Read Sequoia Trail-A Bo Jon Littlehorse P.I. Novel. Second Edition Page 8


  Bo-realized, if he-wanted to keep Chris, the brother of the potential-killer, on-conversing-terms he-would have to use his best affirming-skills. Bo had kept-all this, in-mind while in his ‘friendly-inquiry’. He knew, it would be an investment was to-incur a ‘better’-outcome. ...Somewhere-between his fatherly, raising-skills and his truly, accommodating-accomplishments; a man became a murderer... By what was a instituent-question on his innocent-brother, in his solemn-dedication as a competent-collegiate major. Which was coming to be structured-by a caring-person, who now, could be scheming-on how he-would survive. And somewhere, Bo had began to-expose a profile-of resemblance; by what was resultant. He knew-it was a-collective-basis; but also a ‘central-basing’... What lay before C.T. Garr, would be there. But if Bo hoped to solve a crime, as bring into-recognition, an event that needed, a conclusion... By what was a denigrate, premonition-behind Chris’s actions. Leaving behind a consequence-now, on his brother’s shoulders. Bo met again with Chris on what was a previous-appointment. Bo knew, he-heeded someone who-knew his-concerns, apprehensions and by what would become of emotional impact. That night would-be an ordeal, that Bo could only, begin surmising. What was the case-at hand: its perimeters, and how-it fitted-into the picture of what Chris told-him.

  The case-was faceting for sure. But within the so well impermeable-’walls’, was a ‘façade’-brought about-by a person’s act of-killing... And its incensed-parallels, leading up to-it. It-was a prime-investigator’s rule to pursue-all avenues while having a lease on those, which surrounded-it. Like an Indian sand-pattern which within, held the many-powers of ‘harmony’ as dwelling on their cyclic-virtues that affirmed it all... Somewhere in this investigation a soul dwelt within denigrated ‘grace’ as its common-entity, that would-create a newly, ‘dynamic-rotation’. Bo Jon practiced this in a dynamic-destiny, in all its now gathering-rootings… In this active-kinship, an equal autonomic-admission, there was beginning-its ‘ballooning’ across-country focusing-on one man… Within-hours a media-‘blitz’, would-overthrow once more an availing-of design, example and forging. That was onward in-scale, designation and disparage, overall. Which was, in sentiment, excelling-at what he-did. While his-actions, showed no-circumspection to his deed as an honest-fierceness; to a truly, frame-worthy life.

  How David went-over the line, was as mysterious a ‘finality’; as a young-man’s reckoning with this-reality of that fact. It is said, a man-honors the dead-by forgetting their-fate and also a man-dishonors the living-by disturbing them. It had been in close-ties to this situation, in war many die, and living-dishonor is based-on its-outcome. How might David fit-into the balance of ‘law’ and the regret-of his-peers. How would he desire-to 'brave’ or satisfy, those he-owed justice… Some men’s life ended-while one was being hunted-like an omen. How-would this imminent-‘rogue‘; rector-with this inward trial-of surmising? Terror, macabre, heinousness and dread; he, in an emotive-act was beyond-control. While this doubting, law would defy its owning dimension. That would, in this excess; deadlines come to-depose the devoid-of actual men...once respectable, dependable and confirmatory and applicant-somewhere; he-culminated in injuring ‘volacity’... That turned-out of inward, imposing-conditionals in this, still-all was up-to a mantra-’Jost’.

