Read Seduced by the Congressman 2 Page 2

  As if she could hear my thoughts, Kerry caught and held my gaze across the dance floor. I gulped down a ball of nerves as she slowly danced her way through the crowd. As our gazes locked, she moved close enough that I could feel her body heat. Her scent, something floral and bright, invaded my nose. She arched one perfectly shaped eyebrow, silently asking me if it was all right for her to invade my personal space. I took a step toward her and brushed my hip against hers.

  With a triumphant grin, Kerry slipped her arm around my waist and began to dance with me. Taller than me and much more confident, she took the lead. I willingly gave in to her possessive touch. Her soft breasts pressed against mine. When her hands followed the subtle curve of my back, I shivered.

  Try as I might, I couldn't stop comparing her to Jack. Their similarities stunned me. Both were confident to the point of arrogance. Both took what they wanted. Both held me and gazed down at me as if they knew the secrets to mastering my body. Both made me quake with need.

  Kerry's face lowered to mine. Her pouty lips brushed my cheek. Her hot breath tickled my ear. "Let's take this somewhere a bit more private."

  I licked my lips and nodded. She smiled down at me and let her hand fall to mine. She interlaced our fingers and gently tugged on my hand. As we weaved through the dancing, throbbing crowd, I started to doubt myself. Was I really going to do this? With a woman I hardly knew? The similarities to another night, to the first time Jack seduced me during a political fundraiser, sprang to mind.

  The idea that someone as powerful and sexy as Kerry wanted me was flattering indeed. She had women throwing themselves at her yet she'd chosen me.

  We slipped through the VIP seating area, a corner the club partitioned with gauzy white curtains and tropical plants, and passed through a private door. I realized we were in some kind of darkened hallway, an access for the club owners and staff maybe. There were doors on either side. The sexy sounds penetrating some of the doors told me everything I needed to know.

  We stopped in front of a door near the end of the hallway. Kerry twisted the handle and stepped inside the room. She pulled me into the room after her. My eyes adjusted to the slightly brighter lighting—and I gasped. "Jack!"

  My sinfully sexy congressman reclined on a brown leather couch against the far wall. He'd draped his jacket over a chair near the desk and had rolled up the sleeves of his dress shirt. He sipped a drink, probably his favorite bourbon, and smiled lazily in my direction. "Sugar."

  His pet name made me grin. "What are you doing here?"

  He shrugged. "Oh, just thought I'd drop in and visit an old friend."

  I glanced over my shoulder to see Kerry leaning back against the door and grinning mischievously. I got the feeling these two had a secret. "I didn't realize you two were friends."

  Kerry slipped away from the door and trailed her manicured fingers down my bare arm. "Jack and I went to law school together. We worked together for a short time before I went into crisis management."

  "Kerry's the one who convinced me to run for office that first time," Jack explained.

  I considered the perks of having a best friend who was one of the most powerful people in D.C. "I imagine having a well-connected lawyer and public relations guru in your back pocket was useful."

  Jack chuckled at my remark. "You have no idea." He held out his hand. "Come here, Phoebe."

  I crossed the short distance between us. He tugged me down onto his lap. Gently, Jack swept away the long strands of hair grazing my neck and pushed them behind my shoulder. His lips ghosted across my skin. Even though I loved the way he teased me, I couldn't help but glance nervously in Kerry's direction. She just smiled and gave an approving nod.

  "You're secret is safe with me." She pretended to zip her lips. "Though, to be honest, I don't quite understand why Jack is hiding you."

  "He's not," I murmured.

  "Oh," Kerry said, her eyes widening in understanding. "May I ask why you're hiding him?"

  I could feel Jack's gaze boring into me. I squirmed and kept my gaze glued to Kerry. "This is a tight election year. Jack's campaign seems to be one of the few that is solid. I don't want to be the October Surprise for his campaign."

  Kerry laughed. "My goodness, Phoebe! What kind of secrets are you hiding?"

  "You know my family's history, Kerry. My father? My mother?" I shook my head and exhaled roughly. "Dad is the most successful defense contractor in this country. He profits from war. That's not exactly warm and fuzzy PR material. And my mother?"

