Read Shadowed (Fated) Page 11

  ‘I cannot believe you had that escape route planned. You could have shared it, you know,’ Ash said to him as he joined them. ‘I mean, what if you’d never come back. What if they’d attacked when we were there alone? It would have been good to know there was an exit route.’

  ‘I don’t remember,’ Cyrus said, shrugging apologetically.

  Vero grinned at him. ‘Nice bikes, by the way.’

  ‘How did they find us?’ Evie asked, glancing back up the street in the direction they’d just come from.

  ‘Guess they followed one of us,’ he shrugged, ‘or maybe they just lucked out.’

  The four of them stood there in silence for a few seconds, thinking about how close they’d just come to being wiped out.

  ‘Where are we going to go now?’ Vero suddenly asked, wrapping her arms tight around herself. She was wearing only a thin T-shirt over skimpy pyjama shorts and her bootlaces were undone.

  ‘We can’t go back,’ Cyrus said, pointing out the obvious.

  ‘We lost all the weapons,’ Ash added grimly.

  ‘Except the blades,’ Vero said, holding hers up in its sheath, and pointing at Evie’s. ‘Could be worse.’

  Cyrus turned to look at Evie. She was clutching her bag close to her chest as if it contained her soul or something equally precious.

  ‘What about going to your mum’s?’

  Vero was talking to him. It took him a few seconds to process. To his mum’s? ‘Do you know where she lives?’ he asked her, ‘because I don’t have a clue.’

  ‘No,’ Vero shook her head. ‘I only know the store.’

  Cyrus glanced at Evie who was busy scowling at the sidewalk. She was wearing a man’s T-shirt which, baggy though it was, still couldn’t disguise the hotness of her body. Her hair was a windswept mess, her eyes two blue streaks in the pale oval of her face.

  ‘Does anyone have any money?’ he asked.

  ‘You’re the one who had all the money,’ Ash answered, wryly.

  ‘I did?’ Huh. He guessed that made sense, accounted for the car and the bikes and the impressive wardrobe and the display of grooming products in the bathroom. He didn’t have a wallet though anymore, guessed it must have vanished into the ether along with his clothes on the night whatever happened to him happened. But it wouldn’t have mattered anyway. It wasn’t like he would have remembered the PIN.

  ‘I’ve got some money if we can get to an ATM,’ Evie said suddenly. ‘It’s not much but it’ll pay for a motel for the night until we figure out what we’re going to do.’

  ‘What about Victor?’ Ash asked suddenly. ‘What if they’ve found him too?’

  Cyrus stared at them all. Vero had explained to him all about this other Hunter guy called Victor and what he’d done to Evie and Lucas as well as to his own mum, and Cyrus had made a silent promise to himself that, when Evie decided the time had come to kill Victor, he’d be right by her side.

  ‘He has weapons too,’ Vero said quietly, ‘and we’re all out.’

  Cyrus stole a glance at Evie. Her body was pulsing with anger; it was radiating off her in waves. He could hear her heartbeat banging against her ribs hard enough to crack them. Having to see Victor and collaborate with him – given all he’d done to her – must be killing her.

  Cyrus was on the point of suggesting that they forget about checking on Victor and head to a motel as Evie had suggested, when she huffed loudly and stormed over to the bike.

  ‘Fine,’ she growled. ‘Let’s just check he’s alive and tool up.’

  Cyrus paused before walking over to join her. He swung his leg over the seat and when she wrapped her arms around his waist he felt the same thrill rush through his body as before. He revved the engine, taking off down the street so fast that he heard her inhale sharply and press herself closer against his back.

  Chapter 24

  Ash knocked on Victor’s door.

  Evie was standing behind the others, her hand clasped around the knife she was holding. It would be so easy to shove them aside and plunge the tip of the blade into his chest the moment Victor appeared in the doorway. She eased forward, pushing her way between Vero and Ash so that she’d be in a better position to strike but, as if he could read her mind, Cyrus turned around to face her, blocking the doorway with his broad shoulders.

  His gaze fell to her hand – the one clutching the knife – then lifted slowly to her face. She glared back at him defiantly.

