Read Secrets of Sanctuary Hospital Andrew and Mia's Encounter Page 9

  Chapter Seven - New York On A New Day

  The drive home is quiet. Anthony is staying with Christian for a few more days and everyone seems to be entrenched in their own thoughts.

  Settling back in as the children get ready for school, I prepare dinner and Andrew is poring over responses to letters he sent to various agencies as Jonathan. At 8:30 there is knock on the door. Opening it, Claire, Ben a young woman whom I assume is Casey and a tall gentleman who must be her husband are on the step. Moving back to allow them in, I see the astonished and excited look on Casey’s face as she flashes a glance to Claire.

  Moving into the library, I can see Jacob coming down the stairs, but waive him off. I don’t want the children involved in this, not yet anyways, too much is still unknown.

  Shutting the door behind me, I see his disgruntled look.

  Casey holds out her hand. “It’s amazing to meet you. I never….”

  Before she can say anymore, Claire touches her shoulder and she stops talking and I can hear Claire whisper. “Remember, she said she is not her.”

  “Please sit down, would anyone like some tea or coffee?”

  The gentleman beside her speaks as they sit. “I’m Adam. If it’s not too much trouble, I would love a cup of coffee. I have to work the late shift tonight.”

  Andrew moves, but I need a minute, I can see Casey’s excitement and I am still not sure whether Andrew is right or that James is for that matter. In fact, I’m surprised that he hasn’t arrived yet. Hopefully his flight is not delayed much longer. He was supposed to arrive two hours ago. I was hoping to talk to him before she revealed anything to me. I don’t want to be the cause of her losing her powers or worse, any type of retribution which may come her way.

  A cool set of hands causes me to jump, spilling some of the coffee on the counter. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you, but you were gone a little too long and I became concerned.”

  “Help me grab some refreshments for the others. I was just thinking about…”

  “Me I hope” James comments as he slips in the back door.

  “Yes in fact.”

  “I had to catch a later flight so that I could meet up with Mark and convince him to come back with me.

  As the tall gentleman enters behind him his eyes shift wildly between Andrew and myself, but then lock on mine. He drops to his knees and my world becomes black.

  Waking on the couch in the living room, I can see Andrew’s concerned eyes staring at me and can feel the cool cloth upon my head. “How long have I been out?”

  “Only a minute or two. I sent James in to tell them that you got an emergency call from the hospital and wouldn’t be long.”

  Sitting up too quickly, my head begins to spin. Andrew hands me a glass of water, take a few sips and just rest a moment. “Andrew, do you know who that is?” I can barely push the words past my lips?

  “I know who he looks like and from his reaction, I know who he thinks we are, but Mia, we need to deal with the Casey situation first. Once they leave, we can talk to him. James asked him to go wait in the office.

  As we enter the library, I can hear Casey whispering to her husband in the corner that her mother has to be wrong and I know they must have been arguing about who I am. As we cross the threshold, I hear her husband caution her that if I am Saria and want to stay anonymous, she shouldn’t push it or they could both be gone in the blink of an eye. I can’t help but gasp. Could this witch really be able to make someone disappear? Adam’s eyes meet mine before giving Casey one more cautioning glance and moving her forward.

  As we all take our seats, I can feel the change in atmosphere, the charge of anxiety and concern building around us. I wonder briefly if this is what Andrew meant by feeling the energy building around us and if this too is something new. Staring at the faces staring at me, I can see a haze in the room emanating off of each of them.

  “”Mia, I know that you tried to convince my mother that you are not the one that I should be sharing the images with, but you are wrong. I don’t understand why you are hiding. Consider how much your coven has suffered through the centuries. You need to stop the hunt, let them complete their mission and stop hiding, cowering. Obviously, you have the power to defeat death, look who is still at your side, look who you have brought back. Are you so afraid to lose him even for a moment that you would let your people, your followers suffer and be hunted without …” Before she can say another word, Claire jumps from her seat, stands before her and half turns to address her while straining to keep cautious eyes upon my folded hands.

  “Don’t. Remember what I told you, please, it is not good to challenge someone so ancient. Most back then sought revenge for such disrespect.” She turns to me. “If you need to seek revenge, take it out on me, please leave her alone, she is young and sometimes too impetuous for her own good when she believes those around her are needlessly suffering.”

  I hold up my hand and her eyes grow wide as she braces for some ill-provoked impact. “Claire, I am not going to do anything to you or Casey. I have no reason to harm either one of you.” As she relaxes and moves back next to Ben, I turn to Casey. “I am not Saria, nor would I hide from anyone if I knew people were being slaughtered because of me. You talk of this ancient being and we have learned that her spirit or someone close around her may be around us, but I am not her and Andrew is not this Sahir you speak of. He has been Andrew for over five hundred years.” I can see the skepticism in her eyes and I shift forward. “Casey, you say that Saria’s coven has been hunted in some way by this Reabin and his men. If that is the case, wouldn’t after so many centuries of Andrew walking this earth someone from his coven have told Reabin that Andrew was here and wouldn’t they have gone after him if he was Sahir?”

  Andrew interjects and I can see he is impressed with my reasoning. “She’s right. If I were this Sahir, I traveled all over in my early days, been through many countries, made many friends and have fought many an enemy. You said that Saria’s people believed that Reabin was part demon, the demon world has known where I have been for quite some time and if I were this Sahir the demon and his followers have been hunting, someone from the underworld would have come hunting me, since you say that they hunt Saria and Sahir’s followers?”

  Casey stares at us and I can tell from her expression that she is seriously considering what we are telling her. She shakes her head and I can see Adam’s arm move closer to her. It appears that he is trying to inconspicuously touch her arm. I wonder if they are somehow communicating without the spoken word. I hear her sharp intake of breath and her tone is now contrite. “I apologize for my outburst. I became more involved in this than I ever anticipated and considering when I look at you I see those from history standing before me, I got carried away. In any case, you are the one who showed my mother the images which require that I now share what your son…” Adam nudges her. “Saria’s son looks like on this plane so that you can reunite…them” Standing up, I raise my hand cautioning her and motioning for her to sit back down.

  “Casey, please hear me out before you do anything. It is imperative that you consider what I am saying before you decide to show me anything. I have been involved with some very strange occurrences, granted nothing like that of the event I saw when I touched your mother’s arm, but my seeing that was unintentional Then when she conducted the spell, I know that she saw what I saw, but that has happened to me with past events before. Individuals who have connected to me in certain things when I have seen past events have seen what I have. I did not purposefully show your mother the images, maybe it is because of my fluke with sharing with some images of past events before and when you were told that you are to share with the person who shows your mother Sahir, they must have meant a person who purposefully shows your mother this image. I know how concerned your mother became when I saw the first image that she would lose her powers and there would be some form of retribution against her, you need to consider this possibility before making another
move. Maybe you could even speak to whoever gave you this instruction. I am going to be here. I am not going anywhere, if you then want to come back and share the image with me, I will be happy to see it, but for now, I don’t think that it would be a good idea, I could cause you more harm than good if you are wrong. Although I am not an enemy of this Saria and one of our researchers says there is a possibility that she or someone close to her is around me and that is why everyone is confusing me with her or seeing me more like her than I may be, I would like everyone to take a step back before we take actions that may have irreversible and dire consequences.”