  I forced away the awful memories threatening to resurface. "Look, we all know what a mess she was. I loved her but she was a professional manipulator, an alcoholic and a gambling addict who was in deep shit with some of the worst people Houston has to offer. And her death?" I gulped down the ball of pain clogging my throat. "Gossip bloggers can be nasty but political bloggers are even worse. I've lived with that kind of scrutinizing attention my entire life. If there's anything even slightly shady in my past or a way for them to manipulate a quote or a picture, they'll do it to discredit Jack."

  His arm slid around my waist. He cupped my jaw and forced me to look at him. The depth of affection in his dark irises stunned me. I sensed he wanted to say something serious but not in front of our audience of one, even if Kerry was his good friend. Instead, Jack kissed me tenderly, his lips lingering on mine as he pressed so much emotion into that one simple kiss. When our lips parted, he caressed my cheek. "I have a little surprise for you tonight."


  "Well," he said slowly, "I should say we have a surprise for you."

  "We?" My gaze flitted to Kerry. She looked ready to eat me right up. "Oh."

  "Are you interested?" Jack's lips skimmed my neck. "Earlier, in the elevator, when you mentioned her, I thought…"

  I met Kerry's unwavering gaze. "You weren't wrong, Jack."

  "Good." He sounded extremely pleased. "So, earlier you avoided my question. I'll ask it again. Have you ever…?"

  "Twice," I whispered. Anticipation rocked my lower belly. "Once in high school with a long-time friend on the golf course behind her house. The other time was my freshman year at college," I clarified.

  "A sorority?" Kerry guessed.

  "Yes," I said with a surprised laugh. "I'd considered rushing a sorority. I met some really nice girls during the parties. One thing led to another, and, well, you'd be surprised how much fun you can have in a tiny dorm bed."

  Kerry giggled, the sound so bright and airy. "I probably wouldn't be."

  Now it was my turn to laugh. "No," I agreed. "I'm sure you already know."

  "Let's see how much fun the three of us can have on this couch." Jack captured my mouth in a punishing kiss. His big hand slid up my belly and between my breasts. He tugged down the front of my tight-fitting dress. My bare nipples drew tight to form peaks as the cool air of the office hit them. His rough fingertips tweaked them until I gasped and pulled my knees together on his lap. "Look at these sweet tits, Kerry. Aren't they perfect?"

  Her eyes grew smoky with lust. "You were right. She's magnificent."

  "You want to taste her, don't you?" Jack's husky voice washed over me, leaving me tingling and amped up with anticipation.

  Kerry's gaze seared me. "More than anything."

  Jack grasped my inner thighs and tugged my legs wide apart. Sitting on his lap, I was now forced to drape my legs on either side of his. The leather fabric of my dress stretched taut between my legs. "Take what you want, Kerry."

  My mind reeled as the sexual charge in the air crackled between the three of us. I couldn't believe the way Jack had taken control of this situation. Kerry happily complied with his instruction and came toward us. For my part, I was unable to find even the slightest bit of refusal within me. Jack had thrown me off-kilter with his offer to indulge my attraction to Kerry but I wanted this. I wanted to know what it would be like to have them both.

  Kerry knelt on the gleaming hardwood and put her hands on my knees. Our gazes clashed as
she gently pushed my skirt up my thighs. I lifted my bottom to help her ease the fabric out of the way. My skimpy thong came into view.

  Her perfectly groomed brows arched. "Well, well, well," she said with a teasing lilt. "I wasn't expecting this."

  I blushed. "You know how these tight-fitting dresses are. It was this," I gestured to the bright orange scrap of silk, "or nothing."

  "I would have preferred nothing," Jack murmured from behind me. He nuzzled my neck and sent goose bumps racing down my skin. I shivered in his strong arms and tried to slow my racing heart. Kerry dragged my thong off my hips and down my thighs. She dropped it on the couch next to us.

  "Open your legs, sweet baby," she urged. "Let me see you."

  I swallowed hard. A tremor of excitement pierced my chest. Just as she'd asked, I widened my thighs for her and let her see my pussy. She smiled so sexily and brushed her fingertips across my smooth skin. She followed the seam of my cunt right down to the opening of my pussy and then back up again.

  I trembled as she explored me with her fingers. She opened my pussy with her thumbs and gazed at my dewy pink center. At the same time, Jack swept his hands up and down my arms and caressed my chest. He palmed my breasts and lazily toyed with my nipples.

