Read Shadows and Intrigue (A Viator Unmasked Story) Page 1

  Shadows and Intrigue

  A Viator Unmasked Story

  By Erin Lausten

  Copyright 2011 Erin Lausten

  Cover Art Photography by Veronika Sussmannova

  Discover other titles by Erin Lausten at

  Publisher’s Note

  This book is a work of fiction. All persons, locations, and events are used fictitiously.

  Shadows and Intrigue

  Her heels clicked against the cobblestone path. With a skip, she added a tick to the click and smiled. The last time she’d worn these snazzy black strappy shoes she’d been walking away from the university arena with her brand spanking new master’s degree in library science.

  Lisa stopped at the junction of two paths and let the night settle into her soul. Dots of light danced across the path from intricately placed bulbs hidden within the landscaping. The hotel did an amazing job of creating a vision of fantasy. It was nothing like her moderately priced condominium complex back home in Indiana.

  But then, the hotel didn’t have to try too hard. This was New Orleans after all. The whole city oozed mystery. The moment she stepped off the plane she’d felt transplanted into a foreign wonderland.

  For over twenty years she’d dreamed of visiting the ancient city. Who would have thought a librarian’s conference would have given her the excuse to make the trip? She placed her fingers to her lips to stifle a giggle then brushed her hands down her simple black dress. There would be plenty of tourists at the jazz club tonight. She didn’t need to add to that insanity by acting like one too.

  No, she would sit at the table with her colleagues and act the part of a staid and proper librarian. There was a reputation to maintain for the profession after all.

  She stepped across the trail and down another shadow enshrouded walkway. The breeze lifted a tendril of her honey-brown hair off her neck. She shivered and cast a glance behind her. There may be no reason to fear the vampires and voodoo kings of popular fantasy, but she didn’t need to be foolish. Anyone could be waiting in the shadows.

  “Good evening, cara mia.”

  Lisa gasped as she nearly careened into a man standing in the path. “Oh my. I am terribly sorry.”

  He put out a hand and held her steady by the elbow. “You should always look forward. The past is never as interesting as your future.”

  Lisa took a step back. His fingers left a scorching trail along her arm as he released her. In the darkness, his looming height blended with the shadows. A hint of a smile slipped across his lips and her stomach twisted in caution. A handsome man in the night. How fortuitous.

  “Thank you, I will endeavor to follow your advice,” she said and took a step to the side to continue past. Sneaking a glance to the periphery, she caught sight of his eyebrow raised in response. Catching her breath, she pushed forward. No need to let that scene go any further.

  “Do you think you could endeavor to provide me direction, cara mia?” His voice rumbled dreadfully close to her ear and her skin jumped an inch from the bone. Drawing to a halt, she spun around and found his solid chest far too close for comfort. Her hand reached up to put space between the two and he grabbed it with long fingers.

  “Could you let me go?” she asked, her voice striking like a hiss in the quiet night. He held her fingers a moment longer than necessary then let them fall from his grasp. He was playing a game with her and she didn’t like it.

  “I don’t know the area that well, but I know the lobby is this way.” She threw her thumb in the direction she’d been walking. “I think the pool is that way.” She pointed past his shoulder.

  “And your room?”

  She bit back her retort and swung toward the bright lights of the main building. Creepy men in the dark, no matter how handsome, were something to avoid. His step fell in with hers and she picked up the pace.

  “You are not going to your room, cara mia?”

  “No I am not. Right now I am looking for security.”

  He chuckled and placed his hand on her elbow. “But why would you do that when we were just about to go to dinner?”

  She yanked her arm from his grasp. “Go away.”

  He stopped and relief surged. What a creep. She turned her head back to double check that he had indeed stopped following her and stumbled at the sight. His hands were pushed into his pockets. Eyes cast deep with intensity stared back at her. “Please, I did not mean to frighten you.”

  Lisa hesitated and it was all he needed to close the distance between them. She put up a finger to stop him from touching her. “No.”

  “I do not know why, but I feel as though I should know you.”

  “Ok, look, you might be a nice guy, but right now all I am getting is the creepy stalker vibe. So, I would just cut your losses and try your pickup line on another girl.” She thought better of that and amended it. “Maybe not another girl and definitely not in the dark, at a hotel. In fact, I would rethink your whole pickup strategy.”

  Swinging around, she hustled toward the glow of the lobby. This time she didn’t look back. Something told her a second look would be an undeniable invitation.

  The bald head of Robert, a coworker from her library, popped out from behind the swinging door. “Lisa, come on! We’ve got a cab waiting.”

  She switched to a trot and crossed her fingers in hope that the man hadn’t heard her name. As she ducked into the bright orange lights of the cathedral-like lobby she chanced a glance into the shadows. Nothing moved. Perhaps that was the last she’d see of the man with the intensity of a prowling tiger. A chill rose up the nape of her neck.