Read Sergei, Volume 2 Page 11

  "The hell I don't!" Why didn't she understand? Was she being deliberately obtuse? "I am the father of those babies." He pointed at her naked belly. "When I'm your husband, it will be my job to keep you safe. Sometimes that means telling you things that you don't want to hear."

  "Yeah? Well. You're not my husband yet. Maybe that's a good thing."

  His heart fluttered in his chest. A flash of pain stabbed his gut. Silence stretched between them. The weight of her unspoken threat dropped into his stomach like an anvil. He saw the regret flashing in her eyes, but he didn't know what to think.

  Bending down, he grabbed his jeans and tugged them onto his legs. Cold inside and emotionally shredded, he snatched up his shirt and left their—her—bedroom. Out in the hallway of a house where he was really only a guest, it hit him suddenly how stupid he had been. From their first kiss, he had committed himself to Bianca wholly and completely and without question. She was the woman he had wanted all his life, and he had given up everything for her.

  Numb and dazed, he grabbed his keys and left. He realized he was barefoot when the dewy grass cushioned his soles but he didn’t turn back for his shoes. Fuck it. He didn't even care.

  Once behind the wheel of his SUV, he had no idea where to go. He simply backed out of her driveway, turned down the alley and started driving aimlessly through the streets of Houston. Not so long ago, he would have known every single dark deed about to go down in every dirty corner of the city. He would have known about the heists, the deliveries, the hits and the beat downs on the underworld calendar. Now he didn't even know if the new white supremacist crew who had taken over the Night Wolf action had unfinished business with Bianca.

  There was an easy way to find out. All he had to do was pick up his phone and call the boss, but once that door was reopened? He would never be able to shut it again. He had been allowed to walk away. If he came back and asked a favor like this one? He would be in Nikolai's debt again. Friend or not, the boss would expect to collect someday. He was already tied up in a neat little knot with the construction company, but if he asked for some sort of safe passage for Bianca inside a prison? Jesus. He would really be in deep then.

  But what else was he going to do? She was so damned stubborn. She had called his bluff in her bedroom. He could bark all he liked, but now she knew there were no teeth behind his snarls. He wasn't that man. He refused to be that man. He might make a lot of noise, but they both understood he didn't have it in him to crush her spirit and forbid her anything.

  Because I'm weak when it comes to her.

  It was a painful thing to accept. There was fucking nothing on this planet he could deny her. His stomach lurched as he acknowledged the ugly truth. In the morning, he would go crawling back to her and apologize. He had been overbearing and rude. In his desperate attempt to protect her, he had overstepped the line.

  It was nearly three in the morning when he finally returned to her house. The gate slid open silently, and he pulled into his usual spot. When he killed the engine and his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he spotted Bianca sitting on the back steps of the house. His heart raced as worry overwhelmed him. Had she been sitting there all fucking night?

  Bailing out of the SUV, he rushed across the backyard. She stood slowly, and he instantly wrapped his arms around her body. "Are you all right?" He could feel the dampness in her clothing. "Milaya moya." He shook his head. "What were you thinking?"

  "You left," she stated pitifully. Her voice was husky and raw as if she had been crying for hours. The realization that she probably had been cut him like a razor.

  "I came back." He embraced her tightly. "I'll always come back."

  "I'm sorry, Sergei." She sobbed against his chest and fisted his shirt in her hands. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it. I love you. Please don't go away."

  "I'm not going anywhere." He kissed her temple. "I was angry, and I needed some space to think. Maybe we both did." Thinking of the babies, he urged her inside. "You need to change and get into bed. This isn't healthy."

  She clung to his arm while he led her into the house and up to her—their—room. He peeled away the damp nightgown and pulled one of the dainty silky things she liked over her head. It hugged the outline of her pregnant belly in the most alluring way. Even so drained after their fight, he still couldn't help his body's response to her.

  Shedding his clothes, he dragged her into bed with him and curled around her. She kissed his arm and whispered in the darkness. "I know you only wanted to protect me."

  "I shouldn't have been such an asshole about it."

