Read Sex Coach Page 67

  As to the opulence of the lodge, and everything else that came from being with Edward…that was just as complicated .

  Mentally groaning over the frustration, I told myself to let it go .

  You’re not trying to get anything out of him, Gabs. It’s not like you’ve ever asked for anything from him .

  Finally, the logic pierced me and the misery began to sink away. I hadn’t asked for him to treat me to these extravagances. I didn’t expect them. I was still working and struggling and paying my own way in life .

  I just needed to relax and enjoy what he was giving me…right ?

  But still, the uneasiness lingered .

  So did the weight of the lie. Even if I tried to pretend otherwise .

  * * *

  B y the time we were done, both Edward and I were happy rag-dolls and I’d all but forgotten about the awkward exchange. As we headed back to our room, Flynn and the photo shoot were the furthest things from my mind. Edward was the most caring, considerate, and generous lover I had ever been with and I wanted to spend my time making him feel how much I appreciated him, not thinking about past mistakes .

  As he lay on the bed, loose in a plush hotel robe, I dropped mine to the floor and slowly crawled up next to him. When I saw his sleepy grin, I gave him a long, thorough kiss before trailing my lips down his jaw to nuzzle underneath his ear .

  The faint scent of lavender and bergamot was still on his skin from the massage oil and I tasted him with my tongue before trailing kisses down his chest. I could feel his heart thumping wildly as I pressed my mouth over it. His robe parted easily and my breasts brushed against his erection as I slid down his body, a singular destination in mind .

  He was already starting to harden, but still soft enough that I could take all of him. He smothered a cry when I took him between my lips and a thrill went through me. I loved knowing I could make him feel this way, make his cock stiffen and grow .

  I held him as long as I could before he was too big and I had to settle for wrapping my hand around the base of him while I began to move my head up and down. The thick vein pulsed against my tongue and he started to move against my mouth, until I pressed down on his hipbones with my hands .

  “Be still,” I said, lifting my head to smile at him .

  “Witch.” He groaned, dropping his head back onto the pillow .

  I slid my lips up, then down his length, loving the way the caress made him shudder. His hands fisted in the elegant brocade of the comforter below him. A raw noise left his throat as I sucked on him, taking him all the way to the back of my throat before changing to softer, slow licks up and down his cock .

  His hands left the comforter to grip my shoulders, tugging on me and I lifted my head to smile at him .

  “Dammit, Gabriella .”

  Coming to my knees, I crawled up his body and hovered over him. I was so wet, so ready for him. The inside of my thighs were slick with my need as I straddled him. Edward gripped my waist, staring at me with hooded, hungry eyes. I caught his cock, still wet from my mouth and held him as I began to lower myself down .

  He slid his hands up, cupping my breasts, plumping them together as his cock stretched me wide. The sensation was almost too much, too fast, and my legs trembled. Then he was fully sheathed inside me and I sighed at the way our bodies came together. I didn’t stay still long though. His head arched off the pillow as I began to ride him .

  His hands left my breasts to grip my hips, fingers digging into my flesh, his mouth open in soundless ecstasy. I felt him swell inside me and I cried out because it was too much. The head of his cock rubbed against my g-spot, sending waves of heat arcing through me. Edward started to arch up off the bed, rising to meet me until we were driving into his each other .

  The intensity of it overwhelmed me. I went flying into orgasm and I thought I was spinning, flying—then I realized Edward had flipped me over, planting me under him. He slammed into me and I cried out again. Harder, harder...he sent me into another climax just as he began to come .

  My body ached in the most delicious way and I wouldn’t have traded it for anything .

  * * *

  W hen I came out of my shower more than an hour later, Edward wasn’t there, but I did find a luscious blue satin dress laid out on the bed. A thin black velvet box sat next to it and on the floor were a delicate pair of designer shoes. A note on the hotel’s stationary was propped up like a sign :

  The gifts I give you are nothing compared

  to your beauty, your time, and your love .

  All of which I want always. –Edward

  M y heart soared. All of my doubts and suspicions were erased with those words and I dressed in a whirl of fairytale thoughts .


  T he Catskills lodge was old-fashioned, with a two-story curving staircase leading down to a chandelier-lit foyer. As per instructions I received via text, I went down on my own. I was practically floating as I came down the stairs and found Edward waiting at the bottom with a single white rose .

  He held it out to me. “You look like a dream come true .”

  I touched the delicate sapphire and diamond necklace, tears stinging my eyes. I’d never had anyone treat me this way before. “Thank you .”

  He leaned down and kissed me softly, a bare brush of lips but the contact was enough to send a rush of heat through me. He straightened, looked down at me for a moment, then tucked my hand in the crook of his elbow and led me down a candlelit corridor to the back porch .

  The wide porch ran the entire back of the hotel and offered a seemingly endless choice of white sofas, softly cushioned rattan armchairs, and swings. The whole expanse was lit by hurricane lamps and lanterns casting a soft glow on the other guests enjoying a drink before dinner .

