Read Seduced (The Billionaire's Command #1) Page 3

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  Before I knew it, the sun was making its way towards the horizon as the blue of the ocean got a little bit deeper. I’d had a couple of drinks, but I definitely wasn’t drunk. There might have been a little bit of a buzz, but I honestly wasn’t sure. After all, every second I spent with Mark made me feel high, alcohol or no.

  “I didn’t realize how late it was,” Mark sheepishly replied when I pointed out the time.

  “Me neither. It was nice talking to you.”

  “Hey, no problem. Same here. Let me get you back to the resort.”

  When we finally got to the elevators, where we had met the first time, my heart froze with embarrassment. More than anything, I didn’t want Mark to mention me running straight into him, and to my relief, he didn’t.

  I was on the 22nd floor of the hotel, Mark on the 20th. The elevator slid silently upwards, carrying us up to our rooms. Presumably I would never see Mark again. After all, we were leaving in a couple of days. My heart pounded in my chest. We didn’t speak. More than anything I wanted Mark to grab me, to take me right here in the elevator. My skin tingled as I imagined his touch on mine. Fire coursed through me as I imagined his lips all over me, exploring me, discovering my every curve, every inch of my skin.

  The ding of the elevator snapped me out of my fantasy, the doors opening on the 20th floor.

  “Thanks again for, you know, saving my life,” I told Mark, trying to sound casual, jokingly.

  “No problem,” he told me, leaning in and planting his lips on mine. It was so unexpected, so sudden, and yet so nice. I closed my eyes and an involuntary moan escaped my lips as Mark’s touched my own. I leaned in, pressing my breasts against his chest, desperate for more. Pleasure radiated through my body from my lips. This was everything I’d wanted, everything I’d needed all day.

  That was all the invitation Mark needed. With a single quick, swift movement he grabbed my ass and hoisted me upwards. I grabbed him, wrapping my legs around his waist, feeling his throbbing desire pressing in between my legs, and he carried me down the hallway towards his room.

  I squealed with excitement as he unlocked the door. We didn’t even get inside the doorway before Mark had me pressed up against the wall, his lips all over mine.

  I closed my eyes as his lips roamed my body. His hands, so strong, kneaded the firm skin of my ass, sending my body absolutely wild with desire. I had never wanted anything as much as I wanted this, right here, right now.

  There was something so strong, so powerful about Mark. Maybe it was the way he had me pinned against the wall, my arms wrapped around his legs. The way he suddenly grabbed my wrists and pinned them above my head. I felt so helpless, I felt so weak, and yet it turned me on like I’d never experienced before.

  His hands were so large, his arms so strong, he only needed one hand to pin both my wrists above my head. I let out a moan as his lips roamed, moving from my lips and down to my earlobe, nibbling it lightly, then down my jawline. I could feel my pulse against his lips, feel my heart going a million miles a minute. It felt like my heart was going to burst from the effort, but I hoped it wouldn’t be until I got more of Mark.

  “Oh God!” I cried out, without realizing it, as his lips moved to my neck. I leaned my head back, exposing my delicate skin to him, like it was the most natural thing in the world.

  Suddenly, I stopped.

  “Wait!” I exclaimed. Mark stopped instantly, letting my hands go.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, his eyes full of concern. He didn’t even seem to care that I’d just basically stopped us in the middle of what was bound to be amazing sex.

  “I... sorry... I just don’t usually... do this sort... of thing,” I muttered sheepishly. I could hear how stupid I sounded.

  “What sort of thing?” Mark replied, obviously taking great pleasure in my embarrassment.

  “You know... like, casual sex.”

  “Well, there’s a first time for everything. Let me know if you want to stop, ok?”

  I nodded, and seconds later he was pressing against me once more. I knew then I didn’t want to stop. I was never going to see Mark again after tonight, but as his mouth touched my skin, his fingers roaming towards the hem of my shirt, I knew I wanted this more than I’d ever wanted anything before.

  His fingers nimbly grabbed the hem of my shirt. Seconds later it was on the floor, discarded and unwanted. For the fiftieth time that day I cursed my decision to bring the one piece. Why couldn’t I have been wearing my sexy bikini under this?

