Read Secrets of Sanctuary Hospital Andrew and Mia's Encounter Page 7

  Chapter Five - A Long Night

  Rushing down the hall, Brian is in and out of consciousness. Janet approaches. “Mia, what happened?” Her eyes fixate on my blood stained clothing.

  Andrew comes beside me then passes me, following Brian into x-ray.

  Gabriel comes through the door with Stephanie and is moving straight towards the pre-operative doors as James comes down the hall to join him.

  “Janet, the DEA were involved in some sort of take down that went wrong. I was in the area and tried to help. Are the two surgical rooms ready?”

  “They are and Dr. Reed and Dr. Myers are prepping. They are the only surgeons who haven’t been steadily operating in the last twenty-two hours. It’s been a pretty busy night.” For the first time, I notice dark circles under her eyes, but knowing what could happen with Brian, I don’t even ask.

  “That won’t be necessary, we can handle it.” Jeff bursts through the doors and interjects.

  Geoffrey comes barreling down the hallway. “Who do you people think you are?” He shouts at Jeff, but then turns to me. “Mia, I don’t know what you think you are pulling, you disappear, reappear with friends who think they have the run of this hospital. We have channels and they have no right being here or operating.”

  I open my mouth to tell him to but out, but before I can even mutter a sound, the man who was yelling at us bursts through the doors and is in Geoffrey’s face. “Dr. I don’t know who you think you are to interfere with those who we sent in to operate on our men, but step aside now before I make you.”

  Janet’s mouth falls open and she moves quickly. “I’ll get the test results into surgical two and three for you.”

  I nod and as Geoffrey storms off, I turn to the man. “Thank you for your help.”

  As I turn to leave, he grabs my wrist. “Just make sure they are both alright, please.” From the plea in his voice, he has more than a professional involvement with them. I nod and move quickly with Jeff and James.

  Entering the scrub room, I go over to Dr. Meyers and Dr. Reed. “Surgeons came in with the victims and the DEA field commander has requested we allow their teams to work on them.” Despite their puzzled looks, they say nothing and step out of the room. I catch a relived look on Dr. Meyers who I know would much rather be at a Board meeting than in surgery again, especially if he has already had back to back surgeries.

  Andrew and Gabriel wheel in Brian and Stephanie.

  Jeff turns to me. “Mia, you need to bounce between Brian and Stephanie. If things go wrong, they could change and you have to keep them away from the others. Gabriel can you take Brian with James and Andrew and I can work on Stephanie. Is Francis on his way?”

  “He’s taking the kids to the apartment, but I can have him come straight here and have Julianne and Paul do that.”

  “Do it, I would call Christian, but if Anthony needs medical assistance, he is the only one with a medical background.”

  “That’s fine. Andrew pulls out his phone and instructs Francis who lets us know that he is already on his way and that the children are headed for the apartment with Sarah, Julianne and Paul.”

  Before slipping into surgical two, I see Geoffrey arguing with Dr. Meyers and am sure that I’ll be facing problems when I leave, but for now, I place it out of my mind to concentrate on the urgent tasks at hand.

  Surgery is long and Brian comes out of the anesthesia and changes twice more, but thankfully I am able to quickly contain him so that the surgery can be completed. Francis arrives and is assisting Andrew and Jeff. After losing her twice, it appears that they are successful in repairing and beginning to heal the internal injuries and that her heart is getting stronger. Knowing that it would be dangerous to leave them in the hospital without anyone I plan on staying in recovery, but Jeff suggests that we move them fearing that Brian may change again in the next twenty-four hours because of the effects of the anesthesia and what has happened tonight. Instead of bringing him down to recovery, I scoot outside to inform the agent that we will be moving them while Francis calls and arranges for Taylor to come with two ambulances.

  The agent is pacing in the waiting room and is whispering into the phone. Stepping back, not to intrude, I wait for him to hang up. As if he senses my presence, he hangs up and turns. “How did surgery go?” He asks anxiously.

  “They both came through the surgery, but the next twenty-four to forty-eight hours is crucial for Stephanie, we lost her twice on the table, but our doctors were able to bring her back.” I pause wondering what reason I will give him for transferring of them. Although he obviously knows them, since there is no indication that he is from our world, I doubt she would reveal what she is.

  His voice drops to a whisper. “Dr. Angelis, why were you really out there and why did you bring in your own physicians.”

  “We really were there because of Brian. We should have been more careful, we never expected him to leave in search of his mother and the physicians with me are close friends. They were staying at the house and offered to help look for Brian. Since they worked on them in the ambulance and two are heart specialists, we figured it may be best to utilize their expertise considering the multiple internal injuries Stephanie suffered and the bullet lodged in Brian’s heart.” His eyes widen and his features turn skeptical making me wonder if he somehow knows what they are and what I am, but how could he? I try to divert his attention. “Thank you for your interception with Geoffrey. I really didn’t have time to argue with him then. Are you Stephanie’s partner?”

  “No, she is my sister-in-law.” My mouth inadvertently drops open. He moves closer to me and his voice drops to an almost inaudible tone. “Dr. Angelis…”

  “Mia, please”

  “Mia, did you have them operate because of who Stephanie and Brian are?”

  I can feel Andrew approaching behind me as I nod. “Taylor has arrived.”

  He moves near Andrew extending his hand. “Thank you for helping Brian and Stephanie. I’m Ben.”

  “Ben, did Dr. Angelis tell you that we are going to move them to a private hospital where they can be watched over more carefully.”

  “No, I think she was getting to that, but didn’t know how to tell me.” He glances over to me and smiles. “Am I correct in that you didn’t know how to tell me because you were unaware that I know of their special circumstances?”

  Andrew smiles at him. “We think that for everyone’s safety, it would be best if they are elsewhere. Brian changed a few times and we really cannot have anyone here seeing that.”

