Read Selected Stories by Rudyard Kipling Page 8

  He took up his helmet and went out of the room, and Mrs Boulte sat till the moonlight streaked the floor, thinking and thinking and thinking. She had done her best upon the spur of the moment to pull the house down; but it would not fall. Moreover, she could not understand her husband, and she was afraid. Then the folly of her useless truthfulness struck her, and she was ashamed to write to Kurrell, saying, ‘I have gone mad and told everything. My husband says that I am free to elope with you. Get a dâk for Thursday, and we will fly after dinner.’ There was a cold-bloodedness about that procedure which did not appeal to her. So she sat still in her own house and thought.

  At dinner-time Boulte came back from his walk, white and worn and haggard, and the woman was touched at his distress. As the evening wore on she muttered some expression of sorrow, something approaching to contrition. Boulte came out of a brown study and said, ‘Oh, that I wasn’t thinking about that. By the way, what does Kurrell say to the elopement?’

  ‘I haven’t seen him,’ said Mrs Boulte. ‘Good God, is that all?’

  But Boulte was not listening, and her sentence ended in a gulp.

  The next day brought no comfort to Mrs Boulte, for Kurrell did not appear, and the new life that she, in the five minutes’ madness of the previous evening, had hoped to build out of the ruins of the old, seemed to be no nearer.

  Boulte ate his breakfast, advised her to see her Arab pony fed in the verandah, and went out. The morning wore through, and at mid-day the tension became unendurable. Mrs Boulte could not cry. She had finished her crying in the night, and now she did not want to be left alone. Perhaps the Vansuythen Woman would talk to her; and, since talking opens the heart, perhaps there might be some comfort to be found in her company. She was the only other woman in the Station.

  In Kashima there are no regular calling-hours. Everyone can drop in upon everyone else at pleasure. Mrs Boulte put on a big terai hat,5 and walked across to the Vansuythens’ house to borrow last week’s Queen. The two compounds touched, and instead of going up the drive, she crossed through the gap in the cactus-hedge, entering the house from the back. As she passed through the dining-room, she heard, behind the purdah6 that cloaked the drawing-room door, her husband’s voice, saying:

  ‘But on my Honour! On my Soul and Honour, I tell you she doesn’t care for me. She told me so last night. I would have told you then if Vansuythen hadn’t been with you. If it is for her sake that you’ll have nothing to say to me, you can make your mind easy. It’s Kurrell –’

  ‘What?’ said Mrs Vansuythen, with a hysterical little laugh. ‘Kurrell! Oh, it can’t be! You two must have made some horrible mistake. Perhaps you – you lost your temper, or misunderstood, or something. Things can’t be as wrong as you say.’

  Mrs Vansuythen had shifted her defence to avoid the man’s pleading and was desperately trying to keep him to a side-issue.

  ‘There must be some mistake,’ she insisted, ‘and it can be all put right again.’

  Boulte laughed grimly.

  ‘It can’t be Captain Kurrell! He told me that he had never taken the least – the least interest in your wife, Mr Boulte. Oh, do listen! He said he had not. He swore he had not,’ said Mrs Vansuythen.

  The purdah rustled, and the speech was cut short by the entry of a little thin woman, with big rings round her eyes. Mrs Vansuythen stood up with a gasp.

  ‘What was that you said?’ asked Mrs Boulte. ‘Never mind that man. What did Ted say to you? What did he say to you? What did he say to you?’

  Mrs Vansuythen sat down helplessly on the sofa, overborne by the trouble of her questioner.

  ‘He said – I can’t remember exactly what he said – but I understood him to say – that is – But, really, Mrs Boulte, isn’t it rather a strange question?’

  ‘Will you tell me what he said?’ repeated Mrs Boulte. Even a tiger will fly before a bear robbed of her whelps, and Mrs Vansuythen was only an ordinarily good woman. She began in a sort of desperation: ‘Well, he said that he never cared for you at all, and, of course, there was not the least reason why he should have, and – and – that was all.’

  ‘You said he swore he had not cared for me. Was that true?’

  ‘Yes,’ said Mrs Vansuythen very softly.

  Mrs Boulte wavered for an instant where she stood, and then fell forward fainting.

  ‘What did I tell you?’ said Boulte, as though the conversation had been unbroken. ‘You can see for yourself. She cares for him.’ The light began to break into his dull mind, and he went on: ‘And he – what was he saying to you?’