  Although I see her disapproving features, I can tell that Adam appears relieved and that he is in agreement. Casey opens her mouth, but as Adam stares and me and realizes that I am aware they are non-verbally communicating, he no longer appears worried about being inconspicuous and grabs her wrist. She immediately closes it and half turns to him. Staring at each other for several moments, I turn my attention to Claire who appears to be considering what I said and assessing our arguments as well. Adam finally rises and he has the attention of the room.

  Holding his hand out to me, he smiles. “Mia thank you for meeting with us tonight. You are right. Considering the repercussions of making a mistake in this area, we will step back and possibly talk to the one who instructed Casey. If it is alright with you may I call you in a day or two and let you know where we are with things?”

  Reaching into my pocket, I get out one of my business cards and hand it to him. “My numbers are listed here and you can reach me at any time.” I turn to Casey. “Please think about this carefully no matter who you speak with.”

  She nods, but I can still see the aggravation in her eyes.

  Ben comes up to me as the others are in the foyer, “Mia, thank you for being so cautious, I know what Casey thinks, but you may be right and I would hate for anything to happen to her.”

  “So would I that is why I wanted her to stop and talk to whoever gave her the instructions.” I grab his wrist and my features implore him to look at me. “Ben, please try to talk some reason into her, I don’t think that I am the one she is to tell and I can see her resolve to share the images with me. I can tell Adam was trying to dissuade her and she was digging in her heels.”

  Despite the shock in his eyes as my implications seep into his consciousness, I can also see his understanding at my concern. “I will see what I can do, but when she gets something into her head, there is no dissuading her. I’m sure the next two days in her house will be pure hell. She hates waiting and will torture Adam about it and then contact you as soon as possible, but I will try to talk to her.”

  As we join the others, Andrew opens the door. The cool air rushes in and I shiver as we say our good nights. I turn hoping to go into the library to speak with Jason and the man of my past vision. Stepping away from Andrew, I hear Adam scream for someone to watch out. Turning, I see shadows whirling around Casey and panic. Running through the doorway, I flick my wrists forward and see Claire do the same, but our energies somehow collide and we are both knocked down. Andrew is by my side, helping me to my feet. Casey is about two feet off the ground and I can see the panic in Claire’s eyes as Ben is helping her up. Andrew is pulling me to my feet and has my left hand as I thrust forward my right. Gasps echo through the darkness as a fiery stream of energy hits the two shadows holding Casey, thrusting them back and causing Casey to fall towards the ground.

  Adam immediately thrusts himself forward and is upon her protectively, probably fearing the shadows’ return and Claire and Ben rush to stand protectively in front of him. I am frozen to my spot, stunned and staring as the remnants of the glistening stream echoing against the darkened night sky like the remnants of an extinguished firework.

  As my eyes dart through the darkness, the shadows, now five are coming at us all. Adam rises with Casey, pushes her protectively behind him as Ben jumps before Casey and Claire. The shadows begin whirling a vortex around them. Knowing what this could mean, I force myself from my immobility and throw my hands forward, but my energy doesn’t penetrate the dust storm now surrounding them. I can see their feet leaving the ground. If they get too high, a fall will finish them. Something inside of me screams to grab Andrew’s hand again before my flicking wrist completely extends. As I do, another fiery bolt of energy is thrust at the vortex. As the cyclone bursts apart, a force of energy unlike anything I have felt before thrusts us deep into the sinking earth below our feet. Andrew rises quickly with me in his arms and climbs out of the three foot deep hole which was once our perennial garden. Staring up, fearing the shadows will come at us, I am shocked to see a shimmering gray mist forming between us and them before they flee into the darkness.

  Moving quickly toward Claire, Ben, Adam and Casey, we are joined by Jason, Jeff and his men.

  “Mia, what’s going on? Were those the same shadows that we encountered with Anthony?”

  I don’t know why, but as I step back and think about them, I realize that they were not and shake my head before turning to Casey.

  “Is everyone alright?’

  Casey jumps to her feet. “Mia, Reabin’s men, they found you, you have to let …” She grabs my wrists and an image of a young boy leaning down over me, no more than five or six years old flashes before my eyes. His face wrought with concern and as I stare into his teary eyes, I catch my ashen reflection. Feeling something trying to push its way through, another image, I try to rip my wrist from hers, but as I do, I am thrown off balance and Andrew grabs me, steadying me. As he does, my will to block the encroaching images waivers and flashes of this boy growing into a man bombard my consciousness. I hear Andrew gasp as I finally rip my wrist from Casey. My eyes shift from her to him, he appears stunned. “What wrong?”

  My high pitched voice pierces through Adam’s worried words as he now has Casey’s hand in his grasp. “What have you done?”

  Ripping her hand from his she shouts. “What I had too. We can’t wait. If they found her, found him, they can’t hide any longer. They have to act now before it’s too late.”

  “They aren’t them! Weren’t you listening? Even if they are connected to them somehow, maybe you weren’t supposed to show her. What if they are the catalysts to lead you to who you were supposed to show the image too? You know you only had one opportunity to share the image. If you are wrong…”

  Before he can finish, I interrupt. “Maybe we should go back inside.” I urge.

  They head in, but I can see the concern in each of their eyes and know it is not merely the shadows. Surprisingly, the children did not appear to hear the commotion, all is quiet upstairs.

  As Adam opens his mouth, Jason speaks before he can start on Casey again. “Adam, what did you mean that Casey only had one opportunity to share the image?”

  Entering the living room, once more, I can see the door to the library is ajar and can hear soft whispers coming from the low lit room. Andrew moves toward the door and I can see surprise and maybe even worry in his features at whatever he is hearing and wonder who is in the room with Jason’s companion.

  Adam sits and turns to Casey. “There is no use in keeping anything back now.” Trepidation rips through his tone as he begins speaking and despite his words, I can tell he is still worried about what can come of revealing what they know. “When Casey received the image, Castore explained to her that because the knowledge of what Ma’at looks like on this plane in this century is so dangerous, that those they pick to hold his secret only have one opportunity to share the image and once they do, they can no longer recall the image themselves.”

  All eyes shift towards Casey who for the first time appears nervous and to be questioning her choice. As Adam’s eyes meet hers, I can see the mist forming at the corners of her eyes. “I can’t see him anymore.” Her voice cracks as a tear escapes and I can see for the first time her resolve waiver. “What if you’re right? I …” Her head falls into her hands as sobs now rip from her chest.

dling her to his chest, Adam’s voice becomes soft. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have jumped all over you. No matter what happens, you will be fine. You didn’t blow anything. They are not Saria’s enemy. Nothing will happen to you.”

  Before he can say another word, she pulls back. “I’m not worried about me. If you are right and I blew it when Reabin or his men are here, I have put everyone in danger, including Ma’at.” She jumps out of his embrace, moves swiftly to the hallway and can’t seem to contain her pacing. Mumbling to herself, I catch some of her words “…stupid …impulsive…suffering… demon.”

