Read Seducing Simon Page 15

  An hour later, she walked out of the lingerie shop with a camisole nighty set and a matching satin robe. She then went into a nearby department store and purchased several new shirts and some maternity pants. She may as well make a full-blown shopping trip out of it since she needed the maternity clothes anyway.

  She tried on two of the shirts and stared self-consciously into the dressing room mirror. They fit snugly over her breasts and flowed gently from the empire waist. The perfect shirt to highlight what little cleavage she had. And it served the dual purpose of a maternity shirt, so if the seduction failed, at least she’d get some use out of it.

  She lugged all her purchases to the Jeep and checked her watch as she climbed in. Damn, she hoped someone had remembered the crock pot.

  She pulled into the driveway at shortly after six and rummaged for her bags in the dark. Her hands full, she walked up the path to the front door and nudged the doorbell with her elbow.

  Second later the door opened and Simon hastily took the bags from her arms. “You shouldn’t be carrying all of that,” he reprimanded.

  “It’s just clothes,” she said in amusement.

  “Want me to put them on your bed?” he asked as they walked into the house.

  “Yeah, thanks.”

  “Hey, she’s back,” Matt declared as she entered the living room.

  “One would think I never leave,” she said dryly.

  “And how was Mike?” A.J. asked innocently.

  “Just fine. I’m sure he appreciates your concern.”

  He laughed. “Damn girl, you’re on fire today.”

  “You guys eat already?” she asked.

  “No, we were waiting for you.”

  “What’s the occasion?” she asked suspiciously. She stared between Matt and A.J. Then realization dawned. “It won’t work. I am not spilling my guts about Mike so forget it. There’s nothing to tell.”

  “Gee, are we that transparent?” Matt asked in disgust.

  “Yes, you are.”

  Simon returned and began taking out bowls. Toni stirred the soup in the crock pot and began ladling out portions in the bowls. Simon passed one to Matt and A.J. then took his own bowl and sat down next to them.

  She sat down next and concentrated on eating the soup, determined to ignore their curious looks.

  Finally Simon broke the awkward silence. “You guys still going to the car show tomorrow?”

  “Yeah,” Matt replied. “A.J. and I are leaving at seven.”

  “The one in Houston?” Toni asked.


  She gulped nervously. If Matt and A.J were going to be gone all day then it would be a perfect time to try her hand at Mike’s suggestions. Provided Simon was even going to be around.

  “You not going with them?” she asked Simon casually.

  “No. I thought I’d hang out around the house. Play some computer games.”

  Her heart fluttered rapidly in her chest. She lowered her gaze to the soup and spooned it up almost robotically. He was going to be home. All day. A whole day to make him notice her. It sounded so simple, yet so impossible

  Well, one thing was for certain. She was going to get to try out her new sleepwear a lot sooner than she’d expected.

  Chapter Seven

  Toni woke early the next morning. She waited until she heard A.J. and Matt leave then surveyed her appearance in the mirror. The satin shorts and camisole actually looked sexy on her. Well, at least she thought they did.

  She ran her hand over her stomach feeling the slightest hint of the swell that was slowly burgeoning. In a few more weeks she’d have a bonafide pooch. Better to do the seducing now.

  She pulled on the satin knee-length robe and tied it loosely around her waist. Then she arranged the lapels so they bared about a four inch strip of the nighty. A flush suffused her face as she looked back into the mirror and saw that the peaks of her breasts were clearly outlined. One thing about pregnancy, her nipples were taut and stiff on a twenty-four hour basis now.

  “You can do this,” she said firmly to her reflection. “It’s time Simon saw you as something more than a comfortable friend. It’s time he saw you for a sexy, desirable woman.”

  With a determined nod, she turned from the mirror and went over to the door. She placed her hand on the knob and took a deep breath. Let the operation commence.

  She walked into the kitchen, thankful for once that her room was on the opposite side of the house from the other three bedrooms. She’d taken her parents room while the guys had taken up residence in the

  three bedrooms that had served as hers and Matt’s bedrooms when they were kids.

  The setup had worked well. She had her own bathroom while the guys shared a bathroom on their end of the house. The living room and kitchen separated them. There was a formal dining room as well, but it had been turned into a computer room since they always ate at the bar.

  She could hear Simon on the computer and wondered if she should venture in there or wait for him to come into the kitchen. Finally she decided to go to the door and ask him if he’d eaten breakfast. If not she’d cook and lure him into the kitchen. But first she’d give him a taste of her outfit.

  With a grin, she walked to the computer room and cleared her throat at the doorway. “Good morning.”

  “Morning,” he mumbled, not taking his eyes from the computer screen.

  “Had breakfast yet?” She put one arm against the doorframe in what she hoped was a sexy pose.

  He finally glanced up. “No.” He turned back to the computer then jerked his head back up, his eyes widening in surprise. “Uh no.”

  His gaze was riveted on her, and she fought against the urge to blush and smile triumphantly all at the same time.

  “I’m cooking if you want to eat.” She slowly dropped her arm and turned to walk back into the kitchen.

  He followed right behind her and sat down at the bar. She began taking out the skillet and the ingredients for pancakes. She felt his gaze on her the entire time, but when she would look up at him, he’d immediately look down or away. Anywhere but at her.

  As she mixed the batter with a large wooden spoon, the motion loosened her robe and it fell completely open baring the plunging

  neckline of her camisole. Acting as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened, she set about pouring the batter into the skillet then leaned back against the counter to wait.

  “So why didn’t you go to the car show with Matt and A.J.?”

  “Not my thing,” he said barely meeting her eyes.

  “What’s your schedule this week?” It was an innocent enough question, but she wanted to be sure and plan for the days he’d be home.

  “Twenty-four Monday, off Tuesday, and forty-eight starting Wednesday. Off Friday and Saturday and a twenty-four Sunday.”

  So she had today and tomorrow to make an impression then she’d have one day out of three where she’d see him a few hours in the evening. Might be good for him to stew for a while.

  She turned and flipped the pancakes then settled her attention back on Simon. Her tongue felt tied. She’d never had any problem talking to him, but at the moment she felt as awkward as a girl on her first date.

  When the pancakes were done, she stacked them on a plate and