Read Shadow Page 6

  Chapter Six

  Katsuya, sitting behind the desk hears two loud thuds outside his office doors.

  “What in the world was that?” He said as he looks up. The two doors swing open, Century enters, behind him two unconscious guards.

  “I sent them out to an early lunch and I suggest that unless you want to hand out retirement benefits like candy on Halloween, you’d tell the three or four village idiots about to show up, to go back to their post!”

  Right on cue, four of Katsuya’s men arrive at the door with guns drawn. Katsuya’s gut instinct says to listen to Century, even though the odds appear greatly in their favor.

  “Gentlemen, thank you for your promptness, but you may return to your posts.”

  They don’t appear to want to leave. Katsuya’s usually calm, controlled look changes to a stern one. One of the men notices and withdraws his weapon, the other three follow suit. They all head back to their posts.

  Back to the situation at hand, Katsuya asks, “You seem bothered Century, how may I assist?”

  Growing tired of Katsuya’s ever professional manner, which Century believes is a total crock, “I’m bothered by the fact that you failed to mention that Shadow is a walking electrical transformer with enough juice to deep fry a two ton elephant to the bone instantly.”

  Amazed, Katsuya answers, “That wasn’t in there?”

  Century doesn’t buy it, “You have no clue who you’re dealing with, Kats!”

  “I assure you Century, that I was under the impression that the file was complete. I didn't double-check it because it was sent directly here from research facility.”

  Century grabs the office chair directly in front of him and flings it into the wall on his left, causing minor wall damage.

  Century says, “I assure you that if something else was left out, the chairs in this room won’t be the only things flying into walls.”

  Katsuya nods, “I will double check with downstairs.”

  Century doesn’t trust Katsuya, not because of this situation but because he’s a mobster and since the first time they met, Century could not judge this man’s emotion and sincerity. The better the liar, the harder it is to separate the honest from the dishonest. Either Katsuya was honest or the best liar he’s encountered in a long time. But, either way, he had questions that he needed answered and this man had the answers.

  “So what all did you guys replace again?”


  “Inside Shadow. What did you guys replace her heart with, a tow truck battery?”

  Katsuya smiles, “No, nothing like that. She does have an artificial heart. Why?”

  Century doesn’t believe him.

  “She has a pacemaker and she’s a lethal killing machine? How stupid do you think I am?”

  “Not stupid at all, otherwise we would not have hired you. I assure you that the heart and other pieces of technological wonder that is in her are not like the crude stuff you read about in science weekly journal. We spent millions on her.”

  “So what else did you put in her or do to her besides replace organs?”

  “If you’re referring to the electrical charge you felt, that is the suit’s defense device. In case she was ever outnumbered or couldn’t escape a trap such as a net, all she needed to do was click the metal heels on her boots together twice and everything within two feet will no longer be within two feet of her. Which brings to me a question of my own, how did you survive? As you mentioned earlier, the power could kill an elephant, how is it that you are standing here in front of me?”

  Century raises his tone, “I’m the one asking questions here!”

  “Very well.”

  “Again, what all did you do to her?”

  “I don’t know what exactly you’re talking about.”

  Century describes the flip kick, then states, “So how was it that she was still able to fight, yet alone move her arms after that move?”

  “Mr. Century... sorry Century, I assure you that what you speak of I have no clue, but at the same time, there could have been an enhancement done over the original plans. Remember, I was not on the board at that time. I wasn’t elected until the project was almost complete, and at the time of her disappearance I was only minimally involved.”

  “So you think that maybe they rewired her emotions, because she smiled right before she zapped me.”

  Katsuya looks more shocked now than when Century kicked open the doors, “She what?”

  Century notices this reaction but Katsuya immediately regains composure, “You must be mistaken. It was dark on the roof right?”

  Century now has facts that the Katsuya Corporation doesn’t know about, that is, if he plays dumb, “Yeah, maybe you’re right, it was dark.”

  Katsuya seems to be letting his mind wander off on something else. Century questions him, “So I know everything about her outfit and skills? And if not, will be informed right?”

  “Um... oh yeah. I assure you.”

  Century decides it’s best to leave now, because if he hears one more “I assure you” Kats will be joining the office chair next to the wall.