  “Where will you move them to?”

  “There is a hospital up in Maine that would be better suited to their needs and they would not have to worry during their recuperation.” From the looks passing between them, they seem to each be reading the hidden meanings under the apparent conversation.

  “Could someone go and visit them if they desire.” His face reveals his concern, probably because of who Andrew is.

  “Of course. They will be well taken care of. You could go up in the ambulance if you like.” Ben’s features reveal his shock.

  He steps closer to Andrew and his voice drops so low, it is almost inaudible as his eyes dart around. “Why would your kind care help ours? I’m shocked to see you had one of ours with you.”

  I glance at Andrew and his eyes are as wide as mine, surely from the shock that Ben seems to be referring to himself. “Ben we work with many of your kind and others. We only want to help and ensure that those who strive to do the right thing are helped when needed. Although may I ask, how you are hiding your scent.”

  Ben smiles. “My wife is a real witch,” He smirks.

  I burst out laughing despite where we are and Andrew leans down and smirks. “So is mine.” I make a mental note to ask her or have Eva ask how she does that, knowing that because of this situation our paths will cross.

  Ben and Andrew are laughing as Geoffrey approaches us all. “Mia, may I have a word away from your friends.” His voice drips with con

  I move closer to him and eye Andrew, cautioning him not to interfere. When we are a few feet away, he lays into me. “You may have gotten what you wanted as far as the wing goes, but this is far from your hospital. Your friends have no business being here and no business operating on patients. Don’t think that you are taking over or can interfere with the running of this hospital just because you somehow tricked one of the most influential men in this area to marry you. Don’t get any ideas about interfering with my plans for my wing just because Dr. Meyer’s is foolish enough to let you have your way this evening and to put aside money for your ridiculous cause which will only bring problems to the hospital with those who cannot afford our care.”

  “Geoffrey, I have had just about enough of your threats and your nonsense.” His eyes flare and I know I am lighting a fire under him, but frankly, he is becoming beyond unreasonable. “I have no intention of interfering with the plastic surgery wing. I told you that from the beginning. All I have ever fought for was the fair share of the money for the children’s wing so why don’t you stop threatening me. All I want to do is my job and help children. As far as the plastic surgery wing goes, to my knowledge it is the hospital’s wing and not your personal playground. It will be used not only for your patient’s but also those serviced by Dr. D’Angelo and his staff. I know that burns you Geoffrey, but I strongly suggest that you stop being unreasonable, start focusing on what you need to do, and all those lovely patients you can’t wait to nip and tuck. As far as tonight goes, I’m sure that you know how many surgeries that Dr. Meyers and Dr. Reed already performed, Janet told me how busy it was and the DEA didn’t want to needlessly expend our resources when they had help of their own and wanted to ensure that their own were cared for in the best possible way since they were hurt during one of their raids.”

  “And how do you think that will look for the hospital when it is learned that our staff was not good enough or trusted to work on their agent and my understanding is a child also got hurt. Isn’t that supposed to be your specialty, yet you didn’t take the lead?”

  It has been such a long night and I just can’t put up with his shenanigans anymore. “Geoffrey, no one is going to learn anything, unless you go running to the press and then I’m sure that the nice DEA agent standing over there whose friend almost died tonight will have a field day with you. Just let me be! I have been in surgery for hours and I am going home. I would think very carefully about your next move.” I storm away from him towards my office, knowing that Andrew is helping with the move and that Ben is probably waiting outside for them. When I enter, Jacob is asleep in my chair. Covering him, I go in search of Andrew hoping to take Jacob home.

  He is just outside about the shut the ambulance doors on Francis and Jeff as two men wearing DEA vests approach the ambulance.

  The taller one stops before him. “Doctor a DEA agent was taken here tonight for surgery, do you know…”

  Before he finishes, Ben comes out of the other Ambulance. “Jack, they are transferring Stephanie and Brian to another hospital. I called it in. How did the raid go?”

  “We captured twenty-two, five of them are teenagers and three women.”

  “Did you manage to get Peter?”

  “Yes, but he fled the scene, he was never in clear sight, our men didn’t catch up with him until he was about half a mile away on a crowded street and they lost him in the pursuit twice. Unless one of his men rolls over, we are going to have trouble holding him once his lawyer gets there. How is Stephanie?”

  “She is in pretty bad shape, but finally came through surgery, the next forty eight hours is critical.”

  “How is Brian? Did anyone find out why he was out there?”

  “He came through surgery well, he is stable. I’m going up with them to the new hospital and should be back in a few days. If anyone needs me, you can reach me by cell.”

  “Can I do anything for you?”

  He shakes his head. “Just try to hold on to this Peter for as long as you can and see if we can somehow tie the drugs to him. We don’t need him setting up shop at some other school.” He climbs back into the ambulance and is off.

  Jack leaves and Andrew turns to me. “Are you ready to go home beautiful?” He whispers. “It has been quite an interesting evening.”

  Smiling, “Yes it has. Who knew coming to New York would lead to such an overflow at Sanctuary. “

  He bursts out laughing. “For all the times I came here, I never had such an interesting time until I met you.” I want to kiss him, but know that he appears as himself and that there is still activity around. “Is Jacob asleep?”

  I nod as we move to the office to get him. As Andrew reaches down to pick him up, his eyes fly open. “I can walk.” We head to the car and he at least seems relieved that his friend will be alright. As soon as we get to the apartment, he climbs into bed exhausted. Coming outside, I let Sarah know about Jeff. Julianne and Paul want to go back to the house, but Andrew insists that they stay and calls over to Jeff’s men who say that Anthony is still unconscious but that they have everything under control to contain him when he awakes. When Andrew asks if they need any additional medical help, Christian gets on the phone and lets him know that it will be better if we stay away considering he may see Andrew as a threat and has already voiced suspicions.