  "I shouldn’t have threatened to call off the wedding. That was low and dirty." She pressed back against him as if afraid he might disappear. "I didn't mean it, Sergei. I love you, and I want you to be my husband."

  "Even if it means we're going to fight like this?"

  "Maybe we only fight like this because our love is strong," she reasoned. "If you didn't love me as much, you wouldn't have made such a fuss."

  Certain that it was going to piss her off, he nevertheless said, "I still don't want you to go."

  "I don't want to go either," she admitted, "but I promised Mama I would go with her." Her voice grew softer and smaller. "I'm afraid that Adam will say something about Derek. He has to know what happened that night. What if he intends to hurt us?"

  I'll fucking kill him. There was no doubt in his mind. If Adam Blake so much as joked about hurting Bianca or their babies, he would sneak into that prison and do the job himself. That awful bastard had taken enough from her. He wasn't going to get the chance to hurt her children too.

  "He can't hurt us," Sergei said instead. "He's in prison, and he's been crippled. He's isolated on the inside. His crew is either dead or locked up. He has no power."

  Though he was sure he would one day regret it, he offered the only thing he could. "If you intend to go, I'll speak to Nikolai. He'll make sure it's safe for you and your mother to go to the prison."

  She turned over in his arms. He could feel her eyes boring into him but couldn't see them in the darkness. "What will he want in return?"

  "Nothing," he lied, refusing to upset her. "He owes me favors still. I'll call them in to make sure you're safe."

  She didn't say anything. Was she doubting him? If she did, she didn't dare mention it. "Sergei?"

  He stroked her hair. "Yes?"

  "I'm sorry about what I said about your brother. That was so wrong. I shouldn’t have gone there."

  He swallowed hard but kept caressing the back of her head. "It was true. You shouldn't apologize for the truth."

  "It hurt you."

  "Sometimes the truth hurts."

  "I love you. I'm not supposed to be the one who hurts you."

  You're the only one who can.

  "It's all right." He kissed her tenderly. "It's done, Bianca. I've let it go. So should you."

  She sought his mouth and sweetly trailed her fingertips down his cheek. Her lingering kiss eased the remaining hurt. He wasn't angry at her. He truly had let it go. In the heat of the moment, they had both said stupid things, but their love and this relationship they were building were too important to hold grudges.

  He waited until he felt Bianca relax in his arms to let sleep take him. It didn't take long for his happy dreams to take an ugly turn. The last thing he remembered before bolting awake were the snarling, dripping fangs of a white wolf sinking its cruel teeth into Bianca's heavily pregnant belly.

  Wiping a hand down his sweaty face, he rolled onto his side and buried his face in her fragrant hair. Swearing to keep her safe, he made plans to see Nikolai as soon as possible. There was no deal he wouldn't make to protect her.

  Chapter Ten

  "Are you ready?" Vivian smiled as she stepped in front of me to primp my veil.

  "Yes." That fight we had had almost a week earlier had been terrible, but it had driven home how very much I loved Sergei and wanted him in my life. There were always going to be arguments, but I felt reassured that we
could get through them.

  I'll always come back. I remembered his huskily spoken reassurance. Even after I had hurt him so badly, he still came back. Because he loves me.

  "How are you feeling?" Vivian eyed my belly with worry before pressing a bottle of water into my hand. "Don't drink too much because you don't want to have to ask for a potty break before your vows."

  "I'm feeling good." Tired, I added silently. Holding the wedding during our family reunion weekend was smart as far as scheduling went, but it was hard on my pregnant body. Yesterday's barbecue had been so much fun, but it had gone late into the evening. Being on my feet in the September heat had really drained a lot out of me.

  "Your family seems to really love Sergei." Vivian took the water bottle from me. She grabbed a tissue and dabbed at my lips before reaching for my chosen lip color to touch up my lipstick. "I heard your cousins making fun of his horseshoe and washer throwing skills."

  I laughed as she painted color on my pout. "He was terrible. I mean, you would think that as athletic as he is there's nothing he can't do. Apparently there is."

