Read Setiana's New Life Part 1 Page 1

  Setiana's New Life

  Part 1


  By Beth Wright

  Illustrator: Wicked Muse Covers

  Editor: Heather Badgwell


  Copyright 2010 Beth Wright


  One advantage to waking up and going with my mates to morning training, is to see them all train together. Come on now, what woman alive would not want to see built male bodies, glistening with sweat as the move around like some kind of wild erotic dance. Sporting their bodies in nothing but a bikini. Wow, is it just me or is it getting hot in here? Vultar stop moving like that. Don't give me that grin, you guys know what you are doing to me. You guys are so bad. Great now they are all giving me that smile. Ugh, will the torment ever end.

  "Never," Orclarus says softly as his lips brush over mine.


  "When did you get up here?" I giggle as he takes me into his arms and continues the erotic assault on my lips.

  "I can be anywhere at any time." He chuckles as I pull him closer.

  "Really?" I take his lips by force with a more demanding approach. "Then, let's go back to our dwelling."

  He chuckles softly against my lips, "As you wish, Dear."

  I giggle more as I notice my other mates approaching us, "Would you guys like to join as well?"

  They all laugh softly. A sudden burst of yells from the village catches our attention. "What's going on?" I ask, as I watch their faces turn towards the entrance.

  "We are under attack." Karitonar soon states as they all move to hide my body from any who enter. "Sorceurons, they are being foolish to attack our village."

  Vultar growls deeply, "Let's show them how foolish they are." They start to exit the training area, then stop suddenly.

  Yeah you guys forgot I was here, did you not? I walk up behind them and smile as they all turn to face me.

  Vultar smiles back then slowly glides his hand through his thick silky hair. "We," He stops shortly then continues, "We forgot for a second. You must understand, Dear, having a mate so sweet, innocent, and beautiful. This is all still new to us." He pulls me to him then lifts my body up into his strong arms. "I will take you to our dwelling."

  Zulloclar softly adds, "We will each have two of our leader guards come and protect you while we battle."

  "Fine, but if you guys die," They all stop and wait for me to continue, "I will kill you again, very slowly." I squint my eyes and give them an evil look.

  They laugh, as they continue to walk. "We will not die, Love." Zulloclar says as we enter the dwelling. "We have way too much to look forward to."

  Shouts break out as a fire starts right in front of us. Vultar throws his cloak around my body. I start to feel the heat as he runs through it. He stops and removes his cloak from me, “Are you alright, Love?”

  “I'm fine.” I softly reply as more shouts cover the area. I turn my head slightly to see the bright burning flames. They are a wild blue, red and white combination. Almost enchanting to watch as they wave back and forth.

  “Setiana,” I jump as his voice gets closer. “Setiana,” Orclarus, decends down to the ground beside us, “Are you alright, Love.” I hear his voice and even see him but for some strange reason I feel as if I am in some kind of trance. My body starts to move out of Vultar's arms. Oh my God, what is going on? Why can't you guys hear me? I scream inwardly as my body walks slowly away from them.

  Vultar suddenly appears in front of me. “Love, why are you walking away from us? Are you angry with something we said or did?” His voice is deep and flowing with pain. He finally looks me in the eyes, then stumbles backwards slightly as my body pushes forward as if nothing stands in my way. “Setiana, you’re under a spell.” I feel his hands lightly grasp my shoulders to stop me. But my body refuses to stop. My hands go up and throw his away from me.

  No! Why is this happening? Why would someone want to put a spell on me? My thoughts stop suddenly as a voice enters deep within me mind.

  I now have control over you, Setiana. His voice is deep and commanding as he continues, Come to me, my lovely little female. His words send chills down my spine. My body still is in his command.

  “We must do something, Vultar,” Zulloclar yells out. “They are taking her away.”

  Vultar steps in my path once more. My other mates join him. Step after step brings my heart deeper into agonizing pain. What can I do? I see the fear, pain and torment tearing them apart from the inside out. I hate seeing them this way. Vultar and Zulloclar gently grab my wrists. But my hands slap theirs away instantly. This cannot be happening. They try once more, but fail again as my body continues to struggle away from their grasp. Vultar softly whispers in my ear, “We will not lose you, Love, no matter what happens.” His words fade as a flash of light blinds me. The blinding light wraps around my body and sends cold chills throughout it. Then silence and darkness collide as one. My heart races as I feel the loneliness creeping into my soul. They are gone. My mates are gone. Tears start to trail down my cheeks as the loneliness builds. How will I ever find them again? Noises start to filter in little by little. A low moan draws my attention to my left side. Tears still flood my eyes as I try to see who it may be. A flicker of light from my right side startles me. Slowly I glide backwards, praying and pleading. I hope there are bars or a wall behind me. Anything, other than non-stop darkness.

  “Did they hurt you?” A gentle, feminine voice finally asks as my tears intensify.

  I stop my backwards steps as I feel someone's hands lightly grip my arms from behind. “Who are you?” I ask as I start to cry uncontrollably.

  “It is alright, Setiana.” Her voice soothes my mind. Turning slowly I soon come to realize someone turned on lights, for now the whole area is aglow.

  “Now that you feel better,” She starts to say as her hands drift slowly away from my arms. “Would you like to tell me why you were crying or should I search your thoughts for the answer?”

  She is the most beautiful female I have ever seen. Her face brightens up with a big enchanting smile. I cannot believe this, her eyes are not gold. They are not human eyes either, blue mystical eyes with no pupils. The most exotic blue I have ever seen. Letting my eyes explore even more of this beautiful woman I watch as her hair gently glides over her shoulders as she removes her hair piece. It held her long, white hair up into a pony tail on top of her head. Now it is cascading down her body all the way to her knees. She seems to be around the same height as my mates. Her skin is a lovely light tan color, her muscles are amazingly well defined. She has a blue and pink stripe in her hair on each side of her head, they are just as long as the rest of her hair. Her armor is very erotic. I cannot believe I am staring at another female and thinking her armor is very erotic. I really need to get out of here, where ever here is.

  Soft laughter draws my attention back to her. Her eyes brighten as I blush. Great I so forgot she can mind read too. Great mind reading mates, now a mind reading erotic warrior woman. My day cannot get any better than this. She slowly glides her hand through her thick, long, straight, beautiful hair.

  Then smiles at me as she questions softly, “Are you injured in any way?”

  “No, no. I'm not physically harmed.” I stutter as she tilts her head slightly as her eyes trail over my body. My blood starts to boil with desire. Why? I should not be feeling this way. She is a woman. Not only that, but she is not one of my mates either. Stop it, stop it, stop it. Stupid mind, your messing up my life more than you ever have on Earth. Oh, no.

  Her smile softens as he eyes connect with mine. “Battling with your own thoughts. That is very impressive, Little One.” She reaches out and lightly brushes her fingertips across my fo
rehead. “No need to battle yourself. You are safe. I will not let them take you from this cell.” she slowly states as her fingertips glide down the side of my face.

  My body shivers as her fingertips glide along my jaw bone. A deep, very deadly growl comes out of nowhere. I blink as I try to focus my mind and emotions enough to focus on the rest of my surroundings. Terror covers me as I now realize, I am in another dungeon. The low growl comes again this time deeper than the last. Scanning the area from which it came from, I find myself staring into glowing gold eyes in the cell across from ours. The eyes continue to stare as they move upward, as if who or whatever it is, decided to stand. Moving slowly to the bars I try to focus my eyes to see