  But Mrs Vansuythen, with no heart for explanations or impassioned protestations, was kneeling over Mrs Boulte.

  ‘Oh, you brute!’ she cried. ‘Are all men like this? Help me to get her into my room – and her face is cut against the table. Oh, will you be quiet, and help me to carry her? I hate you, and I hate Captain Kurrell. Lift her up carefully, and now – go! Go away!’

  Boulte carried his wife into Mrs Vansuythen’s bedroom, and departed before the storm of that lady’s wrath and disgust, impenitent and burning with jealousy. Kurrell had been making love to Mrs Vansuythen – would do Vansuythen as great a wrong as he had done Boulte, who caught himself considering whether Mrs Vansuythen would faint if she discovered that the man she loved had forsworn her.

  In the middle of these meditations, Kurrell came cantering along the road and pulled up with a cheery ‘Good mornin’. Been mashing Mrs Vansuythen as usual, eh? Bad thing for a sober, married man, that. What will Mrs Boulte say?’

  Boulte raised his head and said slowly: ‘Oh, you liar!’ Kurrell’s face changed. ‘What’s that?’ he asked quickly.

  ‘Nothing much,’ said Boulte. ‘Has my wife told you that you two are free to go off whenever you please? She has been good enough to explain the situation to me. You’ve been a true friend to me, Kurrell – old man – haven’t you?’

  Kurrell groaned, and tried to frame some sort of idiotic sentence about being willing to give ‘satisfaction’. But his interest in the woman was dead, had died out in the Rains, and, mentally, he was abusing her for her amazing indiscretion. It would have been so easy to have broken off the thing gently and by degrees, and now he was saddled with – Boulte’s voice recalled him.

  ‘I don’t think I should get any satisfaction from killing you, and I’m pretty sure you’d get none from killing me.’

  Then in a querulous tone, ludicrously disproportioned to his wrongs, Boulte added:

  ‘Seems rather a pity that you haven’t the decency to keep to the woman, now you’ve got her. You’ve been a true friend to her too, haven’t you?’

  Kurrell stared long and gravely. The situation was getting beyond him.

  ‘What do you mean?’ he said.

  Boulte answered more to himself than the questioner: ‘My wife came over to Mrs Vansuythen’s just now; and it seems you’d been telling Mrs Vansuythen that you’d never cared for Emma. I suppose you lied, as usual. What had Mrs Vansuythen to do with you, or you with her? Try to speak the truth for once in a way.’

  Kurrell took the double insult without wincing, and replied by another question: ‘Go on. What happened?’

  ‘Emma fainted,’ said Boulte simply. ‘But, look here, what had you been saying to Mrs Vansuythen?’

  Kurrell laughed. Mrs Boulte had, with unbridled tongue, made havoc of his plans; and he could at least retaliate by hurting the man in whose eyes he was humiliated and shown dishonourable.

  ‘Saying to her? What does a man tell a lie like that for? I suppose I said pretty much what you’ve said, unless I’m a good deal mistaken.’

  ‘I spoke the truth,’ said Boulte, again more to himself than Kurrell. ‘Emma told me she hated me. She has no right in me.’

  ‘No! I suppose not. You’re only her husband, y’know. And what did Mrs Vansuythen say after you had laid your disengaged heart at her feet?’

  Kurrell felt almost virtuous as he put the question.

  ‘I don’t think
that matters,’ Boulte replied; ‘and it doesn’t concern you.’

  ‘But it does! I tell you it does’ – began Kurrell shamelessly.

  The sentence was cut by a roar of laughter from Boulte’s lips. Kurrell was silent for an instant, and then he, too, laughed – laughed long and loudly, rocking in his saddle. It was an unpleasant sound – the mirthless mirth of these men on the long white line of the Narkarra Road. There were no strangers in Kashima, or they might have thought that captivity within the Dosehri hills had driven half the European population mad. The laughter ended abruptly, and Kurrell was the first to speak.

  ‘Well, what are you going to do?’

  Boulte looked up the road, and at the hills. ‘Nothing,’ said he quietly. ‘What’s the use? It’s too ghastly for anything. We must let the old life go on. I can only call you a hound and a liar, and I can’t go on calling you names for ever. Besides which, I don’t feel that I’m much better. We can’t get out of this place. What is there to do?’

  Kurrell looked round the rat-pit of Kashima and made no reply. The injured husband took up the wondrous tale.

