Read Sequoia Trail-A Bo Jon Littlehorse P.I. Novel. Second Edition Page 20


  The Nevada sunshine made for a warm February, Bo Jon allowed Chris full use of his land, as David had, at once-done. Chris-had entered a ‘confluence’ and Bo-helped him be-resolved in his new-life. Yet, as evident as it was, he’d attentively, itemized on several useful-facts and Chris-wanted to see his brother, now being brought to ‘justice‘-informed Bo Jon as much as he could, yet he only-wanted to know a systemic, account of things. …Entailing, as to his future-capture; was alluding of the law through the elaborates, in social-sophistication. That he-hid in a community somewhere in the Southern-concourse. He didn’t mention that the skills David possessed-in the South meant anonymous-‘Carte-Blanche’. Yet F.B.I. were honoring a whole-other exception that sooner or later would find him… Bo Jon got to know Chris or C.T. He welcomed the conversation, being the dinner-guest and even getting to know his-horses and ranch. Bo-enjoyed his company. He decided somewhere in the pattern of David’s past was the ‘key’ to unlock the ‘door’ to where he was… He learnt as much as possible about David. ‘I called him Davey, we were good-brothers…’ ‘I, usually played the naïve one, while he was the ‘doorkeeper’…’ ‘When Mom and Dad died, I was upset; but he pulled-me together and said we had to be strong and to carry-on...’ ‘I did as he told.' ‘But one thing about him, he wasn’t over-sensationalizing…’

  ‘He was simple, solemn and steadfast.’ ‘He’d enjoyed work and free-time; he liked the mountains, and he loved the rural-life.’ ‘The rougher the better, no, I bet he’d wished he was somewhere more easy, less harsh’… Bo Jon thought on this, life was easier; the oil rigs, crop-farming perhaps an allowance of living-terms… A new definition-of defensive, devising-had now been comprised… The errant, ‘plausibility’-of the criminal. What-played as a sensing-act, had now became a ‘resolve’ that went over several-final horizons. Bo and Chris, improvised a teleology to a murderer. Perhaps mass-murder, an Elitist on the run, and a secular tangential in a Southern-rural; had gotten over an ‘impasse’, a plea-to be resolved, fulfill and to reach a valuation to a past-uncomplete. He thought long-and-hard on the issues of David C. Garr’s life... The instances and apparents; edges and tolerances; in what ought to have been and disadvantages-ellipses in the contents of irrelevance. The essence of brotherly, design had a fortune. Bo Jon with now, a window-on David’s life and living-focus. It was as if David acted to inundate in an attempt-to rescind arduousness, ‘frozen’ and self-ill-fortune in a life-success in other respects and that retrospective-rift, then resolved as a coursing, concomitant-life. …Bo, knowing that his-capture was growing-ever so of caption, clausal and parallel… A capture, that settled-upon a self-salvo, semantic…

  ...Opportunity, had thus been the allusive-presence of waking and willing, a farcical-contingent of proper pragmatics and the provision of resound; perhaps a ‘profound‘-essence by encounter, and invocation. As dimension, decision and utter pre-lay-had redefined David’s lot-in life. And with a medley of cause, compensations and concurring the case-had taken, and in what could be a perceived-turn. A ‘chance’ to hypocratize a denizen-ship once crucially, specific to his former-life… Had a hidden agenda, a disciplinary-life with discerning reticence; yet it became his life of substantiality, having ended? But perhaps, as a new saving-reality, revised his redeeming.... A proving of priority punctuated by successive permission new profound ‘protocol‘… Bo’s precision and account, had been weighing-in and deducing in-focus and transformative. Up till now Bo had let legitimizing of the case-fall between lines. Much had happened, had been in a lateral discussion, faint and faithful in analogousness. Yet Bo-was a thorough crime investigator. He’d eyewitness the crime-scene listened and observed and given tacit follow-up. Yet his opinion and deliberate-pinion, in the case had been through the logging-assimilation and fate. To enter now the full coding of vice and deception-aside he was in-it, for the long-run…

  Putting it between the poles-of-logic and latitude he collected much in in-sensed evidence. It was as though reason and rational but much circumstance, had allowed him to get under-the-wire. Bo was out to bring a violator to justice. A justice of prosecution by the law to be placed before the court and answer for his-actions. He’d worked in a connotative-adjunct and auspice. For a murderer on the run could easily lead to further-crimes… Bo Jon knew the evidence, the ‘tides’ of inclinations to a preliminary of the crime. Of the differing-issues, issues which stood to bind in an-elaboration. Projecting and interjecting, went so far and only did so much. As he sat in his den at his ranch he put-together, with instilling aside the perspectives and roots of the crime. From the high-range site to the sightings and en par instances. In what was a crime, high-lighted by obstacles, occurrences, and aversive-ness which was allowing a criminal to go free and in thus doing, intensifying in its criminal complexity. He’d traveled-over 1,100 miles tracking him. The mild climate of Los Angeles, California the dry and range of Arizona, the South and Southeast; trying to find what had been concluded as superficial individual subverting and in what had became a certain sanctum supercilious… He stopped standardizing, and began surmising again the substantive-coordination.

