Read Settlers and Scouts: A Tale of the African Highlands Page 22


  "Think they'll give it up?" said Ferrier, as they sat over their dinner.

  "Not they! Those fellows haven't come all the way from their villagefor nothing. They wouldn't have come at all but for some stronginducement, for Juma isn't an old friend of theirs, remember."

  "Well, there's very little inducement so far as I can see. There's nextto no loot bar the rifles and ammunition, and Juma would bag those if helicked us. The others would have a very poor look-in."

  "You forget the sort of old curiosity shop collection that the men wereso delighted with. The 'bad men' would get those, of course."

  "It's very little among so many; you said there were about four hundredof them."

  "Yes, but Juma wouldn't be over particular as to what he promised. Allhe wanted was to get their help. If he were to lick us, he could safelydefy the 'bad men,' for with the rifles and practically unlimitedammunition he could do what he liked with 'em. He's sure to attack us,maybe to-day, maybe to-morrow; and the best thing we can do is tostrengthen our defences. We shall have all our work cut out to keep 'emoff this time: we're three rifles short; I suppose Coja and the otherstook theirs with them?"

  "Yes, unfortunately. But I've already begun to strengthen thedefences--started when I got your message."

  "Good man! What did you do?"

  "First thing, I cut down some of the young trees at the further end ofthe island. I thought they might give cover to the enemy if they triedan attack in that quarter. Then it occurred to me that if we couldraise a sort of bastion to jut over the wall by the gate yonder, wecould fire at them without exposing ourselves, and--what do they callit?--enfilade them."

  "Capital! I wondered what that rummy erection meant. Didn't like tosay so, but it looks like a funeral pyre."

  "Well, it's not finished, you know. It took us a good time to cut downthe trees and strip off the branches. The enemy didn't see what we wereabout until we had got a pretty good pile of logs, and then they beganshooting at us--with arrows; they didn't want to waste ammunition, Isuppose. I had to draw the men off then, and we haven't gone at itagain: your arrival has put everything else in the shade."

  "We may as well finish that bastion now, at any rate, and put up anotheron the other side of the gate, if there's wood enough. Sorry I can'thelp you; I'm too stiff. You'll have to perch me up on one of thebastions when the attack comes, and leave me there."

  "Oh, you'll soon be all right. I'll give you a good rubbing by and bywith hippo grease; it'll be as good as goose fat, and that's what theold wives use, isn't it?"

  Ferrier set the men to work on the bastions, instructing them how topile the logs and to interlace the branches they had lopped off, so asto form a kind of parapet, the interstices between the branches makingnatural loopholes.

  They were still engaged on this task, about four o'clock in theafternoon, when Ferrier's attention was attracted by movements among theenemy, who formed a dense black mass, with a few white spots, againstthe background of trees. He thought that the signs of activityportended an attack, and called to some of the men to occupy the onebastion that was finished. They obeyed quickly, carrying John with themat his own order. But it was soon apparent that the enemy were notcontemplating an immediate assault. They suddenly threw themselves onthe ground in a large circle, three ranks deep, the Swahilis, eight innumber, standing at the centre.

  "A council of war: what they call a shauri," said John.

  It was soon seen that there was a difference of opinion among theassembly. At first the discussion proceeded in a quiet and orderlymanner, the sound of voices reaching the fort very faintly. Butpresently there were clear signs of excitement. Some of the warriorssprang up, and harangued the Swahilis fiercely, brandishing their spearsin the direction of the fort. Their voices were raised; the tumultincreased moment by moment; and the sound became a continuous roar, likethe noise of surf at a distance.

  "The allies are at loggerheads," said Ferrier. "They may raise thesiege."

  The chief of the "bad men" was in fact demanding to know why theSwahilis had brought him and his men on a fool's errand. Where was thepromised spoil? In a fort, defended by a wall, a pool of water, and anarmy led by wasungu. How had the msungu whom they had left in thevillage, bound and under guard, come into the fort? Surely by magic;and if the wasungu had such wonderful medicine it was useless to attackthem.

  To this Juma--for it was he--replied that the spoil was indeed withinthe fort, but the defences were not so formidable as they appeared. Thewall had been partly demolished; the pool could be swum, it contained nocrocodiles; and as for the men within, it was clear they must be veryweak, for they had taken no food into the fort for many days. Nor couldthey get any; no doubt an attempt had been made that morning, and foundto be impossible because of the current. (Such was his explanation ofthe incident of the raft.) And as for the msungu who had reappeared somysteriously, it was no magic, but the carelessness of the guards thataccounted for that: the msungu must have escaped, and not being afraidof the dark had marched during the night.

  This aspersion on the trustworthiness of the guards roused the chief tofury. Springing up, he demanded the instant fulfilment of the promisemade to him. He worked himself up to an ecstasy of indignation; his mencaught fire from him; and when the tumult was at its height theysuddenly wheeled round and, following their chief, began to march offtowards their village.