  "So sweet and pretty," Kerry murmured. "Can't wait to get my tongue on your cunt."

  I held my breath as her mouth lowered to my sex. The first touch of her skilled tongue had me crying out and clutching for Jack's steadying hands. She moaned against my pussy and let her tongue flutter around the swollen kernel hidden there. My clit throbbed and the coil of bliss tightened in my lower belly.

  Kerry's soft, pliable tongue searched my pussy. She swiped my slit with the very tip of it and then gently probed my dripping opening. She took her time tormenting me and seemed to savor every lick. I held tight to Jack's arms and shifted my legs even wider. My high heels fell to the floor and I planted my bare feet on the leather cushions for more support.

  With her hands on my inner thighs, Kerry feasted on my pussy, her tongue stabbing inside me and her lips wrapping around my clit. Jack played with my breasts. He pinched my nipples and massaged my sensitive flesh. His lips dotted playful kisses up and down the side of my neck.

  Having two sets of hands and two mouths on me at one time left me dizzy. The wild experience made my head spin. I couldn't even wrap my mind around the unlikelihood of our tryst. Two of D.C.'s most powerful people had brazenly stolen me away to this borrowed office. Were we being missed out in the club? Had anyone noticed that Kerry was missing? That I had disappeared as well? What about Jack's handlers? Who had seen him come into the club?

  The illicit thrill of it all left me breathless and panting. I ran my fingers through Kerry's hair and trailed my nails along her scalp. Tongue buried in my cunt, she looked up at me. The wildness of seeing her tongue-fucking my pussy shot me right over the edge.

  "Kerry!" I shouted her name as the first waves of pure bliss crashed down upon me. My fingers tightened in her hair as I rode her mouth and came hard. She lashed my pussy with her tongue and drove me into another, sharper climax.

  I inhaled a staccato breath when Kerry penetrated my pussy with two of her manicured fingers. With the skill of a seasoned lover, she instantly zeroed in on my G-spot and began to rub it. I saw stars when her tongue returned to my inflamed clit. "Oh! Yes! Yes!"

  Holding tight to Jack's thighs, I rocked my hips and enjoyed the wicked sensations caused by Kerry's tongue. Jack's warm hands cupped my small breasts. He pinched my nipples just hard enough to make my toes curl. My pussy throbbed. Need coiled tightly in my core. Kerry suckled my clit and pumped those fingers inside my slick channel until I exploded in a powerful orgasm.

  "Unnhh! Unnhh! Oh. Oh!" I howled as my pussy gushed around her fingers. The shock of having just done that stunned me. I couldn't even breathe as the rapturous waves of pleasure gripped me. Kerry expertly manipulated my pussy with her tongue and fingers, forcing me into climax after climax.

  Limp and boneless, I sagged against Jack. He whispered softly in my ear but I was so dazed I couldn't even make out the words. I was vaguely aware of Kerry's fingers exploring my body. She slowly worked a finger into my ass. I moaned as she invaded me. With another finger, she drew lazy circles around my clit. Jack pinched and rolled my nipples until I was practically begging for another climax.

  "Please," I said with a groan. "Please, Kerry."

  "Oh, listen to your sweet baby begging for my tongue." Kerry sounded so amused by my torment. "What do you think, Jack? Should I show her some mercy?"

  "Make her work for it." His husky voice thrilled me. I didn't need to feel the thick cock jutting against my backside to know that Jack found this heady experience just as arousing as I did. "A climax for a climax, Kerry."

  She laughed and grinned up at him. "Oh, Jack, honey. You really know how to make a girl smile."

  Still throbbing with desire, I shivered as Jack nibbled the curve of my neck. Kerry slowly rose from her kneeling position. She toed off her killer fuck-me pumps and shimmied out of her thong. When she climbed up onto the sofa next to us and reclined against the arm, I licked my lips. It had been a long time since I'd done this. I prayed I'd be able to do it right.

  Jack shifted me out of his arms and onto the cushion space between Kerry's open knees. She pulled her skirt up around her waist and revealed her pussy. Like me, she was a fan of a complete Brazilian. Her smooth brown skin called to me. I slid down between her open thighs and lifted my gaze to meet hers. She must have seen the uncertainty glinting in my eyes.

  "It's okay, sweetheart." She caressed my face. "I'll show you what I like."

