Read Seven Keys to Baldpate Page 16



  For fully five seconds Mr. Magee and the man with whom he had collidedstood facing each other on the balcony. The identical moon of the summerromances now hung in the sky, and in its white glare Baldpate Mountainglittered like a Christmas-card. Suddenly the wind broke a small branchfrom one of the near-by trees and tossed it lightly on the snow besidethe two men--as though it were a signal for battle.

  "A lucky chance," said Mr. Magee. "You're a man I've been longing tomeet. Especially since the professor left his window open thisafternoon."

  "Indeed," replied the other calmly. "May I ask what you want of me?"

  "Certainly." Mr. Magee laughed. "A little package. I think it's in yourpocket at this minute. A package no bigger than a man's hand."

  The stranger made no reply, but looked quickly about, over his shoulderat the path along which he had come, and then past Mr. Magee at the roadthat led to freedom.

  "I think it's in your pocket," repeated Mr. Magee, "and I'm going tofind out."

  "I haven't time to argue with you," said the holder of the seventh key.His voice was cold, calculating, harsh. "Get out of my way and let mepass. Or--"

  "Or what?" asked Billy Magee.

  He watched the man lunge toward him in the moonlight. He saw the fistthat had the night before been the Waterloo of Mr. Max and the mayorstart on a swift true course for his head. Quickly he dodged to one sideand closed with his opponent.

  Back and forth through the snow they ploughed, panting, grappling,straining. Mr. Magee soon realized that his adversary was no weakling.He was forced to call into play muscles he had not used in what seemedages--not since he sported of an afternoon in a rather odorous collegegymnasium. In moonlight and shadow, up and down, they reeled, staggered,stumbled, the sole jarring notes in that picture of Baldpate on a quietwinter's night.

  "You queered the game last time," muttered the stranger. "But you'llnever queer it again."

  Mr. Magee saved his breath. Together they crashed against the side ofthe inn. Together they squirmed away, across the balcony to the railing.Still back and forth, now in the moonlight, now in shadow, wildly theyfought. Once Mr. Magee felt his feet slip from beneath him, but caughthimself in time. His strength was going--surely--quickly. Then suddenlyhis opponent seemed to weaken in his grip. With a supreme effort Mageeforced him down upon the balcony floor, and tumbled on top of him. Hefelt the chill of the snow under his knees, and its wetness in hiscuffs.

  "Now," he cried to himself.

  The other still struggled desperately. But his struggle was withoutsuccess. For deftly Billy Magee drew from his pocket the preciouspackage about which there had been so much debate on Baldpate Mountain.He clasped it close, rose and ran. In another second he was insidenumber seven, and had lighted a candle at the blazing logs.

  Once more he examined that closely packed little bundle; once more hefound it rich in greenbacks. Assuredly it was the greatly desired thinghe had fought for the night before. He had it again. And this time, hetold himself, he would not lose sight of it until he had placed it inthe hands of the girl of the station.

  The dark shadow of the man he had just robbed was hovering at hiswindows. Magee turned hastily to the door. As he did so it opened, andHayden entered. He carried a pistol in his hand; his face was hard,cruel, determined; his usually expressionless eyes lighted with pleasureas they fell on the package in Mr. Magee's possession.

  "It seems I'm just in time," he said, "to prevent highway robbery."

  "You think so?" asked Magee.

  "See here, young man," remarked Hayden, glancing nervously over hisshoulder, "I can't waste any time in talk. Does that money belong toyou? No. Well, it does belong to me. I'm going to have it. Don't thinkI'm afraid to shoot to get it. The law permits a man to fire on thethief who tries to fleece him."

  "The law, did you say?" laughed Billy Magee. "I wouldn't drag the lawinto this if I were you, Mr. Hayden. I'm sure it has no connection withevents on Baldpate Mountain. You would be the last to want its attentionto be directed here. I've got this money, and I'm going to keep it."

  Hayden considered a brief moment, and then swore under his breath.

  "You're right," he said. "I'm not going to shoot. But there are otherways, you whipper-snapper--" He dropped the revolver into his pocket andsprang forward. For the second time within ten minutes Mr. Mageesteadied himself for conflict.

  But Hayden stopped. Some one had entered the room through the windowbehind Magee. In the dim light of the single candle Magee saw Hayden'sface go white, his lip twitch, his eyes glaze with horrible surprise.His arms fell limply to his sides.

  "Good God! Kendrick!" he cried.

  The voice of the man with whom Billy Magee had but a moment beforestruggled on the balcony answered:

  "Yes, Hayden. I'm back."

  Hayden wet his lips with his tongue.

  "What--what brought you?" he asked, his voice trailing off weakly on thelast word.