  Her last word stops me dead in my tracts as Claire, Ben and Adam are now trying to calm her down.

  “Give them a minute.” Andrew is at my side and is now whispering in my ear. He turns his back to them and is now looking at, Jeff, Jason and I. His voice is barely audible to me, but I can tell, Jeff and Jason hear him clearly. “She is worried now because if Adam is right, she fears she just showed someone tied to a demon the one image Saria’s people have fought for centuries to protect.” Although I am at a loss, Jason and Jeff shake their heads. Catching my confusion, Andrew directs his attention at me. “Mia, I’m the demon she now fears.”

  “You’re not a ….”

  Before I can finish, he puts his finger to my lips, silencing me as I hear the voices in the hall abruptly stop. Andrew’s lips are at my ear. “Mia, vampires are seen by witches as having ties to the demon world and considering who made me, she is closer to the truth than she realizes.”

  I shake my head vigorously, but his hand is upon my lips silencing me before my boisterous objection can escape. Pulling me back to his ear, his soft rebuff is also a warning. “I know what you are going to say and I am not opening up that argument, but considering how spiked her heart rate is now, we need to calm her down and the less said to alarm her the better.”

  Stepping back, I can hear that Jason has joined them and is trying to reassure Casey that everything should be fine. “They have never sided with the darkness. Their family suffered greatly because dark forces came after them so believe me when I tell you that you have not shared the image with someone who will hurt the child or their men. If they ever did come across him, I’m sure they would fight to protect him if they saw harm coming his way. They have always fought to protect people.”

  Ben interjects. “Casey you know what we said about Sanctuary. Being there, I believe that they do fight the demons. I even heard some of the wolves talking about fights against their own where they took out vampires.”


  Before she can continue, Adam places his arms around her now shaking body. “Casey, you believed we were all wrong telling you not to share the image and you know that you would have come here in a day or two all hell bent to share the image no matter what. Don’t lose your resolve now. You need to stay strong. We can even go and speak with Castore.” He turns with Casey in his arms. “Mia, considering what happened this evening, would you mind if we returned with Castore if she wants to meet with you?”

  Moving into the foyer, “I am working the early shift, but should be here after four.”

  Casey is still shaking as Adam says good-bye and they all leave. Jason is already inside as Andrew and I enter with Jeff behind us. I am surprised to see that Jacob is there talking with the man. Entering he rises quickly and Jacob runs toward us. “Mom, this man has seen you and dad too.” I am shocked that from his tone he appears convinced that it is us and not people who have similar features. “He showed me images of dad fighting demons on a ship and then you in the water and …”His tone rises to a crescendo and he can’t get out the words.

  The gentleman speaks. “I didn’t mean to, he saw the image of you dying…” Before he can finish, Jacob has my wrist and the image is flashing through my thoughts. I feel Andrew place his hand on my shoulder. My frame is gaunt, except for my bulging stomach, my face is ashen and filled with pain. I can feel the contraction as my eyes meet the man who is standing before me. He is delivering my child. As the child cries, he places her on my stomach and I grab his wrist.

  “Protect her and promise me to get her to her brothers.”

  “I promise, no harm will come to her, but what can I do for you?”

  I am struck with the strangest feeling and realize I can feel my soul fighting to escape the confines of my body. Placing my hand on his heart, I can see a glow escaping out from underneath. “I know who I am now and cannot stay on this plane, but I need you to protect the children and accept immortality. I have no one else to give it to. It is a gift and a curse. I’m sorry.”

  He nods. “I told you I will protect them. I’m sorry we could not save the captain, but your family is safe, they will not find them. I will get to your brother-in-law and get your daughter to her brothers.” The glow beneath my hand flares and then the light fades as the final burst of energy escapes my corporeal confines. He kisses my forehead and raises the child to my lips. I am too weak now to even lift her. Kissing her forehead, “Remember, I love you always and will be watching you Cass….” The image fades and I know it is because the woman in the vision is gone, at least her body is.

  As I come back to the here and now, Jacob is staring at me and I can see the mist in his eyes as all other eyes are upon Andrew and I.

  “Jacob, how did you see that?”

  When all of the commotion started, I came down the stairs, I was going to come outside to help you, but Mark told me to come inside, he said that the shadows were not a danger, they were here to reveal something.”

  My eyes shoot from Jacob to him and he nods. “I couldn’t let Jacob assist you, I could see and feel the energy surrounding those spirits; they were not here to harm anyone; they were here to help. I assume they must have been here to reveal the power you and Andrew have on this plane together. I imagine from your surprise, you did not know of this before.” Seeing our shock, he smiles in understanding and continues. “When I convinced Jacob to come inside, we observed through the window. Shadows are not what attacked you, they were shrouded spirits.” I can feel my mouth fall open, but he continues. “I have seen it before, spirits shrouding themselves in darkness to bring out powers of the ones they seek to help. It happened to me shortly after I laid you to rest. I didn’t understand that when you gave me your immortality that you passed along powers as well.”

  I interrupt. “That could not have been me.”

  He shakes his head. “Of course it was you. You saw the visions, it is unmistakable. I never thought that you would come back. I wasn’t aware that you could, but then again, I have seen so many inexplicable things since our last encounter.”

  “It couldn’t have been me. It must have been one of my ancestors that you were with.” Even as I say this though, I wonder if in some way he is correct considering I saw the visions before ever seeing him. Before I can even continue my train of thought, Jacob interrupts.

  “Mark, why would spirits want to look like demons? That doesn’t seem right.”

  Sitting down, he motions for Jacob to sit in the chair next to him. His features relax and his tone sounds like that of a centuries old teacher. “Jacob sometimes fear motivates us to attempt things that we would not otherwise try. It touches something inside us to do all that we can to achieve an escape or a result which we may not believe is possible, but in a moment of need our desperation for the outcome spurs actions which we may never consider. Desperation and the thought that we have nothing to lose sometimes overpowers our self-doubt and we just try our hardest without restriction.” I can see Jacob’s eyes light up and realize he is thinking about the first time he was at this house.

  “But isn’t it dangerous for spirits to shroud themselves in darkness?”

  He smiles. “Most of the time no. Even if they were to be removed from this plane, they will return home and if they cannot get back here for a while, a new spirit would be sent to help complete their mission.” His eyes cloud over momentarily and his tone becomes a whisper.
“On occasion, however, it can be dangerous if they go up against one who can abolish their soul to the other side for all eternity or they come across one who causes the soul to dissipate entirely releasing the energy like energy released into the atmosphere never to be joined again.”

  Jacob gasps. “That happened to someone you knew didn’t it.” His voice cracks and he reaches over and touches Mark’s hand. A moment later a tear escapes down his cheek and I can see that he must have seen whoever was close to Mark.

  Mark leans across. “Jacob, it’s alright, it happened a long time ago.”

  “Do any of them ever come back?” I can see desperation and surprise in Jacob’s expression.

  Mark smiles. “I was privileged centuries ago to have my daughter return for a short time, but she needed to return, she had obligations home and only came to force out the powers of a young woman who swore she didn’t have powers and that even if she did, she would never use them and enter the world that ripped her family away.”