  ‘Ride on, and speak to Emma if you want to. God knows I don’t care what you do.’

  He walked forward, and left Kurrell gazing blankly after him. Kurrell did not ride on either to see Mrs Boulte or Mrs Vansuythen. He sat in his saddle and thought, while his pony grazed by the roadside.

  The whir of approaching wheels roused him. Mrs Vansuythen was driving home Mrs Boulte, white and wan, with a cut on her forehead.

  ‘Stop, please,’ said Mrs Boulte. ‘I want to speak to Ted.’

  Mrs Vansuythen obeyed, but as Mrs Boulte leaned forward, putting her hand upon the splash-board of the dog-cart, Kurrell spoke.

  ‘I’ve seen your husband, Mrs Boulte.’

  There was no necessity for any further explanation. The man’s eyes were fixed, not upon Mrs Boulte, but her companion. Mrs Boulte saw the look.

  ‘Speak to him!’ she pleaded, turning to the woman at her side. ‘Oh, speak to him! Tell him what you told me just now. Tell him you hate him! Tell him you hate him!’

  She bent forward and wept bitterly, while the sais,7 impassive, went forward to hold the horse. Mrs Vansuythen turned scarlet and dropped the reins. She wished to be no party to such unholy explanations.

  ‘I’ve nothing to do with it,’ she began coldly; but Mrs Boulte’s sobs overcame her, and she addressed herself to the man. ‘I don’t know what I am to say, Captain Kurrell. I don’t know what I can call you. I think you’ve – you’ve behaved abominably, and she has cut her forehead terribly against the table.’

  ‘It doesn’t hurt. It isn’t anything,’ said Mrs Boulte feebly. ‘That doesn’t matter. Tell him what you told me. Say you don’t care for him. Oh, Ted, won’t you believe her?’

  ‘Mrs Boulte has made me understand that you were – that you were fond of her once upon a time,’ went on Mrs Vansuythen.

  ‘Well!’ said Kurrell brutally. ‘It seems to me that Mrs Boulte had better be fond of her own husband first.’

  ‘Stop!’ said Mrs Vansuythen. ‘Hear me first. I don’t care – I don’t want to know anything about you and Mrs Boulte; but I want you to know that I hate you, that I think you are a cur, and that I’ll never, never speak to you again. Oh, I don’t dare to say what I think of you, you – man!’

  ‘I want to speak to Ted,’ moaned Mrs Boulte, but the dog-cart rattled on, and Kurrell was left on the road, shamed, and boiling with wrath against Mrs Boulte.

  He waited till Mrs Vansuythen was driving back to her own house, and, she being freed from the embarrassment of Mrs Boulte’s presence, learned for the second time her opinion of himself and his actions.

  In the evenings it was the wont of all Kashima to meet at the platform on the Narkarra Road, to drink tea and discuss the trivialities of the day. Major Vansuythen and his wife found themselves alone at the gathering-place for almost the first time in their remembrance; and the cheery Major, in the teeth of his wife’s remarkably reasonable suggestion that the rest of the Station might be sick, insisted upon driving round to the two bungalows and unearthing the population.

  ‘Sitting in the twilight!’ said he, with great indignation, to the Boultes. ‘That’ll never do! Hang it all, we’re one family here! You must come out, and so must Kurrell. I’ll make him bring his banjo.’

  So great is the power of honest simplicity and a good digestion over guilty consciences that all Kashima did turn out, even down to the banjo; and the Major embraced the company in one expansive grin. As he grinned, Mrs Vansuythen raised her eyes for an instant and looked at all Kashima. Her meaning was clear. Major Vansuythen would never know anything. He was to be the outsider in that happy family whose cage was the Dosehri hills.

  ‘You’re singing villainously out of tune, Kurrell,’ said the Major truthfully. ‘Pass me that banjo.’

  And he sang in excruciating wise till the stars came out and all Kashima went to dinner.

  That was the beginning of the New Life of Kashima – the life that Mrs Boulte made when her tongue was loosened in the twilight.