  …Was David-now, an assailant knowing-how self-divorcing, apathetic and unfeelingly, destructive he-had become? ‘Erratic’, ‘errant’ and oedipal-like he was turning-into, what was he self-assured in newly, disfortune or was he now at orifice in an erupting-predisposition. Bo, set-beside all such surprising-simplesse and aiding to compliance that-through intrinsically, arcane-division, deviation, auspicion. And an allying-contention, so realigned-to factors-of-impact; that began into a breach, brandish and banishing. ...These established-conditionals are in an central-excision. Center-staging, that was being given weight, polarity and posing-contention, being quarried and delineated. As a ‘crack’-detective, he-was conjectured-toward the job. Guided, in-design of careful-favor, and founding. That, submerged-in instance and built-to disclosure, to a discharge as beneath-interests; that as in this case; were being orally, relayed. On the thirtieth of September, the travels of Bo Jon began with a step upon-site evidence, with a mission-manifest. Bo was in Grand-Cedar National Park, the weather was turning-cold and he flew-in on an official-copter with other evidentialists; some reporters, other policing-crew, and other government attaches of state and local appointee; still-attending to the statusing-initiatives... They conversed, self-befittingly already calling-it a ‘rampage’, others-’revenge’ and others a loss of self-control by-one so talented, yet civil.

  Bo spoke with several of the more, displaying-attentives; they were saying that: seemingly and ‘quizzically’, yet being singly, with an erring. These were probably, being a reprimanded by a ‘fourth’-wave; not to-engage those-unfamiliar, but keeping an agented-eye on his-fellow, yet suspicion factoring as inferees… As sure as they being-there-quarry, it was under some presence to ‘outwit’, and what was an already, out-wavered; in what was their individualist... With all of the 50,000-square acres, search from these four-corners; he’d flanked their best-tracking. As things went-on, he began-to know a ‘superiority’, may have been the case. ...From first-exaction, on the case, to the interim-engagement in material-discovery… They sat somehow in as ‘warrant’ to a trans-actual, that led to inter-evidence. These-men, were a garnishing-of preparatory, of being an advocate, leading in an un-recovery in a cross-deliberation. With a trans-ordinal, which weren’t somehow profiled and proven; under-document, to give influences of a below-’seed’ par revolving; as a delineation, or recourse. Bo-was getting the idea that it-was harder on them, that what had happened-was not securely, in grasp of the investigators. But compiling-into what was a ‘truly-grave’ transgression of a time-and-place.

  ‘David, prepare to go ashore with your Navy-men. U.S. Troop-Alpha is taking heavy-fire at the third corridor…’ ‘Alpha’, was a clandestine operation-unit, hoping to be a cut-throat, ‘attack-and-hide’ tactics, at the Laotian-Cambodian-border. Some of Pau Pot’s best guerilla-fighters, Vietcong and Chinese-regulars converged at this corridor, and the American-Army, U.S. Marines and Delta water-patrol ships, heavy-with guns, missiles and possibly, ship-to-shore contact-for transportation; shipment and re-supply all under covert-expertise… Lieutenant-Commander first-class, was second only after his crew’s Captain. The sound of gunfire, mortar-fire and A-Ks blasted, with erratic-spontaneity. …There were 24-men on the ship designed for high-speed, ‘act-and-react’ and defense; under-camouflage. Men went-into the water while a dingy carried stretchers, pyro-technics and first-aid. Each man hitting the water had supplies so to catch the enemy-by surprise, and with expendability. If in case any, men had to receive-‘defensive‘-reinforcements, it had-to be them, and ‘only’-them… They plied the cool-Delta waters first, under-camo... ...‘Delta Bravo respond, how far from ground-zero; how far?’ His Captain answered: ‘…within 20-clicks; can you hold-on?’ ‘…No, send-dispatch... Cong and Regs, are on two-sides, requesting mortars lock at 31, 29o on my-mark. Urgently’...

  ‘I repeat: 31, 29o.’ ‘Did you copy?’ ...‘Ditto…’ ‘Ship, copy.’

  ‘We-copy.’ ‘...Fire missile-munitions at 31, 39o repetitive assault-start now!’ ...Within seconds streaks of pyro-flames went-out over the jungle. Then, multiple explosions off-in-the-distance then flares-to catch sight of enemy-forces now making a stand. …’retreat, evident. ‘Keep-up assault against anti-forces…’ The light-show, flashed and burned-till there were cracking, burning-trees. David watched as his men now ashore-advanced. He followed-them into the jungle-growth as the flames spread, he no-longer felt fear, as a sheet-of fire, was penetrated. When he-reached the other-side, he ran ahead of his-men as duty, required… His-captain stayed-aboard and David broadcasted-between Delta and Alpha. The burning, fiery and smoldering went-on as David and his-men
forged-on. ‘Lt. Garr how far…response and coordinate-impact.’ …Said his Captain. ‘Within 9-clicks, there is fire-storm; but no sign-of life.’

