Read Secrets or Surrender Page 18

  Chapter 18

  After arriving in Seattle, Dave and Joan got their baggage and rented a car. Since Dave’s shoulder was still hurting, Joan drove out of the airport parking area. Dave guided her through the traffic and the city streets. He told her to turn right at the next corner. Joan was shocked when he had her turn into the Veteran’s Hospital parking lot.

  Sensing Joan’s surprise, Dave said, “Don’t get nervous. This is actually the convalescent section, not the regular hospital. I heard Jesse was not doing well. Lyle told me you don’t like going to visit in hospitals, but I’m not sure how much longer Jesse will be with us. I don’t like hospitals either, but I would really appreciate your support when I visit him.”

  “You are right. I hate hospitals, but I’ll go with you, if you think it might help,” she said reluctantly.

  “Thanks,” Dave said, “Jesse is a veteran of the Vietnam War. He was terribly wounded in Vietnam, and I think he is a very special man.” Joan quickly looked away from Dave so he wouldn’t see how much the news had caught her off guard.

  In a few minutes, they located Jesse’s room. Mandy reluctantly walked into the hospital room. She was shocked to see an old looking black man lying in the bed. With a quick look, Joan noticed both his legs were missing and one of his arms had also been amputated. He looked up at Dave when he entered the room. A warm smile spread across his face. He extended his one good hand, and Dave clasped it in his hand. Dave introduced Jesse to Joan. Jesse smiled and extended his hand to her, “I’m pleased to meet you Miss Joan. Any friend of Dave’s is someone I’d like to know.”

  Joan smiled and shook Jesse’s hand. She quickly said, “I am really honored to meet you, Jesse. Thank you for serving in Vietnam for our country. I am so angry and ashamed of this country and how you and the other returning soldiers were treated when you came home. You deserved so much better than you received. I am proud to shake your hand,” she added passionately.

  Jesse grinned like a Cheshire cat and replied, “Thanks for those kind words. It means a lot to me. You seem to really understand how we felt. The physical wounds were bad enough, but the feelings of rejection and hatred were even worse. None of us really wanted to go to war, but we did what our country asked us to do.”

  “I do understand. Not all veterans were so badly wounded physically, but they all were injured in one way or another,” she added quietly.

  “You must have known other Vietnam vets to understand it so clearly,” Jesse added.

  Joan’s face paled as she said, “Yes, I spent many days and nights at Veteran Hospitals. As far as I’m concerned, all of you are heroes, but you were forgotten and betrayed by your own country. Some wounds are easy to see, like yours, but there were thousands who suffered with wounds the world couldn’t or wouldn’t see,” she said passionately as tears rolled down her cheek. Dave quietly reached over and handed her his handkerchief.

  “I’m sorry. This touches a very tender spot in my heart, but Dave came here to visit you. I’ll sit here and be quiet and let you two talk,” Joan said.

  Dave moved a chair closer to Jesse’s bed. Dave sat down and pulled Joan down on his lap. He kept his arm lightly around her body.

  Dave held Jesse’s hand as they reminisced about Dave’s days in college. Dave explained to Joan, “I stayed in a dorm room with Jesse’s youngest brother Henry. That’s how I got to know Jesse. You know Henry. He’s the offensive lineman that was at Adam’s Rib and at Lyle and Cindy’s anniversary party. Joan is writing an article about me for a sports magazine. Since I got hurt in practice last week, I’ve been helping her get information about me for the story. We are heading back to Los Angeles tomorrow. Hopefully my shoulder will be healed enough so I don’t have to miss any games. Is there anything you or the others guys here need? ” Dave asked.

  “You already sent us a lot of things. We love watching that big screen TV in the common room. I get a kick out of watching you and Henry playing football on it. We really don’t need much, but we thank you kindly for the magazines and other stuff you ship up to us. That really means a lot to us. Thanks for coming to visit me and for bringing this beautiful lady. She’s the prettiest gal I’ve seen in more years than I can count,” he said with a wide smile.

  “Well, I can sure see a family resemblance. You and Henry both know how to sweet talk a lady, and you both have the same million dollar smiles,” Joan laughed.

  Before leaving, Dave gave Jesse a hug. Joan stood up, leaned over and hugged him, also. “It was a real pleasure meeting you. I’ll remember you and the other vets here in my prayers. May God bless you and keep you,” she whispered in his ear and lightly kissed his cheek.

  Jesse beamed at her and said, ”Thanks for that, Miss Joan. I appreciate your kind words and prayers.”

  Driving to their hotel near the airport, Dave kept looking over at Joan as she drove through the crowded streets. Joan’s mood was quiet and pensive. Finally Dave reached over and put his hand on her shoulder. She glanced over at him. He noticed there were tears in her eyes.

  “You constantly amaze me, Joan. I wish I understood you better. The way you reacted and spoke to Jesse was really beautiful, but I keep thinking there’s more to you than meets the eye. I can see you are deep in thought. Why are you so passionate and understanding of Vietnam veterans? Did you know other vets?” he asked.

  Joan shook her head yes. “I’ve met several, but I knew one very well. He came back alive, but horribly injured. I saw him suffer for several years, before he died.”

  “I’m so sorry, Joan. I had no idea. Was he family?” Dave asked.

  “Yes. In a way, he was the only ‘family’ I had left,” she stammered.

  “Do you want to talk about it? I’m a good listener,” he said.

  “No, the past is over. Nothing can be changed by talking about it,” Joan said.