  Considering all that has happened I have to ask even though my own thoughts scream that it cannot be a possible. “When your daughter returned, did she return in hu…” I shake my head as my throat closes refusing to let such an impossibility escape my lips. Closing my eyes momentarily, I change to a somewhat more reasonable question. “Did she come back as a spirit?” Although I can’t believe that this is a more reasonable question, knowing that I saw my mom and sister, at least my mind allows me to acknowledge this type of possibility.

  “She did but did not stay long so she did not need to borrow a body to complete her task, like some of those who stay longer. Although, I must say, I have never seen a spirit come back corporally as itself. I knew the two of you were special considering what we experienced that day on the boat, the loop, but I never imagined this.” He is now staring at Andrew and I. As Mark recounts the loop experienced by Sahir and Saria’s escaping coven ring in my mind, I barely hear Mark. “How did you do it? You haven’t changed. I never thought after they destroyed you.” Then he turns and stares at me. “I buried you myself. How did you …” He stares with such intensity, it is almost as if he is trying to will out what happened.

  Jacob’s stare is also intense. “Mark although I appreciate you traveling all this way, it couldn’t have been me.” Although even as I say this I can hear the doubt in my tone and wonder why so much is now happening around us. As this thought occurs to me, a question unfolds. “Mark how did Jason find you so quickly?”

  “He didn’t. I sought him out.” My eyes glance to Jason and he nods. “Cassandra contacted me and told me that Jason would be searching ancient scrolls for answers to questions regarding events in which I could help and that it was crucial that I contact him and that you see me. She said that I would be able to help you with some unanswered questions and I can see now why she was insistent that I see you immediately. For so many spirits to surround you, something big of which you play a central role must be unfolding. I have never seen such a contingent nor have I ever felt the presence of such energy, but then again, considering the numbers in this house and that surround you, I can see why she said things are moving quickly.”

  He is talking as cryptically as she is now. “Mark can you help us decipher what is going on and who is around us or are you tied like Cassandra is to our having to find out most of this on our own?”

  “I am not tied to the same rules as gatekeepers. However, I am also not in the loop of knowledge that they have. I would love to tell you what is going on, but I am not privileged to know that at this time.”

  “Can you tell us how Cassandra got in touch with you?”

  “She called me and gave me Jason’s number to call and said that he would be called upon within twenty-four hours from my speaking with her to begin researching some events and that I needed to call him by then because it was imperative for me to travel with him and meet some people.”

  “Did she say anything else?”

  “She told me that I would understand when I arrived the importance of my journey and that I was to stay and assist you in any way possible until she and someone named Reginald returns. “

  The silence which descends upon the room becomes unbearable and Andrew final interjects. “On that little she told you, you left to find Jason and traveled here.”

  “I called Jason first.” He chuckles. “As soon as he told me of the situation, I left to join him immediately. When Cassandra or the others call, one moves immediately.”

  “What others, are the woman’s other children still alive?”

  His eyes turn sad. “Only one besides the girl still resides on this plane, her older brother. Your other two children died in battle. I’m sorry, we tried to protect them, and did for a century, but as time changed and they ventured out…” He stops suddenly as tears escape my eyes. “I’m sorry, I did try to protect them…”

  I raise my hand. “No, I’m sorry, I don’t even know why I’m crying.”

  Andrew interjects as he pulls me so that my back is against his front and his hands are rubbing my upper arms in a soothing gesture. “Mark, did Cassandra give you a way to get in touch with her?

  “No, she said she would be unreachable, but she did say that she was hoping that it would only be a few days and then they were planning on returning.”

  Wiping my tear, I hope he is right and that Reginald and Amanda are retuning and are not in too bad a shape that they can’t give us some answers because from everything I discerned from Andrew, Cassandra’s cryptic ways will only send us in further circles and if Mark and Andrew are correct in the increasing energy around us, I don’t want this unfolding without something to go on.

  I see Jacob yawn. “Why don’t you go to bed?”

  As he rises, so does Mark. “If you don’t mind, I would like to retire as well. It has been a long few days.”

  “Of course, let me show you to a room.” Jason interjects.

  “Mia, would you mind showing me the room?” He inquires and I can see Andrew’s curiosity as to why Mark wants to get me alone, but he keeps his mouth shut and moves toward Jacob before they exit the room.

  Moving toward the foyer, he is right behind me, but doesn’t say anything. Opening one of the vacant rooms, I move inside and flick on the lights and turn to leave. “Can I get you anything?”

  “No, but I think I have an answer to your unspoken question. Slowly he places his hand on my wrist and closes his eyes. As he does an image begins forming in my mind of a young man. He is tall, statuesque with chestnut hair. As the young man turns and his eyes meet mine, I gasp. Mark’s hand retreats from my arm and the image vanishes. “I’m sorry, I thought you wanted to know what he looked like.”

  “I did, but…” I am about to tell him that the image he showed me is the same young man that Casey showed me, but I just can’t seem to find the right words and wonder if I have the right. “How did you know that I wanted to see him?”

  His eyes drop, but as they return to mine, I can see a resolve in his eyes as if he made a decision. “I could hear you debating the idea of asking me in your mind and the fear that it would somehow validate what I was saying if you remember seeing your son.” My mouth drops open, but he continues to shock me. “I cannot tell you why Ma’at and Peter are the same for sure. Maybe you traveled with him to the time when I knew you and you had your daughter, but you do not have to be afraid to ask me anything or show me anything. Maybe I can help. I would never harm you or your family. I swore to protect all of your children, no matter what period they come from.”

  We stare at each other for what feels like hours until I finally find my tongue. “Are you saying you believe that I was in more than one time period and that this boy traveled with me? If that were true, why wouldn’t he and my daughter be with me now?” I don’t mean to but I find that I have involuntarily fisted my hands and hit my upper thighs.

  Grabbing my upraised hands, “Mia, please, don’t get frustrated. I’m sure that there is an explanation. Maybe
when Cassandra returns all will be revealed.”

  “Do you know where the boy is now?” He shakes his head. “I thought you said you were protecting them.”

  “I did until they became of age and then we kept in touch and I would come wherever they were whenever they needed me, but we all had our jobs to do. I can tell you this, about a year ago Peter said he had to come to the Continental United States because he feared someone he was close to was going to get themselves into trouble. I wanted to meet him here, but he said that this was something that he had to do himself and then ranted about rules and how he couldn’t get anyone else involved in breaking them.”

  “Have you spoken to him since or was that the last you heard from him?” I can feel the panic rising within me for fear something happened to him.”

  “Mia, I have heard from him. As of a few days ago he was doing fine. Please calm down, it is not good for you to get upset. If you would like, I can try to reach him in the morning, find out where he is and see if he would be willing to come here and meet with you.”

  “Would you do that?”

  “Of course, but I think that it would be best for you to calm down and maybe you should go and rest and let us see what tomorrow brings.”

  I grasp his hand. “Mark what about the girl, can you show me what she looks like?” His features fall. “What’s wrong?” I can feel the panic rising within me, what if something has happened to this girl?