  ...‘Unit Alpha, do you copy, return.’ They-were within 60-yards as where the flames grew, the fire continued; there was no-response, then the under-brush caught and they were quickly, becoming surrounded. He-ordered retreat to a starting-off point. After dawn, the fire had-ended; and he and the Captain went to discover what happen to Unit-Alpha. Charred-black remains lay, strewn over forty-yards from both-sides. The Unit didn’t have a chance with wounded, near all-’over’; they retreated-to the forest for shelter and defense; but they-all, were extinguished by the torrential inferno. For five-hundred yards, the lick of incineration stole-life. Men who would have escaped and fought-to kill, died and were made black embers. ...He-was taught ‘chemical-engineering’, explosives or igniting-materiel; which was beyond closest-safety… Even those who-mastered it often ended-up its unwitting-victim. When it started, it engulfed all and tore things into little-pieces. They called-in body down-loaders from ships stationed in Macon-Bay. David spent the next six-months exploding and exploring enemy-sites he saw how men, soldiers-of both sides; became killing-fields burned them beyond recognition, stripped-away identity, absorbed-all the horrors, leaving them absolved of hatred, vileness and ‘unmercy’…

  ‘Seaman Lt. Commander Garr. You’ve received your orders for permanent furlough. Congratulations, on your fine-service to your country…’ Dressed-in his Navy-Whites before his-Captain, his-crew and the other-men upon the sea-ship. He’d left the Delta. Before he-left he-lit a-’fire’ before the officers-a cigarette, saluted his-superiors. Who stood, unsettled. Before his trip-home an attache to the Commodore, who was contacted-through military-network while David was stowing-away his equipment; clothing, fire-manuals, reading-books and a number of antique-lighters. They-conversed about what would be his next assignment: U.S. National home-side, detail… ‘Sir, we’ve seen no-sign of D. Garr’s body or tracks, it’s been a day and no one has had even a sighting’, said Deputy-Sheriff for Fort-Defiance... The case was now, being handled-by the general-base, for criminal-dispatch-matters. ‘…Alright, Deputy have copters travel-down valley-of said-site, and make a wide mid-zone, back-up have-them return to mid-quarters and call-me for further-orders we’ll meet back-here...’

  ...Said Capt. Seavers, main unit-support; both given control and reported back-to by government-enlistees… The case was heading-to an apex and ‘direct’-command; of its on-orders, of a Central Command. It came with its own-price. He was to report every-eight hours, at shift-change; on an ongoing-basis. Captain George Seavers, former Major-U.S.M.C. , credibly assigned; who-knew his job, and was a capable-detective that he was very-reliable, and an established U.S. Marshal-deactivated. He was much like David, he was given accommodation and promotions, earnestly. He also, was granted a high-level career-position with U.S. Forestry but as forest-patrol Seat. As David could-have been roaming-freely, through his regimental-skills; George, instilled in Naval-Academy, eschelon-climbing and reinforcement; by more than a few. He typically, graduated-with ‘honors’ in his self-discipline… He-was a competent-man of mission. He fathomed as deep as Garr if, not further. He-did not enter Vietnam but was a veteran of Honorable-Mention ending as a Rear-Admiral of an Atlantic-Destroyer. He-had principle, and ultimately, a duty-to country and an affirmed-belief in America.