  Edward and I each took a glass of champagne from a passing waiter before he took me down the stairs and onto a path winding through the great lawn. It swept gracefully away from the lodge and out to a breathtaking view of the Hudson River Valley. The sun was just past setting, the sky bleeding to a deep velvet glow. It would gradually give way to the inky darkness of night. Away from the soft lights of the porch, stars already twinkled in the cloudless sky .

  “I don’t think this night could be any more perfect.” I sighed .

  He clinked his champagne flute against mine and we paused to sip and stare up at the diamond glitter overhead. The silence between us was thick with tension, but it was a pleasant kind, the kind that promised something more to follow .

  “I meant what I said in my note.” Edward broke the silence .

  I kissed his cheek, not trusting myself to try anything chaste enough for public. “Always,” I said .

  “I was hoping you’d say that.” He walked me along a narrow stone path down to the rose garden where a stone fountain splashed gently. The underwater lights made the water shimmer. In the undulating glow, he caught my eyes and held my gaze .

  He brushed back a few strands of hair as he spoke, “I’ve never felt this way about any other woman. The time I spend with you is truly the best part of my life .”

  Suddenly, he went down on one knee and caught my hands before I could smother my cry of surprise. This couldn’t be happening. It couldn’t be real .

  “Gabriella, would you do the great honor of marrying me ?”

  The night sky spun above me and I hung on to Edward’s hands to keep myself grounded. I knew if I let go, I wouldn’t even be able to stand .

  “Are you—are you serious?” My eyes were wide, heart racing .

  He looked up at me with a pained smile. Clearly, that was not the reaction he’d been expecting .

  “Yes!” He rolled his eyes. “How can I convince you ?”

  I let go of his hands and cupped his face before leaning down to kiss him. It was short but fierce. “Like this.” His eyes were shining as he looked up at me. “Yes, Edward. Yes, I’ll marry you !”

  * * *

  I t was a little past three in the morning when I s
at bolt upright in a cold sweat. The heavy diamond engagement ring winked at me in the dim room and I stared at it as my heart pounded. It was unreal, the flawless emerald cut diamond flashing at me like a star in the night. What had seemed like a fairytale dream now felt like the start of a nightmare .

  “What’s the matter?” Edward asked sleepily as my sudden movement woke him .

  “What if we’re rushing this?” My doubts came pouring out. There were a hundred of them and I couldn’t even begin to list them all. As he sat there staring at me, befuddled, I raked a hand through my hair .

  I still didn’t know his last name .

  I didn’t know what he did for a living .

  His family...oh, shit .

  Clambering out of bed, I grabbed the robe that had been draped over a nearby chair. Shoving my arms into it, I started to pace. The doubts grew larger and larger and I could feel Edward watching me, feel his concern and his care. Turning, I stared at him .

  “I haven’t even met your family, Edward. What if they meet me and hate me? They’ll convince you this was a huge mistake. You’ll think I’m a huge mistake .”

  He pushed himself up on his elbows. His hair was mussed, making him look younger than usual. His expression was serious. “I’ll never think that .”

  I shook my head. “You’re already under enough pressure from them, running the family empire. I’m just going to make things worse for you .”

  “Only if you don’t let me sleep.” His voice held a teasing note as he sat up. He held out his hand and I went to him. He pulled me into his lap and I sat down. He tucked his chin into my shoulder and held me close, my body pressed to his .

  When we were like this, any and all doubt faded. I felt certain. I felt safe and loved and right. But ...

  “They’ll think I’m a gold-digger,” I continued. “How could they not? I don’t bring anything to the table. I don’t even know what table I’m bringing it to .”

  “Gabriella, we’re adults.” He brushed my hair away from my neck. “I’m an adult and I’m not going to let my family tell me who I can love. I love you.” His voice softened. “Don’t you believe me ?”

  “I do,” I said. “I want to believe you .”

  “I understand.” His hands fell away from my shoulders .

  Shit. I’d hurt his feelings. I turned towards him, needing him to understand. “I believe you. I love you. I do. I’m just scared. This feels like a dream .”

  His voice was soft as he reached for my hands. “What can I do to make you understand this is real, that we are really getting married and that I’m thrilled you said yes ?”

  I knew what I was going to say would hurt him, but I couldn’t lie about it, not if we were going to have a life together. “It won’t feel real, won’t feel possible, until I meet your family. I’m sorry, Edward, but I don’t think I can marry you until I know the family I will be marrying into.” The one thing I didn’t add was that I also needed to see for myself how he’d behave when his parents discovered where I came from .

  He flopped back on the pillows and heaved a big sigh. I’d known he wasn’t going to like what I had to say. But could he blame me ?

  I picked up his arm and wrapped it around my shoulder, pulling it tight as I stretched out next to him, putting my head on his chest. For several minutes, neither of us spoke. I listened to his heartbeat and tried to ignore the sound of his teeth grinding .

  I needed him to understand. “This is going to be for the rest of our lives, Edward. Always. I can’t go into that thinking your family wishes it wasn’t me .”

  He didn’t say anything, but he kissed my head as his fingers made slow circles on my upper arm. It was comforting, but not enough. Minutes ticked by and I tried not to cry. Whatever happened now was going to decide if I got my happily ever after or not. The pure reflection of the perfect emerald cut diamond caught the slim moonlight from the window and I tipped it back and forth, wondering how long I’d be wearing it .