  "This looks promising, certainly," said John, who had watched theproceedings closely. "If we could only get out we might even enlistthose fellows on our side."

  But in a few moments a change came over the scene. Six painted warriorscame running from the north-west to meet the marching force, whichhalted, swallowing up the runners into its own mass. A few minutespassed; then the whole body wheeled about and returned to the spot wherethe Swahilis and their negroes were still grouped in a circle.

  "Men from the village come to report our escape," said John.

  "But why should that make the chief turn back?" rejoined Ferrier. "Itought to have the opposite effect."

  "I take it that the chief is so mad at being done that he has decidednot to go until he has caught me again."

  "But your escape is no news to him. They've seen you already."

  "That's true. Well, I can't account for it; but it's clear that thosesix fellows have caused a change in the tide, and I wish them atHalifax."

  The conference was resumed, and continued until dark. There was nofurther outburst. Ferrier utilized the time to finish the secondbastion: it was impossible to doubt that the enemy was planning anattack. It would not be made in the night, but must be looked for assoon as morning broke. Ferrier's expression was very grave as he helpedJohn to reach his little grass hut in the centre of the fort. He hadmade an inspection of the stock of provisions during the morning, andknew that it would not last beyond another day.

  "I won't worry John to-night," he thought, "but he'll have to know inthe morning."

  Though convinced that no attack would be made during the dark hours,Ferrier took the precaution of putting four men on sentry-go. Heinsisted on John's going to bed as soon as he had had his massaging, andsat down by the fire himself, in no cheerful frame of mind. He knew hewould get little sleep that night, for the negro, though willing enough,is ever an untrustworthy sentinel. And when he reflected on the hordeof savage enemies without, he could not look forward with confidence tothe issue of the coming fight. He canvassed the possibility of helpcoming from Nairobi or Fort Hall, reckoning how long it would take forthe messenger to reach Mr. Gillespie, and how long for a rescue party togain the fort. But he found the very elements of the calculationuncertain; try as he might, he could not recollect clearly how many dayshad passed since they left the farm. Never before had he understood thesavage man's indifference to time; it was now clear; time is aninvention of civilization.

  While he was sitting thus brooding over the fire, o
ne of the sentries,an askari of his original safari, came running to him.

  "Bwana," he said, "man ober dere."

  He pointed towards the western end of the island. Ferrier sprang up,seizing rifle and revolver: surely the enemy had not crossed the riverin the darkness and crept round to attack the fort from this side?Hastening to the wall, he mounted upon it and peered into the night.Nothing could be seen. But in a moment he thought he heard a faintsound. He listened intently: yes, he heard it again; it was a kind ofwhinny--the signal he had arranged with Coja in case he should returnafter sunset. The men were safe, then; he rejoiced for their own sake,and because it meant the addition of three good rifles to the morrow'sdefence. Calling up two of the men, he had the canoe lowered andcarried down to the water, himself accompanying them, since he couldnever be sure that unreasoning panic might not seize them. The canoewas launched and paddled quietly to the farther shore of the pool. Twomen stepped down to meet it: they were Coja and the askari.

  "Where is Said Mohammed?" asked Ferrier.

  "Him gone, sah," replied Coja: "dunno where he are."

  "You lost him?"

  "Long long way ober dere."

  "Before it was dark?"

  "Long time, sah,"

  "Did you look for him?"

  "Oh yes, sah, look for him long time, sure nuff."

  "Well, get in. You're a couple of muffs, to say the least. What wereyou doing?"

  Coja explained that about midday, as they were fording the river, anumber of leeches fastened on their legs. They jumped about to ridthemselves of the creatures, and suddenly a huge brown crocodile, wakedby the disturbance, slid off a mud bank into the stream, within a footor two of Said Mohammed. The Bengali heard the flop of the loathsomereptile just in time to spring out of its reach. The others dashedacross the river at full speed: Said Mohammed ran back to the bank theyhad left, scrambled up, and sped away as fast as his legs would carryhim into the bush. Coja did not venture to recross the stream at thatspot: he sought a ford higher up, but was long in finding one. Both heand the askari waded over and searched along the bank; they did not dareto shout, for fear of bringing an enemy upon them; and failing after along time to discover any trace of the Bengali, they had thought it bestto return to the fort.

  "And did you find the place where the _bwana_ and Bill are kept?" askedFerrier.

  "No, sah: them's dead, sure miff."

  "They're here, and alive," he said. "I was a fool to let the men go,"was his unspoken thought.

  The men were amazed and delighted that the master had returned. As forSaid Mohammed, it was doubtful whether his fate gave them any concern.