  His voice turns very soothing, but I see him taking a step back and wonder if it is so that he will not show me her. “She has asked that I not reveal her image, she said that all will reveal itself in time, when you are truly ready.”

  I can feel my frustration heighten with this new puzzle, but know better than to push him, especially since he has already been so forthcoming and we may need him to help us locate the boy “Thank you Mark for showing me Peter and thank you for coming.”

  “Are you kidding, it is my pleasure. Actually it is a shock to see you again. A good one for once though.” He shakes his head in disbelief. “I will see you in the morning.

  Retreating to my room, Andrew is sporting a cup of tea. “Are you alright? What took you so long?” He inquires handing me the cup.

  “Mark showed me the boy but said that the girl has asked to stay anonymous at this time.” Looking up at him, I can see curiosity raging in his eyes. “Andrew is it possible that we are not seeing our ancestors but are actually seeing ourselves in another time?”

  He stares at me and I can see he is searching for an answer himself. “I think that it is more likely that we are seeing ancestors, but honestly, I can’t say anything for certain. “ Putting down the cup of tea, I take hold of his hand hoping to show him the images that were shown to me.”

  “Mia, I thought that we agreed that I would be the only one who went around Scott. We don’t know how much he knew of the real Jonathan and his mother’s relationship. What if he knew about Jonathan and his mother and his memories of their involvement have not been wiped, we don’t want to upset him thinking he is coming into contact with the woman who replaced his mother. I would rather any encounter be with me directly.”

  My concentration is broken and I stumble backward onto the bed. Looking up, I can see the concern in Andrew’s eyes. “I was showing you Ma’at and Peter, they appear to be the same person.” As the realization of his words hit me, I can see the importance of this discovery has hit him too. Staring at each other, we are both left speechless. Could this be why Andrew felt familiarity with Scott and why everything seems to be coming together now? I don’t know whether to feel relief in that we could just be messengers for the ancestors around us trying to get the new faces around us together or fear for what may be culminating into some new path that will lead us right into the thick of a world that could crush my family. Rising, I want to grab the children, get them to Sanctuary where at least they would have their family and some protection even if we are being called upon for some other purpose, but as I take a step forward, I’m bombarded by the vision of hell with my family trapped in the all-consuming fires. I feel the fire consuming them as Jonathan emerges at my side once more stopping me from burning, but also imprisoning me within my own being from freeing those that I love. I’m frozen, watching helplessly as all those I love, all those I want to protect and all those who deserve to live free from the darkness that appears somehow connected to me are desecrated by the piercing flames surrounding my existence. I hear myself gasp and can feel the sulfur on my tongue before the image is extinguished and I feel Andrew’s strong arms lifting me to his chest. I blink, but still I cannot see. New images are flashing before my eyes too fast. A pit of rising lava, darkened burned out caves, crumbling tunnels, each filled with springing shadowy and fiery creatures leading to the cavernous room and faces which feel familiar but which I do not recognize.

  I feel Andrew pulling me back to the surface and we are now in a room with a fiery Pentateuch glowing from a wooden floor. Andrew and I are standing among the flames in the middle as cloak enshrouded individuals are holding flaring candles and spouting chants in various languages. As our eyes finally focus, Jacob removes his hood and throws himself at Andrew and I as the floor opens once more and the veil before my eyes is lifted. As my eyes meet Andrew’s I know he was with me and saw the room.

  “Are you alright?” Andrew’s tone reflects his anxiety as he moves me back toward the bed.

  “I’m fine, but how much did you see?” I rasp. My throat is dry and I reach for the tea.

  “I saw some shadow filled caves and the room with the Pentateuch, but Mia, before that, I felt a flash burn as I pulled you to my chest in hopes of cooling you.

  Grabbing his forearm as he sits beside me, “We need to get the children back to Sanctuary! Jacob was in that room with us.”

  Embracing me tightly, he fights to make his tone calm. “I saw him, but Mia, nothing is going to happen to him. The room is not here that you saw.”

  “You recognize the room!”

  “I do, it is where my imprisonment started and I will not let it be the start of his.” Although I can hear his resolve and know that he is much stronger now, we are no match for what I saw consuming them and I did not see who else was in the cloaks surrounding him.”

  “Andrew, we need to go home, they need all of the protection that they can have. We have nothing here to help protect them.”

  “Mia we could go home, but that won’t make whatever is building go away. We can’t hide and admit it, you really wouldn’t be happy waiting for the darkness to find a new way in. I know that you are scared, so am I, but you have always told me that we are strong and you’re right, we are strong and we will stick together and face this. We need to get some answers, open our minds to the possibilities that we are fighting and see where that leads. Running won’t solve anything and you know that.”

  Releasing a breath, I didn’t even know I was holding I pull him closer. “I know you’re right, but Andrew, how can we protect them here? How can we stay? What if the vision of our family being consumed is what is facing us, how can we protect them, how can I not make them return to Sanctuary hoping to offer them some protection from that horror?

  There is a knock on the door. “Come in Jeff”

  Stepping thought the door, his features appear strained and he focuses on me. “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but you sounded so scared. Whatever is going on, you have never backed down from a fight and things are happening around you for a reason. We are here and can help protect all the children, I can call more of my men down and” he turns to Andrew, “maybe you should call your family to come down as well, but you shouldn’t hide from this.” Turning his attention back to me, “Mia, you saw how powerful David became because they allowed it.” Disdain as he refers to his former pack drips like Vermont syrup being extracted from a tree. “I know that you are scared after what happened for your children and Andrew, but just think about how you will feel if you allow this to go and whatever
is building around you gets stronger, grows, destroys more, influences others to cause more havoc, you won’t be able to live with yourself, you won’t be able to deal with the feelings that you put your family in further danger or are hiding them away to postpone you know what will not be stopped unless you allow us to work together and fight it. They don’t go away, you know that, unless you destroy it, face it and send it back, you will never be free and neither will your family.”

  I know he’s right and that fear is motivating my desire to run. Can I find the resolve and strength to move forward with this? Lost in my own thoughts, I close my eyes searching for the strength to commit to doing the right thing. Somewhere his conversation with Andrew is registering before he apologizes again to Andrew for interfering. “I have just learned that sometimes a neutral voice is better heard than someone close to the situation.”

  “Thank you.” The door shuts and I can feel Andrew sit beside me, but cannot quite open my eyes, not yet. “Mia don’t hide from me, talk to me, please.” He pleads.

  My eyes flutter open. “I’m not hiding, I’m searching for what you always believe I have, the resolve to do the right thing.”

  Pulling me to his chest, his fingers lift my chin so that my eyes meet his. “You are the strongest person I know and we will face this together. We aren’t alone in this. I’ll call home and have them come so that you will feel better and we will gather everyone who seems to have information and try and piece this together and decipher what our next move should be. I know that it will be hard, but for now, you need to rest. I have a meeting with Jonathan’s Board members and you have a shift, but Mia, you need to stay away from Ruth if she is there, especially until we know what is going on and we need to allow the children to go to school as usual tomorrow. I think it would be best to go along with the daily routines we have established, remember, Cassandra said it was important for us to get this accomplished as well and we can’t move until we gather everyone together and get a clearer picture of what is going on.”