  Still, it was too late now. Mark grabbed the straps of my suit and yanked them down over my shoulders, almost roughly. He was definitely in charge. He was taking control, and to my surprise, it turned me on. I didn’t understand it. I always needed to be in control. So why was it that every time he took that control away my sex got just a little bit wetter?

  “I’m going to take you so hard, make you feel things you’ve never felt before,” Mark whispered into my ear as he leaned down. The words made my legs feel like jelly as his face moved down, towards my now exposed breasts. There was something so animalistic, so primal about him. I grabbed his hair, those wavy brown locks flowing in between my fingers, needing something to hold onto as his tongue moved down and touched my nipple.

  My fingers squeezed harder on his hair as pleasure radiated through me from my nipple. It was like a tidal wave, a tsunami coursing through my veins, washing every single cell in my body with an ecstasy unmatched by any other sensation on the planet. I opened my mouth to cry out but no sound escaped. My body couldn’t handle these incredible sensations, these feelings that rocked me to my core.

  Suddenly, without any warning, Mark bit down on my nipple, hard enough to replace the pleasure with pain. I cried out, but as Mark immediately suckled my nipple, his hot mouth and tongue caressing my sensitive skin, the pain was replaced with pleasure once more.

  Why is he doing this? More importantly, why do I like it?

  Mark continued to suckle my breasts, bringing back the pleasure I’d felt before, when he bit down on my nipple once more. Again, I cried out, again, he sucked it gently until it no longer hurt. I didn’t know how to react, but even if I did, I don’t know if my body would have obeyed. I felt glued to the spot, addicted to the alternating pain and pleasure Mark was making me feel. It hurt so bad, but it felt so good. I’d never experienced such conflicting feelings, but I couldn’t deny the fact that my body was reacting in ways I never would have expected.

  As he continued to toy with my breasts, Mark’s fingers grabbed my bathing suit, the bottom half of it still on my body, and slid it slowly down towards my hips. Without looking he found the button and the zipper to the jean shorts I was wearing, and dropped them to the floor. He grabbed the bathing suit once more. I closed my eyes as I felt his fingers slowly sliding down my leg, along with the last little piece of fabric that hid the most private parts of my body from him.

  I was naked now, completely naked, completely exposed to this man I barely knew.

  “You’re absolutely beautiful, I’m going to fuck every single inch of you completely senseless,” Mark murmured, and I could practically feel my legs weakening.

  “Oh God yes, give it to me, right now,” I begged. “I want you so bad!”

  “I’ll give it to you when I’m good and ready,” he growled into my ear, his low, hoarse, manly voice driving me insane. I couldn’t understand why I was reacting like this, why I absolutely loved the way Mar was completely dominating me with only his body and his words.

  The next thing I knew Mark had picked me up and hoisted me over his shoulder like I weighed absolutely nothing. He carried me into the bedroom of his suite before placing me half-gently, half-roughly onto the bed, throwing me back into the comfortable mattress. The bed was quite high up, it must have been around waist high, and I instantly knew this was one of the more expensive suites in the hotel. It took me a second before I realized how exposed I was with my legs splayed open, Mark stand
ing over top of me, looking at my most sensitive parts, parts that hadn’t been looked at by a man in so long.

  Instinctively, I closed my legs.

  “No, open them for me, Caroline,” Mark ordered. I paused for a second. I didn’t know what to do. Then, as though my body was operating as a completely separate entity from my brain, my legs opened once more, displaying the folds of my sex to him. I could feel my face burning, and yet, something about him made me obey.

  “Good,” he told me. “God, you have a sexy pussy.”

  Tingles ran through my body. I looked down at his pants. I could see his erection bulging, straining against the fabric, desperate to be released. I could tell he was big, but just how big I wasn’t sure.

  “Now turn around, give me a look at the other side.”

  This time there was no hesitation. I did exactly as Mark asked, even if I didn’t know why. I could hear him unzipping his pants, taking off his shirt, and after a few seconds I couldn’t help myself, I looked back.

  When I saw his erection, I gasped. I could tell from his pants he was big, but I hadn’t expected him to be quite as big as he was. I briefly wondered if he was going to be able to fit inside of me, but before I got the chance, he moved over to the edge of the bed, sliding in between my legs, his thick member pressing against the folds of my sex.