  Julianne and Paul reluctantly retire with the children and after feeding and putting Alexander back down, I go over and make a cup of tea hoping not to disturb a now sleeping Sarah and Andrea. Andrew comes behind me, wrapping his hands gently around my waist as I wait for the tea to boil. Kissing my neck, he moves his lips gently to my ear. “You seem far away, are you tired?”

  “No, I just can’t believe how long it has been since we were last here and how much has changed.” I turn in his embrace.

  “One thing hasn’t changed.” He smiles.

  “And what might that be?”

  “How much I love you.”

  Stretching, I kiss him tenderly. “Well that’s good, because eternity would be quite long if you didn’t.” I tease remembering what he said on our wedding day.

  “I’ve set up a sleeping bag next to the windows, how about watching the stars with me?” I nod knowing that he is trying to ensure that I feel safe and comfortable, probably hoping the dreams that have caused my tossing and turning most nights since learning who I am will soon subside.

  After drinking my tea, I settle down in his arms, drifting, but soon my dreams take hold of me once more. Waking with the cold sweats, I’m at least grateful that it appears I did not scream. Andrew’s concerned eyes meet mine after I see that Sarah is still asleep. “Another nightmare? What can I do to help you?”

  Snuggling against his chest, “I’m fine. It wasn’t as bad as the last one and I could feel your arms around me which is a big help.”

  “Do you want to talk about it?” I can see the snow beginning to fall and the lightening sky is telling me that morning is here. I shake my head knowing how concerned he has been since my return. Besides, how do I tell him that each night since we have been reunited, I can’t escape dreaming that I am running through fiery tunnels as demons spring from hidden alcoves grasping at my legs, causing me to fall or pushing me through hidden ground channels. Falling, I can feel myself changing, becoming a fiery creature, piece by piece. The first fall is always the most stunning as everything below my knees becomes ablaze. Although I can feel myself gasp, and the warmth of the flames surround me, I cannot understand why they do not immediately consume me or why I do not bellow out in pain like the demons that surround me. The deeper in I get, the more flames engulf me. Yet still, I do not burn or feel the pain as I did when I was in the cave fighting Jonathan. I know I’m in hell, yet I am not trying to escape. In fact, I am shocked as I realize I am actually fighting my way through the demons to get further inside. I shake my head again realizing, I want to be there, but can’t understand why. How could I ever reveal to him that as my dream progresses, engulfing
me in turmoil that I see myself abandoning him and running toward the dark silhouette that I saw in our alternate reality when we went after Abigail, knowing that I need to put distance between Andrew and myself? Am I running from him to spare him from being engulfed like I am as I push further on or is there some other reason, something else which I feel is compelling me forward and away from all those I love and the one I do not want to live without. Why would I run from him? Why wouldn’t we run away from the horrors that I see in each cave I enter before running through another tunnel or falling through another channel? Am I leaving him behind to protect him or am I truly running from him as I fear?

  “Mia talk to me, please.” His pleading voice calls to me dragging me from my introspection and the visions which are now dimly before me despite being crystal clear in my dreams.

  “It’s nothing. We should get breakfast ready for everyone and I need to make sure I take my shift. I’m sure that Geoffrey is filling the Board’s head with all sorts of wonderful stories about how I ensured that the hospital was overrun last night with personnel who had no right taking up space as our own physicians and surgeons were pushed aside or had to wait to utilize the two operating rooms that we occupied.”

  As I rise, Andrew grabs my hand. “You can’t avoid what has hold of you forever.” His voice is soft and I can see the hurt from my hiding my nightmares from him. I want to sit back down with him and tell him, but I still don’t understand why this dream has such a hold on me and why I am running from him. I have hurt him so much already and given him cause for concern, I don’t want him to misinterpret any meaning that may be associated with my dreams, think that I am running from him or doubting my love for him. Despite everything that has happened to us and my choice to leave him when faced with the revelation of what really happened to give us time, my love for him has only grown stronger. I know that our souls will always and forever be tied to one another, he is my better half. Even in those strange dreams of different times, those that I still cannot explain and Reginald seemed to shy from, he was still with me. So why am I now running from him in this dream. It has to be to spare him the pain and suffering which awaits and which I can feel in the others who grasp at me despite not feeling the flames and agonizing torture myself.

  Bending, I cup his beautiful face in my hands. “I am not avoiding anything. I promise. They are just nightmares. Probably residual effects of being in close proximity to Jonathan and realizing how I could have lost you forever. They will pass, but life here will not and will only get more complicated if I miss my shift. Why don’t you call over to the house, see how Jeff’s men are doing, and if there is any change with Anthony. I will get breakfast started.”

  Despite releasing my hands, I can see that concern and worry have not left his eyes. Knowing how much secrets and half-truths have hurt us in the past, I vow to find a way when things calm down to sit down with him and talk to him about this. I can’t let him watch me go through night after night struggling and worrying more so that I am keeping something from him.

  After showering quickly, I begin breakfast and can hear Andrew. It sounds as if Anthony regained consciousness in the wee hours of the morning and became extremely violent. “Did you get any samples to James, I know that after the surgeries, he went down to work in the lab not wanting to cause any confusion if Anthony got lose…Did he leave the residence?...That’s good. I’ll let you know as soon as James contacts me with the results. If you need anything, let me know. Yes we will stay here until things are better there and Jeff returns. Have you heard from him? Good.”

  Placing the pancakes on the counter, Andrew enters. “Is everyone up?”

  “I heard the children dressing and Sarah is taking a shower now.”

  “When did you secure the groceries?” I smile and his radiant returning smile warms my heart.

  “I called for them while you were fighting to sleep last night.” His tone tells me that he is still hurt and worried.