  “This is ridiculous,” Edward finally said .

  He slipped out from under me and sat up. Before I could stop him, he tossed the covers aside and slapped his bare feet onto the floor. I watched his lean muscles ripple as he strode across the room naked. As hot as he was, I couldn’t focus on that .

  “What are you doing?” I asked, hating the way my voice shook .

  “Calling my mother .”

  I stared at him. “But it’s past three in the morning !”

  “This is exciting news and it can’t wait,” he said as he dialed .

  I held my breath as I listened to his half of the phone conversation .

  “Mother, it’s Edward. No, everything’s fine.” He paused for a moment and then continued, “Yes, I got your notes on the spring line. Mother, I have exciting news. I asked Gabriella to marry me and she said yes .”

  There was a long pause and I could feel my chest tightening as I waited .

  “That’s exactly what she said,” he sounded amused. “Yes, perfect. Gabriella and I will meet you and Father tomorrow at the club. Thank you. Goodnight. Yes, right, good morning .”

  He padded back across the room and dove into the bed, wrapping his arms around me. He pulled me close, pressing his mouth against my ear. “Now come here and tell me your answer again .”

  “Yes,” I said with a smile. “Yes, I will marry you .”

  * * *

  B ack to reality...or maybe not .

  Instead of sleeping in and waking with slow, leisurely sex, followed by a slow, leisurely breakfast, we were up by seven, on the road by eight and back into the city about the same time I would have preferred to have been rolling out of bed .

  We went by the apartment I shared with Kendra, my nerves singing as I opened the door. But she wasn’t there and I was spared the tension of telling her what should have been happy news .

  I was dreading her reaction. I thought she’d be happy for me, but still, Edward and I had only been dating a few weeks. It felt right, but even I knew this was fast and until I met his family, I’d have misgivings .

  Kendra would sense those and I didn’t want that .

  I wanted to be certain when I faced her .

  She’d understand it better if I was certain .

  She’d know if I wasn’t .

  I hurriedly grabbed some clothes. Edward had convinced me to get ready at his place, so I just traded out the outfit I’d planned to wear for the clothes I’d packed for the lodge. I still had my toiletries. It took less than ten minutes and we were back on the road .

  The drive to his place was silent .

  It wasn’t uncomfortable, but it was unsettling. Once we reached the staggering stone mansion, my nerves returned in triplicate. The home was impressive and now I was seeing it in a whole new light .

  Soon, I would be part of this legacy .

  The house was grand, but I had only ever felt comfortable in Edward’s master suite or the study. The other rooms, the glimpses I’d gotten of them anyway, seemed hollow .

  I buried myself in his bathroom. He’d offered to use one of the others and I was too grateful to argue. Now, as I blow-dried my hair, studied my reflection, applied my make-up only to wash it off and start again, I couldn’t fight the rising tide of nerves .

  Edward appeared in the mirror behind me, already dressed in a suit that cost more than I made in a month, naked pictures included. I gulped .

  “You look terrified.” Resting his hands on my shoulders, he pressed a kiss to my shoulder, bare save for the strap of my camisole. “Relax .”

  “I can’t!” Panicked, I stared at my reflection. Simple, ordinary me, lost in the elegance of his white and gold bathroom. “We’re getting ready to meet your family. I feel so out of place .”

  “First, we’ve got time. Second, you’re not out of place. You’re with me, right where I want you to be.” He slid a hand up and cupped my cheek, guiding my head back against his shoulder. “And I’m with you. Where you want me to be, right ?”

/>   The calm assurance of his voice did something to level me .

  Taking a deep, slow breath, I forced myself to nod. “Yes .”

  “Good.” He turned me around and his mouth closed over mine in a deep, slow kiss .


  He pressed his brow to mine and for a moment, we stood there like that. Then he lifted his head. “I’ve a few more calls to make. Why don’t you spend some time walking around, seeing more of the house? You hardly ever go outside my…” Then he grinned, the smile bright and open. “Soon it will be our room. At least until we find a place to make ours . But walk around the house. Get to know it better. Alright ?”

  * * *

  I found Paul in what looked like the kitchen of a first class restaurant. He was chatting with a cute redhead, but when they saw me, it was like they both jerked to attention .

  “Miss Gabriella.” Paul smiled warmly. “Do you need something? Are you lost ?”

  I winced. “Maybe.” Then, because kitchens, at least, were something I understood, I eased farther inside. “Edward said he had to get some work done before we left and I…” I shrugged. “I wanted to look around .”

  They stood by while I wandered the kitchen and then Paul came to my side. “Why don’t I show you around, Miss Gabriella ?”

  Feeling more and more like an intruder, I nodded. The redhead looked nervous and I tried to give her a friendly smile, but she wouldn’t look at me .

  As we left the kitchen, she busied herself at the counter. Once the door swung shut behind us, I blew out a breath. “Did I mess up ?”

  “Of course not.” Paul gave me a polite smile .