  Knowing that he is suggesting this not only to keep my mind off of my fears, but because the importance of this good deed brought us back together, we need to see this through too. “You’re right” Snuggling into his side, I close my eyes, but sleep won’t find me. I hear the chimes of the passing hours on the grandfather clock downstairs.

  Hour after hour passes, Andrew has played the music box, tried humming, softly whispered in my ear wonderful memories, but my heart and mind just can’t relax. The house is silent and the chimes begin again, one, two, three. As the fourth chime rings, I feel a strange pull as if I’m moving, but am somehow aware that truly I am not. I am no longer struggling to sleep, but to relax and see where whatever I am experiencing is trying to take me. This journey is not my own, it is something else, something I have only experience rarely. Concentrating only on the floating I feel, the pitch black of my thoughts lightens and I can make out the shape of someone before me crawling through a tightened space and I can feel the uneven, hard surface below me. After a few moments, it feels as if we are crawling over coals and I can feel the hard rock crumbling and getting into the crevices of what can only be shredded pants. My palms feel as if they are on fire and a flare of light emblazons the shadow before me. It’s Amanda. She quickly stands and as the one behind her reaches the superheated cavern I am instantly aware I am Reginald and they are traveling through some passageway. His eyes are moving slower than I want them to be. I wish I could force him to look around, but he is staring at a nervous Amanda and I can hear him comforting her as emblazoned shadows begin circling them.

  “Don’t look at them, Cassandra said they cannot truly hurt us, they are too immobilized by their own pain to gather and inflict lasting pain as long as we dodge them. Remember, if they hit the walls they recoil, so let’s pass through this area quickly and stay away from the walls.”

  They begin running but the figures appear to be closing in on them. What if Cassandra is wrong. As Reginald looks at their encroaching figures, he appears unconcerned and it hits me that they are seeking relief by gathering close to Reginald and Amanda’s cool skin. I can’t help but wonder as this realization hits me as to whether I somehow connected to Reginald and this is his conclusions, because even though they are closing in on him, he does nothing to stop them.

  Amanda calls out as she reaches two walled up archways. “Reginald come on, we need to hurry.” She shouts as she places her hand in some type of pattern on the stony wall to the right. As she does, the stones turn to dust and a wave of unimaginable heat bursts through the now opened entranceway. The fiery shadows instantly recoil to the other side, but as Reginald now moves quickly forward, I can feel a pull building around him. “Go through before they are pulled in!”

  She rushes through as he is forced forward by an inescapable force. As he passes through, I feel the fire at his back. Throwing himself to the floor sideways, he just misses being engulfed by the ball of fire rolling through the passage. Some of the creatures escape before the ball is plunged into an emblazoned lava pit which spews up illuminating the area. As Amanda helps Reginald to his feet, she is up against a burnt coal wall crumbling under her touch. Reginald takes a quick look around assessing the area, but as he looks up, the cavern’s black roof is coming closer and closer, closing down on them. Grabbing Amanda’s hand, he inches his way along the narrow ledge under his feet.

  Suddenly, amorphous like creatures emerge from the pit as the swishing of what I now realize are dark shadows traveling overhead becomes overwhelming. I have an urge to cover my ears, but reminding myself that I am experiencing this through Reginald’s perspective, unless he blocks his, it will do no good.

  A shadow as black as a moonless midnight with blazing eyes, shoots between Amanda and Reginald knocking them off balance. Another comes at Reginald’s side and I feel his fall before Amanda even screams. “Get to the next archway” he yells and in that moment I see his fingertips on the ledge, as the amorphous objects are now taking shape and moving closer, but I also see the rocky cliff before me and feel it against my cheek. How can this be? I cannot be in both Reginald and Amanda that is not possible. As the fire hits Reginald’s fingertips, the scorching burn awakens the synapses of my mind and I now feel a familiar energy surrounding me. Energy connected to my heart and soul. Andrew is here with me, I am somehow seeing a different perspective from him. He can’t be here!

  Forcing out everything else around me, I concentrate on Andrew and breaking our connection. I have to cast him out. I never tried doing this before, but fear if something somehow goes wrong, the warning I received when I was traveling down the dark paths about not being caught here applies even more so to him. I’m not sure if connecting to Reginald in my dream can cause the same problem, but I will not take chances, not where he is concerned. Blocking everything else out around me and what is going on with Reginald and Amanda, I instead concentrate on pulling every ounce strength I have and gathering all the energy around me. I can feel it gathering, strengthening, and building until it courses through me. As I push him out, I can feel myself gasp as I see his brilliant essence being thrust through the ashen wall, through the darkened shadows, through a fiery veil and finally settle upon his being which is stretched out beside me in our room, pleading something which I refuse to hear. I need to concentrate on staying here, staying with Reginald. As the shock of doing that to Andrew tries to settle in my mind, I force myself to instead concentrate on Reginald, fighting to stay connected to him, I need to see what is going on. I need to know if Reginald and Amada are coming back to us and what is coming for us. It must somehow be connected to this. Otherwise, I would not be here. I would not be seeing this.

  As my resolve strengthens, I no longer see Andrew. I feel the intense heat around me and can see Amanda’s skin cracking because of the fire ripping up all around her. They are now surrounded, I can feel the hostility, hatred, anger, and blood lust of those encircling us. The darker, the more fiery the shadow, the deeper th
e hostility and acrimony cut though Amanda’s core. I can feel her fear. “Maybe you should go, I can handle this. I feel Sebastian. He is close. Go back to the entrance, fear feeds their ability to touch us and I can feel yours.”

  “I’m not leaving you, they feel your presence, I can see that now, if they break through, you will need my help.” I can feel the stress in her body as she rights herself and her building new resolve. “Let’s go, you need to push past them, they are too close to you.” As Amanda moves forward, a glow emanates from something she is now gripping in her hand and she moves closer to Reginald and then past, the demons gravitate toward her.

  “Amanda don’t Cassandra said that she didn’t know how long that will provide protection, save it until we are closer. These ones can only affect our skin; it will heal when we leave. Hand it to me so they will stay around me when I put it away. Handing it to him, they now swarm around his open palm and the amulet sparks a red luminous light as a burning hatred touches her soul. “Block them, bock it with everything you have, if you let it get hold of you, we will get trapped here or if we escape it can come out with you. Stay focused! Move!”

  They jump through a tight hole in the ground and I feel sick as Amanda’s body is bashed against the jagged, heated, emblazoned rocks which surprisingly, I can feel shredding her outerwear and ripping though her exterior as she falls through and endless tunnel.

  Grabbing hold of a protruding rock, Reginald swings himself into a radiant inlet and I do the same. The searing heat blisters our flesh and the pain, agony and hatred ripping through me imprisons me to my spot. Looking around quickly, I am shocked to see that there are bright white souls amongst fierce, flaming figures, horned beasts, and powerful, spectral shadows discharging fiery lassos around the enlightened, imprisoned souls.