  He had a poster frame of Colin Powell, General MacArthur and General Eisenhower. He'd paid into the V.F.W. in Seattle. While he sipped his evening-coffee, he was perusing in-thoughtful temporal-dynamics. In a techno-maniacal case... A Major’s son, he was raised all-over the world gaining aptitude and adeptness. The man, David Garr had a credible and sensing-basing. He-chose the case, when he’d found-out a dutiful man-of soldiering-honor executed, as a nullifying-act of heinousness. ...’Severe’. As this man was, who’d had to have-cracked; he was a member of National-Security. He-was advised that the-man had almost, impeccable-history… And in the fact, that he-was appointed to the U.S.F.S. Was the ’tag’ that made-him a serious-contention…

  Chris had let Bo Jon go with a promise of further-searching for his lost-brother who had inadvertently, forgotten him. David-was now lost-in the mountains of Washington. The weather would turn cool especially, this time-of year. ‘Yes, sir.’ ‘I’ll get right-on it…’ Said the Sheriff’s Deputy, one of many being gathered with the base-reference crew. --…As so did Lt. Garr, who’d been made-to go on recon with several of his men, in-order to free-up his-mind. After the fire-fight he just stood-there in front of his relieving-officers, and his C.O. ...Saw him, and immediately, gave him direct-orders to do follow-up work…

  He stood-there, in the sun. He was on-duty that night, still-feeling the shock of the fires, screaming and the smell of burning-fluid… They-had eased their-way into the lower-Delta... And several-of the men, were eying the coast-line, to see what they could-see. David couldn’t get the smell-of extinguish-out of his-nose. When he couldn’t bare it any longer he let-it overtake him... Let-it do its ‘will’, the screams of men-burning, smoldering and ignited till-dead. That’s when his spirit began to take-hold. When once he’d promised that he’d overtake the enemy, he felt like a ‘Phoenix’ given rebirth… His senses became-clearer, more distinct and pure, as well as unfeasible. He grew ‘deeper’-enthrall in the circumstance, where once he feared-it.

  ...He-could see in the darkness, where once he was forbidden, and alone... His once-thought, deserved-feelings that became ‘total’-control. Being an Avatar, to the state of a destructive-war. He-did find clues to an enemy-search, and went-back to inform-of the enemy a number-of-times. Until, he was set-on furlough due-to his well-earned duty-completion… His commanding-list master had noticed that he and his men actually, completed recoveries several-times more than any other-officer. David had gained a name as a fighting-forward, he-wanted and completed almost every, mission. He was sent-on furlough every ten-days, due-to his-abilities to show-up the other officers-too afraid to attempt his-capabilities…

  His C.O. began to want to know how he was so successful at out-distancing the most-competent of men and show such ’adeptness’ that he-had taken his men beyond average-’dangers’ and within an incredible enabling. Which the best-officers in his-command couldn’t do without getting most-of their men-killed. ---...The Sheriff’s officers had began-to collect-along the base-of the bottom mountains-scale territory. They all were prepared-for a long-hike. They had horses, back-country equipment, sleds; dogs, electronic-equipment and food and supplies for eight-days.

  The weather-was nice, but expected-to turn cold within a week. The dogs-were ready for a long-trek. The trainers-were both cadaver and scent-based. ...Supplied-by area-trekkers, ski-clubs and search-and rescue-attendees. The leader-of the group had not-arrived, the Oregon-County Sheriff was expected to take the lead-along with several-other officials. The news, that had began-in Washington had now, expanded and search-crews were activated-along the Washington-basin. There-were back-country-people whom would join the trail-in joint-tandem, as liaissons.

  At that, the high point-at the Washington State Park’s lodge, the men-would take-up residence and follow the trail-up into the burn-zone... After the men were-discovered dead; the drop-was washed-out; but copter-evidence was marked-for future-recovery and discovery… Bo had not entered-into, pursuing his-end of the evidence until he-was sure he could contribute enough… He-realized that David was a man of enamored-means. Along the meanderings-of his coathe representation, by and of his-brother...

  ...His-brother, both on-and-off the stand of evidence may play a ‘bigger’-role as the assailant’s brother. More than any-of the dead-men. Yet the evidence of his-brother which was not diminished-by effort or absolving, that was Chris’s role. Although, he didn’t know-it he supported David’s role as an elaborate, steward-in a personal-motive-’infrastructure’.
If David-killed those men in the high-mountain range, he did it with some sense-of recovery… This meant that somewhere-in the ‘plot’ he and his comrades had ‘mete’ in separate-lines...