  Kerry parted the petals of her sex like some hothouse flower. Her bright pink flesh was swollen with arousal and perfectly framed by the darker, duskier labia. She made a V-shape with two fingers and placed her clit between them. I understood what she wanted and moved closer to her pussy. The fragrant spice of her unique scent tantalized me. I let a little saliva pool on the tip of my tongue before flicking her clit. Her taste reminded me of the sea. I couldn't get enough.

  "Just like that, Phoebe," she cooed, her voice deepening. "Ooh! Yes. Yes."

  Encouraged by her reaction, I circled her clit with my tongue. The pink berry swelled as she grew more and more aroused. I lapped at her with such enthusiasm. Wanting to try some of the same things she'd done to me, I let my tongue glide through her pussy lips to her dripping entrance. Her slick nectar flowed just as freely as mine.

  I penetrated her with my tongue. Her silken walls contracted around me. I used the tip of my nose to stimulate her clit, rubbing it side to side as I tongue-fucked her pussy. She groaned with passion and lifted her hips to meet my wiggling tongue. My cunt clenched as the memory of just how good this move had made me feel raced through my head.

  As if feeling left out, Jack decided to get in on the game. His fingers slipped inside me, first one, then two. Another finger worked its way inside my ass. Speared on his fingers, I rocked back and forth on my knees while pleasuring Kerry with my mouth.

  Jack playfully nipped my bottom. I yelped and was rewarded with a couple of stinging smacks on my backside. Kerry laughed at the sight of me squirming and trying to evade Jack's spanking. I returned my attention to her clit, attacking the pink pearl the same way she had. Kerry cried out and gripped my hair in her fist. Grinning against her supple flesh, I continued to torment her.

  Behind me, Jack unfastened his pants. I could feel him moving into a different position. Seconds later, the thick head of his big, fat cock nudged my entrance. With one swift thrust, he buried his dick in me. Just as quickly, he penetrated my ass with two of his fingers, his skin slicked with my nectar. Filled and stretched by him, I moaned against Kerry's pussy. "Jack!"

  "You missed my cock didn't you, sugar?" Buried balls-deep in my cunt, Jack threaded his fingers through my hair and pulled hard enough to make my scalp tingle. "Tell me how much you missed my cock."

  "So much," I said, panting
with need. "So much, Jack."

  He plowed my pussy with his huge dick and kept those fingers jammed deep in my ass. I gripped Kerry's inner thighs and dropped my tongue to her clit again. She whimpered, the desperate, desire-laden sound, invigorating me. I swirled my tongue around her clit with faster, tighter strokes. I wanted to feel her come against my lips.

  "Oh, Phoebe," she whispered, her soft fingertips gliding over my cheek. She grasped my shoulders. "So good, baby. So fucking good." Her thighs tensed around me. "So close, honey. I'm so close. So. Close."

  With a loud cry, she came. I moaned against her throbbing clit and lashed the little nub through her violent spasms of ecstasy. I could taste her sweet honey as she climaxed. Overwhelmed by the debauchery of it all, I came unexpectedly. My pussy clenched Jack's thrusting cock in rhythmic bursts. His fingernails bit into the flesh of my hips as he held tight and pounded through the waves of my ecstasy.

  Still tonguing Kerry's wet pussy, I relished the thrill of making her come again so quickly. She keened loudly, the cry so high and drawn out as a second orgasm overtook her. Her hips snapped wildly. Her clit pulsed against my lips. I suckled the juicy berry and fluttered my tongue across it, coaxing the last few tremors from her body.

  Sated and heavy-lidded, she collapsed back against the arm of the couch and watched as Jack manhandled me into a different position. He flipped me onto my back, shoved my thighs wide open and thrust deep inside me. I shuddered at the sudden, rough invasion and scratched at his sides. His fingertips bit into the soft flesh of my inner thighs as he jackhammered my pussy. Every stroke of his fat cock left me panting and trembling.

  Not wanting to be left out, Kerry licked her fingertips and found my clit. I moaned heavily as the two of them drove me crazy. She strummed my swollen pearl until I tossed back my head and screamed. The ripples of pleasure made my breasts ache and my lower belly clench. Jack pounded through my orgasm and found his own release just seconds later. His hot cum filled me with a soothing warmth that eased the throbbing bursts that still rocked my core.