  Despite their translucent appearance, the agony they are suffering is unmistakable. Reginald’s gasp pulls Amanda from the illuminations. “Sebastian”

  Amanda’s eyes follow his. Before them stands an illuminated Sebastian surrounded by spectral midnight shadows creating a fiery cage with their lassos while white spirits appear to be trying to create their own cage blocker. Scanning him and his surroundings, although his radiance is brighter than some of the others, the brilliance emanating from his enfolded arms is so bright that Amanda turns from it. “We need to get him and get out.”

  Reginald removes the amulet from his pocket and throws it to the side. As it hits the rock, a red pulsating glow overpowers the darkness in the cavern and I feel a blinding moment of fury touch my soul. Reginald moves closer to Sebastian and although some creatures imprisoning souls move slightly from their captives, the ones surrounding Sebastian do not. Sebastian’s face contorts and he struggles to push his voice past his clenched jaw which escapes as barely a raspy whisper. Get her and the others out! If they catch her, she cannot free him. She is his only hope. Go now!”

  “She’s here” A shocked Reginald turns instantly. “Amanda, toss me the dagger. As she reaches for something in her pocket, Reginald thrusts his hands out and the force pushing Amanda back has the strength of a tsunami as we are thrust through ashen rock, fiery creatures, horned demons, and winged shadows until we are alone in a darkened and cool cave. She rises quickly and begins tearing at the encrusted rock, screaming Reginald’s name. Roaring in frustration, the shock tosses me out, throws me through the blackness of my own mind and I am instantly aware of cool hands grasping my shoulders, shaking me.

  Andrew’s panicked voice is pleading with me to come back. As my eyes flutter open, they meet Andrew’s alarmed ones and I soon realize we are no longer in the house. Pulling me to his chest, I hear his choked relief. “Thank God…Thank God.” After several long moments, he relaxes his hold on me. Looking down, his tone becomes accusatory. “How did you cast me out? Why did you do that? What if something happened to you?” He stares at me as if trying to pull the answers from my very soul.

  Raising my hand, I stroke his cheek gently and his features soften slightly. “It was dangerous for you to be there, you could have been trapped and I couldn’t bear that.”

  “What if you got trapped there, do you really think I could take being without you again.” As soon as the words escape, his body tenses and I can see regret instantly in his eyes. “Mia, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to imply anything. I just can’t stand the thought that you would have done that to protect me.”

  The lump in my throat makes it difficult to push the words past my lips. “Andrew, I’m sorry, but considering where Reginald is…” I can’t even finish the thought. What if when he forced Amanda out he got trapped there! “We need to try and get in touch with him, see if he got out!”

  “What did you see?” His tone rises and his embrace stiffens.

  “Please, I’ll tell you later.” I plead. “Call him, make sure he got out!”

  Pulling the phone from his pocket, he dials, but as his features drop, I know the call went to voicemail. Dialing another number, that goes to voicemail too. Hanging up, he struggles to make his tone soothing. “I’ll try in a few moments. We should get you inside before you freeze.”

  “Why are we out here anyway?” I inquire as he lifts me and starts back to the house.

  “After you cast me out, I could feel the heat emanating from your body, it felt as if you were on fire and your features appeared strained. You were also yelling and I didn’t want you to wake and panic the children.” Sliding open the side door, he slips inside. We are instantly in the living room and he is starting a fire.

  Trying Reginald as Andrew gets the fire roaring, my heart sinks as first Reginald’s and then Amanda’s phone go to voicemail. Dialing Reginald’s number once more, I plead with him to call me. “Reginald, I saw where you reached and how you threw Amanda out.“ As I say this, I wonder if where I saw her, she didn’t get out alright, maybe demons entrapped her and dragged her back. The encased wall collapsed once, maybe it did again. What if they only made her think she was safe to keep them separated and destroyed them both. As the thought sends images of just this through my mind, my heart rate spikes and I fight my constricting lungs to beg Reginald to call me. “Please you have to let me know you are alright and you made it out!”

  I can feel Andrew take the phone from my hand and realize that I am rolled in a ball on the floor. I wasn’t even aware I got off the couch. His cool hand is stroking my back and his lips are at my ear. “Mia, relax, you won’t help anyone by panicking. As he unwinds my pretzeled body, he moves me back onto the couch and strokes my cheek with his knuckles. “They will call, but you need to calm yourself.”

  Grabbing his shirt, “Andrew there were white souls trapped by demons, enslaved and I saw Sebastian.”

  “Mia, you had to suspect that David would be there, especially after all that he has done, the generations of families and lives he’s destroyed”

  I shake my head. “No, I don’t mean David, I saw Sebastian, his soul was white, pure, and he was being tortured, held in a cage of fire. There is no way that Reginald would have been able to get him out. Although I have to admit, if he really did throw Amanda to a safe area, the power he has acquired in the past few months is beyond anything you can imagine.”

  His expression is a mix of skepticism and concern. “Maybe you should start at the beginning and tell me exactly what you saw after tossing me out.” After carefully explaining all that I saw, worry lances through him and he shudders. “How many good souls do you think are trapped?”

  I shrug as tears prick my eyes at the thought of good souls suffering so that demons can wreak havoc on this plane. Andrew pulls me into his embrace trying to comfort me as he calls up to Gabriel. Considering what we saw and the strange goings on with shadows and strangers believing they know us, our family has decided to join us.

  Gabriel, Martina, Jackson and Eva will come by morning while the rest of the family should arrive within the next day or two. Andrew and Gabriel have agreed that since there appears to be something brewing, it would
be best for them to be here and make arrangements for extended coverage at Sanctuary. Although they have staff to cover, it would be best to make arrangements for more if they are needed with us for an extended length of time.

  After hanging up, Andrew turns to me. “Are you ready to get some sleep? Tomorrow is going to be a long day. Don’t forget we have that annual dinner with Jonathan’s different Board members. I groan internally, but then again, this is part of what we were sent here for. The phone rings in the office and Andrew rises. “I’ll meet you upstairs, Mia you really should try to get some rest.”

  “I’ll wait for you and then we’ll go up.” Staring into the flames, I can’t help but shudder at the thought of what Reginald, Amanda and all those captured souls are suffering so that demons can have a new sandbox to play in. The thought makes my stomach roil, the bile rises up my throat, and I swiftly move to the bucket as I can no longer hold it down. I don’t realize until I am ensnared in a lasso of fire wrapping itself around me at my waste and spiraling up ensnaring my arms that I am in trouble. I want to scream for Andrew, but my mouth which was only a moment ago open wide is now sealed shut.

  Being lifted in the air, I am now in a horizontal position. Rising, I can see in my immobility that the fire is emanating from the fireplace. As it circles my shoulders, my neck and is at the base of my chin, I hear the voices of a thousand men screaming out in pain. I cannot distinguish what they are saying, but I can feel agony crushing me as the lasso tightens around me. As a spark hits my ear, the bellowing of an all too familiar voice that has haunted me since his final days at Sanctuary roars through my consciousness. “I AM WAITING AND THIS TIME YOU WILL COME TO ME. EVERYTHING IS ALIGNED. FIND THOSE YOU NEED. I HAVE WAITED LONG ENOUGH AND SEBASTIAN WON’T BE ABLE TO PROTECT YOUR…” Falling, the other voices retreat and I am in the cool arms, pressed against Andrew’s chest.