  "Maybe that's a good thing." She stepped back to admire her work. "He's such an intimidating guy. Seeing him struggle at something makes him human. Plus, he gets that funny look on his face when he's really determined to do something." Vivian mimicked the expression and made me laugh. "See? Even you aren't immune."

  She turned to drop the lipstick onto the dressing room counter. "Oh, shoot! We forgot this." Like a drunken bachelor, she whirled my lacy garter above her head. "Skirts up, Bianca. I'm going in."

  "You're crazy, you know that?" I gathered up the front of my skirt as carefully as possible to avoid wrinkles and lifted the fabric. Shaking my head, I watched my pregnant best friend duck under my skirt. The sunburst necklace she had received from Nikolai to celebrate her first international show nestled in her cleavage. "Lord help us if anyone comes in here."

  She giggled and tapped my right leg. "Lift."

  I balanced precariously on one high heel while she slipped the garter into place. Her ticklish touch made me giggle, and she playfully smacked my leg. "Hold still!"

  "Stop tickling me!"

  "I'm not."

  "Yes, you are. I swear you're worse than Sergei."

  She snorted in a very unladylike way. "How does that feel? Too low?"

  "No, I think it's—"

  The door to the dressing room suddenly opened, and I found myself gawking at none other than Sergei's mother. My jaw dropped. "Galina? How did you—?"

  But her gaze was fixed on the legs poking out from under my skirt. Right behind her, Mama stepped into the dressing room and gasped with surprise. "Well! My goodness, Bianca!"

  Laughing and with hair tousled by my skirt, Vivian slowly backed out and stood. She put a hand on the curve of her back and another on the swell of her belly. "She forgot to put on her garter."

  My mother and Galina both looked relieved that nothing truly scandalous had happened. While Vivian rearranged my rumpled skirt, I turned to Sergei's mother. They had been denied the necessary permits in early August so we hadn't expected to see them again until after the babies were born and we could travel to Europe. "How did you get here? I thought you couldn't get travel visas?"

  Galina's grateful gaze fell on Vivian. My friend shrugged and continued to smooth out my skirt. "Nikolai wanted to give Sergei a nice wedding gift."

  Even though I was sure less than legal things had happened to make this possible, I chose not to look a gift horse in the mouth. Hauling her close, I hugged her tightly. "Thank you, Vivi."

  She rubbed my back and fluffed my veil. "Family is everything. We wanted to make sure all of your family was here with the two of you."

  I grasped her hand and gave it a squeeze. There were so many things I wanted to say, but I couldn't find the words to explain to her how much her friendship had meant to me. Maybe she didn't need to hear them. She smiled at me in a way that told me she already knew.

  "Bianca," Mama gently interjected, "it's time."

  A bit nervous but mostly excited for what awaited me, I hugged Sergei's mother. "You look so beautiful, Bianca. I am happy that Sergei found you."

  "Thank you." I hoped she could see how much that meant to me. "I'm so glad he found me, too."

  "Here." She opened her hand and surprised me with a bracelet. "I gave this to Sergei when he came to America. Now I give it to you."

  I blinked rapidly when I realized she had taken the St. Sergius medallion she had given Sergei for protection and had had it turned into a beautiful bracelet for me. I had noticed that his necklace had gone missing after our return from London. He had played it off and told me that he had probably left it behind. Now I knew the truth. Sneaky, sneaky!

  She fastened the delicate gold braid around my wrist. "There."

  I leaned forward and lightly kissed her cheek, careful not to leave a big lipstick mark. "Thank you."

  Her gift given, Galina hugged me one last time and left the dressing room with Vivian. Mama lingered a moment longer. She adjusted my veil and fluffed my skirt twice before threading her arm through mine and leading me out of the room. Without my father or my brother to walk me down the aisle, she was doing the honor for me. I couldn’t imagine asking anyone else to do it. She was the woman who had guided and shaped my life.

  By now, all of our friends and family knew that I was pregnant. I experienced the smallest quiver of embarrassment as we drew near the doors of the church, but I shoved down that shame. We had broken a rule, but I was never going to be made to feel bad about the twins. They were made out of love, and I intended to make sure they always knew that they were very much wanted and desired.