  Moving closer to him, I wrap my arms around him. “Andrew, I know you think I’m keeping something from you, but you need to know I’m not doing it intentionally. I just need some time to get a handle on it myself so that I can explain.”

  Kissing my forehead. “I just want to help. Mia, I’m very concerned considering you spent most of the night talking in you sleep about demons and fires. You even hit your forearms several times in your sleep. I’m surprised it didn’t wake you up. The way you were slapping your hands and arms, you looked as if you were trying to put out a fire.” He stares at me and when I don’t respond, he embraces me. “Were you thinking about Reginald and what he may be facing? Could that have brought all this on or were you dreaming about yourself?”

  As he says this, maybe he is correct and without even realizing it I am thinking about Reginald trying to get through the gates of hell and what he must be going through. “Maybe you’re right. I have been dreaming about hell, but couldn’t really understand it. I must be thinking about Reginald.” Although that doesn’t explain why I would be dreaming about running away from Andrew, maybe I am dreaming of trying to help Reginald and I’m running from Andrew because I didn’t want to face that he is right about us not being able to help him and put the children through any more trauma. Hearing them crossing the living room, I don’t want them hearing about this, they already have too much on their plate. Kissing his lips, I whisper against his mouth. “I’m sure that is all it is. We can talk more about this later. Has anyone heard from him?”

  Just then, Jacob comes barreling in and hugs me. “Thanks mom for making pancakes I’m starving.” Hugging him back, I see Andrew shake his head.

  Jacob looks up at me as he takes his plate. “Were you asking dad if he heard anything about Stephanie and Brian?”

  Andrew interjects. “I was just going to call up there and see how they are doing this morning. Everyone arrived last night and Brian was in stable condition and Stephanie seemed to be doing better.”

  “Dad, can you find out about Laurel as well?”


  “Since we’ll be on brake in a few days, if they are doing alright, do you think we can go home and spend Christmas there or do we have to stay around here?”

  Andrew’s eyes shift to mine and I nod, knowing that the children will be happiest at home. Considering the me who was here was such a workaholic, I should have some time coming. “If everything seems to be going alright with Anthony, I don’t see why we can’t go home for a few days.”

  I’m glad to see them smile. Andrew appears apprehensive, probably worrying that if things don’t go well with Anthony, he will want to stay close in case Jeff or his men need help. Crossing my fingers, I hope all does go well, knowing Andrew would be happier home too. Despite his reassurances that being Jonathan is not weighing upon him, I know that it is and could see how much happier he was last night, even in a grave situation, operating on Stephanie and having more of a hands on involvement.

  As I clean up the dishes, the children decide that they want to go to school, knowing that despite their being new students, since they are five, their absence as well as Brian’s would be noticeable. Although I am apprehensive, Andrew assures me that everything will be fine and that he and the others will be there

  Heading to my office, I see that the raid has made the morning news. Passing by some nurses to my office, I hear them talking about how the victims were brought in here last night and how there is still heavy guard around one victim on two. I can’t help but wonder who that might be. Opening the door to my office, Julian is in there reading something on his tablet. When I come in, he looks up. “I hear that you went head to head with Geoffrey last night again.” Although he fights to hide a smirk, I can also see concern in his eyes. As I sit, he rises and shuts the door. “Mia, considering everything else you are dealing with, maybe it wouldn’t be a wise idea to light a fire under him.”

  “That wasn’t my intention, but he was interfering with surgery.”

a, why were you anywhere near those piers?”

  “I was looking for the young boy who got shot. He was going after his mother who is a DEA agent.”

  “Who are they that you would be going after him?”

  Knowing how he has kept my confidences in the past, “Can I tell you something in the strictest confidence?” He raises an eyebrow at me and I know why. “The boy, Brian, made friends with Jonathan’s nieces and nephews and they inadvertently found out that his mother was there on an undercover assignment. We had him over while his mother was on the sting and he slipped out because he was concerned. When we went after him, we got caught up in everything.”

  “Mia, a lot has been happening to you since you and Jonathan have gotten together, are you sure that you’re alright and that Jonathan is really an alright person? I mean I know I pushed you toward him but…” I interrupt. I can tell from his tone and the way that he is staring at me, he is concerned that he advocated for a relationship that he shouldn’t have.

  “Julian, don’t worry, Jonathan is a very good man. There is nothing shady about him. Maybe I’m the magnet for trouble and am dragging him into all the wrong places.” I try to joke.

  “Speaking of trouble, that’s what I came in to warn you about. After your little run in with Geoffrey last night, he called some of his friends on the Board and they convinced Dr. Meyers to reschedule the meeting from next week to later this afternoon. Some claim they will be out of town for the holiday, but it appears Geoffrey wants to lock down the funds for his wing and is even bringing in a colleague that spearheaded the development of a new wing in Boston, similar to the one he is hoping to develop. Jamie told me that she heard Geoffrey is worried after Dr. Meyers backed you last night that he is losing control of the situation. He is hoping that this Ruth can help him.”

  Shaking my head, I can’t believe he is up to tricks again. Why can’t he just leave things alone, take his half and let me be. If he only knew that if he did this, I could leave and the biggest thorn in his side would be removed. I wish that I could tell him, maybe it would be enough incentive for him to stop all this nonsense, but I know that if I even hinted at it now, he would use it to kill the pediatric wing. “Thanks for the warning. I should get up to two and start my rounds. Do you know who they are holding up there?”

  “A teenage boy who jumped into the water to escape, he hit his head on one of the pilings, has a concussion, a gash that required 21 stitches, is suffering the effects of hypothermia, and is being monitored because he was under for several minutes and needed to be revived. His heart rate is still erratic. The police outside his room asked me if he was well enough to transport for arraignment, but I said that you would have to make the call today after examining him. His father is upstairs as well and is arguing with every physician who enters the room that his son is not well enough to be moved, but Janet told me that she heard he is waiting for his brother, who is some big time politician to pull in some favors before his son goes before the judge.”