  The project of this crime, had been an autonomy-of sorts. A standard-case of pretense, murder and situ-anomaly. Yet Bo had stood-back from it, to catch as much ‘properties’, as possible. Dependabilities, assumptions, and redemptions-aside; the raw-evidence had-indicated David C. Garr; as perpetrator, assailant and culprit yet with a motive-‘unknown’ This was probably what went through the Feds’ minds... A nation-wide man-hunt, the clues of the crime and the circumstance made him a wanted-man. Bo knew ‘favor‘, factuality and fore-sworn action made for a complicated-reality... Yet just as easy, the killer’s role was adduced to enact in a tendency. An impareil, if concocted collusion… The only one who could explain what happened, was un-contactable. Bo figured this, and his-history could turn the tide of what the authorities considered ‘open and shut’. He’d had cases like this before. Of a man, held in deficit-of-crime only to be judged in-sequitor to his-actions. The Feds’ duty was to capture and perfect; the crime under-code of federal law. A singled dimension auspice of induction, yet as ‘central’ the drawing of conclusion was ‘heavy’. That’s where Bo began…

  Bo started in a credulity of the case. The paths and meanders, which would result-in composite of the case. He began, that as a result of the assembly-of-detectives in the Washington mountain range… The case would have been closed had not the woodland fires been stopped in cause by the deceased in careful actions saving forest and evidence, David might have died alongside-of his men. Yet the flames, didn’t cross the pitch line. David’s own duty saved his life in so doing deciding a crime-committed… Bo Jon had decided then that it was not elaborate or skullduggery but facing-intention. An exposed overview to instance. Further the filiaments conduced to deliberative-terms, which meant sophisticated-numbers. Objectively, he went from a case of ill-certain circumstance to a vocal of wrong-doing. It was only ill-fortunate that actions and plan appeared: obvious. Demise, development and discretion hallowed the proof of intended yet sporadic-murders. Sizing-up cause was difficult, this was in terms of indiscretion, an indemnity of detectives inculcation. Detective work often began with enlistment covering the basis, identifying contributing clues, and a delineation in portrayal.

  Yet the manual-technique, was very a sensitive-parodying in a crime-deductive-use in assumption in much of the time. Due specifics reduced from conclusion to incurring embodying upper-instance, and the visualized and itemized-scales. In dutiful-factional, by which the alignment was in vast inter-determining, insistence and oddity; the direct infirm of the criminal act. He’d watched as detectives eased-into the lilting-extent of the crime; and thus, elemental-priorities of an abridging, ordinarily. Then, he was able to watch as detective-technicality foreshadowed into alluding-evidence, crime and incrimination. Yet as this all installed prevalent-
articulation, a premonition allotted much to the suspect and with government corroboration made evident by partisanship a lay-bared decision. David went-back to the back-country of eastern-Tennessee. In fact, he’d rather stayed in the woods rather than hauling wood. But it was apart if his-job to stay to the land… Although similar-to working for U.S.F.S., he was no-longer constrained by regiment, duty or overseeing. The back-country was deep and lush, even in late Winter. He’d picnicked, fished and hiked on treks. He had the timberland, marked by April. So when the wood season-ended he was gone for days-on end. Sometimes he’d tell his neighbors where he went, then at times he disappeared, reappearing without any discussion.

  He was a ‘loner’, yet he-wanted companionship every so often, as his only-family was now no longer a part of his life. But he no longer thought of him, as often. Nearly all his past had been forgotten. He became a back-woodsman… And the little-town of Fire Creek became his residence. Until he was ready to move-on. Enjoying the rest of the flora and fauna for its escape had in-ways made for forbidden-rules, of sorts. A placid, hidden-beauty, he could not long stay… There had been much to forget, yet he ‘understood’, time was fleeting. It had taken much energy to waylay the projectional, cost-of-fate and fragility in what was an owning in-perception of subjection; lived-in a lower cause, of self-action. There had been to many vocal points-to extol to many contending of facts that would lead-back to him... So as he waded through lush forest he had much time to contemplate. ‘Time’, had been on his mind. Time, to lead a selfish life of malady, motive and manifest; never-thought possible by him. What had been a design-to his life; a reputation, honor and endeavor had now, been wiped-away. His once instilling, ‘frugality’ of fortune had now been over-turned and its impact severing. in indifference.