  “Are you alright? Are you burned anywhere?” His questions are fast, but I can tell that physically nothing is wrong.

  I shake my head and finally my lips part. As my eyes drift from his, I can see the extinguished fire, the water splashed against the walls of the fireplace and the discarded bucket. As my voice returns, I grab Andrew’s shirt. “Jonathan sent me a message, he must have Reginald. He said he was waiting for me and knew I would be coming to him. He said something about everything being aligned.”

  “Mia, do you know how that happened?”

  “No, one minute I was vomiting and the next, I was ensnared.” Jumping up, I turn, but Andrew grabs me.

  “Mia, stop, what are you doing?”

  “We have to wake the children, get them out of here before he comes back. Call Gabriel, tell him we are coming home.”

  Pulling me towards his chest, he rubs my back gently. ”Mia stop. The children are fine. They are safe upstairs sleeping in their beds. If Jonathan could have done more than his mere parlor trick, he would have done it by now. I know it was frightening, but even you said you are not hurt.” Pulling me back toward the couch, his tone turns soothing. “Our family is on their way. We have so many unanswered questions that seem to center here, we need to see this through. We need to finish what you and the real Jonathan started and face whatever is going on here because everything that has happened led us here.” He can’t help the sigh that escapes his lips. “I know you are frightened, I am too, but we both know that no matter how far we run we can’t escape. We need to stand together, gather as much information as we can to decipher what is going on and face this head on with those we love around us to help us. Running will only separate us and make us vulnerable.”

  Knowing he is right, I pull him closer. I can’t believe we are facing something else so soon. They said that we would be stepping away from the surreal to make our family strong. Instead we are engulfed in surreal events, with no real answers, or maybe just no real answers that we are willing to accept.

  The tips of his fingers lift my chin and I know he is waiting until my eyes meet his. “We will figure this out. Jonathan can’t come here, even what he said to you confirms that and I will ensure that you do not go to him.”

  “He must have Reginald and that’s why he thinks that I will come to him. He said that Sebastian cannot protect him much longer. We can’t let all those there suffer, we have to do something!”

  “Mia, we need to figure out what is going on. We can’t do anything right now. I know that this is impossible, but we have to wait and get a better understanding of what went on tonight and what is gathering around us before we make a move.” Picking up the telephone, he calls Gabriel again and convinces him to speak with Christian and Anthony about returning. This involves him too and if Scott and Ma’at are the same and all those who are mistaken me for someone else are correct, we need them all to put together the pieces of whatever puzzle is trying to form.

  The breaking dawn piercing the graying the sky peaks through the drawn shades alerting us to the morning’s arrival. “We should get you upstairs and changed before the children wake, we don’t want them seeing your singed clothes.”

  As we walk up the stairs, I whisper to Andrew. “Maybe we should tell the others no fires for now. I don’t want any surprises with the children.”

  “I’ll let everyone know as they arise.” As we pass Mark’s door, Andrew stops, puts his fingers to his lips, and motions for me to keep going.

  Hesitating for a moment to see if I can hear anything, I begin moving again, my mind raging with curiosity. Entering my room, I decide that the next time I speak with Emma I am going to ask her for a spell which enhances one’s hearing. Gathering some clothes, I step into the en suite bathroom. Staring into the mirror, my clothes are singed and my face looks like it has been through a coal shaft. Raising my hands, soot covers them as well. How did I not notice this before? Not realizing Andrew has entered, I jump as his hand takes mine.

  “I didn’t mean to frighten you.”

  “You didn’t. What did you hear from Mark’s room?”

  Moving his hand to the knot in my robe, he deftly unfastens it and slips the cindered covered garment to the floor. For the first time, I notice not only my smoke covered skin, but also blistering bubbles beneath the grime. Did all of this happen from the moments I was ensnared? Thinking back, I didn’t really feel the heat. How could this have happened? As if reading my mind, Andrew’s softy voice pierces my introspection. “I didn’t realize the dream could have done this, I would have gotten you clean sooner and healed you.” He leans past me and turns on the shower. As his hands return to the straps on my nightgown, I can’t help but grab his hand.

  “What do you mean, I’m soot covered because of my dream?” I rasp and for the first time, notice he has traces of ash on his face as well. Stroking his cheek, “This has never happened before.”

  Moving his hands to the top of my strap, he gently glides it off my shoulder. “We should get you clean so I can heal you.” Stepping back, I allow the nightgown to fall to the floor and step inside. The water pooling at my feet turns gray as my nostrils now register the sulfur smell which settles on my tongue. Quickly he removes his clothes and steps inside. Reaching for a facecloth he pours some soft scented foaming soap and gently washes away the residue on my face, my neck, my shoulders, and then moves down my arms. As the soap removes the soot, his light touch heals my wounds and after a moment, I return to myself once more.

  Taking a cloth and mimicking his moves, I wish I could cure him and take the worry from his eyes. Stretching I kiss his sculpted lips as my thumbs brush his cheeks. His arms circle around me and he pulls me into his sculpted chest as he backs us under the gentle, healing turret of water. As the last remnants of our troubled journey wash away and his love surrounds me, I feel healed enough to face another day. Although I am still scared of what it may reveal and what it could unleash, at least we will face it together.

  Lifting me in to his arms, he turns off the water and carries me to our bed. Even after all this time and despite the concern of what is to come,
his gentle kiss and sweet caress are like an incendiary device lighting a passion within me that touches my very soul and awakens a desire that is all consuming.

  As the room brightens and reason returns, I shift onto my side. Staring into the heavenly eyes staring back at me, I need to push past my distraction to get lost in him again. “What did you hear from Marks’ room?”

  “He and Jason were arguing.”

  I’m surprised by this since I didn’t even hear a peep. “About what”

  He takes in a deep breath. “Mark is convinced that we are the Greysons” I can’t help but gasp as the name escapes his lips and I hear the echo of it ripping through ancient times filling my ears with Andrew’s unmistakable tone.

  “Andrew what if he is right, what if we are them?”

  I can see my comment or maybe my tone takes him by surprise. “Why are you suddenly convinced that it is not our ancestors?’

  “I was thinking about the looped events described to us. What if we are somehow caught in it still? What if we are still somehow jumping through those portals, but each time we do, we can’t remember who we are?

  He interrupts. “Mia, from what Casey seemed to show you, when the others escaped through the portals, they still knew who they were, still knew who they were escaping from. Although I will admit, that I am seriously questioning our connection to the images we keep seeing, I don’t think that it is us. I still think that maybe Jason is correct and that their spirits are attaching through us and that there is some type of balance we must restore or some role we must play in joining battling forces, but Mia, even from your dreams, it appears more that the help needed is on their plane not ours. If it was something truly tied to this plane, wouldn’t both sides send more of whom can fight on this plane?”

  Shaking my head, I drop it into my hands. He could be right. The only thing I know for sure is that something is building around us and whether we are these people caught in a loop or the people are connecting to us, we are going to need to be ready for anything and be mindful not to dismiss anyone. I can hear the children in the hallway. Andrew and I jump up, throw on our clothes and are quickly out the door.