  “Thanks for the warning.”

  He rises. “I’ll see you later. Tracy isn’t feeling well.”

  “Tell her I hope that she feels better soon.”

  “I will and good luck this afternoon.”

  Knowing that I will probably be grilled by the father as soon as I step foot near his son’s room, I decide to make my rounds checking on the other patients first and am called down to an emergency surgery. I have an hour before Geoffrey’s little impromptu Board meeting and decide to go and see the patient on two. Opening the stairwell door, I don’t know why, but I’m surprised to see principal Walker pacing while an officer stands outside the door. He is on the telephone and appears agitated. “You can’t distance yourself from this situation. I don’t care how it looks we’re talking about my sons. You have to help me.” Turning, he sees me heading to the door, and steps in front of me while hanging up the telephone. “Dr. Angelis, could I speak to you a moment?”

  I can see the pleading in his eyes and as much as I would like to say no, I step away from the officer and the door. “Principal Walker, I take it Greg is in that room. I need to get in there and examine him before going down to a Board Meeting. The police are anxious to move him and are awaiting the results of his examination.”

  “I know that he and your nieces and nephews did not get along in school, but Dr. Angelis I…”

  Knowing where he is going, I interrupt. “Mr. Walker, my professional opinion would in no way be influenced by what goes on with my chi… nieces and nephews. I really do need to get into the room and report before going into the meeting.”

  “Dr. Angelis I know it’s a Board Meeting regarding the wing. My brother, contributed at the art auction to your cause. Is there any way that you could go into the meeting without first examining my son? I need to help him and the only way I can is by delaying his transfer right now. I don’t want to see Greg go to jail.” He grabs my wrist and his eyes are begging me to help.”

  Before I can even answer him, there is a code red in the room two doors down. Responding immediately to that, by the time I exit, the police officer stops me, but now, I am already late for the meeting and I can see Janet beckoning me and holding the elevator. Quickly excusing myself from the officer, I assure him that I will request one of the other physicians comes down to assess Greg. Calling over to Dr. Jeffers as I scurry down the hall, he assures me that he can get to Greg shortly.

  I can hear Geoffrey’s aggravated voice as I open the door. He is going over what occurred last night. I hear some of the Board members grumbling about how highly unusual that is and that Dr. Meyers must assure that I am not overstepping my bounds.

  Before he has a chance to respond, I interject. “I’m sure that you are very concerned with the goings on of last evening, but I assure you that at no time was anyone trying to usurp anyone’s authority here. Our staff had undergone an already grueling day of surgeries and the DEA requested the physicians who were treating the parties on route continue. They just did not want to unnecessarily expend our resources. As to myself, I assure you that I am not trying to upset anyone or challenge anyone’s authority. The DEA wanted to maintain control. Considering it was one of the DEA’s own, I’m sure that each one of us here can understand that they were concerned and wanted to do all they could. They have even been transferred.” Thankfully I see heads nod and the matter is quickly dropped as Dr. Meyers steers us toward the matters at hand.

  After listening intently to his reiteration of the numbers and discussing pertinent matters, Geoffrey rises and goes to the door letting us know that a good friend and colleague is visiting who has undergone this type of construction of a plastic surgery wing and has been gracious enough to bring contact names, numbers and projected figures. Opening the door, a beautiful woman with turquoise eyes that sparkle strolls in. She is petite with flowing auburn hair. As she smiles, her whole face lights up. Walking over to Dr. Meyers, she shakes his hand briefly and then moves along through the Board, introducing herself as Ruth. As she comes to me, her smile is warm and soft, but as she places her hand in mine, the strangest sense passes through me and I inadvertently begin pulling my hand from hers, but she grips harder and does not let go. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Dr. Angelis. I have been reading about how much your efforts have contributed to the building of these wings and on your recent marriage. Congratulations.” As she says this, her features appear strange as if she knows something or wants to say more. I catch Geoffrey’s features which appear none too happy probably because of her civility towards me. I know that he was hoping that she would give me grief, immediately too. When she releases my hand, it tingles and the strange feeling lingers. Finally, she moves up to end of the table and turns on a laptop which I didn’t even realize was there and charts pop on screen as someone darkens the room. We spend the next hour going over information and when someone turns back on the lights, I gasp seeing five darkened shadows around her. Every eye in the room is now on me. Turning my gasp into a co
ugh quickly, I leap up and move from the room, hoping that they just think it is dry throat. Grabbing a water from the outside desk, as the Board members disburse they eye me and turn. Thankfully, only Mrs. Ford stops a moment to see if I’m alright and then leaves.

  Geoffrey ushers Ruth out and I’m surprised that she stares at me concerned. I feel as if she is searching my thoughts to discern the true reason I left the room. Geoffrey ushers her away from me thankfully, but as they pass me, I get the strangest sense of warmth followed by a chill so cold that I can’t help but shudder. As they await the elevator, I again see the shadows surrounding her. They are fainter under the bright halogens, but are unmistakably around her and appear to be humanlike in shape. Staring at one, I could swear I make out transparent facial features and caramel colored hair, but how could that be? Shaking my head, I wait until they leave and then take the stairs to my office. Looking at the time, I realize how late it is and call over to Andrew to find out how the children made out. Although they had a quiet day and are just finishing their homework Andrew tells me that there was a lot of activity in the school and that the DEA were searching lockers and questioning teachers. I let him know that Greg is here and was injured in the escape and what principal Walker was trying to get me to do.

  “Mia, you need to stay as far away from that situation as possible. That is something that Geoffrey could use against you and you don’t need this to be any more complicated than it is. How did the Board meeting go?”