  "What brought me?" Suddenly, as from a volcano that had long been cold,fire blazed up in Kendrick's eyes. "If a man knew the road from hellback home, what would it need to bring him back?"

  Hayden stood with his mouth partly open; almost a grotesque picture ofterror he looked in that dim light. Then he spoke, in an odd strainedtone, more to himself than to any one else.

  "I thought you were dead," he said. "I told myself you'd never comeback. Over and over--in the night--I told myself that. But all thetime--I knew--I knew you'd come."

  A cry--a woman's cry--sounded from just outside the door of numberseven. Into the room came Myra Thornhill; quickly she crossed and tookKendrick's hands in hers.

  "David," she sobbed. "Oh, David--is it a dream--a wonderful dream?"

  Kendrick looked into her eyes, sheepishly at first, then gladly as hesaw what was in them. For the light there, under the tears, was such asno man could mistake. Magee saw it. Hayden saw it too, and his voice waseven more lifeless when he spoke.

  "Forgive me, David," he said. "I didn't mean--"

  And then, as he saw that Kendrick did not listen, he turned and walkedquietly into the bedroom of number seven, taking no notice of Cargan andBland, who, with the other winter guests of Baldpate, now crowded thedoorway leading to the hall. Hayden closed the bedroom door. Mr. Mageeand the others stood silent, wondering. Their answer came quickly--thesharp cry of a revolver behind that closed door.

  It was Mr. Magee who went into the bedroom. The moonlight streamed inthrough the low windows, and fell brightly on the bed. Across thisHayden lay. Mr. Magee made sure. It was not a pleasant thing to makesure of. Then he took the revolver from the hand that still clasped it,covered the quiet figure on the bed, and stepped back into the outerroom.

  "He--he has killed himself," he said in a low voice, closing the bedroomdoor behind him.

  There was a moment's frightened hush; then the voice of Kendrick rangout:

  "Killed himself? I don't understand. Why should he do that? Surely notbecause--no--" He looked questioningly into the white face of the girlat his side; she only shook her head. "Killed himself," he repeated,like a man wakened from sleep. "I don't understand."

  On tiptoe the amateur hermits of Baldpate descended to the hotel office.Mr. Magee saw the eyes of the girl of the station upon him, wide withdoubt and alarm. While the others gathered in little groups and talked,he took her to one side.

  "When does the next train leave for Reuton?" he asked her.

  "In two hours--at ten-thirty," she replied.

  "You must be on it," he told her. "With you will go thetwo-hundred-thousand-dollar package. I have it in my pocket now."

  She took the news stolidly, and made no reply.

  "Are you afraid?" asked Magee gently. "You mustn't be. No harm can touchyou. I shall stay here and see that no one follows."

  "I'm not afraid," she replied. "Just startled, that's all. Did he--didhe do it because you took this money--because he was afraid of whatwould happen?"
  "You mean Hayden?" Magee said. "No. This money was not concerned in--hisdeath. That is an affair between Kendrick and him."

  "I see," answered the girl slowly. "I'm so glad it wasn't--the money. Icouldn't bear it if it were."

  "May I call your attention," remarked Magee, "to the fact that the longreign of 'I'm going to' is ended, and the rule of 'I've done it' hasbegun? I've actually got the money. Somehow, it doesn't seem to thrillyou the way I thought it would."

  "But it does--oh, it does!" cried the girl. "I was upset--for a moment.It's glorious news And with you on guard here, I'm not afraid to carryit away--down the mountain--and to Reuton. I'll be with you in a moment,ready for the journey."

  She called Mrs. Norton and the two went rather timidly up-stairstogether. Mr. Magee turned to his companions in the room, and mentallycalled their roll. They were all there, the professor, the mayor, Max,Bland, Peters, Miss Thornhill, and the newcomer Kendrick, a manprematurely old, grayed at the temples, and with a face yellowed byfever. He and the professor were talking earnestly together, and now theold man came and stood before Magee.

  "Mr. Magee," he said seriously, "I learn from Kendrick that you have inyour possession a certain package of money that has been much buffetedabout here at Baldpate Inn. Now I suggest--no, I demand--"

  "Pardon me, Professor," Mr. Magee interrupted. "I have something tosuggest--even to demand. It is that you, and every one else present,select a chair and sit down. I suggest, though I do not demand, that youpick comfortable chairs. For the vigil that you are about to begin willprove a long one."

  "What d'you mean?" asked the mayor of Reuton, coming militantly toProfessor Bolton's side.

  Magee did not reply. Miss Norton and her mother came down the stair, theformer wrapped in a great coat. She stood on the bottom step, her cheeksflushed, her eyes ablaze. Mr. Magee, going to her side, reflected thatshe looked charming and wonderful, and wished he had time to admire. Buthe hadn't. He took from one pocket the pistol he had removed from thehand of Hayden; from the other the celebrated package of money.