  That was ‘in-difference’ in a life, that went astray. Fire Creek, Tennessee lay east of the Delta 28-miles, from Nashville… It had a road heading east-into Georgia… David had taken that road. He’d visit the Georgia ‘Big Piney’ region which had bluffs and valleys yet it was almost secluded, David knew he couldn’t escape civilization and that what once existed was all he could hope to ever have. He remembered the many fires which he himself, was a counselor. He’d both subjected and surmised, as a duty and honor. He missed the once committed-regiment. The proper-scope and scale to be able to act in uniformity, and instilling. The committed-travail of trust and treatise-cooperated in the curtailing-of a fiery ignition. The many ideas and ‘angles’ of flammability in cause of place and process; determinacy to de-stabilize, its origin. He-did his job-well. But those contingent-oracle confessed of ‘little’ these-days. Lost, were all its ramified-resignations, orders and complying that made his-life worthwhile… That evidential abduction of this, was complete and indifferent now eddying, within his-reality. That indifference now made-up his life. Life that was ‘stretched-out’ had been in a subdivision of ‘irony’, an inception and of formal institution.

  He gave more careful thought to this edifice… And how secure and systematic it was. With elements of striding, professing and productivity. The many alliances and illuminations in careful, conveying. An authorial absolving now cracked into the jagged-pieces, of what had been success. Veneration had played a big-part. But now human-evidence was being called into-play. His ‘duty’, deed, and a dedication of downfall was complete. He knew his tomorrows were limited. Living which he’d overcome, succeeded and served was now on in an in-severance of highest-caliber. The once coveted-order of things, was now super-imposed against normal-logic. ...As he once upheld human-life, he now existed in regardless-form by élan… He was deep-into the forest and came-back, until he’d taken what he needed from his trailer, and never went-back. No one was really, surprised. They’d seen loner’s come and go, and David seemed one of the more, capable. He lived now on the road driving into Georgia. The wet-season had begun. He took shelter-in his car. Catching-fish and buying what he-needed at a local-store then returning to the woods. His life had been to abandon order and claim in its incurring.

  Of the caliber in the dormancy of a life by the unconscious to be the embeds, as the military called-it. When a soldier had to see fit, to hide, live-off the land, and avoid and evade any-contact. Yet to survive he’d interacted, worked and thrived-through the best of his-ability. Yet his war was to overcome the embattlement of murder, misanthropy and suspicion; the coda of an evinced, culpability… Never being fully, given experience in a contrasting-tribulation in overcoming. The impertinence of ‘fire’, fortitude and fortuity had been by the offense in the past. The past was now following him as adhering, as it once served as a purpose. The perogative allusion to homage and to happenstance… An insufficiency by action, and utilities. The surmounting, seriousness that was now sanctioned as an altering. A precipitous causing or by what was once agency. He’d devoted his life to a commandment and merging, now he was in the ‘cusp’ of its ‘authenticity’... The man, once serving at a turn, was now in its ‘antipathis’. A lament initialized and in an errant-action. The principles, not by flarish-act in a human-vulnerability and imposing, no-one could account for...

  The principle-propounding in erratic-psyche, and ill-certain semantics... It was a suggestive, yet terms divvied-up and divided-in recourse and recompense, as an evidence of being by ‘war’ and ‘will’. Things were not going to be the same. It was a season of ‘omens’ and shadows... Of dead men and deceiving-in the reality of a man of discipline, and duty. He remembered all the earnest and difficult-duties, he’d performed... Brought-in and enlisted, as to his means. He’d functioned, well-adaptedly, with a skill that was in obeying and carried-out tasks, efficiently and thoroughly... A tentative, objective and resolve for which men have paid, envied and fallen-short… Imminent test and inceptions-exacted and stewarded. A corrective-resolve and mission, advancing-’cause’. Pro-exaction and in-sensed that rarely, waivered. A committed and structured-cause, in intention yet-in gloriousness now vain and ‘voided’. A deeding-dissuasion now in-theory, only. Much of what he-had accomplished in-theory, ‘method’ was in an inception of advanced, conjecture; the sound-hand of hardiness by which had in a sense, made him-allaying. A presumptive of prelude and perdition. In what was a hermitage of affectation, and hallowedness. Hallowedness, many willing men would have met their-demise that being only to ‘die’ by sacred-honor. …Somehow that ‘honor’ was hollow and onerous, David had been deprived of that personal-illusion. He had been a man-pushed to hard, and a man serving-in an ever-succumbing, subsequence...