  “It was very interesting, I’ll tell you about it when I get home. Several staff members pass my door moving toward the stairwell, something must be going on in emergency. I’ll be home as soon as I can. I love you.”

  With that, I head down the stairwell and find that there are several patients needing emergency assistance due to a multicar accident on the Bridge. By the time, I suture my last patient, it is close to midnight and when I go to grab my purse, Andrew is there waiting for me with a hot cup of coffee.

  “I thought you could use this before walking to the apartment.” His embrace energizes my worn body and I’m thankful that we will have a few minutes out of earshot so that I can tell him what happened with Geoffrey’s friend. His eyes grow concerned and I hear him gasp when I tell him of the strange energy I felt as she grasped my hand.

  “Mia, describe her to me.” After I do, he turns and stops. “Do you think that she may be in the hospital still?”

  “I doubt it, the meeting ended hours ago and there would be no reason for Geoffrey to stick around. He probably took her back to his house and is filling her head with stories about us. He seemed agitated when she was cordial to me today.” We are at the apartment door and he opens it for me, but does not follow me through so I turn to him.

  “I’ll be back shortly. I just want to see if I can find anything out.”

  “Andrew, be careful, I’m sure that Geoffrey’s place is well alarmed.”

  He chuckles and is gone instantly. The children are fast asleep and so is Sarah. Making myself a snack, I sit at the computer and update the patient records while putting in a call to Christian to see how they are doing with Anthony. I‘m surprised to hear that Jeff is back and is working with James to combat the hallucinogens discovered in Anthony’s system. I never really considered how such things could also impair us and wonder if they even harm us more because of our heightened senses. Christian lets me know that James and Jeff are hopeful that Anthony should be back in control within the next twenty-four to forty-eight hours.

  Staring at the screen, it blurs a moment and in that instant, I find myself standing in a darkened tunnel. Faint shouts emanate from deep inside. My hand runs along the rough rock surface. I move carefully forward so as not to fall. Walking several hundred feet, a faint flicker of light illuminates the catacomb. As my eyes scan the area, the ashen rock reminds me of a burnt coal, crumbly and weak. I remove my hand fearing my grip could cause this area to cave. Staying just inside the shadow, it sounds as if two males are arguing in hushed tones, but I can’t quite make out what they are saying. Inching my way closer, trying to stay within the protective shadow and away from the crumbling wall, I strain to hear them, but they are just not loud enough. Peeking inside, I’m shocked to see that the light is coming from an enormous stone fireplace taking up half the wall. Strangely, the room appears to be some type of plush office with an oversized, mahogany desk and chair standing before an ornate sculpture etched into the wall with two plush armchairs turned toward the roaring fire. The furniture appears strangely out of place, modern despite their antiquity, probably because of the Elizabethan nature of the room and the torches which are the only other light beside the fireplace casting soft shadows on the sandstone. Two men are sitting in the oversized cushioned chairs, their heads almost touching, but not quite. Staring, I try to make out their features, beyond just their profiles, but something semi-transparent obstructs my view. I gasp as I see faint shadows floating around them and in that instant someone grabs me from behind pulling me back.

  Opening my mouth, I want to scream, but nothing comes out. A soft voice is at my ear as a delicate, subtle scent seems to surround me calming me. I feel warm and safe, but am unsure why. I try to turn my head, but the way they are holding me, I can’t move. They whisper in my ear. “You can’t be here, not even in your dreams, if any part of you somehow crosses to this reality this far in, he could grab hold of you, confuse you, and convince you to stay. You can’t let that happen. We have …”

  Before the voice finishes, someone is shaking me and my eyes flutter open to meet Andrew’s concerned features. His hand is gently to my lips, probably cautioning me not to scream or speak to loud as Sarah is on the couch while Andrea and Alexander are still asleep in portable playpens. Despite my raging heart, I nod and acknowledge I know what he is doing. Removing his hand, he rises and goes out into the foyer. I follow.

  “Another nightmare?”

  “Not really.” He arches his eyebrow and I know that if I don’t explain, he will think that I am keeping something from him. We sit in the chairs opposite the elevators and he patiently waits as I search for the words to explain the strange happening that is my newest dream. After a long pause, the only words I can muster to explain it, I finally finish and his concern heightens.

  “Have you ever seen that place before?” I shake my head and he continues. “Close your eyes, and concentrate on the voice that was talking to you and dragging you back.” Closing my eyes, I clear my thoughts and just let the words flow through my mind. “Is the voice a male or female?” He inquires quietly, probably not to disturb my concentration.

  “Female.” I open my eyes in surprise.

  “No, close them again and concentrate on her voice. Have you heard it before?”

  My eyes flutter open surprised. “It can’t be, I must just be associating the voice, but I don’t know why?”

  “Whose voice?”

  “The woman Geoffrey brought in today, Ruth.”

  “You said you felt strange next to her. Do you think that she can be from our world?”

  Running her profile through my mind, she is definitely not a vampire, her skin was not cold and her cheeks and skin tone have too much color. When we shook hands, she didn’t feel hot, nor did I get the faint scent that I detect near Jeff and the other wolves, so I don’t think that she is a wolf, but I did see shadows around her, but were they surrounding her because she is a witch or were they surrounding her for some other reason? “I don’t know if she is one of us, maybe she is a witch, but I could be wrong. The only reason I am saying this is because I don’t know why shadows are surrounding her. Did you get close enough at Geoffrey’s, was she staying there?”

  “Yes, and I was able to get close to her room.” He snickers. I was on the balcony. He pauses.


