Read Seducing Simon Page 24

  She shook her head. “Consider it my wedding gift to you and Stephanie.”

  He shook his head just as adamantly.

  “We’ll talk about it when the time comes,” she said in exasperation.

  “What will we talk about?” A.J. said as he sauntered back up to the bar.

  “That I’m going to move out after the baby’s born,” she said lightly. There was no reason to keep it a secret. The sooner everyone knew, the faster it would be dealt with. She steeled herself for his protest, but then A.J. was the most easygoing of the bunch.

  He merely looked at her. “Are you sure that’s what you want?”

  She nodded then turned back to Matt. “So, now that we got that out of the way, when do you plan to pop the question?”

  A.J.’s mouth fell open. “Seriously? You’re asking Stephanie to marry you?”

  “I’m thinking about it,” Matt corrected.

  “Hey man, that’s great. She’s a wonderful girl.” He slapped Matt on the back, a broad grin on his face.

  “Thanks. I think so too.”

  The doorknob rattled and Simon walked in the door, dumping his keys on the bar. He looked curiously between the three standing at the bar. Toni tensed, the jubilation she felt for Matt fading.

  “Did I miss something? You three look like you’re celebrating.”

  “Matt’s getting hitched,” A.J. said with a grin.

  “Might be getting hitched,” Matt said, elbowing A.J. in the gut.

  “Really? That’s great. When’s the big day?”

  Toni watched as the world around her began to change. No, it had been changing for a while. Ever since the fateful night she’d had sex with Simon. And there wasn’t a damn thing she could do to reverse the consequences.

  She tuned out the guys who were in an animated conversation as to how best for Matt to propose to Stephanie. Somehow, she’d always imagine she would be the first to get married and move out. At this rate, she’d be the last.

  “I guess we’ll all be looking for a new place to live and not just Toni,” A.J. spoke up, yanking her from her thoughts.

  Simon frowned. “What? I thought we agreed she was staying here.”

  “Somehow I don’t see Matt and Stephanie wanting two guys, a sister-in-law and a baby crowding in on their marriage,” she pointed out. “Matt and I have discussed it, and I’ll move out after the baby’s born.”

  Simon looked thunderstruck. “There’s no reason the three of us couldn’t find a place.”

  A.J. leaned back and remained silent. In fact, everyone shut up. “And what about when you and A.J. decide to get married? That means me and the tikester will be moving again. No, I’d rather find a permanent place and make a home for me and my child,” she said firmly.

  Simon opened his mouth to speak then shut it again.

  Matt ran a hand through his hair. “You see, Toni? This is precisely why I didn’t want to get into this yet. What we have here works. We’re a family.”

  Simon nodded. Even A.J. acknowledged it by a slight inclination of his head.

  “Even families have to grow up and move on,” she insisted. “And I can’t imagine Simon or A.J. either one wanting you to sacrifice your happiness just to keep us all together.”

  At that, both Simon and A.J. shook their heads.

  She walked around the bar to where Matt sat and wrapped her arms tightly around him. “I love you,” she said fiercely. “And I want you to be happy. Sure it will suck for a while. Do you remember when I left for college?”

  Matt chuckled close to her ear.

  “We’ll get over it, and we’ll still be a family. Only now, Stephanie will be a part of it.”

  He returned her hug, nearly squeezing the breath from her. “I love you too, little sister.”

  She drew away then glanced back at Simon and A.J. “There is one catch, you know. You’ll have to have us all over on Sundays to watch football. Stephanie will just have to understand if she’s going to marry you.” She winked broadly at Matt, and his face relaxed into a huge smile.

  As she looked around the kitchen, the only one not smiling was Simon.

  Chapter Twelve

  He’d been unable to shake his irritation ever since Toni had informed them all she was moving out and Matt had announced he was proposing to Stephanie. He felt betrayed.

  Simon sat at the kitchen bar waiting for the others to get ready for the annual fire and rescue barbeque held at the firehouse. He had almost no enthusiasm to go, but neither did he want to stay at home and stew.

  For the last several years, he’d lived with people he considered his family. His best friends. And now in the space of a few months things were going to change forever. It was thoroughly depressing. Almost as depressing as Toni dating Mike Sanders.

  As if conjuring him up by his thoughts, he looked up to see Mike knocking on the kitchen door. With a scowl, he motioned him in. “What the hell are you doing over here? Aren’t you supposed to be working?” Simon asked.

  “Yeah, I just ran over to pick Toni up for the barbeque.”

  Irritation surged over Simon. “You left work to pick her up when we’re all heading over there anyway? She could have ridden with us.”

  Mike shrugged. “Slow morning and you’re only five minutes away. Besides, I asked Toni to go with me.”

  Remembering how angry he had made Toni last time, Simon bit his tongue and turned away. “She’ll be out in a minute.”

  “Mike, what you doing here?” A.J. asked as he walked into the kitchen.

  “Picking Toni up.”

  A.J. frowned. “She could’ve ridden with us.”

  Mike rolled his eyes. “Can you just get her? I have to get back to the station pretty quick.”

  “Toni,” A.J. hollered toward her room. “Loverboy’s here to get you.”

  “Don’t be an ass,” Mike said with a scowl.

  Toni appeared seconds later, and Simon did an instant double take. In a word, she looked fantastic. She glowed from head to toe. And her shirt. He had the insane urge to throw a jacket over her to cover the neckline. Was it all due to pregnancy or had she always looked so damn beautiful?

  “Hi, Mike, you ready to go?” she asked with a smile in his direction.

  Jealousy slammed hard into Simon’s chest leaving him nearly shaking. Jealousy. Good God. He was losing his ever-loving mind.

  “I’ll see you guys in a bit?” she asked turning to look at him and A.J.

  “Yeah, we’re coming now,” Simon said, picking up his keys.

  Mike led Toni out with a hand to her back, and Simon followed behind seething the entire way. And as usual, A.J. was wearing his smug little grin.

  “This isn’t working,” Toni said, as she and Mike pulled up to the firehouse.