Read Setiana's New Life Part 1 Page 3

and finally state, “If you’re a male. Then you’re what us humans would call a real life pretty boy.” I look her over once more and note her beautiful, erotic, warrior armor. “Ok, more like, the first drop dead gorgeous male I have ever seen.” I shake my head lightly as I try to get the thoughts of her being a male out of it. “No way possible. You’re more beautiful than me. How can you be a male?” She laughs again, this time a few more join in the laughter.

  “It is true, Little One, he is a male. See the blue stripes in his hair, that means he is all male. There is nothing female about him.” My eyes adjust to the light reflecting off of the approaching male's armor. “My name is Sylem,” His steps shorten as he nears, “There are a few of us in this dungeon that are not from this world.”

  His glowing blue eyes soften as he kneels down in front of me. “Why are you here then?” I quietly ask.

  My hands twitch as a new noise echoes through the dungeon. Someone is now walking down the walkway. I watch as all the females in the walkway start to hiss and growl as the person approaches our cell. They all spring into action and run down the walkway further, leaving nothing behind but the two dead bodies. The cloaked figure stops at the bodies then lifts a hand and they are then engulfed in white flames. Soon there is no evidence or bodies left behind. My gasp draws his attention. He turns to our cell, he slowly steps up to the bars as he removes his hood.

  My eyes widening as I take in his appearance, “A Sorceurian.” I whisper as his face lights up with a smile.

  “I am pleased that you were not harmed during the battle.” His words send a icy chill down my spine.

  My Tellianar is now growling louder as he tries to draw the attention of the Sorceurian to him. The Sorceurian laughs aloud and says, “You honestly think I am afraid of you?” He turns and faces my pissed off mate's cell. “What can you possibly do to me while you’re behind those bars?” Suddenly the growl deepens as his tail slowly glides out over the floor towards the Sorceurian. The Sorceurian grumbles something under his breath as he raises his hand up with fire starting to build within his grasp.

  I grip my holders arm tighter as I watch and wait for the fight to begin. The Sorceurian jumps sideways as the tail lashes out to grab his neck. He swears as he throws the fire at the deadly tail.

  My mates’ growl deepens as the fire hits him. His tail flicks the flame right back at the Sorceurian. Missing his head by inches, giving my mate the chance to go for his enemies throat once again. This time the Sorceurian lunges at his tail and a glowing red dagger appears in his right hand as he closes in on it. A scream escapes my mouth as I watch the glowing blade enter into my mates long black tail. He grunts softly as he throws his tail upwards knocking the Sorceurian backwards and to the ground. Blood is starting to cover the walkway between or cells, his wound is long and deep.

  I loosen my grip on my holders arm as I whisper, “Why isn't he healing himself?”

  She moves slightly to hold me tighter as the battle rages on. I hide my face into her shoulder as she softly speaks, “The bracers and spells they have placed on him prevent his body from healing.” Tears start to drip from my eyes as my daughter starts to go crazy within my womb. It feels like she is trying to jump right out of me.

  The fight is now intensifying as both fighters are now bleeding uncontrollably. They stop suddenly as a voice rises above the commotion. “I told you to get my Beautiful One.” The new Sorceurian walks over and stands in front of the other as he continues, “I did not tell you to fight,” He looks to my mate then back. “Why are you fighting him? He is not even in the same cell as her.”

  I see his gaze turn my way, instantly I turn away. The arms holding me tighten gently, as if telling me I will be alright. His voice is now in my thoughts.

  I told you, you are now my Lovely Little Female.

  My skin tingles slightly as I feel his gaze still on me. The cell door is now being opened slowly. The one holding me starts to stand, with me still in her arms. I feel her hold on me tighten slightly as he approaches us. The other males in our cell are now standing as well.