  “It’s very strange, she had her back to me, she was on a laptop and I couldn’t see what she was writing, but she seemed rather agitated. She also appeared to have two auras
around her. A brighter one very close to her being while there is a darker one floating around her essence, but not too close. I have never seen anything like it.” He shakes his head as if to dispel some thought and then his tone drops. “I never thought I would say this, but the aura surrounding her seems even brighter than the one that I see around you.”

  “Did you see anything to indicate she is not human?”

  “No, but then again, I couldn’t stay on the balcony long. A few moments after I got there, she rose, turned half way around, almost as if she could detect me and then she turned toward the balcony and started coming toward it. I had to leave. She stepped out on it for a moment and then returned inside and closed the drapes.” He pauses for a moment. “Mia, the shadows you saw around her, other than at Sanctuary or in the alternate realm, had you ever seen shadows like that before?” Shaking my head, he seems lost in thought again.

  When I cannot stand the silence any longer, I reach across and take his hand. “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m not sure, it just seems that our world is surrounding you and the children here, more so than I have experienced in my five hundred years. I know that we have come across our own, but never in such quick succession and I feel energy building around us, but can’t really explain why. At first I thought it was just the children’s energy getting stronger, but now I am wondering if there is something more, something that we are missing.” I can feel my eyes widen and am not really sure what he is getting at. Seeming to recognize my confusion, he continues. “Mia, remember I told you that I felt a sense of familiarity with Scott.”

  “Yes, but couldn’t that be because of Jonathan’s connection to him. His interactions and your pretending to be him?”

  “At first, I thought so, but I have had no real connection to Jonathan Taylor, none of his memories or impressions would have imprinted upon me so that can’t be it. Then to have Anthony react as if he knew us, at first I thought it was confusion or a result of the stress, but there seems to be more going on here. Just think about how we were able to connect with Jacob that has never happened before. There seems to be some sort of shift going on and now with this new development with Ruth, you need to be careful when you are on your own. We have missed things in the past and now that we are together again and away from our family and the protections of Sanctuary, I just think that we need to be a little more vigilant and careful.”

  The worry etched in his face tells me that he believes that something is going on that we are not seeing. “Are you worried that the children could be hurt if we stay?” I can’t hide the anxiety from my voice, especially considering what happened the last time we were off Sanctuary grounds.

  Inhaling deeply, his response is measured. “We can’t keep them on the grounds forever, as we talked about before, eternity is long and they will want to explore the world around them. It may be that I am just nervous considering what brought you here in the first place, who was waiting for you, and then everything that the children have encountered but considering what Reginald is trying to attempt based on information from you, I think that we need to be watchful. His attempts to gain access to the netherworld could somehow open up an opportunity that they would not otherwise have.

  Taking my hand, his stare turns beseeching. “Just be careful around this Ruth, I don’t want you taking any chances.” He rises. “We should get you to bed, you must be exhausted after today and I know you have an early shift.” Going back into the apartment, we check on the children once more before snuggling in the sleeping bags before the starry night sky.

  Other than a spectacular snow storm which keeps the children out of school for two days, the week is fairly quiet, even at work. Ruth has not been around and Geoffrey for some unknown reason, but one for which I am very grateful, appears to be avoiding causing me grief.

  Ben stopped by the hospital to thank me again and let us know that Stephanie, Brian and Laurel are all doing well. Laurel has been asking about her brother. “Although Eva is being very cautious, she did talk to Jeff who said that he seems to be doing well and may even take Anthony up a few days for Christmas.”

  “Jeff did tell me that. Will you be working, spending it with your family, or are you going back up to spend it with Brian and Stephanie?”

  “My wife and I were thinking about going back up. Our children are thinking of spending the day with their in-laws this year since last year they spent it with us and we are just too far apart to split the day. Gabriel said that it would be no trouble for us to come and stay for a few days and that we may even be able to take them home.”

  “That’s wonderful.”

  He moves in closer to me. “Mia, what you have up there is amazing. I have to admit, when I first went up there, I did it because I was afraid that despite saving them, considering who some of you are and our natural inclination toward things, I was concerned, but I am amazed. You weren’t kidding when you said that you were only trying to help.”

  I laugh. “I’m not a good kidder. Besides, our kind has to stick together. Who else would tolerate us? Didn’t you say your wife is a real witch?”

  Now he laughs. “Could I buy you a cup of coffee? I’m waiting for Jack to come and pick me up and I would love for you to tell me how Sanctuary came about. I never thought I would see something like that and one of your members was telling me that there are other hospitals like that in other countries. Does everyone work together there as well?”

  We are in the cafeteria and I grab two coffees. “Why don’t we go back to my office. It is a little more private.”

  Entering my office, we sit. “Mia, are the other places secure for our kind as well to get help or was this assistance because your children are fond of Brian?”

  I shake my head. “They are there to help everyone. Although my children are fond of Brian, we would have helped regardless.” His jaw drops and he quickly tries to recover. “Ben, the people that we work with, the ones who have taken over the hospitals started by my husband’s family or have gone out to start clinics and communities of their own want to help.”

  He interrupts, surprise laces his tone. “But we are natural enemies, how did you get everyone working together.”

  I shake my head and smile. “I wasn’t there when they started working with witches, but we started working with the wolves when we all needed to rescue our children from other vampires.” He sinks into a chair.

  “You husband’s family went after their own kind!”

  I lower my voice in hopes that he will do the same. “Although my family doesn’t actively go after anyone, we do have encounters and anyone who is trying to harm others needs to be addressed. We also have some vampires who try to connect our kind with each other so that we can help one another and some wolves who actively patrol to thwart vampire attempts to kill humans.” Thankfully he is sitting because the blood appears to drain from his face.

  After finally finding his voice, he leans across the desk. “Mia, could you give me a list of those facilities. Considering what I saw at Sanctuary, if the other facilities assist the way they do up there, I would love to alert some of my fellow agents, who I know scramble each time they get hurt to help one another and then cover their tracks in not getting professional medical help. The paperwork becomes very convoluted, but if they didn’t have to worry about that and could actually get help when they really need it, it would make things much easier.”