  “Joan, sometimes it’s the things we don’t want to talk about that are the most important. When you are ready, please, trust me. I’m here to listen, and I really do care,” he said.

  “Thanks, Dave, I just don’t talk about it with anyone, but I appreciate your offer,” Joan said firmly.

  That evening, Dave took her to some of the places that he remembered from his college days. He showed her his old dorm building, the apartment building where Henry and his family had lived, and the university football stadium. It was during these stops that Joan learned he had been one of the most sought after quarterbacks in the country and had chosen Washington because of Coach Thompson’s recommendation. Dave had also been an outstanding student and had graduated with high honors with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration and Finance.

  Afterwards, they had dinner in one of his favorite eating places called The Old Spaghetti Factory. It was located in a large old factory building. There was a full sized trolley car parked in the center of the main dining room. A few tables were inside the trolley, but Dave and Joan were seated in one of the tables that were made out of an old metal bed. There were lots of old Tiffany lamps around the room. After they were seated in one of the ‘bed’ tables, the waiter brought them menus and a loaf of freshly baked warm bread and a dish of honey butter. The place was crowded and noisy while they sipped on a glass of red wine. They talked and ate their fill of the wonderful spaghetti, fresh mixed green salad, and more delicious slices of fresh made bread.

  While eating dinner, Dave looked at Joan with a serious look. He said, “Joan, promise me you won’t tell my parents that we ate dinner in bed in Seattle. That might be too shocking for them to handle.”

  “All right, this will be our little secret, but I hope you realize this is the only bed we’ll be sharing in Seattle,” she giggled.

  “Does that mean after tonight, we can share a bed when we aren’t in Seattle?” he said with a mischievous grin.

  “Only in your dreams, Dave. Remember, we are friends and business associates, not lo
vers,” she added pointedly.

  “Touché!” Dave said with a playful wink and smile. “It feels good to be laughing and teasing as friends again, although the other sounds very interesting too. While you are in Seattle, I want to take you to an unbelievable place called Seattle Underground. It is part of Seattle’s history, and I thought it was really fascinating.”

  After leaving the restaurant, they drove down to the entrance and walked through Seattle Underground. It had been the original business district, and was the oldest part of the city of Seattle, but, after the sea level changed, a new layer of businesses had been built on top of the lower layer. The older underground city was full of interesting places and lots of funny stories and facts. Joan was fascinated by all that she saw and heard and jotted several notes about it in her journal.

  “This would make a wonderful travel article, but I don’t know if people would really understand it, unless they actually went through and heard the funny stories the tour guides tell. Thanks for bringing me here. I really enjoyed seeing it,” Joan said as they walked hand in hand through the underground streets.

  Dave watched her and was overjoyed to see her laughing and acting like herself, -- relaxed, excited, and happy. They settled back into the easy-going friendship and laughed together.

  Next, they went to the Space Needle and rode the elevator to the top to look at the lights of Seattle that spread out in all directions. At the top, there was a revolving restaurant. They sat at one of the window tables in the cocktail bar enjoying the 360 degree view of the Seattle skyline. As the restaurant revolved slowly,before leaving the bar, Dave led her out onto the dance floor. He took Joan into his arms, and they danced slowly to the live band. The music swirled around them, and Joan felt secure in Dave’s arms. When the dance was over, they left and went back to their hotel.

  When they got back to the suite, Joan asked Dave if his shoulder was hurting. Dave said, “Yes, it’s sore, but hopefully, it will be better in the morning.”

  “Would you like me to use the ice pack and cream on your shoulder again?” she asked.

  “I hate to impose on you, but it really helped me a lot last night. If I promise to behave, will you work your magic again?” he asked.

  Joan gently removed his coat and shirt. Dave lay down on the couch, and Joan gave him a treatment with the ice pack. As she slowly moved it across his shoulders, he sighed and turned his head to watch her. Next, she applied the warm sports cream, and then gently massaged his shoulder and arm. She felt him relax under her gentle touch. He sighed and smiled at her.

  “You are marvelous, Joan. What would I do without you? I’ve never had a friend as kind and caring as you. You mean so much to me,” he sighed.

  When the treatment was over, he sat up and moved his shoulder gingerly in a slow circle. “That feels so much better. How can I thank you for all you have done for me? The words ‘Thank you’ just aren’t enough.” He gently pulled her down next to him on the sofa and hugged her close. He held her for a long minute, before kissing her tenderly. Then he stood up and sent her off to her bed.

  Lying in bed, Joan marveled at how amazing the day had been. She was thankful that she’d have this one wonderful week to remember after she stopped seeing Dave. She was resigned to the fact that she and Dave could never be together.

  Thinking back to her conversation with Dave after leaving the Veterans Hospital, she felt thankful that he had not pressed her for more information. Her past connection with the Vietnam War had nearly come out. She decided that she would finish the article and then break off all connections with Dave. That thought made her want to cry, but she knew she must do it soon, or she might not be brave enough to stop seeing him.

  “I know I’ll never love any one as much as I love Dave, but there is no chance of a future with him. I am so thankful for this week with him. I will always treasure the memories of this perfect week to remember after we part company,” she thought.

  While they were waiting in the terminal for the flight back to Los Angeles, Dave said, “Although we are flying back to Los Angeles today, our trip is not really over. There are several things I want to show you in the Los Angeles area that might be useful in the article. We still have two days left in our week, and I intend to keep you busy during that time.”