  “You’re like a furnace down here,” Mark murmured as his fingers found my sex. I gasped, wanting more from him. I needed more. His fingers roamed carefully, softly, his every touch like velvet against my skin. I threw my head back as fire ran through me. I had never experienced anything like this before. It felt so good, and yet it was never enough. I wanted more! I could feel pressure building inside of me. I had a primal need to have Mark inside of me, and with every inch he moved his fingers in between the folds of my pussy, I was all too aware that as good as it felt, it wasn’t the stiff shaft that I wanted in me.

  Suddenly he stood up once more, rubbing his shaft in the juices that were practically spilling out of me.

  “Good girl, now here’s your reward,” Mark told me with a grin as he pressed up against my entrance. I gasped inwardly as Mark slipped inside of me. It had been so long since I’d had sex and he was so huge that it was a tight fit, my walls stretching to accommodate him. Mark was patient, allowing my body to conform to his girth for a minute before he began to slide in and out of me.

  I closed my eyes and threw my head back as he started off slowly, tantalizingly, every movement of his hardness inside of me obviously designed to elicit pleasure, and holy shit did he succeed. As he picked up the pace, Mark moved like a piston, every thrust bringing me to new heights of pleasure I never would have fathomed.

  This was exactly what I had expected, exactly what I had hoped for since I’d first laid eyes on him. These feelings, this pleasure running through me, it was like nothing I’d ever experienced on this earth. Yes, I’d had sex before, I’d had boyfriends before, but this was different. It had never been anything like this. This felt like I was giving up control completely, like I was giving myself to Mark entirely.

  I could feel the pressure inside of me building. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to take it for much longer. And sure enough, with one final thrust, my body exploded with pleasure, the orgasm overtaking me completely.

  “Oh shit! Oh Mark, I’m coming!” I cried, unable to contain myself. I squeezed my eyes shut, stars dancing across my vision as my body was racked with waves of pleasure unlike any I’d ever felt before. This was more than an orgasm, this was the definition of bliss, of heaven. My toes curled and my muscles tensed, every single fiber in my body focused entirely on the eliciting every little drop of pleasure Mark was giving me.

  It felt like an eternity and only seconds passed simultaneously before I found myself coming back down to earth. As I did so, Mark began to thrust harder and faster, I could tell his own orgasm was imminent, and a few seconds later he grunted a few times and pressed hard inside of me, his hot seed shooting deep into me.

  He lay on top of me for a minute, both of us enjoying the feeling of him lying still inside of me, before he rolled over and collapsed on the bed next to me.

  We were both obviously completely spent. A light sheen of sweat covered my skin, I was exhausted, but at the same time, I hadn’t felt this relaxed in years.

  “I never thought this was going to happen when I got on that plane,” I finally laughed, turning to look at Mark. He was so perfect, his hair slightly damp from effort, his smile effortless. The last streaks of sunlight streamed through the room, illuminating his face in a soft light that made him glow, and I suddenly began to regret the fact that I wouldn’t see him again after tonight.

  “See, it wasn’t that bad, was it?” he asked.

  “Not at all! You were right,” I laughed.

  I went into the bathroom to have a quick shower. His suite was pure luxury, with marble everything in the bathroom. And I thought our room was nice, I thought to myself as I got into the large walk in shower.

  As the hot water pooled over me, steam fogging up the glass, I began to suddenly realize what I had done. Oh my God. I couldn’t believe it. I’d just had a one night stand. I’d gone home with a guy I barely knew, let him fuck me in his hotel room. This wasn’t the sort of thing I did, ever. Like definitely not. This was exactly the sort of thing I spent my entire life trying to avoid.

  But it felt so good. I couldn’t deny that. It had felt good. It had felt more than good, it had felt amazing. However, that didn’t matter. The fact was, it was a mistake. A sexy, incredible mistake, but it was a mistake I absolutely couldn’t repeat. I didn’t have any control over this situation. I needed to have control. I always needed to be in control of my life.

  When I got out of the shower, Mark was lying on the bed, wrapped in a towel, watching TV. He grinned at me.