  ‘If he’s alive you’re not going to kill him, are you?’ Cyrus asked.

  She didn’t answer him.

  ‘I think Ash is right about us needing him,’ Cyrus went on. ‘Can we try to work around that? When we’re done using him then I’m right with the others. I’ll load your gun, I’ll sharpen your sword, I’ll hold him down while you beat him to death, I’ll stand to one side and film it … whatever you want, but right now I think we need to hold off.’

  Evie chewed the inside of her cheek while he continued giving her that look, the same look her principal had given her when she was called to his office after she’d slammed Kaitlyn Rivers into the wall. A look that said: You know I’m right. Don’t even try to argue with me. Finally, Evie rolled her eyes, sighed and made a loud and ostentatious show of sheathing the knife.

  The door swung open just as she did this and Cyrus turned around, keeping his eyes on Evie for as long as he could, making sure she wasn’t calling his bluff. His hand hovered close to her waist, as if he didn’t trust her not to make a move.

  She edged around him, squaring her shoulders, and did a double take when she saw that it wasn’t Victor standing in the doorway at all – it was just some kid.

  Evie blinked at him in shock. Who was he? And what was he doing in Victor’s house? A sinking feeling in her stomach and a chemical buzz flying through her bloodstream told her that she already knew the answer to both questions.

  ‘Hey,’ the kid drawled in a bored voice, ‘you must be the rogue Hunters.’

  Evie’s eyebrows shot up another inch.

  ‘I’m RJ,’ he said. ‘Victor said you guys might show up.’

  ‘Is he here?’ Ash asked, trying to peer over the kid’s shoulder.

  ‘No, he’s out. On a mission. He told me to invite you in if you came by.’ He stepped aside, letting the door swing open. ‘You’d better come on in,’ he told them.

  The four of them exchanged glances. Then, shrugging, Ash and Vero walked into the house. Cyrus hung back, letting Evie go ahead of him. She stomped over the threshold.

  ‘Yo, Selena,’ RJ bellowed up the stairs. ‘Come meet the other dudes.’

  Dudes? Evie looked the kid up and down. If she had to peg him with a stereotype she’d say stoner. Baggy jeans, long-sleeved, over-sized T-shirt with some surfing brand name stamped across it, dopey smile, longish hair hanging in his face, bloodshot eyes.

  ‘Where did Victor find you?’ she asked.

  RJ turned to her, smiling goofily. ‘In the arcade. I was totally besting my score, and this dude turned up and …’

  ‘OK, I get it,’ Evie interrupted. She turned to the others. ‘Victor’s recruiting new Hunters to the cause.’

  It looked like the others had already figured it out as well.

  ‘Who the hell are they?’

  Evie looked up. A girl had appeared at the top of the stairs, and was now sauntering down them, heavy lidded and pouting. She was wearing a bandana, in what looked like gang colours, over her hair and Evie saw a tattoo snaking across her abdomen where her top was riding up over her jeans. Evie would place a bet that when the girl turned around they’d get an eyeful of butt cleavage and thong.

  ‘They’re those rogue Hunters Victor was telling us about – remember?’ RJ told her.

  The girl sniffed, giving them all a once-over, her gaze lingering on Cyrus just a moment longer than was necessary. She licked her lips, which were so smothered in gloss, Evie wondered how her tongue didn’t get stuck.

  ‘What’s your problem?’ the girl asked, rolling he
r shoulders and placing her hands on her hips.

  Evie realised the girl was talking to her.

  I’m just pondering the terrifying fact that we share genetic code, Evie thought to herself.

  ‘Nothing,’ she said, eyeing the girl darkly.

  ‘So you two are the only two Victor’s recruited?’ Cyrus asked.

  ‘Yeah, though he said he was going to try to find more tonight.’

  ‘Did he tell you why?’ Evie asked.

  Selena glared at her. ‘What’s it to you?’

  Evie studied her for a moment. ‘Nothing,’ she answered with a shrug. ‘What do I care if two untrained fools go marching into a fight with some unhumans and get themselves killed? So long as you don’t have my back.’

  ‘Hey,’ the guy RJ spoke up, ‘we’re not untrained. We’ve been like totally training the last two days.’