  Mrs Vansuythen has never told the Major; and since he insists upon keeping up a burdensome geniality, she has been compelled to break her vow of not speaking to Kurrell. This speech, which must of necessity preserve the semblance of politeness and interest, serves admirably to keep alight the flames of jealousy and dull hatred in Boulte’s bosom, as it awakens the same passions in his wife’s heart. Mrs Boulte hates Mrs Vansuythen because she has taken Ted from her, and, in some curious fashion, hates her because Mrs Vansuythen – and here the wife’s eyes see far more clearly than the husband’s – detests Ted. And Ted – that gallant captain and honourable man – knows now that it is possible to hate a woman once loved, to the verge of wishing to silence her for ever with blows. Above all is he shocked that Mrs Boulte cannot see the error of her ways.

  Boulte and he go out tiger-shooting together in all friendship. Boulte has put their relationship on a most satisfactory footing.

  ‘You’re a blackguard,’ he says to Kurrell, ‘and I’ve lost any self-respect I may ever have had; but when you’re with me, I can feel certain that you are not with Mrs Vansuythen, or making Emma miserable.’

  Kurrell endures anything that Boulte may say to him. Sometimes they are away for three days together, and then the Major insists upon his wife going over to sit with Mrs Boulte; although Mrs Vansuythen has repeatedly declared that she prefers her husband’s company to any in the world. From the way in which she clings to him, she would certainly seem to be speaking the truth.

  But of course, as the Major says, ‘in a little Station we must all be friendly’.

  Dray Wara Yow Dee1

  For jealousy is the rage of a man: therefore he will not spare in the day of vengeance.

  Proverbs vi: 34.

  Almonds and raisins, Sahib? Grapes from Kabul? Or a pony of the rarest if the Sahib will only come with me. He is thirteen-three,2 Sahib, plays polo, goes in a cart, carries a lady and – Holy Kurshed3 and the Blessed Imams,4 it is the Sahib himself! My heart is made fat and my eye glad. May you never be tired! As is cold water in the Tirah,5 so is the sight of a friend in a far place. And what do you in this accursed land?6 South of Delhi, Sahib, you know the saying – ‘Rats are the men and trulls the women.’ It was an order? Ahoo! An order is an order till one is strong enough to disobey. O my brother, O my friend, we have met in an auspicious hour! Is all well in the heart and the body and the house? In a lucky day have we two come together again.

  I am to go with you? Your favour is great. Will there be picket-room in the compound? I have three horses and the bundles and the horse-boy. Moreover, remember that the police here hold me a horse-thief. What do these Lowland bastards know of horse-thieves? Do you remember that time in Peshawur when Kamal7 hammered on the gates of Jumrud 8 – mountebank that he was – and lifted the Colonel’s horses all in one night? Kamal is dead now, but his nephew has taken up the matter, a
nd there will be more horses a-missing if the Khyber Levies do not look to it.

  The Peace of God and the favour of His Prophet be upon this house and all that is in it! Shafiz Ullah, rope the mottled mare under the tree and draw water. The horses can stand in the sun, but double the felts over the loins. Nay, my friend, do not trouble to look them over. They are to sell to the Officer-fools who know so many things of the horse. The mare is heavy in foal; the grey is a devil unlicked; and the dun – but you know the trick of the peg. When they are sold I go back to Pubbi, or, it may be, the Valley of Peshawur.

  O friend of my heart, it is good to see you again. I have been bowing and lying all day to the Officer-Sahibs in respect to those horses; and my mouth is dry for straight talk. Auggrh! Before a meal tobacco is good. Do not join me, for we are not in our own country. Sit in the verandah and I will spread my cloth here. But first I will drink. In the name of God returning thanks, thrice! This is sweet water, indeed – sweet as the water of Sheoran when it comes from the snows.

  They are all well and pleased in the North – Khoda Baksh and the others. Yar Khan has come down with the horses from Kurdistan – six-and-thirty head only, and a full half pack-ponies – and has said openly in the Kashmir Serai that you English should send guns and blow the Amir9 into Hell. There are fifteen tolls now on the Kabul road; and at Dakka, when he thought he was clear, Yar Khan was stripped of all his Balkh stallions by the Governor! This is a great injustice, and Yar Khan is hot with rage. And of the others: Mahbub Ali is still at Pubbi, writing God knows what. Tugluq Khan is in jail for the business of the Kohat Police Post. Faiz Beg came down from Ismail-ki-Dhera with a Bokhariot belt for thee, my brother, at the closing of the year, but none knew whither thou hadst gone: there was no news left behind. The Cousins have taken a new run near Pakpattan to breed mules for the Government carts, and there is a story in the Bazar of a priest. Oho! Such a salt tale! Listen –