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Serina K. and the Case of the Missing Recipe

  Copyright 2015 Brad G. Moore

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  Table of Contents

  Chapter One: Suzy and the Mailman

  Chapter Two: Lady Sara, Queen of the Cat Kingdom

  Chapter Three: The Bribe

  Chapter Four: Words of Wisdom

  Chapter Five: The Break-In

  Chapter Six: Serina K. Takes the Case

  Chapter Seven: Traffic Jam

  Chapter Eight: Special Delivery

  Chapter Nine: End of an Era

  Chapter Ten: The Figure in the Window

  Chapter Eleven: Identity Crisis

  Chapter Twelve: Mrs. Barnes to the Rescue

  Chapter Thirteen: Saving Sara

  Chapter Fourteen: Bradford's Most Wanted

  Chapter Fifteen: Pay Dirt

  Chapter Sixteen: Doodle Soup Days

  Chapter Seventeen: Case Closed

  About Brad G. Moore

  Other books by Brad G. Moore

  Connect with Brad G. Moore

  Chapter One: Suzy and the Mailman

  “Suzy!” I heard my dad yell outside my bedroom window. I was used to confrontations between my dad and Suzy as Suzy inadvertently creates some form of commotion several times a day. Although my dad claims that Suzy is a mutt, he is actually a Cocker Spaniel mixture. He might have some mutt in him, but he is mostly a Cocker Spaniel. Suzy was given to me by my cousin, Ben, when I was in the second grade and has been my loyal friend ever since.

  Suzy was the lone male to a litter of five female siblings. Ben was left with one female and one male after the remaining puppies were given away to good homes. Since Ben’s mom was a fan of some guy named Elvis Presley, the male was named Elvis. Ben named the remaining female Suzy after his favorite snack, Suzy Q.

  After Elvis was finally given to a good home, Ben’s family was left with the female puppy, Suzy. Ben and his family taught Suzy her name and how to shake hands. Suzy was a very smart puppy, yet much more mischievous than normal puppies. Ben’s mom couldn’t figure out why Suzy was so mischievous. When Ben’s parents took Suzy to the veterinarian to get her shots, the veterinarian informed them that Suzy’s actions were quite normal. They were normal for a young, male puppy, that is. Ben’s family had given the wrong puppy away. I hope the family that thought they were taking Elvis home discovered the truth before Ben’s family did and were able to give the pup a girl’s name. I would hate to be a girl stuck with a name like Elvis.

  My name is Serina K. My full name is Serina Kay Moore, but I usually just go by Serina K. because there is another girl named Serina in my fourth grade math class at Andrew Jackson Elementary School. I don't mind it so much. I'm used to hearing my dad yell “Serina Kay!” whenever he discovers one of my scientific experiments in the kitchen or bathroom. I've heard it so often that I've thought about officially changing my name to Serina K.

  My dad said that if I wanted to be known as Serina K. when I got older that I would have to go to court to legally change my name. I always thought that people only go to court when they are in trouble. So far, I haven’t gotten into trouble by signing Serina K. on my homework and I haven’t had to go to court yet. I heard somewhere that people get something called a subpoena when they have to go to court, but I haven’t gotten one of those yet either.

  For the past year, I have been saving my allowance to buy a Ph.D. from Wal-Mart. My dad said that I would need a Ph.D. to achieve all of the goals I have set for myself when I grow up. While most of my friends want to be doctors, nurses, and teachers when they grow up, I simply want to be a chef, scientist, and a veterinarian. The whole Ph.D. thing has got me confused though. I learned how to be fiscally responsible last year when I needed to raise money to go to the carnival last year and I am sure that I can afford it, but I’m not sure why I need it. I’ve already started my scientific career by creating hundreds of experiments with soap, perfume, and shampoo. My friend, Autumn, and I even began an archaeological expedition last summer in my back yard with my metal detector.

  I worked at the veterinarian’s clinic last summer and was able to save some money to go toward my Ph.D. I usually helped the groomer wash the animals before he cut and styled their hair in nice, pretty bows. I tried not to be around when the animal doctor was caring for sick animals. I always cried whenever I heard an animal whine because of the huge needle the vet was poking them with. The experience has made me rethink my desire to become a veterinarian.

  If I decide not to become a veterinarian, maybe I can get a Ph.D. from Wal-Mart at a lower price. Hopefully, I can get my Ph.D. even cheaper if I can go to work in their bakery after becoming a professional chef. I’ve been watching Emeril and Paula Dean and have had some experience using my chocolate factory kit. I’ve also made my dad several TV dinners. With all of my experiences, I may not even need a Ph.D.

  “The mailman’s going to quit delivering our mail if Suzy keeps on chasing him,” Dad

  said after I went downstairs to see what all the fuss was about.

  “I don’t know what’s got into him lately,” I replied. “He never used to act this way with Mr. Kelly.

  “That’s because Mr. Kelly bribed him,” Dad snapped back as he picked up the crinkled letters the mailman had threw in the yard as he raced to get away from Suzy. Mr. Kelly used to be our mailman, but retired last month. He used to bring Suzy a dog biscuit every day when he dropped off our mail.

  “Suzy probably just thinks that the new mailman forgot his treat and he’s just trying to catch up with him,” I answered back.

  “Whatever the reason is, you need to make sure that he stops it. The mailman said that if Suzy keeps it up, we’ll have to go to court to start receiving our mail again.”

  Court? That’s the last place I want to go. They might find out that I’ve been signing my name as Serina K. on my homework and give me a subpoena. I need to figure out why Suzy doesn’t like our new mailman. If I can’t figure out why Suzy doesn’t like the new mailman, maybe I can figure out a way to make him like him.