Read Shadeland (The Ethereal Crossings, 1) Page 32

  Chapter 31

  I awoke to find myself in my room, Luke sitting next to me on the bed, reading a book. When I shuffled to face him he turned to me with a smile.

  “Hey,” he said, pushing the hair out of my eyes, “how’re you feeling?”

  “Sick,” I said, my voice was hoarse, causing a burning sensation to ignite in my throat. “What happened?”

  “You fainted,” Luke explained as he marked where he was in his book.

  “Have you talked to Jared?” I asked, not able to avoid the question. He had just left, without even saying he would be back. I wanted to see him again, even if it was just to say “thanks”. Somehow, I knew even that would be asking too much.

  “He’s gone, Liv,” Luke said, his eyes dimmed. “He called and said something about a job in Florida.”

  Something inside me broke and I looked away from my lifelong friend, knowing he could read my mind without using his abilities. He touched my hand and I pulled away, guilty and lost over my feelings. Maybe if I found Violet I could find a way to contact him…

  “Can you get me some water?” I asked, needing him to leave the room.

  “Sure,” he said and reached down to feel my forehead, “and maybe a couple more aspirin.”

  “Thanks,” I said and he walked out of my room. I listened to his footsteps down the hall and I quickly picked my phone from the nightstand. Scrolling down my contacts I found Jared’s name was still in there. I opened a text box and typed a simple “Thanks” inside. Staring down at the letters, I wanted to add more but found I didn’t know what words to use. If I asked him to stay for just a little longer would he? But what did it matter to me if he stayed or left? I clicked send and began to think what I might do should he reply. My eyes stared at his name until I couldn’t do it anymore; choosing to look at the positive.

  I leaned back in bed and basked in my temporary peace of mind that everything was okay. Luke was out and that was all that mattered. My phone suddenly beeped and it made my heart skip two beats. I checked it and saw that it was from Jared, my heart couldn’t handle what I read: I’ll be in touch.

  That meant Jared would be coming back; that meant I would get to see him again. I thought that was what other girls must’ve felt like when they had a crush on someone; it was an amazing feeling. But that bliss only lasted for a second when I heard a dusky voice next to me.

  “You are weak,” said the councilman from my window. I shot up to see him leaning against the ledge, arms crossed with his fedora covering most of his face. “Human’s hearts are so fragile, just like the Fae.” He sounded disgusted.

  “Why are you here?” was all I could think to ask. He glanced at the open door and with a flick of his wrist it shut, locking Luke outside, or more likely, me inside.

  “To give you this,” he reached into his jacket and I flinched, making him smirk. When his hand came out he revealed a small grey kitten, frantically swinging its legs for freedom. The councilman tossed it at me; I barely managed to catch it.

  “A cat?” I asked, confused.

  “That is Azazel,” he explained, with an expression that made me feel as if he was talking down to me, as if to say “stupid human”. “We bound him to this form, as punishment.”

  “Why?” I held Azazel in my hands as he hissed at the pureblood, tiny claws slashing at the air. A white collar dangled around his neck with a strange charm attached. I couldn’t make out what it was, not with the councilman standing there.

  “He loves humans so much, he can stay with them. And now he can never leave.” The councilman smiled and straightened his back, hearing Luke coming back down the hallway.

  “What—” I began, listening as Luke searched the bathroom cabinet for the aspirin.

  “You are weak,” the councilman said again. He disappeared into the Ether but I heard his voice resonate through the room, the hair on my arms rising from the sinister echo. “The Clan will make quick work of you.”

  To be continued in Fenridge: Book Two of The Ethereal Crossings

  Fenridge Teaser + Sample Chapters

  Send to: Jared

  From: Liv

  Message: Liv needs help. Something’s wrong with her, and she might not survive. - Luke