  “If you come up to Sanctuary over Christmas, I’ll be sure that Catherine prints out a listing for you. She has it up there. If not, I’ll grab one while we are there and get it to you.”

  “You’re going up too?”

  “We thought it might be better for the children to be home for a few days.”

  Just then, there’s a knock on my door. Julian opens it and I can see his surprise. “Mia, I’m sorry to disturb you, but we have a six car pile-up. Two of them were mini-buses. There are at least ten children involved and the injuries are pretty bad. They are transporting them
in now. ETA is two minutes and Paul is on his way in.”

  Jumping from my seat, I say a quick goodbye and follow Julian to the elevators. Eighteen hours later, I am sitting on the bench outside of OR 3 and have a feeling of déjà vu as Andrew comes to sit beside me. Opening my eyes, “We should get you home, do you need me to carry you. I have a car waiting downstairs.” He hands me a cup of coffee.

  I shake my head a little too vigorously to get the image flashing through my thoughts quickly out. “Aren’t we just going to the apartment?”

  “Mia, we are leaving today.” I gasp realizing it is the next day.

  “Are the children back at the house?”

  “Yes, we’ll pack and then head home.”

  “Andrew, can you go home and pack so that I can finish the paperwork and pick me up on your way back?”

  “Mia, I’d rather you log in and complete the work from your tablet.” His voice is barely a whisper and I know from his rigidness that there must be someone here, he would rather I didn’t encounter now.”

  We walk down the hall, enter the elevators and are just crossing the lobby when I see Geoffrey with Ruth, talking to Dr. Meyers. Andrew quickly shuffles us out the door before they catch sight of us. “Is that why you wanted me to leave?” I inquire as we reach the parking lot.” He nods as he opens my door. “Andrew is there something that you saw that you are not telling me?”

  He slips into the driver’s seat. “No, it’s just that the last time you had an encounter with someone that you felt was questionable, we both know what happened and considering all that has gone on already, I don’t want to take any unnecessary chances.”

  Flashes of what led to all of this bombard my mind as emotions well within me. Despite it all, I cannot have his attention diverted considering his strange feelings with Scott and his preoccupation with achieving all that the real Jonathan Taylor desired to accomplish. Despite making great headway with Francis before our attention got diverted, I know that achieving success in this realm weighs upon his mind. “Andrew, I do not have the same feelings from Ruth that I did before and you said it yourself that the aura around her is very bright and that the shadows do not even appear to be able to pierce through.”

  He shakes his head. “Mia, we both know that I have been fooled before and I am not willing to take that chance again. I will…”

  Bringing my hand to his knee, I squeeze it before he can finish. “Don’t. You didn’t fail me with Daniela. No one could have foreseen what was going to happen and just think about all the lives that would have been lost if you didn’t go. Too many young people would have died, destroying families.”

  “But look at what happened to you.”

  “Andrew, no. That is all in our past and we need to leave it there. You were right, we are stronger and our family is more resilient because of everything we have gone through, the same way your family persevered when darkness tried to impair you.”

  I see his eyes narrow and know he disagrees. “Mia, did we really persevere or did we hide up there only helping a fraction of those who needed our help while failing to learn all that we should about our powers and those who try to claim the lives and souls on this plane. We should have been more vigilant, we should have saved more, and we should have reached out to more.”

  “Andrew, stop, you have done wonderful work.”

  He interrupts. “But Mia considering how long we have been here, we could have done so much more.”

  “Stop. You can’t save everyone and you are doing remarkable things for those you have touched. Just look at all of the hospitals which have formed over the last ten years because of the work you started. We have an eternity and our friends grow every day. We touch more lives than you realize.” My voice is a little angrier than I intend.

  He shakes his head as if trying to rid himself of some thought. “I’m sorry, you’re right. We still have a long way to go.” He forces a smile on his lips and falls silent for the remainder of the ride entrenched in thought.

  Entering the house, the children are packed and waiting downstairs. I laugh when I see Andrew’s and my bag already at the door with the others. “I hope you packed me something good.” I tease Nicole as she comes over to hug me.

  “We did. Alexander has eaten and is changed and all we have to do is load the bus and go home.” Her tone reflects her elation at the thought. “Do you think they have decorated the tree already?”

  I can see Andrew’s smile in my peripheral vision. “They saved the biggest for you.”

  Loading the bus, we get underway. The children are all chatting happily, but I can’t seem to tear my eyes from Anthony and the way he stares at us as if trying to bore into our very thoughts. I can see Christian trying to draw his attention and although Anthony responds, his eyes never shift from Andrew and I. As the miles pass, I can see his features shift between skeptical and angry. I rise and am about to go over to him and see if I can speak with him, but Alexander begins to cry and as if Andrew knows my intention, he puts his hand on my shoulder and shakes his head. I sit with Alexander and can see Andrew shift in his seat so as to block Anthony’s view of us and he seems to be concentrating, possibly on the now extremely hushed conversation that I can no longer hear between Christian and Anthony.

  As we reach the higher elevations, snow blankets the wonderful pine trees and surrounding roads. Andrew takes over the driving from Grant, probably because he is more familiar with the twist and turns that we are traveling through. An hour later, we are pulling through the gate. The children jump out, hug Eva and Jackson who are waiting for us, grab their bags and head to the residency. I can hear Anthony tell Christian that he is anxious to see Laurel and Jeff interjects. “Just give me a moment, I know that everything seems fine, but we did agree that you would always have one of us with you while visiting in case there are any unforeseen residuary effects. Why don’t we get you settled, give me a moment to get my family settled and then we will go and see her.”