  ‘Have you ever actually been in a fight before? With an unhuman, that is?’ Evie asked, casting a glance sideways at Selena. For sure she’d been in fights before with a mouth that big, though Evie doubted with an unhuman, because if the girl couldn’t see that Evie was in a dangerous mood, then her instincts were clearly faulty.

  ‘How hard can it be if your pussy ass is still alive?’

  Evie dropped her gaze to the ground. She sighed. Really? She had to deal with this on top of Victor and everything else?

  ‘You might want to think twice before you speak like that to her again.’

  Evie looked up sharply. It was Cyrus who was talking.

  ‘Why? You going to stop me?’ Selena asked, her eyes taunting and inviting at the same time.

  ‘No,’ Cyrus answered calmly. ‘Just that that pussy ass could whip you into next week. And I, for one, don’t enjoy watching fools get whipped.’

  The girl’s glossed mouth fell open for a moment before she drew her lips together and sucked air noisily through her teeth. She tossed her head back as if she couldn’t care less but Evie saw the spark of wariness in her expression as she glanced in her direction.

  ‘Is Victor going to be back any time soon?’ Cyrus asked.

  RJ shrugged. ‘Maybe.’

  ‘Let’s just take his weapons,’ Evie said, moving towards the two swords in the umbrella stand. ‘That’s what we came here for, isn’t it? Let’s take everything and go. We don’t need him. And we certainly don’t need these guys.’ She gestured at Selena and RJ.

  ‘But where are we going to go?’ Vero asked as Evie passed her a sword.

  ‘That’s like totally not cool, dude,’ RJ said, darting in front of the umbrella stand. ‘You can’t just come here and like steal stuff. Victor’ll be really pissed.’

  Evie ignored him, drawing out the second sword.

  ‘I think we should stay here tonight. It’s only a few hours until morning anyway,’ Vero said with a shrug. ‘And we may as well find out what Victor’s discovered about them.’ Seeing Evie’s death stare she added, ‘Two swords aren’t going to get us very far. He must have another stash of weapons somewhere.’

  ‘Well, you can stay,’ Evie said, suppressing the surge of irritation, ‘but I’m leaving. Call me when you have a plan that doesn’t involve working with Victor or these two.’

  ‘We shouldn’t split up. We need to stay together,’ Vero urged, dropping her voice. ‘They’re looking for us. We have more of a chance if we stick together.’

  Evie tried to step past her to the door, but Cyrus was already there, blocking it. ‘Where are you going to go?’ he asked.

  ‘I’ll be fine,’ Evie mumbled, pushing right past him and out of the door. She started striding down the path towards the street.

  ‘Evie!’ Vero called after her.

  ‘Pussy,’ Selena hissed.

  Evie kept walking, trying to put as much distance as she could between herself and the house, but Cyrus caught up with her before she’d even gone fifty metres.

  ‘Hold up,’ he said, catching her by the arm and pulling her around to face him. ‘I’ll come with you,’ he said.

  She couldn’t hide her surprise.

  ‘Why not?’ he responded, registering it. ‘Staying in a house with thong girl and Butthead frankly scares the crap out of me.’

  ‘As if you’re scared of anyone,’ Evie said, with a grudging smile.

  ‘Like you wouldn’t believe,’ Cyrus smiled back. ‘She has talons. And a cruel line in put-downs. You pussy ass.’

  Evie punched him playfully on the arm. ‘I think you should stay. Vero and Ash need you.’

  Hurt flickered across his face, though he hid it quickly. Was he hurt that she hadn’t said that she needed him? Evie shrugged off the thought. This new–old version of Cyrus was starting to confuse her.

  ‘Where are you going to go?’ he asked.

  ‘I know some people,’ she answered vaguely.

  He glared at her, suspicion lighting his eyes.

  ‘I’ll be fine. Really,’ she said. ‘I’ll call you in the morning. I just can’t stay here.’

  He was scowling now but then he let out a loud sigh. ‘Be careful, OK?’ he said. ‘And call me if you run into any trouble.’