  “Coming back for more?” he asked, motioning to the bed next to him.

  “Actually, if you don’t mind I think I might head back down to my room,” I replied. They were among the hardest words I’d ever had to say. I wanted more than anything to accept his invitation, lie down on the bed next to him and let him ravage me for the rest of the night.

  “Aw, that’s too bad. Do you want me to walk you down?”

  “No, thanks though. Seriously, I want to stay, but I... I shouldn’t.”

  “Alright, up to you. Hey, Caroline?”


  “I really enjoyed tonight.”

  “Me too.”

  I didn’t understand why there was a sinking feeling in my stomach as I left his apartment. It felt like someone had punched me in the gut. Every part of my body wanted me to go back to him, to enjoy whatever time we could have together, but I knew it was wrong. Mark was a memory now, a happy memory that I knew I would enjoy for the rest of my life, but that I also knew I wouldn’t experience again.

  When I got back to the room I shared with Lisa, she practically attacked me when I walked in the door.

  “Where the hell were you?”

  “What? I went to my surfing lesson.”

  “Yeah, like ten hours ago! I thought you’d drowned!”

  “Sorry, Lisa. I did actually have an accident on the beach, and this guy saved me, and then he wanted to buy me a drink, and I thought it would be rude seeing as he was the reason I was alive and all.”

  This realization of exactly what I had been doing made Lisa change her tune instantly.

  “Are you serious? Oh my God, Caroline! And after all your going on about how that wasn’t the type of woman you are!”

  I could feel the blush rising up my face. Lisa was embarrassing me, and not only did she know it, she relished it.

  “Little virgin Caroline, you’re a big girl now!”

  “Shut up, you know damn well I wasn’t a virgin.”

  “You have to tell me everything!” Lisa ordered, jumping onto the bed to sit next to me. “No. Not here. This requires celebration. Let’s go down to the bar and th
en you can tell me everything.”

  I laughed as Caroline practically dragged me out of the room.

  “Hold on, I’m barely dressed, let me put something decent on first,” I begged. Lisa was like a kid who had just been told they’re going to Disneyland. I couldn’t help but laugh at her enthusiasm. I couldn’t believe I was actually going to tell her what had happened. I wanted to keep it to myself, but she had obviously figured it out, and I knew there was no point in lying to her.

  Ten minutes later we were down at the bar and I recounted my entire day to Lisa, her eyes glued to me the entire time.

  “If it wasn’t for the fact that I know you don’t have the imagination to make something like that up, I literally would not believe that story.”

  “I’m not sure, but I think you just insulted me.”

  “Probably, but you know what? I don’t care. Every woman on the planet wants to be able to tell a story like that, and yet you’re the one who actually gets to tell it.”

  “Maybe, but I didn’t really want to.”

  “You didn’t want to have sex with him?”

  “No, it’s not that. It’s more... I didn’t want to lose control like that. There was something about him, something really primal, really dominating. None of my old boyfriends were like that at all.”

  “That’s because your old boyfriends were an accountant and a guy who preferred video games to having sex with you. No offense, but your old boyfriends weren’t exactly studs.”

  “Hey, that’s mean!” I replied, offended. Sure, my old boyfriends hadn’t been the manliest people, but I had liked them at the time. Of course, those relationships had all ended, some of them badly.

  “Well, did you like it?”

  “Did I like what?”

  “Being dominated.”

  “The weird thing is, I did. It’s so unlike me. I didn’t think I’d like it at all.”

  “That’s totally normal. Especially since you’re a control freak in real life, I’m totally not surprised that you like to give it up in the bedroom.”

  “Oh my God, don’t say it like that Lisa!” I hissed, mortified at the casual way she was talking about this. She laughed in reply.

  “Don’t be such a prude. As I said, it’s totally normal. Sometimes I get Rob to tie me up and...”

  “Ewww, TMI, stop that sentence right now!” I interrupted, covering my ears.

  “Oh you’re such a baby.”

  “Maybe, but I don’t want to hear about you and Rob’s sex life.”

  “Why not? I just listened to yours.”

  “Yeah, but you’re a pervert.”

  “One day, when you hit puberty, you’ll understand,” Lisa retorted, sticking her tongue out and ordering another drink.