  "I warn you all," he said, "I will shoot any one who makes a move forthis bundle. Miss Norton is going to take it away with her--she is tocatch the ten-thirty train for Reuton. The train arrives at itsdestination at twelve. Much as it pains me to say it, no one will leavethis room before twelve-fifteen."

  "You--crook!" roared Cargan.

  Mr. Magee smiled as he put the package in the girl's hand.

  "Possibly," he said. "But, Mr. Cargan, the blackness of the kettlealways has annoyed the pot. Do not be afraid," he added to the girl."Every gentleman in this room is to spend the evening with me. You willnot be annoyed in any way." He looked around the menacing circle. "Go,"he said, "and may the gods of the mountain take care of you."

  The little professor of Comparative Literature stepped forward and stoodpompously before Magee.

  "One moment," he remarked. "Before you steal this money in front of ourvery eyes, I want to inform you who I am, and who I represent here."

  "This is no time," replied Magee, "for light talk on the subject ofblondes."

  "This is the time," said the professor warmly, "for me to tell you thatMr. Kendrick here and myself represent at Baldpate Inn the prosecutingattorney of Reuton county. We--"

  Cargan, big, red, volcanic, interrupted.

  "Drayton," he bellowed. "Drayton sent you here? The rat! The pup! Why, Imade that kid. I put him where he is. He won't dare touch me."

  "Won't he?" returned Professor Bolton. "My dear sir, you are mistaken.Drayton fully intends to prosecute you on the ground that you arrangedto pass Ordinance Number 45, granting the Suburban Railway the privilegeof merging with the Civic, in exchange for this bribe of two hundredthousand dollars."

  "He won't dare," cried Cargan. "I made him."

  "Before election," said the professor, "I believe he often insisted toyou that he would do his duty as he saw it."

  "Of course he did," replied Cargan. "But that's what they all say."

  "He intends to keep his word."

  The mayor of Reuton slid into the shadows.

  "To think he'd do this thing to me," he whined. "After all I've done forhim."

  "As I was saying, Mr. Magee," continued the professor, "Mr. Kendrick andI came up here to secure this package of money as evidence againstCargan and--the man above. I speak with the voice of the law when I sayyou must turn this money over to me."

  For answer Magee smiled at the girl.

  "You'd better go now," he said. "It's a long walk down the mountain."

  "You refuse?" cried the professor.

  "Absolutely--don't we, Miss Norton?" said Magee.

  "Absolutely," she repeated bravely.

  "Then, sir," announced the old man crushingly, "you are little betterthan a thief, and this girl is your accomplice."

  "So it must look, on the face of it," assented Magee. The girl moved tothe big front door, and Magee, with his eyes still on the room, backedaway until he stood beside her. He handed her his key.

  "I give you," he said, "to the gods of the mountain. But it's only aloan--I shall surely want you back. I can't follow ten feet behind, as Ithreatened--it will be ten hours instead. Good night, and good luck."

  She turned the key in the lock.

  "Billy Magee," she whispered, "yours is a faith beyond understanding. Ishall tell the gods of the mountain that I am to be--returned. Goodnight, you--dear."

  She went out quickly, and Magee, locking the door after her, thrust thekey into his pocket. For a moment no one stirred. Then Mr. Max leaped upand ran through the flickering light to the nearest window.

  There was a flash, a report, and Max came back into the firelightexamining a torn trousers leg.

  "I don't mean to kill anybody," explained Mr. Magee. "Just to wing them.But I'm not an expert--I might shoot higher than I intend. So I suggestthat no one else try a break for it."

  "Mr. Magee," said Miss Thornhill, "I don't believe you have theslightest idea who that girl is, nor what she wants with the money."

  "That," he replied, "makes it all the more exciting, don't you think?"

  "Do you mean--" the professor, exploded, "you don't know her? Well, youyoung fool."

  "It's rather fine of you," remarked Miss Thornhill.

  "It's asinine, if it's true," the professor voiced the other side of it.

  "You have said yourself--or at least you claim to have said--" Mr. Mageereminded him, "one girl like that is worth a million suffragettes."

  "And can make just as much trouble," complained Professor Bolton. "Ishall certainly see to it that the hermit's book has an honored place inour college library."

  Out of the big chair into which he had sunk came the wail of theuncomprehending Cargan:

  "He's done this thing to me--after all I've done for him."

  "I hope every one is quite comfortable," remarked Mr. Magee, selecting aseat facing the crowd. "It's to be a long wait, you know."

  There was no answer. The wind roared lustily at the windows. Thefirelight flickered redly on the faces of Mr. Magee's prisoners.