  He hesitated for a moment and she was convinced he was about to pull her into his arms for a farewell hug. Something inside her froze – whether in anticipation or fear she wasn’t sure and didn’t want to analyse. But then he seemed to think better of it anyway and, turning, ran back to the house.

  Chapter 25

  He had had to force himself to let her go. For a split second he’d wanted to pull her straight into his arms and … kiss her? Maybe. Well, hell, yeah, he wanted to kiss her. That was pretty much all he wanted to do when he was around her. Well, not all. But just then he hadn’t wanted so much to kiss her as to just hold her and take some of that damn hurt away. It was those eyes of hers, ocean deep, dangerous rip tides running just beneath the surface, which he knew he could get swept away in if he wasn’t careful.

  She’s in love with another guy, he told himself for the hundredth time. A dead guy, the voice in his head piped up. She’s in love with the memory of a dead guy.

  ‘She’s gone?’ Ash asked as soon as he walked back into the house.

  ‘Yeah,’ Cyrus nodded, feeling like he’d failed in some way to prevent it. As if stopping Evie from doing what she wanted ever seemed to be an option.

  ‘Where did she say she was going?’

  ‘She didn’t. She said she was going to stay with some friends. Didn’t say who.’

  ‘Look, let’s just wait and see what Victor says, make a plan and then call her,’ Vero said.

  ‘Speak of the devil,’ Ash murmured, glancing over Cyrus’s shoulder.

  Cyrus had already felt someone approaching. His gut was pulling in a strange way, a shudder running up his spine as though a great white shark was circling him from behind. He spun around.

  Victor was standing in the doorway. Cyrus took him in. He was enormous – broad shouldered, all muscle, not an ounce of fat on him even though he had to be in his late thirties, maybe even early forties. He had sharp, intelligent eyes and the corner of his mouth was curled up in a snide smile. There was definitely something familiar about him, something that pierced the layers of fog, and not in a pleasant way. The memory was sharp and needling – acid tipped.

  It was pretty damn satisfying to see the guy’s face as he registered who was standing in his hallway. The smile crumpled instantly.

  ‘Surprise!’ Cyrus grinned, working it some more, enjoying the look of astonishment on Victor’s face. He was frozen midstride, half in the house, half out, and he was carrying a long sword, the tip of which scraped the ground. A red silk cravat was wound around his neck and on first glance it looked like his carotid artery had been severed and was spurting a geyser of blood down his front.

  Cyrus’s gaze flew quickly over the rest of him, assessing him, weighing him as an opponent. He’d killed two Shadow Warriors apparently. Cyrus pondered whether Evie could take him all by herself. She was so slight in compariso
n. He mentally renewed his promise to be by her side when she decided the time had come to exact her vengeance.

  ‘Wh… what are you doing here?’ Victor finally managed to stutter.

  ‘It’s a good question and one we’re looking into,’ Cyrus answered as flippantly as he could muster.

  Victor took a step towards him. Then, tentatively, looking like he wanted to reach out and touch him but was restraining himself: ‘How’s this possible?’ he asked, his voice tinged with wonder.

  ‘Maybe I’m like a cat, maybe I’ve got nine lives.’

  Victor shook his head. ‘That doesn’t make sense. The prophecy …’ He broke off, still too shocked to form a complete sentence.

  ‘It was vague, wasn’t it? I mean it never actually said anything about dying. You just interpreted it that way,’ Vero interrupted.

  Victor glanced quickly at Vero before turning back to Cyrus, still shaking his head. ‘It doesn’t make sense.’

  Yeah, Cyrus thought, and what does make sense? Since finding himself naked walking down a street holding a sword, not very much had made any sense at all to him, but he was learning to go with the flow.

  ‘They turned up like about ten minutes ago,’ the guy RJ suddenly interrupted. ‘You said to invite them in, so I did.’

  Victor barely glanced at the kid.

  ‘What are you doing here?’ he asked, directing the question at Vero and Ash.

  ‘A bunch of unhumans found us,’ Vero answered. ‘Came to our hideout. It’ll only be a matter of time before they find you guys too.’

  Cyrus noted snarly thong girl and Butthead giving each other alarmed glances. Victor seemed less bothered by the news though, as if he’d already factored it into his plans.