  David, was no-assailant, at-least not so far and that’s where the trail began. Divided, among the ‘elusions’-to tasks and service. He had-to find what level and under what-terms the situation had become a legal-system. That he had sent-in its ‘enforcers’, and now they were-all over the mountain. Sirius Mountain, in the upper-peninsula of Washington State park. The only people up-there were ‘skiers’, but they probably had the whole-area cordoned-off. The season-would be late, and the Winter-early Bo Jon-had probably met the mission at an ‘epiphany’ of the case.

  He-had taken a plane there and found his way up to the site on Snow-Bearcat, allowed-by the professional-criminologist. Bo had ‘pulled’ some strings to get him on this-case. He’d known a man in state-bureau who’d had pull, owing Bo a ‘favor’. He was not critical-of Bo, being-on the case as Bo-instructed him that he’d already filled-in some of the motis; and that the papers would find-it quite fulfilling... If what Bo knew came-out and that fusion-of ‘talent’, ‘testament’ and fact that Bo-was a consummate-detective, kind of filled-in the ‘holes’.

  Bo, as his-friend had hoped-that the things he-knew would prove-‘worthy’ in this bizarre-case. The Bearcat-followed a used trail-up the valley-pass and on up the rises… Bo-had packed-for such a trip. He-was not superstition, but he-was prepared. ...His-clothes and his-equipment were packed-for the most use… Perception, perseverance and penetration had it that survival could be taken and overcome. Like any individual, against the elements he-had to be ready for any-circumstance.

  ...It took the Bearcat to reach its destination about an hour. He was serious about the trip, about ‘place’ and the evidence. Which had been surveyed-to an ascending. None-of the men were ‘novices’ about mountain-territory, these-men were true-rustics, the code-of mountain-terrain was that you respected the mountain. And not one-man, trooper or deputy would go up in ‘unknown’, and unprepared-territory; without, knowing-what was at-stake and what-was a causeway… He knew this would-be one-of the more elaborate, contentions. He’d faced-in sometime and the elements that would-not be proven, uncertain. Bo had considered all the conditions when he first, pondered the case. And with the peek-of his-interest, and then the case. He-was already, readying-for the en par circumstances.

  He’d seen pictures, the description-of where it was, and what had-landed the particular-situation… He knew the ‘weight’ of the water-copters... The winds, would be uncertain if only for the hours spent fighting a fire, in the drop-zone and a practical-terrain of burns. He knew back-country and he knew heavy-winters in Washington. As well he-knew survival and situation, time-of-year, and timing-of seasonal-changes. ...He-knew what ‘changes’ would hit the mountain and under what circumstances allotted-determinations; to that end.

  He-had to be extremely, accurate. And as the Bearcat-made the long-ascent he and several other parallel-agents were-packed and ready. He had pondered quietly, what his strong-points were. And his weak-points; he-watched out the window-of his plane-on a two-hour flight. And he’d watched-out a car-window when he drove-from Seattle, and he-looked North; as they drove to the troopers-unit just-outside mountain-range.

  He sat quietly. As the Bearcat drove through deep passes whet with snow and as the tracks pushed-through wet-snow, he watched as evidence-of the high range winter was beginning to meddling-in. But there-was other causes to consider… Like the men alongside of him, he was as they: ‘fit’-enough, ‘knowledgeable’-enough, or fortuitive-enough, to know what to-do in self-survival, comprehension or assistance… He watched them this-time, he-watched aspects that a trailing animal or a clever-stealthy creature-would. Would they prove their-’worth’ or succumb to depravity in a self-complacency? He-had other evidence-to help them no doubt, but the slightest-‘weakness’ could mean that a man would die; or in one another's way; that could mean that crucial-evidence was lost or undone-by critical-mistakes...

