Read Seducing Simon Page 20

  His face was so close to hers, his lips hovered just out of reach. This was the perfect time. She ached from wanting to feel his lips on hers. Nervously, she moistened her lips and inched closer. His eyes darkened, and was it her imagination, or did he move toward her?

  She closed her eyes, preparing to revel in the taste of him when they were both jarred by the telephone ringing. Simon blinked in surprise and shook his head slightly.

  The moment was gone. She could see the retreat in his eyes.

  Slipping his arm from beneath her, he reached over to pick up the phone off the coffee table.


  She saw a frown cross his face. He looked almost worried. He stood up, seeming to have forgotten her presence on the couch. Turning away, he walked toward his room.

  “No, I’m off tomorrow, Starla. I can come by in the morning,” she heard as he disappeared down the hall.

  What the hell? Anger. Disappointment. There weren’t words to accurately portray how she felt at the moment. At least she hadn’t kissed him.

  With a sigh, she swung her legs over and stood up, testing her legs. They weren’t wobbling, thank goodness. And Simon certainly wasn’t around to catch her this time.

  She picked up the cup she had drank the soup out of and padded into the kitchen. As she rinsed it out in the sink, she heard a tap on the glass of the kitchen door. Looking up, she saw Mike standing outside.

  In relief, she hurried over and threw open the door. “Am I glad to see you.” In truth, she would have been glad to see anyone. She was ready to crawl into a hole, and she had no desire to face Simon once he finished his tete a tete with Starla.

  Mike grinned. “Now that’s a nice welcome.” He gave her a hug. “How you doing, cutie?”

  She glanced back toward Simon’s room. “Not so great,” she said, expelling a deep breath.

  “Uh oh. Did I come at a bad time?”

  “Not at all. You’re timing is impeccable. Come in for Pete’s sake.” She gestured him in and shut the door behind him. “What brings you over?”

  “I’d rather hear what’s bothering you. Anything I can help with?”

  “Not unless you’re willing to take out a certain brunette with bad timing,” she muttered.

  He laughed. “She still bugging Simon?”

  “Want a beer?” she offered, reaching for the refrigerator handle.

  “Sure.” He settled onto one of the barstools and leaned his elbows on the bar.

  She popped the cap and slid the beer over to him then sat down across from him. “I’m not so sure she’s bugging him at all. He doesn’t seem to mind her sniffing around.”

  Mike’s face softened. “Damn. Sorry to hear that. But maybe what I came over to ask will help.”

  She lifted an eyebrow.

  “Wanna go to the barbeque with me next weekend? I know you’d probably end up coming with the guys, but it could be a chance to piss

  Simon off some more.” He winked at her as he took a long swig of his beer.

  “I don’t know,” she said doubtfully. “I’m not so sure he gives a flip who I’m going out with.”

  Mike laughed. “Oh it’ll drive him nuts. He already crawled my case at the station.”

  Her eyes widened. “Wait a minute. You haven’t told me about this. What happened?”

  She straightened as she heard Simon close his door, and she put a finger to her lips as she heard him walking down the hall.

  “Toni, I’m sorry. Are you all right now?” He stopped dead when he took in the two of them sitting at the bar. “Mike? What are you doing here? And Toni, you shouldn’t be up.” He frowned and continued to walk over. He stopped beside her and laid an arm over her shoulders. Then he glared at Mike.

  Mike managed to look amused, his eyes twinkling. “Hey Simon. How’s it going?”

  Simon ignored him and turned concerned eyes to Toni. “You shouldn’t be up. Why don’t you go lie back down on the couch, and I’ll fix you some more soup.”

  “What’s he babbling about, Toni?” Mike asked with a frown.

  Toni fought her annoyance and overwhelming confusion at Simon’s peculiar behavior. He’d all but forgotten she existed when Starla called, yet he was practically snarling at Mike. “Oh, nothing. It’s no big deal.” She fidgeted uncomfortably under the scrutiny of both guys.

  “The hell it’s not,” Simon growled. “You nearly fainted.”

  “That true, Toni?” Mike asked, concern settling into his eyes.

  “It’s nothing a little fresh air wouldn’t cure. You want to step out on the deck with me?” she asked Mike sweetly.

  “Sure,” he said, sliding off the barstool. “Let me help you.” He walked around and took her elbow to help her up. She nearly laughed aloud at Simon’s expression and Mike’s blatant exaggeration of her circumstances.

  “You should be resting more,” he lectured, as they walked toward the door, leaving a scowling Simon behind.

  As they closed the sliding doors behind them, Toni giggled. “Okay, you can drop the act now.”

  “Did you really almost faint?”

  “Yeah. No biggie though.”

  He frowned slightly but didn’t pursue it.

  “Have a seat,” she said gesturing to one of the deck chairs. “Then you can tell me what Simon jumped on you about at the station.”

  Mike smiled and opted to lean against the deck railing instead. “He doesn’t like me seeing you.”

  She rolled her eyes. “And did he offer an explanation why?”

  “Not in so many words. He did threaten to kick my ass though.”

  She sighed and leaned back beside Mike. “I don’t get it, Mike. I thought tonight was the night. I was so close to kissing him. And I think he wanted to kiss me. But then psycho bitch called, and he dropped me like a hot potato.”

  “Methinks our boy is a bit conflicted,” Mike offered.

  “Well damn it. I don’t want him conflicted. I want him to want me.”

  “Give it some time,” he said soothingly, moving his hand to rub her back. “Let’s see what happens this next weekend at the barbeque. If I know Simon, this will all but put the nail in his coffin.”

  She remained silent. She wished she had Mike’s optimism, but she was afraid that the truth of the matter was, Simon had zero interest in her in anything beyond the capacity of a little sister.

  “Hey, you wanna go grab something to eat?” he asked suddenly.

  She glanced up at him. “I don’t know.”

  “Come on. You need to get out and have a little fun. We could go play some pool afterwards. You used to go down and play with A.J. all the time. You’re pregnant, not dead,” he reminded her.

  “Yes, but if I show up with you, speculation will run rampant you’re the father of my baby,” she said lightly.