Read Shadows in Ravenwood (Daughters of the Circle) Page 43



  Morgan reminded herself, every day now, that they’d won part of the battle, but they hadn’t won the war. She sighed. The war would never be over. She wasn’t so blind that she couldn’t see the truth in that. She knew they’d be battling that war for the rest of their lives. But, at least, this battle was won—for now. This one part—where this enemy—an enemy who’d hunted and killed members of her family—their mother—that part was over. At least, they’d stopped Dante—even if it turned out it wasn’t forever.

  She stared out across the backyard, where the garden withered under the bitter cold. They’d invited some of the neighbors to celebrate Yule with them—even if their neighbors knew it as Christmas.

  Alex pulled her close to him, as she pulled her sweat jacket tighter around her. She huddled against him, enjoying the warmth he gave her.

  As time went on, they continued to grow closer, and Morgan had no intention of letting anything separate her from him, ever again. She couldn’t imagine life without him, and she didn’t want to. She’d loved Alex forever, she realized. She’d only had to come back—to see him—to remember her life before it had been stolen away.

  Common sense told them, they’d drawn the attention of some powerful beings, and while it might never be over—they were learning from the Witches and Fae Warriors, who lived in the Land of the Fae, how to protect themselves. She’d diligently taken to her lessons, thanks to two old crones, Anges, and Amar. Well, one of them was supposed to be dead—but she held a mighty handy handle on embodying the living that Morgan found amazing.

  She sighed. She had an idea that if Dante knew how to do that—that’s how he could also cheat death.

  Morgan took a deep breath, and sighed. The nightmares of her childhood ended with Dante—yet another started the moment she recognized she could kill her friends. So, she worked daily, learning how to get a handle on her power. Yet—at the same time—it gave her a sense of peace to know they weren’t helpless. Far from it.

  At least, this helped her to feel safe, even if it were only small measure of safe.

  Morgan looked around at her friends. Jake had his arm around Sophia, who cradled Kira close to her. Sophia seemed happy—and not just about getting her daughter back with her.

  Home, Morgan thought. Yep, they were making this old manor into their home. They’d drawn up a plan and hired a small family carpenter business to do some work. Within a few weeks, the manor would be well on underway, and over time, they’d even restore her to her former glory.

  She glanced over at Tara, who stood talking to Drake, and Morgan smiled. The Elven Warrior seemed pretty smitten with her sister-friend. Morgan didn’t imagine that Tara ever felt anything quite like what she obviously felt for Drake, given the feeling of shock she kept feeling from her friend. She seemed more than a little afraid. Well, it did her friend good to be a bit vulnerable. That only left Claire.

  Claire eyed her sister, as her thoughts snared on her. They were doing this a lot, lately. One would think of the other, and there she was—right there in her head.

  Morgan grinned at her. “We’re going to have to get a handle on this,” she said, inside her mind. “It could have some side-effects—some very embarrassing side-effects—if you know what I mean. Ones we’re not going to like, at all.”

  She saw Claire flush, from across the back patio, as she turned to glance at Thorick. She glanced back at her sister.

  “We’ll start reading the Book of Shadows tomorrow. Maybe there’ll be something useful in there, for—shielding some things,” she made a face at her sister, “away from each other.”

  Morgan teased. “Or we can always enjoy….”

  Placing her hand over her mouth to prevent the giggle threatening to escape, Claire said, “Don’t you dare say it.”

  Morgan laughed, and Alex eyed her. He followed her gaze to Claire’s.

  “Talking in each other’s heads, again?” he said. “That doesn’t seem fair.” He leaned down, kissing her. “I could think of a few things I could do if I could get inside that mind of yours.”

  Morgan chuckled. “Really?” she teased. “You could show me….”

  He leaned back, looking deep into her dark gaze. “Tonight…,” he promised, with a sexy growl to his tone.

  She giggled at him. “I’ll hold you to that.” She laid her head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat, as she watched her friends playing around like they didn’t have a care for the first time in their lives. “What about this Daughters of the Circle?” she said to Claire from within her mind.

  Claire smiled across the patio at her sister. “We’ll call the circle on another day,” she said. “But, for now, we’ll enjoy this brief pause—and call it peace.”