  The doors were flung open, and the processional music began. Our ring bearer and flower girl entered the church first and then Vivian followed not far behind. Instead of a huge wedding party, I had opted for only a matron of honor. Until the surprise arrival of Sergei's mother and brother, Ivan had been tapped to stand as best man, but I had no doubt Vladimir would be standing next to Sergei now.

  With my mother at my side, I slowly made my way down the aisle of a packed church. My family and friends had overflowed to the back pews of Sergei's side, but he had a surprising showing, too. I almost did a double-take when I spotted Ten in a suit and tie at the end of one of the front pews. He looked shockingly handsome but still just as dangerous. Nikolai stood in the first row with Sergei's mother, Ivan and Erin. Yuri and Lena and Dimitri, Benny and Sofia were behind them.

  And there, waiting for me at the end of the aisle, was Sergei. Standing proud and tall, he looked devastatingly handsome in his tuxedo. Vladimir stood next to him, a friendly grin making him look so carefree and happy. He actually reached out and clapped Sergei's shoulder. I couldn’t hear what he said, but whatever it was, Sergei nodded and smiled.

  When Sergei reached for my hand, I placed my fingers atop his. My eyes widened when I felt the unmistakable flutter of movement in my belly. For the first time, I could feel one or both of our babies moving! If that wasn't a sign of good fortune, I didn't know what was.

  As the pastor addressed the congregation, Sergei mouthed three words—I love you—and my heart sang.

  * * *

  Sergei had always thought that Russians threw the best parties, but after seeing Bianca's family in action, he was ready to change that opinion. He had been apprehensive about mixing their families, friends and copious amounts of alcohol, but damn if didn't seem to be working beautifully. Not quite believing his eyes, he sat with Bianca on his lap and watched as a tipsy Ivan, a surprisingly agile Three Fingered Arty and a clapping Boychenko tried to keep up with the intricate steps of a line dance.

  "All right," Erin said with a laugh. "I've got to save my man from himself."

  Bianca giggled as Erin tried to tug Ivan off the dance floor. When he wouldn't be swayed, she whispered something in his ear. Whatever it was, it worked. The next instant, Ivan swept Erin into his arms and tossed her over his shou
lder like a prize. The cheering whoops that erupted from that move filled the reception hall and drowned out the music. Ivan carried her over to their table, grabbed her small clutch and bent down give Bianca a noisy kiss on the cheek. He smacked Sergei's back and gave a few words of ribald encouragement before leaving the party with his wife slung over his shoulder like some kind of Viking.

  "If you ever do that to me," Bianca playfully warned with a wagging finger.

  Sergei nibbled her fingertip and sucked it gently. "I'll make sure it isn't in public." He settled his hands on her hips. "In fact, I might carry you into our hotel suite like that."

  Her eyes flashed with lust. "Well, maybe just once."

  He laughed and kissed her hard. When they broke apart, he scanned the big room to make sure everyone was having a good time. Dimitri and Benny had already taken little Sofia home, but Sergei had gotten a chance to hold her. She was the sweetest thing with her dark hair and blue eyes. He had managed to rock her to sleep while her parents ate an unrushed meal. Sergei had considered it practice for the many sleepless nights he was sure awaited him.

  Yuri and Lena were still on the dance floor. He had never seen a couple who enjoyed dancing so much. Remembering Nikolai and Vivian's wedding reception, he fully expected the billionaire to get totally pissed and dance on tables again. He only hoped he was still here when it happened. Apparently, it had been quite a thing to behold.

  In a far corner of the reception hall, he spotted Ten getting cozy with one of Bianca's second or third cousins. She was an older woman who clearly knew the score so he didn't worry too much. Knowing Ten's reputation, she wouldn't be the only woman he took home tonight.

  He had been worried that there wouldn't be much of a showing from his side of the guest list, but his concern had been unfounded. He suspected most of that was due to Nikolai and Vivian. Wherever the king and queen went, so did the court. Tonight, they had a table nearby. Nikolai had his arm around his wife's small waist. Hi hand rested atop her belly, idly stroking her and soothing the child she carried.