  Implicit through all his-acts, and attempted-vigil, he’d bitten the back-of his superiors and the system that was so edifice. This with ease, was edict and artifice that he was, in simile thrown to the dogs. He knew his place, in-things. 22-years of service, meant he knew something about government-protocol… He’d seen friends immediately, declassified on standards-alone. He’d been brought-up faster than those going down. Yet circumstance had-it; superiors were ‘objectified’, insinuated, and enlisted; thus, were the terms-of being in tenure… He now lived-by possibilities in the reality-of a wrong. It had felt ‘good’-by a fleurish in what was an asylum of conviction no intention of perimetered-stance could be held-to in what was a tumultuous, tantamount and what was ‘torn’ by what was in itself by a ‘freedom’… The ‘torch’ of all-consuming had eaten him by-coincidental accounting. Hence within all the un-alluding reverence the ‘self’-eating ‘won’; which had him sacrifice in a last-reprise... He was fascinated by and in an enthralled-psyche of which was the facet of the god, ‘Fiera’… He yearned to conduct the flame. And now, it engulfed the in-what was an ordinate and incentive. David had thought, long and hard on this, yet the now pre-judication and owning of an alighting-extinguish were being mentally, orchestrated within a ‘cold’, callousness.

  It was simple extenuation; obligated by intelligence instituted… Favor, focus and fate ate-away at David as surely as
adept and arduous, flailed away in other choices... …Redeeming had not ordered life but insurrected-it. Loyalty, legitimacy and allegiance had not, totally off-set fears and frustration; indolently, he’d fostered fission of failure and fault… Discipline had been a forging in a fluctuation. In-perceptively, the unlearning and conveying, were in obligation… He-was considered a-’safety’ and of civility in-cause and indicative; yet he’d undermined, pro-efficacy in the back-drop of his mind. And mental-recovery was proclivity by merger of mode and mission. The obligation of objectivity was knowing-opportunity. The casting-down and casting-of aversion to the dispensation of actual-act pre-laid by inordinate choice; as inordinate as the ways of destructive duty. He rode east-along country-roads through small-hamlets and farmland orchards and bluffs, steep-valleys around precipices seeing calm forest, rolling terrain, lakes and rivers. He rested-at truck-stops and endeavored onward through peach-groves… He’d seen the beauty and placidness on the region of Georgia.

  The seamless beauty went-on… He’d known the grand valleys and mountains, by the subtle of the east which he had never faced, he’d come to resolve. He’d loved to be recluse-here, yet he knew his life would probably never see such-things again. The sentiment of sanctity had been nearly, complete. He knew it was an end to an oracle-career. He recognized the rules had no longer been in his favor. That in the complex-reality of success someone had to succumb… And David realized he’d joined that ‘circle’. He was not ‘sad’, as he knew that imposing and place, had demised many men. That the strange parable of ‘duty’ often compelled in-destiny. He could not hoped as homage the hardening history. He never ceased realizing that hope and harshness went-together in equableness. He rode east, the east of countryside, complacence and according that he knew he’d never see again. He understood this was a coalesce of the harmony of nature. That he did not want to forget or unfathomed. The crickets chirped as the sun went-down, there was a coolness and settled to the land unaltered in nature’s symposium a section-less of the rural-South that ‘cased’ the ‘tension’ of being a fugitive which he knew he was…

  He wanted to see his brother again to ultimately to face what he did. He’d always accepted accountability for whatever he did, while in the service. He’d been honored, to serve. The military government officer and U.S.F.S. Aattaché was a honor and privilege. He understood all its codes and compliances yet in inuring of this his personal failure had be instilled, in-conferring. The culpable evidence though beyond David understanding it was officially, an act of murder with malice. He couldn’t be sure as any what was the legal-designation and to what extent. He had a near perfect-record and new all the realities of his consideration before the crime. Espousal was not convocation, he’d wanted to be ratified in all its conducive yet energy and wherewithal had been ‘luck’. …And that lacking was super-ceded by inherent factors. ‘Deficit’, had entered the picture long ago. As most men ill-suited for war; they did what was needed. The dangers of war had always been there. Yet hardiness took many shapes. Most returning home with internal scars, scars for life, disturbed-denials wanting to remain a ‘good-soldiers’. A debt of illusion, ill-deeming and disturbed-arcing over the mystery-of impact.

  He now began to remit the once tandem of war… The once harbored violence of fire and the destruction of fighting and foreboding. A forbidden-avowal set in time and travail. A life-long ‘destruct’ of conundrum in-duty, destruction and disaster. And the punitive devising out-pacing, vocal. He would not have down so if it were not ‘required’ of him. And avowal of happenstance and habit one could not live without to survive… It was imminent the discharge of professional military delusion had eatenaway in an un-relent of obligation. The instance of human travail and destined travesty were inexplicably, twisted together in a tensile struggle of in-humanity-perception proclivity and dispassion had deemed indecisively. An abhorring, attainment of inter-commence. He had allotted by chance-credit…