  My mate is now going insane. I hear him slam his body against the bars as his growls intensify as the Sorceurian still continues to come closer. He stops within two feet of us as one of our cell mates charges at him. He stands his ground, not even blinking an eye as he swiftly swings his arm up and somehow blows his attacker back against the cell wall. Another one attacks and the same outcome meets him. Soon all are attacking him as the one holding me starts to lower my body to the ground. She looks down at me and speaks softly, “Stay here, Little One, do not move from this wall.” She pushes my back gently against the wall. “No matter what happens, do not move from here.” I nod my head in acceptance of her demand as I watch the fight become more violent. She places her hand below my chin and draws my attention to her as she speaks, “We will do our best in keeping you in the cell with us.” She looks towards the fight then sighs before continuing, “If we fail at this, do not drink or eat anything they give you.” As her last words escape her lips she turns and swords materialize in her hands. “Do not move from the wall, Setiana.” I watch as the fight continues on.

  Something out of the corner of my eye draws me to look towards my mate's cell. I gasp as I am now finally able to see him. His appearance is by far the most different I have ever seen yet. He resembles a centaur mostly, except his tail resembles Karitonar's, large dragon type wings, of course always the golden copper colored eyes, long waist length beautiful bright red hair with a black streak on each side of his head, his upper part of his body is a nice dark tan color, his muscles are glistening with sweat. His eyes continue to focus on the fight within my cell. I should be frightened of him, well of his appearance at the least. But since he is my Tellianar and appears to want no harm to come to me, I am drawn to him. I feel the Tellianar bond pull at my heart as I catch sight of the blood still trickling down parts of his body. Then the bond brings on another pull a more seductive pull as I watch the sweat glide over his chest muscles. His chest muscles move slightly as he turns. My eyes seem to be glued to those drops of sweat, oh God, I feel like I am going to melt here and now. They move more, catching my attention that he is now facing my way. I slowly move my eyes upward and notice his locked dead onto mine. He shows no emotion as he stares back at me, but I sense his arousal of the fact that I myself am aroused. My legs start to feel weak as his head tilts sideways as he lets his eyes scan every part of my body.

  Without warning his eyes dart up and away. I turn to see what he is so upset about, coming to find myself staring dead into the eyes of my captor as he grabs my waist and pulls me against his body. My scream echoes throughout the dungeon. The dungeon then comes to life as everyone in it starts to yell and bang against their cells. I try to pull away, but his arms are so tightly wrapped around me. As I struggle he tightens his hold which in turn brings pain throughout my back and waist. Out of breath and frightened to move any more, I decide to stop my fight, I don't want my daughter harmed. He chuckles as he hears my thoughts. “Good choice, my Lovely Little Female.” His arms loosen slightly, at least enough for the pain to subside. “I am not your female,” I growl back at him as he lifts my body up into his arms. “Put me down, or you will not like what I’m going to do to your face.”

  He laughs softly, “If you do that, I will kill the little one you are carrying.”

  Shock and fear take over my mind as his words pierce my heart, “You wouldn't dare.” Instincts kick in and I rush and cover my womb with my hands. Looking back up into his eyes I soon see that he does not seem to totally mean what he is saying. For some odd reason he seems to be making a bluff and seeing if I will follow through with it. When he notices I do not plan to risk my daughter’s life over damaging his face, he finally states, “You are different,” pausing as he walks us past all my cellmates bodies lying on the ground, they all look so lifeless. I watch the one who first protected me to see if I could catch a glimpse of her breathing, wh
en I finally get that glimpse I sigh with relief. At least they all seem to be still alive. “I have never seen a female care about anything or anyone other than herself.” He shuts the cell door behind him, then pauses in front of my mate. “She is very unique indeed,” he laughs as my mate tries to grab the Sorceurian's waist with his tail. “Now, now old friend, I will not harm her.” He looks down to me as I continue to wrap my arms tighter around my waist, “She is a special female, who needs to be given some gifts to be even more special.”

  My eyes jump up to his as I hear his words. “What does that mean?”

  “Don't drink or eat anything, Setiana...” The females words escape her lips in a mere whisper, I would have never heard them if it wasn't for the fact the dungeon is deathly silent now as he turns and walks us towards the exit. I look back over his shoulder towards them. My mate is still frantically hurting himself more and more trying to get out of his cell. The female is still laying on the ground but she is pleading to me with her eyes. Her