right?”

  “Exactly right.”

  “If you knew all this already Goth, though I don’t know how the hell you could, what do you want with me?”

  “I have a message for Small Bear and don’t have time right now to deliver it myself. Tell him that he is a coward without honor and that I challenge him. Tell him to meet me alone on the Mountain, after I’ve settled with Dark. Winner takes all.”

  Barns laughed. “Why the hell would he care? In the first place, you’ll be dead; Dark will kill you, and Small Bear will get everything he wants anyway, as long as Fenster gets his split. In the second place, why would he fall for such a juvenile thing?”

  “His pride. Will you tell him?”

  “Why not? Like I said, you’ll already be dead. Not that you aren’t a hell of a fighter, but I’ve seen what Dark can do. He isn’t even human. So I don’t see why I wouldn’t tell Small Bear. He’ll know that it means that you’ll be a dead man before you can get to him.”

  Johnny smiled. “Small Bear complicates things for you and Fenster, and so does Dark. Am I right? Loose cannons, aren’t they? They’ve both just about outlived their usefulness to you, I’m betting. If you’re lucky, Dark and I will do away with each other. And if I survive Dark, then maybe Small Bear and I will do away with each other. That’s it; am I right?”


  “One last thing, Barns.” With one hand Johnny grabbed the Sheriff’s jacket front and casually lifted him off the ground. “If I do survive Dark and Small Bear, both you and Fenster better watch your step, because you’re next on my list.” He effortlessly tossed Barns ten meters through the air.

  Barns tumbled to the ground roughly, his fall broken by a stand of saplings. He lay on the ground for several seconds, staring up at the Moon. He was a bit bruised but he was alive and nothing was broken, and Goth was gone. “Son of a bitch!” he muttered.

  Minutes later near the Goth Cabin, Johnny paused in his pursuit, sat down, closed his eyes, and caused his awareness to expand far beyond himself, following the trail of evil left by Dark’s passing. “They passed this close to the cabin, yet you did not sense them?” he asked Two Bears.

  “We must conclude that he can shield himself well when he wishes to, and probably has shielded Elizabeth also,” replied Two Bears. “That he has left such a clear trail for you to follow means that he wishes to be found. Judging by who it is that he has taken, he most certainly wishes to be found by you, Johnny.”

  “Yes, but only at the place of his choosing. He waits at the Source. Elizabeth is there too, alive but injured from a fall caused by Small Bear. She sleeps peacefully now but needs a healer.”

  “So, you have already mastered the skill of far-seeing. It is well. You are coming into your full powers, Johnny. But Dark is an ancient evil master of great and deadly powers. He is undoubtedly the legendary mortal enemy of the People. You should not face him alone. Ned is asking for help from The People, but we do not know if or when they will arrive. I should go with you now to face Dark.”

  “No, my friend. That would leave the Forest and cabin unguarded. You are needed at the cabin to counter Fenster’s loggers. They might not wait until morning. Aside from yourself, is there anything that you can tell me that might help me battle Dark?”

  “I can give you something that might help, Johnny. I am coming to you now, to give it to you.”

  Once more Johnny moved his spirit presence to Elizabeth and checked her condition. She was still unconscious, but was growing stronger, due to her close proximity to the Source. He spoke to her, in her mind, but again she did not respond. He decided that he would try to accelerate her recovery by moving more of himself to her.

  Suddenly Dark, who had been standing nearby Elizabeth, moved over her, kneeled, and placed his clawed hand firmly around her throat. His wolf jaws dripped saliva. “Someone else is here,” he announced aloud. “A spirit presence I can sense. I want the physical Johnny Goth here, very soon, and only Johnny, and I want you, whoever you are, to leave this place now, or I’ll tear the girl apart, one little piece at a time.”

  Johnny reluctantly withdrew from her. When he opened his eyes, Two Bears was sitting cross-legged in front of him. The shaman held his big sheathed hunting knife in his huge hands. He reached out and handed it to Johnny. “I return this to you for now. Like your watch, is a gift from the People that has certain powers. Take it with you. Used as a weapon it may be effective even against Dark.”

  “Thanks. Any more advice?”

  “Nothing that you have time for, except this. Help is coming from the People. Try to stall Dark until it does. The other thing to remember is that your powers are strongest near the Source, and that the Forest is also alive and strong. A shame your shaman powers are modest, or you might be able to more easily call on them.”

  Johnny nodded and stood up; Two Bears stood and hugged him. “My spirit will be with you, White Wolf, and the Spirit of the Forest.”

  Johnny ran through the dark woods swiftly, dodging trees and other obstacles that he sensed. When he reached the inner fence, he flew over it, continued to rise above the treetops, and flew swiftly towards Elizabeth, Dark, and The Source.