  The night passed in peace. Ferrier felt very weary in the morning, butJohn, after a long sleep, rose much refreshed, though he still foundmoving difficult. About eight o'clock there was a cry from the gatethat the enemy were rushing down towards the causeway. The bastionswere instantly manned, John taking post in one and Ferrier in the other,dividing the askaris equally between them. Twenty men with spears andbows and arrows were told off to hold the broken portion of the wall oneither side of the gate, where the attack was most to be feared. Theremainder of the force were stationed at various points, to be ready torun wherever they were called, and to keep watch on the opposite side ofthe island.

  John was surprised to see that the enemy did not take to the water, asthey had done on the former occasion, but came in a yelling line alongthe causeway. They were Juma's newest allies, and being withoutpersonal experience of the reception their friends had formerly metwith, they came rushing across with a reckless courage. When the firstman had reached the middle of the causeway, a volley was firedsimultaneously from each of the bastions, and half the line fell intothe water, uttering dreadful yells. There was a momentary pause; butthe leader had escaped; he bounded forward, followed by the survivorsand others who had not come within the line of fire. The shore behindwas thick with black warriors, hideous in their war-paint, and shoutingfuriously. Only Ferrier's rifle was double-barrelled; John's had beentaken from him when he was captured; and before the men could reload,several of the enemy had reached the end of the causeway, and, springinginto the water at the gap, gained the shelf of land beneath the wall.Ferrier's rifle disposed of one of them; the rest rushed up to the gateand the ruined rampart, and were in a moment fighting hand-to-hand withthe men within.

  "Keep your fire on the causeway," shouted John, who then called to someof the men in reserve to mount the wall and fling stones on the mentrying to clamber up. A second volley from either side crashed into thenegroes racing towards the fort. Only two of them got across. Thosebehind who had not been struck down came to a sudden halt, only to bepushed on by those surging in the rear. The result was that a score ofunhurt negroes were hustled into the water. John forbore to fire atthese, but as soon as his men had reloaded, sent another volley amongthose who were still running along. Meanwhile the defenders of the wallhad beaten off the assault of the men below, who were at a hopelessdisadvantage. Two or three fell groaning to the ground, transfixed withspears; the rest leapt into the pool, and struck out frantically for theshore. The sight of this retreat, and a fourth volley from their unseenenemy, shattered the confidence of the bravest negroes. There was wildconfusion on the causeway. Those upon it could not retreat because ofthe pressure of their comrades behind. They jumped into the water onboth sides. The others, seeing that all was lost, fled back towards thewood. In ten minutes after the first attack they were in full flight.

  But at this moment a shout was raised that the enemy were attacking fromthe other side of the island. Ferrier instantly sprang down from hisperch, and calling on his men to follow him, rushed across the enclosureto repel this new assault. John, perforce confined to his post, orderedhis company to join the others, while he alone kept watch on thecauseway. Being undisturbed, he had leisure to consider what theenemy's plan had been. He could not doubt that they had arranged intheir council of war that the Swahilis with their party should cross theriver and creep under cover of the trees and scrub to the western shoreof the pool. The intention had certainly been that the attack should bemade on both sides of the fort simultaneously. If it had been perfectlytimed, and begun at a concerted signal, the plight of the garrison mighthave been very serious. But careful co-operation is impossible to thenegro. The men on the eastern side had rushed blindly to the assault,heedless of what the other party was doing. These, led by Juma himself,had made their way unobserved to the place arranged, and swum the poolunder cover of the fringe of trees which were still left standing. Butonly one or two had landed when they heard the din of fighting on theother side. Juma, more intelligent than the negroes, had seen at oncethe necessity of striking while the garrison was engaged in thatquarter. But he was compelled to wait until he had sufficient support,and by the time he had gathered a score of men about him the easternattack was beaten off, and the defenders were hurrying to meet him.

  When Ferrier reached the wall, he saw the Swahilis and their followerscoming up the slope in a straggling body. The moment they perceivedhim, they halted; those who had rifles fired them off, too hurriedly totake effective aim; the others let fly a shower of arrows. Then theyall rushed forward, a disorderly shouting mob. Ferrier fired his rifle,but his men had not had time to reload, having hastened from the bastionimmediately after the final volley upon the causeway. The enemy hadcome within about twenty yards of the wall when Ferrier, whipping outhis revolver, snapped a shot at Juma and winged him. The big man fellto the ground with a howl of pain; his men halted in consternation.This was not the easy victory they had been promised. Their hesitationwas fatal. It had given time to the men on the wall to load theirpieces. A general fusillade spattered bullets among the waverers; itquickened them into action, but instead of continuing their advance theyturned tail and bolted down the slope, pursued by a shower of arrows.Juma had risen, and struggled along with the help of two of his kind.They fled with all speed among the trees, and
the garrison, yelling withdelight, saw them no more that day.